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PvP Map Jump Tricks


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@Kako.1930 said:This is like Gw2's version of parkour. Makes me wish I was even semi decent at jumping in this game. XD

All comes with practise, some of the jumps are more difficult than others but once you get a jump down you can generally do it reliably. If you need any help with any of the jumps ill provide answers and instruction in the youtube comments at least.

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@MikeL.8260 said:Those need to be patched, it's fine if you let various such paths intentionally that have a clear indication of how to walk them up but that mid air pathing is not nice to look at.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of terrain exploits in competitive game modes. As much as I hate invisible walls in open world gameplay, I think this really highlights that ANet needs to do some map fixing. I've seen many players at high levels exploit terrain glitches to make themselves unkillable (Forest of Niflhel tends to be the worst offender), and it takes all the fun out of the mode.

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