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Hungry Cats Achievement?


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Visit this wiki page:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hungry_cat_scavenger_hunt

Paste your API key into the relevant field, press enter, and voila.

Instructions for obtaining a secure API key are sort of linked on the page, but it's simpler just to visit this page:https://account.arena.net/applications

Create a new key with at minimum the "progression" permission checked. (You can choose to delete the key or reuse it later to keep up with your progress.)

Here's a known list of sites that will track which cats you have:

(all sites will also need the same API key)(PS if anyone knows of other sites that track the cats, please add below and I'll update the list above)

PS there's a bug that prevents the holographic kitten from appearing on these sites.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Visit this wiki page:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hungry_cat_scavenger_hunt

Paste your API key into the relevant field, press enter, and voila.

Instructions for obtaining a secure API key are sort of linked on the page, but it's simpler just to visit this page:https://account.arena.net/applications

Create a new key with at minimum the "progression" permission checked. (You can choose to delete the key or reuse it later to keep up with your progress.)

There are other sites that will do the same thing, including:

(all sites will also need the same API key)

You win the award for most useful post this year. Cheers for this!

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Visit this wiki page:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hungry_cat_scavenger_hunt

Paste your API key into the relevant field, press enter, and voila.

Instructions for obtaining a secure API key are sort of linked on the page, but it's simpler just to visit this page:https://account.arena.net/applications

Create a new key with at minimum the "progression" permission checked. (You can choose to delete the key or reuse it later to keep up with your progress.)

There are other sites that will do the same thing, including:

(all sites will also need the same API key)(PS if anyone knows of other sites that track the cats, please add below and I'll update the list above)

Fantastic! That is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:The desert borderlands puddy cat is one seriously frustrating.... I have spent countless hours trying to jump to that sob. I don't know who thought it was cool to make such a mundain thing be so impossible to get to .. so I guess I will never complete that scav hunt :(

It's because that cat sells the Catmander badge, too, and they wanted it to be challenging to get one. Took me over an hour to get into that cave for my badge, and when i did, it felt like pure dumb luck, so I feel your pain.

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:The desert borderlands puddy cat is one seriously frustrating.... I have spent countless hours trying to jump to that sob. I don't know who thought it was cool to make such a mundain thing be so impossible to get to .. so I guess I will never complete that scav hunt :(

It's because that cat sells the Catmander badge, too, and they wanted it to be challenging to get one. Took me over an hour to get into that cave for my badge, and when i did, it felt like pure dumb luck, so I feel your pain.

Yeah as I said .. such a mundain thing but so seriously annoying and more luck than skill to get to.TBH I have given up on the scav hunt now, seems a pointless non productive use of my time knowing that unless I can luck out on this one I wont be completing it. Anyhow I got enough of those dead birds being left in my home :)

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

@Bloodstealer.5978 said:The desert borderlands puddy cat is one seriously frustrating.... I have spent countless hours trying to jump to that sob. I don't know who thought it was cool to make such a mundain thing be so impossible to get to .. so I guess I will never complete that scav hunt :(

It's because that cat sells the Catmander badge, too, and they wanted it to be challenging to get one. Took me over an hour to get into that cave for my badge, and when i did, it felt like pure dumb luck, so I feel your pain.

Yeah as I said .. such a mundain thing but so seriously annoying and more luck than skill to get to.TBH I have given up on the scav hunt now, seems a pointless non productive use of my time knowing that unless I can luck out on this one I wont be completing it. Anyhow I got enough of those dead birds being left in my home :)

The Desert Catmander isn't bad. But ... if it's proving RNG for you rather than "just a JP," ask for help. (I'd try Players Helping Players forum first and top off with LFG and /map.) There are lots of super helpful mesmers around who can port you. I've gotten their twice on my own and once via friendly-neighborhood mesmer (why did I go back? to help others find the Cat, naturally :) ).

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Visit this wiki page:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hungry_cat_scavenger_hunt

Paste your API key into the relevant field, press enter, and voila.

Instructions for obtaining a secure API key are sort of linked on the page, but it's simpler just to visit this page:https://account.arena.net/applications

Create a new key with at minimum the "progression" permission checked. (You can choose to delete the key or reuse it later to keep up with your progress.)

There are other sites that will do the same thing, including:

(all sites will also need the same API key)(PS if anyone knows of other sites that track the cats, please add below and I'll update the list above)

:open_mouth:The wiki link coupled with an active API key is really handy, did not know that was a thing!

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  • 1 year later...

@"DebraKadabra.5278" said::open_mouth:The wiki link coupled with an active API key is really handy, did not know that was a thing!

Necroing this to point out: the wiki now has tons of pages that include an API link to help show you what you might be missing. Besides the hungry cats, it works for identifying which dyes you don't have from the anniversary gifts, which Dragon Bash achievements you need, and so on.

(If you come to a page that you think is missing this useful tool, you can click on the "leave article feedback" button to request it.)

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