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@"Dashiva.6149" said:While solo content appeals to me to a large degree and is what I play most, what has always stood out to me in GW2 compared to previous games I played is the ability to just run in and get into the action immediatly in the larger events. No need to party up or do any large amount of prep, just get in there! Also I like the aspect that you are busy with exploring or something else and suddenly you go like "wow, what is happening over here?". I always love when I encounter these events for the first time.

Same here, the open world massive events are what really make GW2 different from other MMOs.

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I enjoy all forms of PvE content, whether it be solo-able small scale content to larger scale group events, among other forms of PvE content that is available. However, the reason I chose "other" is because I am starting to enjoy the other play modes too, such as WvW and Fractals. It is just a lot of fun to have all of these options to play with!

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I like solo (so long as friends can join if people want) and open world large scale equally well. I also enjoy dungeons and fractals with friends. So pretty much all PvE except raids keeps me coming back for more. I even like raids, I'm just not interested in the constant time commitment they need.

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@Lonami.2987 said:

@"Dashiva.6149" said:While solo content appeals to me to a large degree and is what I play most, what has always stood out to me in GW2 compared to previous games I played is the ability to just run in and get into the action immediatly in the larger events. No need to party up or do any large amount of prep, just get in there! Also I like the aspect that you are busy with exploring or something else and suddenly you go like "wow, what is happening over here?". I always love when I encounter these events for the first time.

Same here, the open world massive events are what really make GW2 different from other MMOs.

The first experience I had with something similar was the planar invasions in Rift which were also cool, but got a bit overbearing at times. You basically went "welp, gotta deal with this or I can't progress with my quest". In GW2 the large events doesn't lock down the entire map but is somewhat confined, making it optional in a good way without getting in the way for people who is just passing by.

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My favourite thing to do is just map clear. I don't like relying on other people to make my experience in a raid/dungeon/fractal/PvP/WvW a good one, and open world PvE is where I can fully rely on my own skill without leaning on anyone else. Yeah, it can get boring because mobs are easy to steamroll nowadays, but I prefer that over a party/squad that just fails over and over.

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i perfer solo everything, todays guilds i have found of late dont do anything together, its hard to find groups using LFG for what i want to do. plus im told old for drama and attitude from anyone in an mmo. especially in group settings. sooo solo it is and im happy with that.

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For me personally, I love all the game modes.

When I started out in GW2, I soloed the game. Not because I thought I was super L33T or anything like that, but simply because I enjoyed playing at my own pace without worry of dragging someone down and making them die or something like that. it's how I played GW1 (Henchies and Heroes ftw), and figured I would solo all of GW2, until i came to the end before they fixed Arrah. i found an awesome group with a guy who helped me out tremendously, not because he needed it - but because he enjoyed helping newbies. And to me that was awesome. After that I went back and started doing map completion and magically wandered in when SB was about to pop, having never done SB before, I was amazed and just... I was geeking out. So i started doing the large events and dared to go into WVW.

then I joined a guild (i know, shocking I hadn't been in one) all due to a friend of mine that I had managed to make after running into them into WVW and the Halloween event and he invited me. Wound up getting into Fractals, dungeon crawls, and PVP though I was terrible at Fractals. Now a few years later, I'm in a different guild that is super active - I still like to Solo things (did PoF on my own), but I also enjoy hanging out with my guildies, running events with them (Wintersday, guild mission day etc etc), helping them with their story mode, doing Fractals, WVW, and PVP.

I can't imagine GW not having one of these modes. I can't imagine not having the options to go and do something if I don't feel like running into PVE. And I like being that person who helps out the newbies, much like the guy did all those years ago when I finally met my match and the door that would not open without a group (Arrah).

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