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Legendary weapons, sigils and infusions.


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When are legendary weapons going to receive the same treatment as legendary gear?Legendary weapons need to be sigil swap-able AND infusion swap-able.It is a pain to each day swap sigils and infusions when I play Fractals and WvW.For fractals I use Agony infusions and for WvW I use mighty infusions.

This needs to be done PRONTO!

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@"Oglaf.1074" said:Because of a nonsensical excuse of not wanting to "ruin the Sigil economy".

The economy has inhibited the way the game is developed for the worse since basically the game released. The design where every game gameplay design decision revolves around the gem<->gold economy is what makes this game so unrewarding and unenjoyable much of the time.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".


It is

But that isn't an ANET answer afaik unless your link isn't the right one.

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@Rezzet.3614 said:still there is no excuse for said system to be implemented

its as simple as a copy paste of the armor script code and replace the Rune value with Sigil

in no way such a simple change should harm the economy on a grand scale

You’re preaching to the choir, bruv. Look at the thread I linked. I think it is ridiculous to have it for armour but not weapons as it greatly devalues their usefulness.

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@Umut.5471 said:I can't use the same sigils in WvW and PvE, they lose their efficiency greatly.Legendary weapons need swappable sigils as well. We have an ability to use a different build there,but those sigils can't stay the same with that build.

You also really make the stat changing kinda pointless. Like I made Frostfang ages ago. It currently has Viper stats and a Malice Sigil. Perfect for my Mirage, right.

But what if my Warrior wants to borrow it? Sure I can change the stats to Berserker but what’s the point if I can’t switch out that Malice for a Force Sigil without destroying it?

Meanwhile my Warrior can handily pass down his Berserker w/Strength Runes Legendary Armour to my Revenant after changing it to Viper w/Berserker Runes - without destroying anything!

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@"Oglaf.1074" said:Because of a nonsensical excuse of not wanting to "ruin the Sigil economy".

Well this excuse is not really but still also kinda valid. Anet accidently butchered the sigil market when they released the endless upgrade extractor, which they acknowledged in reddit as a massive oversight and a total accident.

FYI: When the endless upgrade extractor was released, not long after, some saavy players started using them before rolling for precursors. This allowed them to remove ALL of the sigils from the exotics before they rolled them, to be sold back on the tp. The result was that every nonmeta core sigil plummeted in price pretty much killing the market for sigils. Note that this didn't affect sigils like force, thats because it was almost always profitable to salvage the exotics with Black Lion kits.

For sigils like the force sigil when supply is already limited and the demand is high the market stays stable. The argument for why their not allowing the change is probably because unlike the endless upgrade extractor, the change to legendary weapons affects the Demand side of the market, not the Supply side. This is a change that would more predominately affect the price of high demand sigils because adding sigil swapping to lesser used sigils which are usually deleted anyway and would still be with the changes; is unlikely to impact the demand for lesser sigils without changing the supply. The same is not true for the greater sigils.TL:DREndless upgrade extractor = affected low end sigil market by increasing supplySigil swapping = will affect the high end sigil market by reducing demand

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".

That's an incorrect restatement of what they said.They said they were getting ready to implement sigil swapping and realized there was an impact to the economy. And that they decided to rethink their plan.

We interpreted that as the only issue and that it was strictly related to sigils, neither of which was confirmed by the devs. To be fair, they haven't been forthcoming about what their plans are.

Personally, I hope that they don't introduce sigil swapping. Ever. I'd much prefer they overhaul the entire upgrade system because it's outlived its utility to the game, to the economy. It gets in the way more than it's helpful. I'd rather see something like a wardrobe system, in which we unlock upgrades and pay upgrade charges (except for legendaries, which would be exempt from at least the charges). Sigil swapping just postpones the inevitable demise of sigils as a mechanic.

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@Hitman.5829 said:When are legendary weapons going to receive the same treatment as legendary gear?Legendary weapons need to be sigil swap-able AND infusion swap-able.It is a pain to each day swap sigils and infusions when I play Fractals and WvW.For fractals I use Agony infusions and for WvW I use mighty infusions.

This needs to be done PRONTO!

I see legendary weapon sigil swapping request, I upvote.

I looked at SC Fractal page recently and they use 7 (!!!) staffs that only differ in sigils. It feels very unfair and honestly the stat swap feature is pretty much useless without the sigil swap. They need to be brought on par with the legendary armors. And while we're on it, legendary trinkets should allow infusion-swapping too.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".

That's an incorrect restatement of what they said.They said they were getting ready to implement sigil swapping and realized there was an impact to the economy. And that they decided to rethink their plan.

We interpreted that as the only issue and that it was strictly related to sigils, neither of which was confirmed by the devs. To be fair, they haven't been forthcoming about what their plans are.

Personally, I hope that they don't introduce sigil swapping. Ever. I'd much prefer they overhaul the entire upgrade system because it's outlived its utility to the game, to the economy. It gets in the way more than it's helpful. I'd rather see something like a wardrobe system, in which we unlock upgrades and pay upgrade charges (except for legendaries, which would be exempt from at least the charges). Sigil swapping just postpones the inevitable demise of sigils as a mechanic.

You're right, but I'd rather get sigil swap now and overhaul with next expac than a overhaul with the next expac. It won't happen without a major update anyway and we'll have to wait for it a long time anyway. Meanwhile the issue is trivial and it would make having a legendary weapon the actual QoL it is supposed to be.

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@"Oglaf.1074" said:Because of a nonsensical excuse of not wanting to "ruin the Sigil economy".Ignoring the fact that they obviously never cared about protecting "other economies", how would "protecting the Sigil economy" be an argument when it comes to them not implementing infusion swapping?

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".

Is this actually been said by Anet? Come on, what is the % population on the game that own a legendary weapon? Its not like everyone is running around with Full legend gear and never ever gonna have to worry about crafting and buying sigils lol besides, a legendary weapon cost what? Around 3~4K gold? I say i helped the economy enough...i find really annoying that i dont even use my legenday most of the time, only for open world stuff, since i have one for WvW roaming and zerg and another set for PvE instaced content...this needs to change.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".

That's an incorrect restatement of what they said.They said they were getting ready to implement sigil swapping and realized there was an impact to the economy. And that they decided to rethink their plan.

We interpreted that as the only issue and that it was strictly related to sigils, neither of which was confirmed by the devs. To be fair, they haven't been forthcoming about what their plans are.

Personally, I hope that they don't introduce sigil swapping. Ever. I'd much prefer they overhaul the entire upgrade system because it's outlived its utility to the game, to the economy. It gets in the way more than it's helpful. I'd rather see something like a wardrobe system, in which we unlock upgrades and pay upgrade charges (except for legendaries, which would be exempt from at least the charges). Sigil swapping just postpones the inevitable demise of sigils as a mechanic.

I dont get it....why allow Legendaries Weapons to sigil swap would be a bad thing? Why is an overhaul to the sigil(you probably think the same to armor runes?) is needed? What is so bad about it, and which changes would you propose?

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@Lunateric.3708 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".


It is

But that isn't an ANET answer afaik unless your link isn't the right one.


Yes it's about the sigil economyNo, they won't add the swapping feature for weapons.

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@Solori.6025 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".


It is

But that isn't an ANET answer afaik unless your link isn't the right one.

Yes it's about the sigil economyNo, they won't add the swapping feature for weapons.

Indeed. So enjoy your very, veeeery expensive skin unlocks, people. I know I sure feel bittersweet over mine. X_x

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"lockheedlight.5910" said:Hopefully they are working on it.


They aren't. As I said, the official stance is a "No, because Sigil economy".

That's an incorrect restatement of what they said.They said they were getting ready to implement sigil swapping and realized there was an impact to the economy. And that they decided to rethink their plan.

We interpreted that as the only issue and that it was strictly related to sigils, neither of which was confirmed by the devs. To be fair, they haven't been forthcoming about what their plans are.

Personally, I hope that they don't introduce sigil swapping. Ever. I'd much prefer they overhaul the entire upgrade system because it's outlived its utility to the game, to the economy. It gets in the way more than it's helpful. I'd rather see something like a wardrobe system, in which we unlock upgrades and pay upgrade charges (except for legendaries, which would be exempt from at least the charges). Sigil swapping just postpones the inevitable demise of sigils as a mechanic.

That’s like saying we shouldn’t feed the local homeless because it is better to solve world hunger. Of course a revamp of the entire system is a good thing, but Jesus man, let’s sort the issues that are far more solvable in the present.

Porting the armour code to the weapons could probably be done in an afternoon or two.

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