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Regon Phoenix.8215

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I think it is about time we get a new weapon (would be perfect to get a new weapon with the next expansion), and i would like to know your opinion about possibility of a new weapon type and which classes should get an option to use it.Ideally, i think we can talk about these weapon types:1) Polearm (Halberd, Scythe, Poleaxe, Two-handed Axe) - long reaching weapon which usually focus on AOE attacks, bleeding and CC. Also, could over some limited mobility for certain classes.2) Claws (Fists, Knuckles) - very low range weapon which focuses on conditions, rapid attacks and mobility. Also, could offer CC in form of dazes or simple interrupts.3) Crossbow - slow range weapon offering heavy direct and condition damage. Could works as two-handed weapon or as one-handed weapon (slow alternative to pistol).4) Whip (Extending weapons, Weapon on a chain) - mid-range weapon focused on critical attacks, bleeds and maybe even dazes. Could fit into vacant position of mid-range combat quite nicely.5) Flute (Other one-handed light sound instrument) - weapon focused on slight boons or conditions. Alternative to warhorn for different/elegant uses (for example for mesmer).6) Guitar (Other two-handed heavy sound instrument) - for sound based attacks, support and conditions.7) Other weapon (please, specify in comments)8) Water weapon (trident, harpoon, spear) on land

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Just have to say that Two-handed Axe is not a real weapon, it's a fantasy trope. Halberds and Poleaxes are the real life 2-handed axes.

On topic: the top 4 options I'd like to see, as well as spears as 1-handed main hand weapons on land. Not the rest of the water weapons because A. trident is just another polearm and B. speargun is basically the water version of crossbow/rifle. Although some of the UW spearguns would translate well into the new crossbow weapon-type.

SO: Crossbows as a ranged 2-handed weapon. Polearms as a melee 2-handed weapon. Whips as a mid-range offhand weapon. Claws/Fist weapons as 1-handed weapons for either hand, although I think they should always be presented as a pair of weapons. And spears as mainhand 1-handed weapons for either melee or ranged, it translates well into both.

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Whatever the case may be, they would need to make all of these or enough to spread the new weapon types so every prof gets one of the new types.

Spears. Melee/ranged hybrid similar to rev underwater.I started to describe the weapons here but that's foolish in hindsight as these are going to vary greatly depending on the prof wielding it. So just listing weapons I agree with now.

Polearm/halberd/2h axe or whatever you want to call it. These could be separated as different with axes and polearm, despite real world factoids.

Fist weapons. Yes. Claws,blades,knuckles.etc. There's already some focus skins that look like pretty dope fist weapons. Should count as 2hand.

Batons or basically 2 half sizes staffs for some general awesome kung-fu animations. Various skin types could have handles and blades and random fun stuff. Could be main or offhand or both.

Whips and chains. Speaks for itself. Could be wide range melee aoe style weapons or crack the whip out in front of you sending charged magical energies for ranged options.

Pure energy in the form of rings or bracelets that you don't necessarily have to even see. Hear me out. As soon as you equip them your hands and forearms glow with power. And variety would still exist with all the colors of the rainbow and different particles to accompany then, whether it's lightning, fire, shadowy energies. And so on. This would allow hadoken,kamehameha type attack animations and other cool things if you get creative. Flipping over your opponent and while upside down in the air shooting a blast down at your enemy and boosting your acrobatic leap at the same time. There's plenty that could be done here, depending on which professions use them. Should definitely be considered 2hand.

Crossbows. Not sure if these should be 2handed or optionally be 1hand for sword+xbow type combos. Anybody that plays dark souls knows how handy that can be.

It's too bad the existing weapons have been generalized so much already. There's alot of cool things that kind of already fall into the focus category. Or having curved swords and rapiers and such having different playstyles. But that ship has pretty much sailed.

All I can think of really atm that fits in gw2 world and isn't spoken for by an existing weapon type.

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@DeTechTive.9251 said:Whatever the case may be, they would need to make all of these or enough to spread the new weapon types so every prof gets one of the new types.

Spears. Melee/ranged hybrid similar to rev underwater.I started to describe the weapons here but that's foolish in hindsight as these are going to vary greatly depending on the prof wielding it. So just listing weapons I agree with now.

Polearm/halberd/2h axe or whatever you want to call it. These could be separated as different with axes and polearm, despite real world factoids.

Fist weapons. Yes. Claws,blades,knuckles.etc. There's already some focus skins that look like pretty dope fist weapons. Should count as 2hand.

Batons or basically 2 half sizes staffs for some general awesome kung-fu animations. Various skin types could have handles and blades and random fun stuff. Could be main or offhand or both.

Whips and chains. Speaks for itself. Could be wide range melee aoe style weapons or crack the whip out in front of you sending charged magical energies for ranged options.

Pure energy in the form of rings or bracelets that you don't necessarily have to even see. Hear me out. As soon as you equip them your hands and forearms glow with power. And variety would still exist with all the colors of the rainbow and different particles to accompany then, whether it's lightning, fire, shadowy energies. And so on. This would allow hadoken,kamehameha type attack animations and other cool things if you get creative. Flipping over your opponent and while upside down in the air shooting a blast down at your enemy and boosting your acrobatic leap at the same time. There's plenty that could be done here, depending on which professions use them. Should definitely be considered 2hand.

Crossbows. Not sure if these should be 2handed or optionally be 1hand for sword+xbow type combos. Anybody that plays dark souls knows how handy that can be.

It's too bad the existing weapons have been generalized so much already. There's alot of cool things that kind of already fall into the focus category. Or having curved swords and rapiers and such having different playstyles. But that ship has pretty much sailed.

All I can think of really atm that fits in gw2 world and isn't spoken for by an existing weapon type.

So, you are voting for a polearm?

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@mPascoal.4258 said:There have been some characters in story using spears on land.. maybe teasing something

Its the obly thing feasable. Otherwise they would need to add a ton of new skins if they make new weapons.

I mean a whip could be accomplished just by using a scepter with a special added animation.Scythe is clearly a melee staff (we have scythe skins too) great axe is a hammerskin etc.I mean they could add some new skin variations but for totally new playstyles there is only the option for adding underwater to land to make the effort worth it.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:Its the obly thing feasable. Otherwise they would need to add a ton of new skins if they make new weapons.

I never understood why this would be a thing. They really don't. They don't need to make low level weapon skins because new ESpec weapons would only really come as high level weapons(you can't use them below level 80 anyway). Same reason for crafted weapons. They don't need to make cultural variants because these weapons have been unknown to us before the point they are introduced. These new weapons would just have fewer skin choices than the ones that came before them.Black Lion Skins they can backtrack on if they wish, Anet has stated that making them is actually pretty easy. We do get 16 new ones pretty much monthly.

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@Yannir.4132 said:

@"InsaneQR.7412" said:Its the obly thing feasable. Otherwise they would need to add a ton of new skins if they make new weapons.

I never understood why this would be a thing. They really don't. They don't need to make low level weapon skins because new ESpec weapons would only really come as high level weapons(you can't use them below level 80 anyway). Same reason for crafted weapons. They don't need to make cultural variants because these weapons have been unknown to us before the point they are introduced. These new weapons would just have fewer skin choices than the ones that came before them.Black Lion Skins they can backtrack on if they wish, Anet has stated that making them is actually pretty easy. We do get 16 new ones pretty much monthly.

This maybe, but the whole point of "needing" a new weapon is for weaponskill designs which can be covered easily with existing weapons as i mentioned above so there is only the aesthetic point left. And many ppl that partly focus on fashion want to have a weapon in a certain skin design like warden, dark asura, ice brute etc.So taking underwater weapons on land opens up possibilities and has all skins available.Additionally it gives underwater weapons more value. Atm it is easier zo buy an underwater precursor than buying a unique exotic from land that isnt a pre. Thats why it is healthy for the game to take less used weapons and introduce them to more specs instead if creating a new weapon that is only used by few just for flavor sake.It is just not feasable or worth the cost.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Its the obly thing feasable. Otherwise they would need to add a ton of new skins if they make new weapons.

I never understood why this would be a thing. They really don't. They don't need to make low level weapon skins because new ESpec weapons would only really come as high level weapons(you can't use them below level 80 anyway). Same reason for crafted weapons. They don't need to make cultural variants because these weapons have been unknown to us before the point they are introduced. These new weapons would just have fewer skin choices than the ones that came before them.Black Lion Skins they can backtrack on if they wish, Anet has stated that making them is actually pretty easy. We do get 16 new ones pretty much monthly.

This maybe, but the whole point of "needing" a new weapon is for weaponskill designs which can be covered easily with existing weapons as i mentioned above so there is only the aesthetic point left. And many ppl that partly focus on fashion want to have a weapon in a certain skin design like warden, dark asura, ice brute etc.So taking underwater weapons on land opens up possibilities and has all skins available.Additionally it gives underwater weapons more value. Atm it is easier zo buy an underwater precursor than buying a unique exotic from land that isnt a pre. Thats why it is healthy for the game to take less used weapons and introduce them to more specs instead if creating a new weapon that is only used by few just for flavor sake.It is just not feasable or worth the cost.

That makes sense but it doesn't exclude new weapons. Let's also face the fact that trident and speargun are also just underwater versions of weapons that are already available. Staff and Rifle. So while your reasoning is sound with spears, it doesn't carry over to the other 2.While you may not value flavor very high but personally I pick flavor over fashion. Most of the time they go hand in hand though.

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Not sure why so many people are voting fore a polearm. A water weapon on land would likely just get pole arm skins. Any rifle could be redone as a cross bow skin. Most of the focus weapons in the newer maps could also be made into claw type weapons easily.

Ideally its easier to likely use what already exist in the game and thus knowing anet if they did do this it would be a water weapon on land. Unless they do something uniquely special just for 1 profession as its unlikely that all other professions would get said weapon.

I say just take water weapons and open them up to a few professions on land for every profession not just 1 here and there.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:Not sure why so many people are voting fore a polearm. A water weapon on land would likely just get pole arm skins. Any rifle could be redone as a cross bow skin. Most of the focus weapons in the newer maps could also be made into claw type weapons easily.

Ideally its easier to likely use what already exist in the game and thus knowing anet if they did do this it would be a water weapon on land. Unless they do something uniquely special just for 1 profession as its unlikely that all other professions would get said weapon.

I say just take water weapons and open them up to a few professions on land for every profession not just 1 here and there.

Well, that would make water weapons more desirable for extra skins, but only skins isn't a right way to look at the introduction of a new weapon.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:Not sure why so many people are voting fore a polearm. A water weapon on land would likely just get pole arm skins. Any rifle could be redone as a cross bow skin. Most of the focus weapons in the newer maps could also be made into claw type weapons easily.

Ideally its easier to likely use what already exist in the game and thus knowing anet if they did do this it would be a water weapon on land. Unless they do something uniquely special just for 1 profession as its unlikely that all other professions would get said weapon.

I say just take water weapons and open them up to a few professions on land for every profession not just 1 here and there.

Well, that would make water weapons more desirable for extra skins, but only skins isn't a right way to look at the introduction of a new weapon.

My only issue with adding a new weapon is that it easily becomes un fair if every profession does not get something and sense we know not all professions cant use all weapons its likely they would have to add more than 1 but im not gonna say thats a bad thing either.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:Not sure why so many people are voting fore a polearm. A water weapon on land would likely just get pole arm skins. Any rifle could be redone as a cross bow skin. Most of the focus weapons in the newer maps could also be made into claw type weapons easily.

Ideally its easier to likely use what already exist in the game and thus knowing anet if they did do this it would be a water weapon on land. Unless they do something uniquely special just for 1 profession as its unlikely that all other professions would get said weapon.

I say just take water weapons and open them up to a few professions on land for every profession not just 1 here and there.

Well, that would make water weapons more desirable for extra skins, but only skins isn't a right way to look at the introduction of a new weapon.

My only issue with adding a new weapon is that it easily becomes un fair if every profession does not get something and sense we know not all professions cant use all weapons its likely they would have to add more than 1 but im not gonna say thats a bad thing either.

Well, i tried to make an elite suggestion focused on water weapons on land, but nobody seem interested.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:Not sure why so many people are voting fore a polearm. A water weapon on land would likely just get pole arm skins. Any rifle could be redone as a cross bow skin. Most of the focus weapons in the newer maps could also be made into claw type weapons easily.

Ideally its easier to likely use what already exist in the game and thus knowing anet if they did do this it would be a water weapon on land. Unless they do something uniquely special just for 1 profession as its unlikely that all other professions would get said weapon.

I say just take water weapons and open them up to a few professions on land for every profession not just 1 here and there.

Well, that would make water weapons more desirable for extra skins, but only skins isn't a right way to look at the introduction of a new weapon.

My only issue with adding a new weapon is that it easily becomes un fair if every profession does not get something and sense we know not all professions cant use all weapons its likely they would have to add more than 1 but im not gonna say thats a bad thing either.

To be honest the people know that chances of anet brining water weapon on land is slim to none. They have not cared for underwater combat since the core game before any xpacks. They dont balance or rarely balance underwater weapon skills and its unlikely that they will bring them above ground.Shame really i like the underwater combat in this game.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:Not sure why so many people are voting fore a polearm. A water weapon on land would likely just get pole arm skins. Any rifle could be redone as a cross bow skin. Most of the focus weapons in the newer maps could also be made into claw type weapons easily.

Ideally its easier to likely use what already exist in the game and thus knowing anet if they did do this it would be a water weapon on land. Unless they do something uniquely special just for 1 profession as its unlikely that all other professions would get said weapon.

I say just take water weapons and open them up to a few professions on land for every profession not just 1 here and there.

Well, that would make water weapons more desirable for extra skins, but only skins isn't a right way to look at the introduction of a new weapon.

My only issue with adding a new weapon is that it easily becomes un fair if every profession does not get something and sense we know not all professions cant use all weapons its likely they would have to add more than 1 but im not gonna say thats a bad thing either.

To be honest the people know that chances of anet brining water weapon on land is slim to none. They have not cared for underwater combat since the core game before any xpacks. They dont balance or rarely balance underwater weapon skills and its unlikely that they will bring them above ground.Shame really i like the underwater combat in this game.

If enough people start talking about it and demanding it, Anet will have to address it.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:Not sure why so many people are voting fore a polearm. A water weapon on land would likely just get pole arm skins. Any rifle could be redone as a cross bow skin. Most of the focus weapons in the newer maps could also be made into claw type weapons easily.

Ideally its easier to likely use what already exist in the game and thus knowing anet if they did do this it would be a water weapon on land. Unless they do something uniquely special just for 1 profession as its unlikely that all other professions would get said weapon.

I say just take water weapons and open them up to a few professions on land for every profession not just 1 here and there.

Well, that would make water weapons more desirable for extra skins, but only skins isn't a right way to look at the introduction of a new weapon.

My only issue with adding a new weapon is that it easily becomes un fair if every profession does not get something and sense we know not all professions cant use all weapons its likely they would have to add more than 1 but im not gonna say thats a bad thing either.

Ideas are like cream, good ones rise to the top.

People will comment your good ideas and make feedbacks if they think it worth an improvement. Bad ones are those not even worth to comment.

Be glad when someone actually read and replies...

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this is a hard for me to tell you strat so here is some ideas. i am thinking of runes for hand to hand combat like mabe they give you some aura on your fists. the other idea is if you go with knuckles witch can have claws one more stuff to it. that is all i can think of for right now. as you minght not be able to tell i like the dps monk like in dnd or everquest

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