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Mirage Specialization Updates for the Path of Fire Launch

Robert Gee.9246

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I will just add my voice to the group of people that are happy to see some changes, but overall don't think this is enough.

Most importantly I'm really disappointed in the Jaunt: Increased range from 400 to 450. It really need to have 600 range, at least. With 450 range most melee profession you try to kite will just laugh and you can't use it to catch up to most short range leaps (600 range).I'm digging the Distorted Desert trait tho, that ones sounds cool and will fit perfect into what I have planned. I'm also happy with the longer Mirage cloak duration and that mirros last longer. Will have to test how the mirrors feel, might last long enough for me to move back to them without breaking the flow of the battle engagement

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@Skuzz.6580 said:

@Ansau.7326 said:Mirage was, by far, the worst elite ever developed. Such amount of changes should not be welcomed, it was mandatory for anet to do them. Anything less than what we got would mean a disappointment for consumers on how anet delivered content.Now Mirage is in a better spot, but there're still many things to fix and improve. Again, if anet thinks these changes are enough, they are wrong. Further changes are required.

It doesn't matter how many changes are required, if anet needs to spend a month fully dedicated to fix a thing, it's their duty to do so.And our duty is to ask them to keep improving until Mirage is a solid specialization worth to buy the expansion.

Personally, I havent bought PoF expansion yet, solely based on how disappointed I was with Mirage, and I won't buy it until I see Mirage is worth to be played.

I have to disagree with this.. if you mean that Mesmers were the most vocal about the shortcomings of their Elite Spec then yes, that is correct. But I looked over various Specialisation forums (as I play multiple myself) and there were a lot of debates on all of them. To give a simple example of my other favorite class: Ranger, that forum was loaded with complaints about the Soulbeast interaction with pet swaps, and how a lot of skills just don't work in beastmode, some new skills are bugged, very uninteresting traits all over the new Elite spec, an even more inferior weapon then Mirage's Axe. And this is the same for basically all Elite specs. I think Deadeye, Scourge and Engineers were overall the most 'happy', the rest were just all disappointing.

If you then look at the amount of attention they put on each, you'll notice that Mirage got by far the most attention, while as an Elite spec I think Mirage was still better than others on the list.Just be pleased about the attention you guys got is what i'm trying to say.

There is a difference between being unhappy because one dislikes the spec and/or it underperforms versus straight up design messups and logical mistakes.

Combine that with the mesmer classes problems ever since the launch of the game and how Mirage was multiple steps back compared to chrono in addressing these issues, the specialisation was the one most off target from all new elites. Seems the design team agreed since Mirage got straight up improvements accross the board.

Ranger and more specifically Soulbeast, since you gave this example, while buggy had a coherent design and added a gameplay element which many people have been asking for for ages. Sure some skills might have been buggy, some traits off target and there needed work to be done. Yet the elite itsself and the idea behind it was sound and its implementation reasonable.

Maybe Mirage got the most attention because it needed the most attention? Judging by multiple polls, it was also the least desired elite after the beta weekends which must have been quite a hard hit since pre beta weekends the hype for it was quite high.

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@messiah.1908 said:it seems to me the push thief to be range class and mesmer to be melee class. so we might see power mesmer come backwhat they will do to chorno or core mesmer shall determine it usefulness

Power Mesmer is still going to be stronger than Power Mirage. Power Mirage will offer a few gimmicks (notably Sword Daze and Mirage Cloak), but otherwise be a standard shatter build.

@Malferian.7205 said:

  • Ambush: Increased window for ambush skill use after gaining mirage cloak to 1.5 seconds. Ambush skills now attempt to interrupt your current action rather than queuing. (Note that certain types of skills, such as healing skills, cannot be interrupted in this way.)

Does this not remove the entire benefit of being able to cast while dodging? (except for healing skills). Or did I read this wrong?

Depending on implementation, yes, yes it does. Assuming it no longer queues and forcefully interrupts, if you were in the middle of spawning a Phantasm, you now ambushed and have to wait for the interrupt cd on your Phantasm. This looks like it was 2 changes that overlapped.Increasing the window allows for enough time to finish your current cast (bar Mantras) and follow up with an Ambush.Interrupting your current skill allows you to guarantee an Ambush (assuming they're actually powerful attacks and not just gimmicks), which is extremely useful when the Ambush window is 1s (extremely rough to get out after finishing a cast depending on timing).

By putting both of them together, you now have a fairly large window where you can Ambush but it's completely negated since it's automatically cast at the beginning while interrupting yourself. The new 1.5s ambush window won't actually affect things based on what skills it won't interrupt.

Also note that the self-interrupt seems to be in place for 2 reasons:

  1. To ensure an Ambush comes out (this was a big issue because using IA and dodging didn't always get your ambush out).
  2. To make you look like a clone (seriously, can we stop trying to balance us around AI)

By interrupting your cast as soon as you gain Mirage Cloak, if you run IH you will be attacking at the same time as your clones. But we shouldn't really be punished for the way our clones act.

I'm still not sure why they didn't just give us a large window (2-3 seconds) or stick it as a charged burst skill (F5, no CD, 1 charge, recharges on Mirage Cloak). The second one was probably a technical limitation and also makes it hard to confuse opponents with IH.

@Xyonon.3987 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:Infinite Horizon is a red herring. It is not there to increase your damage, very explicitly. It's there to make you harder to out from your clones, not to make Ambush Attacks do more damage.

... by increasing your ambush damage by up to 300%? No. I don't think so.

So let me start off by saying: You shouldn't have to take a GM to ensure your Elite Class Mechanic can deal noticeable damage.

It only scales linearly with Condition-oriented Ambushes as they use your Condi Damage. The Power Ambushes don't scale properly as Clones have arbitrary Power attributes. That's why the GS Ambush had to have it's clone damage increased (although it's base damage is still weaker than continuing your auto attack). Then, if we look at the Condi Ambushes, we have all of them tied to projectiles, meaning a well timed reflect can kill all of your clones.The Axe Ambush has next to no range, meaning that you aren't guaranteed to have all Ambush strikes hit if you use Illusionary Ambush (as well as Mirrored Axes not affecting clone Ambushes).The Staff Ambush has a 5 target limit, meaning it might not even hit the intended target, such as a MM Necro, or a giant teamfight (allies are targets too for this skill).The Scepter has half Condi-Duration on clones, meaning you only get 1.5x your bonus output, if you have all 3 clones out (in addition to it's nerfed damage, putting it's already low Power Damage at a point where it's significantly weaker than Confusing Images with the only benefit being more conditions for the Mesmer only, not the clones). Keep in mind, while Ether Barrage (Scepter Ambush) does pump out more Conditions/second than Confusing Images, the extra 3s on each stack makes Confusing Images more than double the sustained damage than Ether Barrage (42s vs 20s). So to beat out Confusing Images, you need to run 2 Clones with Sharper Images or 3 Clones without, and that won't even come close to beating the Power Damage of Confusing Images (which it was already weaker than per second) with the damage nerf it just received (2.0 coeff -> 1.3 coeff).

So unless you're using the Sword Ambush to pump out Vulnerability with Domination, most Ambushes are going to be minor additions to your damage output, not the major mechanic they're supposed to be. Pair that with interrupting your current action, and you've got yourself a ton of conflicting issues.

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First of all, I'm glad Mirage has been looked at & updated quite well. I'm a fan of most of them while still being dissapointed in a few things.

Mirage Cloak & Ambush changes: Nice changes. Quite happy with them.

Ambushes:Not a fan of the damage nerf & the removal of the shadow step on scepter ambush. The shadowstep made it so your clones wouldn't be instantly cleaved down which is already a big problem to begin with. I wonder if the nerfed damage only applies to the power damage or if the condis are neutered too.Other than the scepter ambush im quite happy to see changes to the GS, Sword & Axe ambushes as well. Split surge still doesn't sound good enough but will have to try it out i guess. Sword ambush could be very strong in certain builds. Axe ambush damage buff seems great too. Also wondering if the 33% damage increase only applies to the power damage or if the condis also get buffed.

Axe: Auto attack buff is good. Axes of Symmetry buff seems good, I hope that the fix also means that the attack will land reliably on moving targets.Lingering Thoughts buff seems good. Getting the clones will be more reliable. Still somewhat worried about this skill. In PvE it sounds alright but in PvP this skill is VERY slow and it leaves you VERY vulnerable. Would like to see a change that either doubles its speed or give the Mirage an evasion frame while spinning.Also is it now affected by Illusionist's Celerity like it should?


  • False Oasis: Good change but needs more. Less pulses & keep the same overall heal.
  • Crystal Sands: I feel like this skill needs a bit more as well. More damage or maybe shorter cooldown.
  • Mirage Advance & Mirage Retreat: Good changes. Cast time sucks a bit & losing the endurance off it kinda sucks too but i'm happy to see we'll have more ways to break targetting so that it's not only tied to Axe. The clone is great too. Still not sure whether people will use this or not though.
  • Illusionary Ambush: Good change, great skill with a shorter cooldown. Thanks
  • Sand Through Glass: I'd like to see a bit more on this. It's a buff allright but still no ta huge fan of it. Maybe make it cleanse 2 or 3 condis as well? And have it on a 20 sec cooldown?
  • Jaunt: Really? 50 extra range? I really doubt this change will do ANYTHING. Please give this 600 range to make this a fine ability.
  • Mirage Mirrors: Well I expected more of this. 8 seconds still isn't much. Maybe 15 seconds? The added damage sounds great but how long does this last? Does it apply to illusions as well? I'd still prefer Mirage Mirrors to get completely reworked though. Not a fan of the mechanic AT ALL.


  • Renewing Oasis: Bug fixes are always good I guess.
  • Speed of Sand: Well that's an ok change to match our Mirage Cloaks duration. I'd still love to see this become baseline & have Infinite Horizon as our minor in this tier.
  • Self-Deception: Nice change. Nothing else to say about it.
  • Distorted Desert: This new trait sounds really interesting. I'm glad it's been completely reworked (only wish Mirrors in general got reworked as well...heh.) Mirrors lasting for 15 seconds witth this is good too. Just imagine the amount of evasion frames & ambushes we can get off with this. Ambushes being usable when we get distortion is great too. Too bad it only works on F4, which as a big cooldown.

Overall good changes. I'm glad to see Mirage a bit of synergy with base mesmer as well with distortion allowing us to use ambushes.Some other changes i'd like to see:

  • Better tracking on staff ambush though.
  • I'm glad the Mirage Mirrors got buffed (They still need more buffing though I think.), I'd still have preferred a rework of the Mirrors.
  • No clone-death trait. i'd have liked to see Speed of Sand be merged with our elite spec trait, Infinite Horizon becoming our Minor Grandmaster and a Clone-Death trait as our Major GM trait. Something that applies confusion & cripple when clones die.Destroying Clones & Phantasms SHOULD NOT be prioritized by your enemy and the enemy SHOULD be punished for destroying them. It goes against the whole concept of being an illusionist type of class. Imagine you as an illusionist messing with someones head and they fall for your illusion, then they slap you in the face, laugh and say "HAH it doesn't matter anyway!" That's how it feels like if people just cut down your clones without them being punished for it. Just doesn't feel right.
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@ScuZZ.1803 To be fair, Mirage needed the most work of all 2nd gen elite specs, by far. Anet fucked up when they admitted to us, on video, that they developed mirage around a name instead of around a theme or playstyle. And the playstyle it got wasn't unique from core mesmer. While other elite specs needed tweaks, mirage needed a rework. And I'm happy with all we got considering the short time frame Anet had to work with, but it still doesn't quite fix all of the problems with MIrage.

@Ojimaru.8970 I had forgotten about that minor honestly, thanks for reminding me. And you're right about sand through glass. It could definitely be used intelligently like that, and overall it would be a good skill to reduce pressure on you. Either some of the pressure switches to the mirror, or it stays onyou, so you can pop in for the mirror and a 1sec dodge.

Overall I'm satisfied with these changes. Hopefully some more are coming a few weeks after PoF with the first post release balance patch.

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Overall great changes. Hopefully a segment of the complaints folks have about Mirage are dispelled after really extensively playing around with it. I'm still mystified by some of the complaints I'm seeing but I do understand different people have different visions on what they think the class should be as opposed to how the class was designed.

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@messiah.1908 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Just a quick FYI to everyone in this thread that hasn't read all of the changes coming to the elite specs with PoF launch......

Mirage got, by far, the most updates from the demo weekends. The only other spec that came close to the number of changes was Firebrand, but firebrand also had 15 extra skills via tomes, and 5 of their changes are just applying the same fix to all mantras (well 5.5, the heal mantra got this fix along with other updates).

So, even if you aren't happy with the result, just know that Anet took our feedback and complaints about the class's design seriously. They may not have acted on them, but they definitely gave mirage the most updates out of any gen2 elite spec. Which is heartening.

Also, Robert Gee confirmed that core mesmer (and possibly chrono) is getting changes on launch as well, though it sounds like just bug fixes. most of their time was spent updating the 2nd gen elite specs.

just because mesmer has so many abilities with ambush. if you check renegade you will see they try to fix the whole concept with weapon, utilities, the f2-f4. basically all of it. but fail imo. guard as you mention small fixes which most are the same

Even with the ambush attacks (of which we really only got a few because mesmer has a limited weapon set), mirage still got among the smallest number of new skills out of the PoF specs.

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@Ansau.7326 said:

@Skuzz.6580 said:

@Ansau.7326 said:Mirage was, by far, the worst elite ever developed. Such amount of changes should not be welcomed, it was mandatory for anet to do them. Anything less than what we got would mean a disappointment for consumers on how anet delivered content.Now Mirage is in a better spot, but there're still many things to fix and improve. Again, if anet thinks these changes are enough, they are wrong. Further changes are required.

It doesn't matter how many changes are required, if anet needs to spend a month fully dedicated to fix a thing, it's their duty to do so.And our duty is to ask them to keep improving until Mirage is a solid specialization worth to buy the expansion.

Personally, I havent bought PoF expansion yet, solely based on how disappointed I was with Mirage, and I won't buy it until I see Mirage is worth to be played.

I have to disagree with this.. if you mean that Mesmers were the most vocal about the shortcomings of their Elite Spec then yes, that is correct. But I looked over various Specialisation forums (as I play multiple myself) and there were a lot of debates on all of them. To give a simple example of my other favorite class: Ranger, that forum was loaded with complaints about the Soulbeast interaction with pet swaps, and how a lot of skills just don't work in beastmode, some new skills are bugged, very uninteresting traits all over the new Elite spec, an even more inferior weapon then Mirage's Axe. And this is the same for basically all Elite specs. I think Deadeye, Scourge and Engineers were overall the most 'happy', the rest were just all disappointing.

If you then look at the amount of attention they put on each, you'll notice that Mirage got by far the most attention, while as an Elite spec I think Mirage was still better than others on the list.Just be pleased about the attention you guys got is what i'm trying to say.

There are two big differences you're missing.
Mirage is the only new elite that doesn't bring a new style to its profession. It is a deceptive based elite added to an already deceptive profession. Anet designed this elite based on lore, not on mechanics. Mesmers are, in this aspect, in disadvantage compared to the rest of classes.
Mirage has several, not just one or two, issues with the design of core aspects of the elite or issues with its new things. Soulbeasts has interaction with pets and skills not working while in beastmode, Holosmith has no core weapon interaction with overheat. But Mirage... pretty much everything from it need fixes: useless Mirrors mechanic, useless Ambush skills, underwhelming Deceptive skills, no phantasm interaction with Mirage Cloak, underwhelming new weapon, little interaction with base mesmer mechanic (shatters)...

Again, if you have 1 issue, you need 1 fix. If you have 10 issues, you need 10 fixes. Only when in both cases the same relative amount of issues are fixed the same attention is put on both. Don't make the mistake to think just because the second sees 8 fixes it means there is more attention put on it.It only means they are doing now the work that should have been done before.

@Ansau.7326 said:

@Skuzz.6580 said:

@Ansau.7326 said:Mirage was, by far, the worst elite ever developed. Such amount of changes should not be welcomed, it was mandatory for anet to do them. Anything less than what we got would mean a disappointment for consumers on how anet delivered content.Now Mirage is in a better spot, but there're still many things to fix and improve. Again, if anet thinks these changes are enough, they are wrong. Further changes are required.

It doesn't matter how many changes are required, if anet needs to spend a month fully dedicated to fix a thing, it's their duty to do so.And our duty is to ask them to keep improving until Mirage is a solid specialization worth to buy the expansion.

Personally, I havent bought PoF expansion yet, solely based on how disappointed I was with Mirage, and I won't buy it until I see Mirage is worth to be played.

I have to disagree with this.. if you mean that Mesmers were the most vocal about the shortcomings of their Elite Spec then yes, that is correct. But I looked over various Specialisation forums (as I play multiple myself) and there were a lot of debates on all of them. To give a simple example of my other favorite class: Ranger, that forum was loaded with complaints about the Soulbeast interaction with pet swaps, and how a lot of skills just don't work in beastmode, some new skills are bugged, very uninteresting traits all over the new Elite spec, an even more inferior weapon then Mirage's Axe. And this is the same for basically all Elite specs. I think Deadeye, Scourge and Engineers were overall the most 'happy', the rest were just all disappointing.

If you then look at the amount of attention they put on each, you'll notice that Mirage got by far the most attention, while as an Elite spec I think Mirage was still better than others on the list.Just be pleased about the attention you guys got is what i'm trying to say.

There are two big differences you're missing.
Mirage is the only new elite that doesn't bring a new style to its profession. It is a deceptive based elite added to an already deceptive profession. Anet designed this elite based on lore, not on mechanics. Mesmers are, in this aspect, in disadvantage compared to the rest of classes.
Mirage has several, not just one or two, issues with the design of core aspects of the elite or issues with its new things. Soulbeasts has interaction with pets and skills not working while in beastmode, Holosmith has no core weapon interaction with overheat. But Mirage... pretty much everything from it need fixes: useless Mirrors mechanic, useless Ambush skills, underwhelming Deceptive skills, no phantasm interaction with Mirage Cloak, underwhelming new weapon, little interaction with base mesmer mechanic (shatters)...

Again, if you have 1 issue, you need 1 fix. If you have 10 issues, you need 10 fixes. Only when in both cases the same relative amount of issues are fixed the same attention is put on both. Don't make the mistake to think just because the second sees 8 fixes it means there is more attention put on it.It only means they are doing now the work that should have been done before.

It's the ONLY elite where you can cast skills while dodging??

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@Abelisk.4527 said:It's the ONLY elite where you can cast skills while dodging??

Not anymore, with auto-interrupt when you dodge to force out your ambush.

Considering ambushes have relatively long cast times (exception Axe), you actually forfeit most of your dodge for the cast of the Ambush.

As of now, the current mechanic we get from this spec is: "your dodge lasts 25% longer and allows movement controls"

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I´m playing mesmer as a main since the start of Guild Wars 2. I was pretty excited when we got the chronomancer specialization and I can still remember the days where we had alacrity at 66 %. It got nerfed but still I have to say that Chronomancer is so awesome to play with.I´ve got mixed feelings about the Mirage.First time i played it i was excited and it felt very fresh swinging some axes around. But there was no damage. There was no point in using your F skills. Destroying some mirrors did like nothing at all. Ambush skills? They´re very weak.I knew the devs where coming up with some changes to Mirage before the launch.While I´m glad they come up with some improvements overall to the new specialization, I still think the mirage mechanic is too weak.Biggest problem I see is still the ambush. The ambush skills are still a joke. I tried the new profession mechanic at the demo weekend but I just don´t see the point of using the ambush skills. It feels like they´re not even there.The axe itself is a cool idea and the damage buff is good to see, yet do i have to say that the mirage feels weak overall.

Jaunt: Increased range from 400 to 450.The jaunt elite is so bad. It´s just porting arount within such a small range. This is still to less.In PvP this can be okay but in PvE the mirage is much worse than chronomancer. Even if the developers say it should bring just another style to play, why should I use it, ifit can´t compete with the old specialisation?we’ve also made many small tuning changes to various utility and weapon skills.I hope this are good ones.Mirage still needs more work done overall.

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@OriOri.8724 said:@"Esplen.3940" Robert Gee said Ambush skills will attempt to interrupt you. I don't think that means that mirage cloak will auto interrupt you. I think a lot of people in this thread are confused over this

I think the underlying assumption is that your auto-cast on Skill 1 will immediately trigger upon obtaining Mirage Cloak and attempt to use the Ambush skill, as opposed to how it is "interrupted" when a Thief goes into Stealth, thus allowing the Thief to re-position before executing their Sneak Attacks.

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@Ojimaru.8970 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:@"Esplen.3940" Robert Gee said Ambush
will attempt to interrupt you. I don't think that means that mirage cloak will auto interrupt you. I think a lot of people in this thread are confused over this

I think the underlying assumption is that your auto-cast on Skill 1 will immediately trigger upon obtaining Mirage Cloak and attempt to use the Ambush skill, as opposed to how it is "interrupted" when a Thief goes into Stealth, thus allowing the Thief to re-position before executing their Sneak Attacks.

its about queing or interrupting while activating. On beta release if u were about to spam a phantasm and u dodged, and then u wanted to cast ur ambush instead of finishing the phantasm cast, it would not have been possible. The ambush cast would be queued to begin casting after the phantasm cast was finished, BUT in this time the ambush window was gone too. Now u can interrupt the phantasm cast by pressing the ambush cast.

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@OriOri.8724 said:@"Esplen.3940" Robert Gee said Ambush skills will attempt to interrupt you. I don't think that means that mirage cloak will auto interrupt you. I think a lot of people in this thread are confused over this

This. All what was said was ambushes no longer have queues for most skills, and instead interrupt skills you were already casting. So it doesn't affect stomping/rezzing/other skills during Mirage Cloak, it just gives ambush top priority IF you decide to ambush. Again, read this text excerpt from an NPC in the demo who confirms Mirage Cloak is intended to cast skills with:

You: "Why not just dodge out of the way?"

NPC: "Well, it mostly amounts to the same thing, but it uses less movement and frees up the arms to cast more spells. Besides, rolling around in the desert just gets sand in your clothes."


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Hi, I think that all is correct, but less some skill and traits.For starters, we do not have a new F5 or some slot dogge extra. That's why I think Mirage need anithing else with respect to mechanics.

Could be Infinite Horizon do it in baseline, and change it for another Major Grandmaster, especially for phantasm on Mirage.

Something Like:

Infinite Horizon


When you gain Mirage Cloak, the trait is also applied to all of yours phantasms, that recharge attacks and then is auto-destroyed, generating other Mirage Cloak in her locations.

It would look something like Chronophantasma, but on Mirage.


Later on, in these skills, I think that it needs this changes or addings.

Crystal Sands

Damage (6x)Confusion (5sPiercing ------> Crystal Sands need piercing projectiles.Range: 900

What this skill really needs is for its projectiles to pierce. It does not work if most of your projectiles do not reach the center of the area. Imagine that there are several enemies, this skills will only affect one or two, the rest not because the projectiles do not reach the center.

On the other hand, if the projectiles pierce, then the projectiles would reach the center, and it would be good AoE dps confusion skills.


Lingering Thoughts


Spin forward and strike multiple times, dodging and inflicting conditions, leave a mirage at your starting position. If an enemy is near the mirage when it expires, a clone is summoned.

Damage (3x)x3 Crippled (1s)x3 Torment (4s)Number of Targets: 3Maximum Count: 2Count Recharge: 8sEvade: ½ -------> Lingering Thoughts need thisCombo Finisher: WhirlRange: 130

This skills need "evade: ½" not is possible that a skill of Main-hand not have a skill of supervivency or dodging.


And finally


Range: 600

This skill need 600 range for to be a elite. Not is possible to be a range of 450, is little and not very useful.


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ANet still doesn't get whats wrong with their design concept on ambush skills.

With Thief, you have "Stealth Skills". They are better then an auto-attack string because you have to activate stealth to use them. Either they are insanely strong or decently useful. But the thing is, even though you have a short window to execute them, the rest of the kit is designed to help you execute them - also you activate that stealth KNOWING you're going to use a stealth skill.

In comparison, what you've done with Mesmer is say; Let's give them an even smaller window to execute a skill thats not much better than the auto-attack string, and then have them be put in a situation where they will often not intentionally plan to use said skill. NO BUENO.

  1. Buff the damage and/or effect of the ambush skills. They aren't even really worth using even with these minor buffs.

  2. Increase the window to use said skill to like, 5 seconds. It's fine if there are times in combat where the ambush skill is available multiple times in succession. They aren't that strong anyways.

  3. Jaunt Range at 600, please. It won't kill anyone to have a fun AND useful elite skill. It's okay, really.

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@Angel de Lyssa.4716 said:Infinite Horizon


When you gain Mirage Cloak, the trait is also applied to all of yours phantasms, that recharge attacks and then is auto-destroyed, generating other Mirage Cloak in her locations.

It would look something like Chronophantasma, but on Mirage.


I'm sorry, but I completely disagree with this change every time you've stated it. You shouldn't lose all your Phantasms whenever you dodge roll. That creates far more problems than it solves, and making IH baseline doesn't address issues, it just ignores them.

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@glenndevis.8327 said:

  • No clone-death trait. i'd have liked to see Speed of Sand be merged with our elite spec trait, Infinite Horizon becoming our Minor Grandmaster and a Clone-Death trait as our Major GM trait. Something that applies confusion & cripple when clones die.

Mirage is an interesting opportunity for some clone death mechanics. Since it's the class that's actually about decieving your enemy into hitting clones, it does fit. Also, it could be done in such a way that avoids the problems of the old clone death traits.


Clone Death Trait8 Second ICDIf an enemy destroys one of your clones, that clone leaves behind a mirage mirror.

To get a benefit from the clone death, the mesmer still has to move to the mirror, which the other player can try to prevent. The enemy can simply move away from the mirror to avoid the damage and conditions. Having an internal cooldown prevents it from getting out of control. I think the fact that this punishes clone death not with conditions, but with the mirage mirror power up makes this way more interactive than previous iterations of clone death, and could be fun for all parties.

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