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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

To be fair they were more than clear what got people banned, albeit it in the end. I'm not quite sure why people have a problem with a smallscale looking at some processes that youre running on your pc. Compared to the access google, facebook and microsoft etcetc have to your personal data.

If you're really worried about privacy stop using the internet, stop using google etc. This reaction is not in proportion to what is actually being done.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Silmar Alech.4305 said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

We are scared? No, I'm pretty safe. I have nothing to be scared of; I don't break the terms of the EULA when I play GW2.

Well if you have any 3rd party software e.g anything but guild wars 2 installed on windows, you are technically just as guilty as the people who were banned for having cheat engine installed.

Yup ... the difference is that Anet determines what is the acceptable software or not, not you. The fact I'm still playing means that Anet applies a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not.

But we already know they do not take a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not

They even admitted in the forum update that Cheat engine is not inherently bad and that they did not check if people were actually using it with guild wars 2.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Silmar Alech.4305" said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

We are scared? No, I'm pretty safe. I have nothing to be scared of; I don't break the terms of the EULA when I play GW2.

Well if you have any 3rd party software e.g anything but guild wars 2 installed on windows, you are technically just as guilty as the people who were banned for having cheat engine installed.

Yup ... the difference is that Anet determines what is the acceptable software or not, not you. The fact I'm still playing means that Anet applies a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not.

But we already know they do not take a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not

They even admitted in the forum update that Cheat engine is not inherently bad and that they did not check if people were actually using it with guild wars 2.

Well, convince yourself whatever you like. Whether you think their approach is reasonable ...or not, the running of these things is ALWAYS the player's risk .. that has never changed, that exists for EVERY MMO or online game anywhere since I can remember. If you think that's unreasonable, you shouldn't click "I AGREE" every time you log in. Think of it as a test of maturity. If you can't accept the risk of losing your access because of EULA violations, you probably shouldn't be playing.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Silmar Alech.4305" said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

We are scared? No, I'm pretty safe. I have nothing to be scared of; I don't break the terms of the EULA when I play GW2.

Well if you have any 3rd party software e.g anything but guild wars 2 installed on windows, you are technically just as guilty as the people who were banned for having cheat engine installed.

Yup ... the difference is that Anet determines what is the acceptable software or not, not you. The fact I'm still playing means that Anet applies a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not.

But we already know they do not take a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not

They even admitted in the forum update that Cheat engine is not inherently bad and that they did not check if people were actually using it with guild wars 2.

Well, convince yourself whatever you like. The running of these things is the player's risk .. that has never changed, that exists for EVERY MMO or online game anywhere since I can remember. If you think that's unreasonable, you shouldn't click "I AGREE" everytime you log in.

I don't click i agree every time i log in and the EULA is meaningless in my country. It doesn't exist for every MMO or online game because 99% of them actually have competent anti-cheat. Out of the 3000 games on my steam account i banned from 0 of them, I am not banned from any MMOs including World of warcraft and I have never been banned from any online game for cheating on the exact same computer.

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying,
, because they said people used these applications with the game.

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used benign. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

That is not like a knife, a knife is like TacO, which is welcomed to use (even if it can offer a lot of advantages), using a noted a denoted hack program is like having illicit drugs in your house and then trying to say "but I didn't use them"

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying,
, because they said people used these applications with the game.

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used
. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

That is not like a knife, which is legal to own and use, that is like having illicit drugs in your house and then trying to say "but I didn't use them"

It's not illegal but thanks for proving my point

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying,
, because they said people used these applications with the game.

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used
. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

That is not like a knife, which is legal to own and use, that is like having illicit drugs in your house and then trying to say "but I didn't use them"

It's not illegal but thanks for proving my point

If you got banned for it.. it's not legal. Sorry, No one is going to buy that it was benign.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

Well looking at the excuses that the hack devs are now asking their haxster communities to now use and appeal with speaks volumes for things that are already making there way into this thread.. like I said go do some digging and then maybe you will begin to understand that trying to play S J W on this is not so clear cut as you seem to think or maybe don't want to allude to.Those few accounts that are having bans revoked all had previous history.. if it were up to me they would of had perma bans the first time round.Your false flag theory has to have had some fire to create the smoke in the first place, ANET just have a history of going soft on players that cheat.Its no coincidence the game is rife with farming minions and pvp speed hack issues etc... but of course it must all be down to ANET being the bad guy when they finally decide to ban a few of the offenders.

The real mistake that ANET has made is they did not ban enough cheats for the proper desired effect.

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So it's gone from..."I wasn't running a single other thing other than GW2 and I got banned!!!!"to"I was only running TACO and Yolomouse!!! OMG ANET IS BANNING FOR TACO!!!!!"then to"Sure I was running Reshade and Mount Radial as well, but that's all!!!!! WTF ANET IS BANNING FOR RESHADE!!!!!!"and then"It's not fair, Anet has no idea what was running, this is a false positive!!!!!"and now Anet releases the names of the hacks running and the rhetoric becomes"Yeah but I wasn't actually using them, they were there for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES!!!!!!"

To those saying this garbage, just give us a break.Seriously, Anet just needs to terminate forum posting privileges for these people at this point. Their complaints and claims are completely without value. They are not fans of the game. Their words have zero integrity and they add nothing to this discussion.

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One of my guildies got banned and most of the software they listed wouldn't ever run on his computer because he doesn't use windows. He has never once cheated, yet he has been banned, and isn't allowed to appeal it because anet claims to have proof yet their post clearly states they are basing it all off these programs supposedly being active at the same time. How do they know that? Also, being active at the same time is not correlation. And since someone already stated they saw your spyware monitoring them, you also know what other programs were open at the time. I've never used cheat engine or any of that software(Just saying CE because it's extremely common to use for single player games, but I've always been too lazy to get it, I mainly just use console commands in games like skyrim) Did they have other games ope? You spied on us without saying anything, you would know. I've had other games open simultaneously while playing GW2 before. If I had that for example, and was playing something singleplayer like skyrim while having GW2 open, according to your "data" I would have been banned. Your reasons are flimsy at best. I agree, cheaters should be banned, but such flimsy reasoning just isn't enough. You give a 3 month suspension to only some proven cheaters in pvp, but 6 month bans to players on such flimsy reasoning? And based on supposed information that required spying on people, and only telling us your assumptions based on such data. I've seen much better scientific studies. You just assumed "Open at the same time, obviously cheating" That is minor correlation at best. That isn't how scientific studies work, they have to filter multiple outside factors, you just looked, said "Oh, this was open while GW2 was, I don't care what else is open, it is clearly them cheating." Sorry, but if this were in the field of scientific study, your "study" would have been thrown out almost immediately. I know there is no reasoning with you guys on this though, because you can't back down now, you already went all in, backing down now would only hurt your appearance further. But I hope you will be much more cautious with your decisions next time you try to do a mass ban.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying,
, because they said people used these applications with the game.

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used
. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

That is not like a knife, which is legal to own and use, that is like having illicit drugs in your house and then trying to say "but I didn't use them"

It's not illegal but thanks for proving my point

If you got banned for it.. it's not legal. Sorry, No one is going to buy that it was benign.

Why your precious overlords at ANET themselves said it was benign

Oh, so now we have gone from "My hack and cheat program is benign" to "Oh my hack and cheat program was approved by Anet"

How quaint. And.. totally unbelievable.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

Well looking at the excuses that the hack devs are asking their haxster communities to now use and appeal with speaks volumes for things that are already making there way into this thread.. like I said go do some digging and then maybe you will begin to understand that trying to play S J W on this is not so clear cut as you seem to think or maybe don't want to allude to.Those few accounts that are having bans revoked all had previous history.. if it were up to me they would of had perma bans the first time round.Your false flag theory has to have had some fire to create the smoke in the first place, ANET just have a history of going soft on players that cheat.Its no coincidence the game is rife with farming minions and pvp speed hack issues etc... but of course it must all be down to ANET being the bad guy when they finally decide to ban a few of the offenders.

Lets apply this cheat engine logic to you shall we:

You keep visiting a forum dedicated to hacking in guild wars 2, and you may or may not be hacking but we don't want to put in the time or effort to check manually so we will just ban you just to be safe.

I was never suspended before today and ANET in the past banned players for dying after falling down some stairs for speed hacking

ANET is sometimes the bad guy and its okay to call them out on it.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying,
, because they said people used these applications with the game.

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used
. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

That is not like a knife, which is legal to own and use, that is like having illicit drugs in your house and then trying to say "but I didn't use them"

It's not illegal but thanks for proving my point

If you got banned for it.. it's not legal. Sorry, No one is going to buy that it was benign.

Why your precious overlords at ANET themselves said it was benign

Oh, so now we have gone from "My hack and cheat program is benign" to "Oh my hack and cheat program was approved by Anet"

How quaint. And.. totally unbelievable.

No we haven't sorry you are struggling to follow a basic conversation

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Aha, false positives don't exist? They've never screwed up before? I do recall a friend being banned for botting but that got quickly reversed so I really doubt the existence of infallibility because infallibility and Anet do not go together even if I believe most of the accounts banned were most likely cheaters. So they should really look into that.

Also I don't really appreciate my computer being scanned in such a manner. It seems to go a bit far if they're banning programs that could have been used to cheat

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@"mindcircus.1506" said:So it's gone from..."I wasn't running a single other thing other than GW2 and I got banned!!!!"to"I was only running TACO and Yolomouse!!! OMG ANET IS BANNING FOR TACO!!!!!"then to"Sure I was running Reshade and Mount Radial as well, but that's all!!!!! kitten ANET IS BANNING FOR RESHADE!!!!!!"and then"It's not fair, Anet has no idea what was running, this is a false positive!!!!!"and now Anet releases the names of the hacks running and the rhetoric becomes"Yeah but I wasn't actually using them, they were there for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES!!!!!!"

To those saying this garbage, just give us a break.Seriously, Anet just needs to terminate forum posting privileges for these people at this point. Their complaints and claims are completely without value. They are not fans of the game. Their words have zero integrity and they add nothing to this discussion.

This does seem to be the case.

Well, maybe they will find a game where they can all log in and run cheat and hack programs to their hearts content, full of other people that are using the programs for educational purposes. It's the kind of playground they all belong in, and it will be a win-win for them.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used benign. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

Well my dude...you just lost whatever argument or Anet apologist stance you tried to take with that gem. It shows that you truly don't know what's going on. Cheatengine despite it's name is an incredibly useful software that has widespread benign use. It's sees heavy use among computer science students and programming enthusiasts alike.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

Well looking at the excuses that the hack devs are asking their haxster communities to now use and appeal with speaks volumes for things that are already making there way into this thread.. like I said go do some digging and then maybe you will begin to understand that trying to play S J W on this is not so clear cut as you seem to think or maybe don't want to allude to.Those few accounts that are having bans revoked all had previous history.. if it were up to me they would of had perma bans the first time round.Your false flag theory has to have had some fire to create the smoke in the first place, ANET just have a history of going soft on players that cheat.Its no coincidence the game is rife with farming minions and pvp speed hack issues etc... but of course it must all be down to ANET being the bad guy when they finally decide to ban a few of the offenders.

Lets apply this cheat engine logic to you shall we:

You keep visiting a forum dedicated to hacking in guild wars 2, and you may or may not be hacking but we don't want to put in the time or effort to check manually so we will just ban you just to be safe.

I was never suspended before today and ANET in the past banned players for dying after falling down some stairs for speed hacking

ANET is sometimes the bad guy and its okay to call them out on it.

I openly welcome ANET to check my game logs, my running processes all they want.. after all I accepted their ToS before I logged in the very first time and ever since. I don't see the point in buying a product, putting 10k+ hours into it, spending a heck of a lot of addition RL coin to support it and then risk it all to try and hack and cheat..i get my fun fix from actually playing the game the way it is intended.. but do keep trying to skirt round the real issue.. the game is rife with hackers and cheats.. I say ANET needs to do a heck of a lot moreban waves.. at least 1 per week would be a great start.. then come back here and highlight some of the "I am innocent, I only did this and that" posts like they have in the past.

Fact - you got banned, your the bad guy sorry to break that to you, at least until ANET says otherwise. So maybe try using one of those pre-rehearsed excuses the hack devs are now pushing out to its community and you might get lucky, but hopefully ANET are already wised up to it.

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@Firebaall.5127 said:

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used
. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

Well my dude...you just lost whatever argument or Anet apologist stance you tried to take with that gem. It shows that you truly don't know what's going on. Cheatengine despite it's name is an incredibly useful software that has widespread benign use. It's sees heavy use among computer science students and programming enthusiasts alike.

Oh sure, and I bet people were running a hex editor and debug program in the background while playing GW2.. for educational purposes. Yup, totally believable. And any real credit that the hackers wanted to put out.. just went poof.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

Well looking at the excuses that the hack devs are asking their haxster communities to now use and appeal with speaks volumes for things that are already making there way into this thread.. like I said go do some digging and then maybe you will begin to understand that trying to play S J W on this is not so clear cut as you seem to think or maybe don't want to allude to.Those few accounts that are having bans revoked all had previous history.. if it were up to me they would of had perma bans the first time round.Your false flag theory has to have had some fire to create the smoke in the first place, ANET just have a history of going soft on players that cheat.Its no coincidence the game is rife with farming minions and pvp speed hack issues etc... but of course it must all be down to ANET being the bad guy when they finally decide to ban a few of the offenders.

Lets apply this cheat engine logic to you shall we:

You keep visiting a forum dedicated to hacking in guild wars 2, and you may or may not be hacking but we don't want to put in the time or effort to check manually so we will just ban you just to be safe.

I was never suspended before today and ANET in the past banned players for dying after falling down some stairs for speed hacking

ANET is sometimes the bad guy and its okay to call them out on it.

I openly welcome ANET to check my game logs, my running processes all they want.. after all I accepted their ToS before I logged in the very first time and ever since. I don't see the point in buying a product, putting 10k+ hours into it, spending a heck of a lot of addition RL coin to support it and then risk it all to try and hack and cheat..i get my fun fix from actually playing the game the way it is intended.. but do keep trying to skirt round the real issue.. the game is rife with hackers and cheats.. I say ANET needs to do a heck of a lot more of it..

Fact - you got banned, your the bad guy sorry to break that to you, at least until ANET says otherwise. So maybe try using one of those pre-rehearsed excuses the hack devs are now pushing out to its community and you might get lucky, but hopefully ANET are already wised up to it.

So you want ANET to look at each account individually and check in game logs just like i do. The point here is that they didn't do that and they have no evidence people were cheating.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying,
, because they said people used these applications with the game.

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used
. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

That is not like a knife, which is legal to own and use, that is like having illicit drugs in your house and then trying to say "but I didn't use them"

It's not illegal but thanks for proving my point

If you got banned for it.. it's not legal. Sorry, No one is going to buy that it was benign.

Why your precious overlords at ANET themselves said it was benign

Oh, so now we have gone from "My hack and cheat program is benign" to "Oh my hack and cheat program was approved by Anet"

How quaint. And.. totally unbelievable.

No we haven't sorry you are struggling to follow a basic conversation

Arent you the fella who admitted to using macros in wvw?

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Silmar Alech.4305" said:Cheating is evil. If you choose to get, install and run a program suitable for cheating, you deliberately choose to become evil.This isn't related to one game specifically, this is for gaming in general.Being evil means that you are being persecuted, caught and banned by the good people sooner or later. Everyone who consider becoming evil knows this. If you didn't know this, you are stupid. Being stupid is an explanation but no excuse.Now you were caught and banned. Live with the consequences. You knew it could happen. It happened. It's what happens to someone evil sooner or later.

Quoted for agreement. If you are of low enough morals to cheat in ANY game, much less any MMO, and even download software that does that (whether or not you actually and in fact used it to cheat specifically in GW2), then I don't want you playing this game. You set yourself up for being banned and I think 99% of the people crying foul did in fact deliberately cheat and kitten well know it. If you cheat, at anything, you deserve whatever comes around by sowing your own bad karma.

Lol there is a huge moral difference between people goofing around in single player games and cheating in multiplayer games.

Cheat engine has a lot of legitimate uses e.g some computer science classes will use it in colleges and universities, game developers use cheat engine to make their games more secure and have better anti-cheat and some emulators require the use of cheat engine to make the games function.

You guys are just scared about something you don't even understand.

Using this logic ANET should scan all users computers and ban anyone that has any MACRO software while those users may not be using macros they could potentially use macros and break the rules so better to be safe than sorry

We are scared? No, I'm pretty safe. I have nothing to be scared of; I don't break the terms of the EULA when I play GW2.

Well if you have any 3rd party software e.g anything but guild wars 2 installed on windows, you are technically just as guilty as the people who were banned for having cheat engine installed.

Yup ... the difference is that Anet determines what is the acceptable software or not, not you. The fact I'm still playing means that Anet applies a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not.

But we already know they do not take a reasonable approach to how they determine what is acceptable or not

They even admitted in the forum update that Cheat engine is not inherently bad and that they did not check if people were actually using it with guild wars 2.

Well, convince yourself whatever you like. The running of these things is the player's risk .. that has never changed, that exists for EVERY MMO or online game anywhere since I can remember. If you think that's unreasonable, you shouldn't click "I AGREE" everytime you log in.

I don't click i agree every time i log in and the EULA is meaningless in my country. It doesn't exist for every MMO or online game because 99% of them actually have competent anti-cheat. Out of the 3000 games on my steam account i banned from 0 of them, I am not banned from any MMOs including World of warcraft and I have never been banned from any online game for cheating on the exact same computer.

Clearly, this is not meaningless in your country or you could log in. Furthermore, Anet isn't Blizzard. They have their own rules and their own approach to apply them.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

It's not defending. it's making people understand the risks they take with 3rd party software and how it affects their access to the game. I respect the agreement I sign every time I sign into the game; it's there for a reason because I know it protects me,the game and Anet. That's why I still have my access.

You know that everything on your PC that is not coming from Anet is 3rd party? This means windows, drivers, notepad, weather app, skype, discord, your personal notes and the list goes on. Do not let developer exploit their right to protect the game giving out bans based on assumptions.

Well looking at the excuses that the hack devs are asking their haxster communities to now use and appeal with speaks volumes for things that are already making there way into this thread.. like I said go do some digging and then maybe you will begin to understand that trying to play S J W on this is not so clear cut as you seem to think or maybe don't want to allude to.Those few accounts that are having bans revoked all had previous history.. if it were up to me they would of had perma bans the first time round.Your false flag theory has to have had some fire to create the smoke in the first place, ANET just have a history of going soft on players that cheat.Its no coincidence the game is rife with farming minions and pvp speed hack issues etc... but of course it must all be down to ANET being the bad guy when they finally decide to ban a few of the offenders.

Lets apply this cheat engine logic to you shall we:

You keep visiting a forum dedicated to hacking in guild wars 2, and you may or may not be hacking but we don't want to put in the time or effort to check manually so we will just ban you just to be safe.

I was never suspended before today and ANET in the past banned players for dying after falling down some stairs for speed hacking

ANET is sometimes the bad guy and its okay to call them out on it.

I openly welcome ANET to check my game logs, my running processes all they want.. after all I accepted their ToS before I logged in the very first time and ever since. I don't see the point in buying a product, putting 10k+ hours into it, spending a heck of a lot of addition RL coin to support it and then risk it all to try and hack and cheat..i get my fun fix from actually playing the game the way it is intended.. but do keep trying to skirt round the real issue.. the game is rife with hackers and cheats.. I say ANET needs to do a heck of a lot more of it..

Fact - you got banned, your the bad guy sorry to break that to you, at least until ANET says otherwise. So maybe try using one of those pre-rehearsed excuses the hack devs are now pushing out to its community and you might get lucky, but hopefully ANET are already wised up to it.

So you want ANET to look at each account individually and check in game logs just like i do. The point here is that they didn't do that and they have no evidence people were cheating.

Your being too naïve.. dig around and you will have your eyes opened. Add to that you think ANET are going to tell you everything about what/how they made their decidions... I would bet there is a lot more in their detection system than just guesswork after looking into someone's running processes.. detailing it all will only serve to help the hackers in the cat and mouse game.. so yeah they kept it vague on purpose imo.

At first those players were saying.. oooh its not fair I only use Arcdps or Taco or reshade, its supposed to be ok.. not fairANET list real stuff they looked for and ding.. all of a sudden those same players are protesting its not fair I only had cheat engine running in background I never used it to cheat, my friend is too incompetent to even use it, just downloaded it cos the tooth fairy and google made me do it I swear..Funnily enough all these very similar excuses began to appear around the same time the hack sites were starting to push out pre rehearsed excuses for their communities to use as an appeal basis.Sorry I am with ANET on this, they used the tools that gave them insight to what players were running with gw2, which all signed up to allowing and those players got snagged.. lesson learned.. wanna cheat enjoy while it lasts.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

I am telling you people are banned for merely having the program installed, and not necessarily using it in the same time with GW2. What say you?

I say that's their risk isn't it ... They installed a program that people use to cheat. You're going to tell me they didn't know that?

Knives are also used to kill. Next thing I should remove all knives from my home or the police will jail me for 6 months.

I don't think you realize how horrible this is. Your privacy is invaded and you are punished for something you have not done. Cheat engine is a tool, just like knives are tools. Both can be used benignly and maliciously. Owning them cannot be punished for the sake of owning them.

More importantly, ANET is lying,
, because they said people used these applications with the game.

Nope, a cheat engine is malicious designed to hack games, as such there is no way a cheat engine can be used
. It's an flat out illegal program you had running on your system as you played GW2.

That is not like a knife, which is legal to own and use, that is like having illicit drugs in your house and then trying to say "but I didn't use them"

It's not illegal but thanks for proving my point

If you got banned for it.. it's not legal. Sorry, No one is going to buy that it was benign.

Why your precious overlords at ANET themselves said it was benign

Oh, so now we have gone from "My hack and cheat program is benign" to "Oh my hack and cheat program was approved by Anet"

How quaint. And.. totally unbelievable.

No we haven't sorry you are struggling to follow a basic conversation

Arent you the fella who admitted to using macros in wvw?

*Accidentally used a music macro in WVW but sure yeah. Not sure what that has to do with the current discussion unless you are trying to change the topic because you have no response

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