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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@Sojar.1495 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"

you have the knife in your hand when the program is running, not in your pocket.its all nice and cool if you wanne cheat other programs, but when its runningalong side guildwars your either ignorent, or just plain stupid, sorry.

Keep in mind that cheat engine isnt excusively used by cheaters. Anet created this problem all by themselves, claiming they will not accept appeals. They already lifted some bans proving they were wrong.

The bans then lifted weren't because they were wrong... reread what gaile posted please.

They were wrong. They wasn't involved in cheating, they simply suspended them because they were in some way connected to cheating account. If they weren't wrong, they wouldn't lift them, easy.

They were not wrong in the context of the methods used in this ban. They were an oversight, and had previously had actions on their accounts for related activities. They wanted to keep the ban narrowed down to the method used for the majority. A clerical error in adding those accounts is not indicative of another error. You're taking an instance of an unrelated rationale and then applying it blanketed across the other bans with the specific methodology utilized. Stop that!

I like how you're dancing around this to do everything you can not to admit anet was wrong.

In your opinion, they were wrong.

Also, you STILL haven't answered my 3 option question, which is black and white fact.

You want me to admit something I don't believe to be true (since my opinion is that those 1-2 players who might be innocent were extremely ignorant by continuously running an application with known game hacking potential, even if not used that way). Sorry, I'm not easing up on my opinion just because you're so inclined to defend the cheaters so long as it ridicules ANET and defends the (possibly) insignificant, or nonexistent amount of "innocent" players who got blasted by the banhammer of rigtheous, judicial fury.

How question can be a fact? I answered them all in single message.

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@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

This.. why would players be looking to run this alongside any game.. unless they are legitimately trying to debug the code for a legit reason.. sorry no dice I believe the it was 99% being used for nefarious purposes.. take the chap who's been in game for a month.. why would you have it running, you "forgot" it was running whilst trying to do the same thing elsewhere.. otherwise please tell us what legit reasons you were all using it for .I am with ANET on this one.. but I also agree with others here.. ban the use of all 3rd party programs with GW2 that way there is simply no room for argument and this whole S J W parade.Cheats will cheat no matter what anyone says or does but I hope this is just the first of a continual ban wave, this is no time to let up now.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

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@"Sojar.1495" said:

  1. OR - Collect no data and thus, do nothing and let the cheaters run rampant.

That is what they've always done and are currently doing. They've always relied on server side detection, but that can only catch the obvious stuff. This trap was only in place for 2 weeks, and the funny thing is, they only ended up advertising the hacks, which they're no longer looking for. They'll need to invest in real anti-cheat software if they want to do this again, since the method they used will no longer work. I'm a little surprised people actually released hack tools that weren't self randomizing.

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As is known, Anet added in the March 6th patch a piece of spyware to detect cheating software that resulted in the recent suspension wave. In order to do so they also collected and stored every program that people had running on their computer, location on their drive, windows user account names, and possible more. For all of us who did not get suspended and was just collateral damage, please delete the data. Delete it from your server, delete it from the backup, just delete it. I do not want to see that data leaked, I don't wan't to hear in a few years when some hacker get into your system that the data is now out in the wild somewhere. Please give us the minimum amount of respect and delete anything collected that is not strictly related to gw2 processes or gw2 cheating tools. Thank you.

As a bonus you could also inform users who has virus running, as you kind of have that knowledge and the ability to do so.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

People look for things online and install them. He wasn't able to figure it out, but he just left it there. I have a lot of unused apps, and so do many people. The fact that he is banned shows the bans are given due to mere existence of these programs, and not using them. Cheat engine has so many broad uses, but those other apps are rather very specificly used to cheat in GW2.

Instead of looking at the big picture that people are banned for mere existence of an application in their PC, you are trying to create a story and see it they way you want to see it.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

People look for things online and install them. He wasn't able to figure it out, but he just left it there. I have a lot of unused apps, and so do many people. The fact that he is banned shows the bans are given due to mere existence of these programs, and not using them. Cheat engine has so many broad uses, but those other apps are rather very specificly used to cheat in GW2.

Instead of looking at the big picture that people are banned for mere existence of an application in their PC, you are trying to create a story and see it they way you want to see it.

No.. your the one making the claim that you and your "friend" have cheat engine and other 3rd party apps loaded up.. if someone is not capable of using such stuff.. by your own admission.. then why would you be using something like cheat engine in the first place.. surely if your capable of using it for something legit then why say they are incapable of understanding how to find, install and use such programs when it comes to this kind of thread.. please enlighten us why you have both got it installed and what legit purposes you use it for that are so low in the intelligence stakes that a simpleton can use it..I am genuinely interested because as I said it was you who made the statement.. now you have opened the can of worms its only fair you feed us if you want to taken seriously otherwise I call foul and smokescreens ahoy!TBH your sounding more and more like the posters on the hacks sites... "my main is banned but my second (friend) accounts are banned, time to get new accounts.. " heck one dumb poster on one of the sites even cried when telling their community he kept all his gemstore purchases etc on his main account and hopes he doesn't loose all the ill gotten gains from illegitimately gained gem purchases now its banned.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

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Unfortunately intelligence and common sense are not the same thing. I played a mmo that advertised it was going to use some sort of hack shield months in advance. A week prior to them starting to use it, they also advertised in game every 4 hrs I seem to recall. And it worked, It culled out the trolls/hackers/cheaters while leaving the community happy about it. Anet, seriously? All this could have been avoided. Now you have planted the seed of distrust in the community. Optics is everything when dealing with the public. This isn't rocket science nor a new concept.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

People look for things online and install them. He wasn't able to figure it out, but he just left it there. I have a lot of unused apps, and so do many people. The fact that he is banned shows the bans are given due to mere existence of these programs, and not using them. Cheat engine has so many broad uses, but those other apps are rather very specificly used to cheat in GW2.

Instead of looking at the big picture that people are banned for mere existence of an application in their PC, you are trying to create a story and see it they way you want to see it.

No.. your the one making the claim that you and your "friend" have cheat engine and other 3rd party apps loaded up.. if someone is not capable of using such stuff.. by your own admission.. then why would you be using something like cheat engine in the first place.. surely if your capable of using it for something legit then why say they are incapable of understanding how to find, install and use such programs.. please enlighten us why you have both got it installed and what legit purposes you use it for that are so low in the intelligence stakes that a simpleton can use it.. I am genuinely interested because as I said it was you who made the statement.. now you have opened the can of words its only fair you feed us if you want to taken seriously otherwise I call foul and smokescreens ahoy!

You keep assuming he used it, he did not. Installing something is very easy, its a process of spamming next and waiting for it to finish. Which is why I'm telling you people are banned for having the app installed in their PC, not because they necessarily used it in same time with GW2, which is even more horrendous. Are you doubting his intentions? I didn't care to ask, because its not my concern. If people want to cheat in single player games, its their own business and no one else's. Perhaps he wanted to learn to do so, or any other reason. The only relevant information here is the fact that he never used it with GW2, which means ANET is currently lying, after lying previously.

As for me, I can provide an screenshot showing the last date I used cheat engine was in 5th month of 2017. I never used cheat engine with GW2 and I'm banned, this is the only thing that concerns me.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

People look for things online and install them. He wasn't able to figure it out, but he just left it there. I have a lot of unused apps, and so do many people. The fact that he is banned shows the bans are given due to mere existence of these programs, and not using them. Cheat engine has so many broad uses, but those other apps are rather very specificly used to cheat in GW2.

Instead of looking at the big picture that people are banned for mere existence of an application in their PC, you are trying to create a story and see it they way you want to see it.

No.. your the one making the claim that you and your "friend" have cheat engine and other 3rd party apps loaded up.. if someone is not capable of using such stuff.. by your own admission.. then why would you be using something like cheat engine in the first place.. surely if your capable of using it for something legit then why say they are incapable of understanding how to find, install and use such programs.. please enlighten us why you have both got it installed and what legit purposes you use it for that are so low in the intelligence stakes that a simpleton can use it.. I am genuinely interested because as I said it was you who made the statement.. now you have opened the can of words its only fair you feed us if you want to taken seriously otherwise I call foul and smokescreens ahoy!

You keep assuming he used it, he did not. Installing something is very easy, its a process of spamming next and waiting for it to finish. Which is why I'm telling you people are banned for having the app installed in their PC, not because they necessarily used it in same time with GW2, which is even more horrendous. Are you doubting his intentions? I didn't care to ask, because its not my concern. If people want to cheat in single player games, its their own business and no one else's.

As for me, I can provide an screenshot showing the last date I used cheat engine was in 5th month of 2017. I never used cheat engine with GW2 and I'm banned, this is the only thing that concerns me.

Why would you even install something you have no clue how to use.. why would you even go looking for it if you weren't going to use it.. sorry I 100% do not believe anything your saying now.. you dug the hole and you just keep on digging it deeper.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

People look for things online and install them. He wasn't able to figure it out, but he just left it there. I have a lot of unused apps, and so do many people. The fact that he is banned shows the bans are given due to mere existence of these programs, and not using them. Cheat engine has so many broad uses, but those other apps are rather very specificly used to cheat in GW2.

Instead of looking at the big picture that people are banned for mere existence of an application in their PC, you are trying to create a story and see it they way you want to see it.

No.. your the one making the claim that you and your "friend" have cheat engine and other 3rd party apps loaded up.. if someone is not capable of using such stuff.. by your own admission.. then why would you be using something like cheat engine in the first place.. surely if your capable of using it for something legit then why say they are incapable of understanding how to find, install and use such programs.. please enlighten us why you have both got it installed and what legit purposes you use it for that are so low in the intelligence stakes that a simpleton can use it.. I am genuinely interested because as I said it was you who made the statement.. now you have opened the can of words its only fair you feed us if you want to taken seriously otherwise I call foul and smokescreens ahoy!

You keep assuming he used it, he did not. Installing something is very easy, its a process of spamming next and waiting for it to finish. Which is why I'm telling you people are banned for having the app installed in their PC, not because they necessarily used it in same time with GW2, which is even more horrendous. Are you doubting his intentions? I didn't care to ask, because its not my concern. If people want to cheat in single player games, its their own business and no one else's.

As for me, I can provide an screenshot showing the last date I used cheat engine was in 5th month of 2017. I never used cheat engine with GW2 and I'm banned, this is the only thing that concerns me.

Why would you even install something you have no clue how to use.. why would you even go looking for it if you weren't going to use it.. sorry I 100% do not believe anything your saying now.. you dug the hole and you just keep on digging it deeper.

I don't care whether you believe or not. I'm just reporting it. As for why, it can be anything. Google "how to cheat in Far Cry" and cheat engine most likely comes up. This is how most people stumble upon cheat engine. The only fact that matters is the fact that neither he nor I used it with GW2.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

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I just hope that no player games on a work computer and has a program running named "trade secret project X". Whops, now that project name got leaked.

Or that no player live in a country where gaming is allowed but running a vpn or tor browsers is illegal with the potential risk of jail or fines. whops. Better pray that the database information can be kept a secret as long as the current regime is in power.

At least the spyware did not look at open files and what kind of movies that might be playing, right?

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A few arguments that posters are making bothered me, so I decided to give the EULA a read-through. The only way a player did not agree to the EULA is if they used an illegally modified client that bypasses the consent section, or illegally obtained a used account from someone else (in either case, a ban is to be expected). Here are a few points to answer many of the arguments put forth:

"Anet invaded my privacy/has no right to look at what my computer does/is using illicit spyware"



"No Appeals"

ArenaNet has no obligation under any circumstances to review any communications regarding violations of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account. ArenaNet may, in its reasonable discretion, choose to review communications made to the Notice Contact regarding violations of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account. ArenaNet may also, in its reasonable discretion, provide other means by which it may choose to review communications regarding violations of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account.

"X Program was for another game"

You acknowledge that You may not, without signed written consent from a legally authorized representative of ArenaNet, do any of the following:(Wall of irrelevant text) ...Use, obtain or provide data related to operation of the Game, including but not limited to:

software that reads areas of computer memory or storage devices related to the Game;software that intercepts or otherwise collects data from or through the Game;software that redirects communications from any Game or Service; orsoftware not provided by ArenaNet which creates or maintains any communication to the Game or Service, including but not limited to any software that emulates the Game or any part thereof as well as any server that emulates the Service or any part thereof;

(In layman's terms, just having the programs capable of doing the above is justification for disciplinary action. Running the programs while GW2 is running is even more so a justification for disciplinary action.)

Whether people like it or not, ANet has done nothing wrong. Everyone who plays a legitimate game account has agreed to let ANet do what they did. If you want to look over the whole thing, it's at https://guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/. Of special interest is section 14, which spells out dispute resolution, for anyone who wants to appeal their ban.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

People look for things online and install them. He wasn't able to figure it out, but he just left it there. I have a lot of unused apps, and so do many people. The fact that he is banned shows the bans are given due to mere existence of these programs, and not using them. Cheat engine has so many broad uses, but those other apps are rather very specificly used to cheat in GW2.

Instead of looking at the big picture that people are banned for mere existence of an application in their PC, you are trying to create a story and see it they way you want to see it.

No.. your the one making the claim that you and your "friend" have cheat engine and other 3rd party apps loaded up.. if someone is not capable of using such stuff.. by your own admission.. then why would you be using something like cheat engine in the first place.. surely if your capable of using it for something legit then why say they are incapable of understanding how to find, install and use such programs.. please enlighten us why you have both got it installed and what legit purposes you use it for that are so low in the intelligence stakes that a simpleton can use it.. I am genuinely interested because as I said it was you who made the statement.. now you have opened the can of words its only fair you feed us if you want to taken seriously otherwise I call foul and smokescreens ahoy!

You keep assuming he used it, he did not. Installing something is very easy, its a process of spamming next and waiting for it to finish. Which is why I'm telling you people are banned for having the app installed in their PC, not because they necessarily used it in same time with GW2, which is even more horrendous. Are you doubting his intentions? I didn't care to ask, because its not my concern. If people want to cheat in single player games, its their own business and no one else's. Perhaps he wanted to learn to do so, or any other reason. The only relevant information here is the fact that he never used it with GW2, which means ANET is currently lying, after lying previously.

As for me, I can provide an screenshot showing the last date I used cheat engine was in 5th month of 2017. I never used cheat engine with GW2 and I'm banned, this is the only thing that concerns me.

I am not assuming anything.. I just asked why would you have it it you are clueless on its use or how to even install such stuff.. your the one who made the statement.. I am wanting to understand why and what are these apparent legit uses you have for it while GW2 is running.. better still lets ask ANET to look into it for you and have them post the detail of your ban and appeal. Then at least we can all play nicely with one another again.. until then this is like being a clean athlete running in a field of possible dopers.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@innocens.1582 said:@"Kheldorn.5123"as i understand cheat engind is also used for debugging and reverse engenering.still, why have it running along side guildwars?

i read onw statement that it was used for reverse engenering things like virusses.Now wouldnt you do that in a virtual machine? I know i would.

My cheat engine's last modified date is " 18/05/2017" which now that I think about it, is the last time I used it.

I'm pretty sure if I'm banned because of cheat engine, its because of its mere existence, and not because I used it when GW2 was open, because I did not.

The friend I mentioned earlier also confirmed he had cheat engine installed but he has not used it for even longer time than I, which further confirms my suspicion. So the part in Gaile Gray post which says "we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week" is a an utter and blatant lie. They just did an automated ban and did not care about consequences of it.

Ermm didn't you say your "friend" was completely beyond any kind of ability to find, install and use such stuff.. isn't that why you had to install others 3rd party progs for him/her. But here you are now telling us he has/does so what was it being used for, lets get this out in the open cos surely someone capable of using things like cheat engine for those ooh so virtuous totally legit applications of it must surely be capable of installing something like taco and learning how to use it all by themselves.. nah sorry I smell a big rat in the room somewhere.

People look for things online and install them. He wasn't able to figure it out, but he just left it there. I have a lot of unused apps, and so do many people. The fact that he is banned shows the bans are given due to mere existence of these programs, and not using them. Cheat engine has so many broad uses, but those other apps are rather very specificly used to cheat in GW2.

Instead of looking at the big picture that people are banned for mere existence of an application in their PC, you are trying to create a story and see it they way you want to see it.

No.. your the one making the claim that you and your "friend" have cheat engine and other 3rd party apps loaded up.. if someone is not capable of using such stuff.. by your own admission.. then why would you be using something like cheat engine in the first place.. surely if your capable of using it for something legit then why say they are incapable of understanding how to find, install and use such programs.. please enlighten us why you have both got it installed and what legit purposes you use it for that are so low in the intelligence stakes that a simpleton can use it.. I am genuinely interested because as I said it was you who made the statement.. now you have opened the can of words its only fair you feed us if you want to taken seriously otherwise I call foul and smokescreens ahoy!

You keep assuming he used it, he did not. Installing something is very easy, its a process of spamming next and waiting for it to finish. Which is why I'm telling you people are banned for having the app installed in their PC, not because they necessarily used it in same time with GW2, which is even more horrendous. Are you doubting his intentions? I didn't care to ask, because its not my concern. If people want to cheat in single player games, its their own business and no one else's. Perhaps he wanted to learn to do so, or any other reason. The only relevant information here is the fact that he never used it with GW2, which means ANET is currently lying, after lying previously.

As for me, I can provide an screenshot showing the last date I used cheat engine was in 5th month of 2017. I never used cheat engine with GW2 and I'm banned, this is the only thing that concerns me.

I am not assuming anything.. I just asked why would you have it it you are clueless on its use or how to even install such stuff.. your the one who made the statement.. I am wanting to understand why and what are these apparent legit uses you have for it while GW2 is runing

They are clueless when it comes to hacks and such, but how much clueless do you think someone can be? That person installed GW2, you can safely assume they can install cheat engine as well. Doesn't mean they can use it.

I mentioned him because now I know why I am banned since its the only thing that connects my ban to his.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying, again, because they said people used these applications with the game.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

What next ANET ban anyone with razer synapse, corsair cue or any other macro software because they could possibly use that software to create rule breaking macros?

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