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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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@Vagrant.8613 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

it is all the reason needed. You run a cheat program, you are a cheater. Done. Nothing else needed.

'oh, but I don't use it for gw2' is like hoarding drugs and then saying 'I am just looking at them' when the police raids your home. Not an excuse that will get you far.

You do shady stuff, you get banned. Easy.

Except your analogy is completely wrong since possession of drugs is illegal. Possession of cheat engine is not. I can legally own a gun or a knife, even carry it around with me. But I don't get arrested just for having them unless I use them to attack someone.

That is why an analogy is not a comparison, the underlying principle has to be the same but the things can be totally different. They are just there to make the principle easier to understand.

Principle here: Although one party (ArenaNet/Police) may not be able to proove that something (cheatengine/drugs) was being used (used to cheat in GW2/used to sell them and gain money), the other party (GW2 player/drug owner) may be prosecuted (by ArenaNet via ToS/by law enforcement via law).

That is a perfect example of a totally valid analogy that makes sense. To those people who understand what an analogy is. If you are unable to understand it, you can just exchange the police with an airline and the drugs with a knife. You will end up with the following analogy which is exactly the same:

Principle now: Although one party (ArenaNet/airline) may not be able to proove that something (cheatengine/legal knife) was being used (used to cheat in GW2/used to attack/threaten someone), the other party (GW2player/flight ticket owner) may be prosecuted (by ArenaNet via ToS/by airline via their regulations concerning what you may bring on a plane).

See? Nothing changes when you exchange the illegal drugs with a legal knife. Drugs being illegal and cheatengine being not has no influence on the analogy at all because the underlying principle is what an analogy is about, not the things that are used as an example to make the principle more obvious.

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Anet caught people running those. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

The list that was released after people were suspended?

Anet should just keep their detection on permanently. If Anet updates the list of hashes frequently there is no way for the hack and bot makers to circumvent it. Private hacks will still be a problem, but all the noobs dont make their own stuff.

Some of us value our privacy and it would be trivial to bypass. Hence why other companies like blizzard do this locally on the system and will only send out information about the offending items not your entire system.

I think people are being a little disingenuous here. Are you not aware that not
3rd party software is like ... #1 bad for any online game? So here is the list of 3rd party software is approved for use ... ready?



Are you aware that every single player in every single online game ever played runs third party software while playing?

That's right ... that's a risk THEY take. That doesn't mean they are approved for use.

Yes every single time every single player logs in to play they are running third party software.

.. and? I don't get your point. Anet determines what violates the terms of service in terms of 3rd party software. Are you just trying to have some academic argument with me? That would be a pointless exercise don't you think?

The point is that having third party software running on your computer, while playing gw2, is not a violation of the ToS unless that software is being used in a manner proscribed in the ToS.

I fully believe that the (vast?) majority of those banned likely earned their punishment. But, the argument that running third party software is a violation is wrong.

To clarify, I completely agree that it is Anet's right to decide to use circumstancial evidence as basis for a ban, but claiming that just having the software is a violation of the ToS is incorrect.

I wasn't claiming that just having it was a violation.

My apologies. I meant to type having the software running (as in the earlier sentences within that post).

Here is my problem with this thinking ... everyone runs 3rd party software ... yet, not everyone is banned. I run iTunes ... but there is a reasonable expectation that iTunes doesn't do the bad things Anet says 3rd party shouldn't do to the game ... and that gives me the confidence that it's safe.

Now we have people claiming the 'cheatengine' shouldn't have them banned, but I can go to the 'About Cheat Engine' page and read this:

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make them harder or easier depending on your preference(e.g: Find that 100hp is too easy, try playing a game with a max of 1 HP)

Now, I am by NO means some computer programming guru ... but I would PROBABLY very concerned if I ran this software while playing GW2 ... you know, hints like "modifying games running windows" or "make the easier" or "changing your HP" ... if that doesn't scream hacking, well ...

As I said before, I firmly believe that the vast majority of those banned deserve what they got. I hope that Anet, despite claims to the contrary, entertains the possibility of a need for appeals for the likely tiny fraction of those affected who might not have engaged in any illicit activity.

But having software with purpose beyond GW2 (software with no function beyond cheating at gw2 is another matter entirely) running on one's computer is not a violation of the ToS. Sure Anet can ban anyway. A ToS violation isnt needed. They could decide that they dont like your zip code and ban every player from your part of the city...but claiming that fiat bans (even if based on justifiable suspicion) are because of ToS violations is incorrect.

The key distinction here is that it's a violation of the ToS to run any software concurrently with GW2 that
interact with the game.

CheatEngine, being a memory modifier,
do so, and there exist plenty of scripts that are used to cheat in GW2 which have been proven to have been used in-game which are run through CheatEngine.

aspect of things is absolutely a violation of the ToS, especially because it should be known by the user.

ANet's willingness to uphold the bans or their right to ban is in accordance to their Terms of Service as well by making the user agree that the suspensions can come with or without reason an operate outside the frame of law.

Another poster just pasted a copy of the ToS in this thread. Upon examining it, there doesnt seem to be reference to running third party software that CAN interact with GW2, but rather to using third party software TO interact with GW2.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Anet caught people running those. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

The list that was released after people were suspended?

Anet should just keep their detection on permanently. If Anet updates the list of hashes frequently there is no way for the hack and bot makers to circumvent it. Private hacks will still be a problem, but all the noobs dont make their own stuff.

Some of us value our privacy and it would be trivial to bypass. Hence why other companies like blizzard do this locally on the system and will only send out information about the offending items not your entire system.

I think people are being a little disingenuous here. Are you not aware that not
3rd party software is like ... #1 bad for any online game? So here is the list of 3rd party software is approved for use ... ready?



Are you aware that every single player in every single online game ever played runs third party software while playing?

That's right ... that's a risk THEY take. That doesn't mean they are approved for use.

Yes every single time every single player logs in to play they are running third party software.

.. and? I don't get your point. Anet determines what violates the terms of service in terms of 3rd party software. Are you just trying to have some academic argument with me? That would be a pointless exercise don't you think?

The point is that having third party software running on your computer, while playing gw2, is not a violation of the ToS unless that software is being used in a manner proscribed in the ToS.

I fully believe that the (vast?) majority of those banned likely earned their punishment. But, the argument that running third party software is a violation is wrong.

To clarify, I completely agree that it is Anet's right to decide to use circumstancial evidence as basis for a ban, but claiming that just having the software is a violation of the ToS is incorrect.

I wasn't claiming that just having it was a violation.

My apologies. I meant to type having the software running (as in the earlier sentences within that post).

Here is my problem with this thinking ... everyone runs 3rd party software ... yet, not everyone is banned. I run iTunes ... but there is a reasonable expectation that iTunes doesn't do the bad things Anet says 3rd party shouldn't do to the game ... and that gives me the confidence that it's safe.

Now we have people claiming the 'cheatengine' shouldn't have them banned, but I can go to the 'About Cheat Engine' page and read this:

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make them harder or easier depending on your preference(e.g: Find that 100hp is too easy, try playing a game with a max of 1 HP)

Now, I am by NO means some computer programming guru ... but I would PROBABLY very concerned if I ran this software while playing GW2 ... you know, hints like "modifying games running windows" or "make the easier" or "changing your HP" ... if that doesn't scream hacking, well ...

As I said before, I firmly believe that the vast majority of those banned deserve what they got. I hope that Anet, despite claims to the contrary, entertains the possibility of a need for appeals for the likely tiny fraction of those affected who might not have engaged in any illicit activity.

But having software with purpose beyond GW2 (software with no function beyond cheating at gw2 is another matter entirely) running on one's computer is not a violation of the ToS. Sure Anet can ban anyway. A ToS violation isnt needed. They could decide that they dont like your zip code and ban every player from your part of the city...but claiming that fiat bans (even if based on justifiable suspicion) are because of ToS violations is incorrect.

While this is true, keep in mind, as per the hack makers themselves, this is Anet's "Annual Purge", so this is not something that they just looked into today, or maybe just kinda noticed something that someone may have done one time recently, they have been collecting data for a while on these accounts, upwards to a year, and I am most assured that everyone one of these accounts has already been reported for Bot/Hack usage, hence why they started to investigate them to begin with, which, being reported by others players for Hack use, is legit probable cause.

I am sure that before they would just step in and ban someone, they would assure that there is a consistent pattern of having these known editing programs running in the background while playing game, not some one time event, but a consistent pattern, which, for the few that want to challenge this ban (those that for some grace were ONLY running Cheatengine, which I would bet, has already killed off most of them from even having a hope), those that could be considered to have their ban lifted, would most likely need to explain why they needed this program running in the background all the while they were playing, and, I would wager, that all of them have been reported for cheating (if not several times over), I almost wish I could read what their stories were, as I am sure that would be some really fun pleading on their part.

But I have heard these hack programs are not free... so as Irony would have it, if they spent more on the game and less on cheating, they never would have had to worry about being banned to start with.

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legal=/=etically right btwi can't understand why would anyone use those programs when it's been said over and over it's illegal to use them and you'll get banned, and then complain when you get banned.I do have an issue with it just checking your computer and seeing if you only HAVE those programs and not really if you're using them with GW2

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"starhunter.6015" said:

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

It was not spyware, it was only checking processes running along with GW2. It scanned for nothing more. It collected no personal information, no location data, no passwords. It is not tracking what web sites you went too. Many MMO's run programs like this to check for cheats and hacks.

No it opened each file and read it then sent it back to Anet servers.

That is the definition of spyware

Read the link to the reddit post

It sends the hashes back to Anet. Each file only has one possible hash so you can use it to detect banned stuff.

Usually for stuff like this you use MD5 or SHA256 hash algorithm. It is very fast and costs almost no performance. It is theoretically possible for two files to have the same hash, but the chance is insanely low. Like lower to win the lottery several times in a row. So you can say it is basically impossible that a legetimate program happens to have same hash as a cheat or hack.

Hashes are also used when you try to repair the client with -repair. It looks at the hash of all files stored in the gw2.dat and compares it with a list of hashes of what they are supposed to be. If the hash of a file is different from the list it is corrupted and gets redownloaded.

It's also trivial to bypass

Given that MD5 would only cover the very exact version of the "cheat tools" they were looking for, I have little doubts. Use a different version? No longer detected. Compiled your own version? No longer detected. Changed the file by a single byte? No longer detected.

Any non resource hungry monitoring procedure is trivial to bypass but it is better than nothing and filters out the hacking noobs which just download their crap from shady internet forums. I would be suprised if more than 10% of the hack users even know how hashes work lol.

Also a good way to ban innocent users who have cheat engine on their system

You really need to understand this. Anet could make up ANY reason to ban you. It's not about guilt or innocence. They could ban everyone who's first name starts with "M" ... now that would be rather stupid, but they could. If they WANT to ban people for having cheat engine even installed, not even running or using while GW2 is, they can. I happen to be of the belief that if they did such a thing, it's for good reason.

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Anet caught people running those. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

The list that was released after people were suspended?

Anet should just keep their detection on permanently. If Anet updates the list of hashes frequently there is no way for the hack and bot makers to circumvent it. Private hacks will still be a problem, but all the noobs dont make their own stuff.

Some of us value our privacy and it would be trivial to bypass. Hence why other companies like blizzard do this locally on the system and will only send out information about the offending items not your entire system.

I think people are being a little disingenuous here. Are you not aware that not
3rd party software is like ... #1 bad for any online game? So here is the list of 3rd party software is approved for use ... ready?



Are you aware that every single player in every single online game ever played runs third party software while playing?

That's right ... that's a risk THEY take. That doesn't mean they are approved for use.

Yes every single time every single player logs in to play they are running third party software.

.. and? I don't get your point. Anet determines what violates the terms of service in terms of 3rd party software. Are you just trying to have some academic argument with me? That would be a pointless exercise don't you think?

The point is that having third party software running on your computer, while playing gw2, is not a violation of the ToS unless that software is being used in a manner proscribed in the ToS.

I fully believe that the (vast?) majority of those banned likely earned their punishment. But, the argument that running third party software is a violation is wrong.

To clarify, I completely agree that it is Anet's right to decide to use circumstancial evidence as basis for a ban, but claiming that just having the software is a violation of the ToS is incorrect.

I wasn't claiming that just having it was a violation.

My apologies. I meant to type having the software running (as in the earlier sentences within that post).

Here is my problem with this thinking ... everyone runs 3rd party software ... yet, not everyone is banned. I run iTunes ... but there is a reasonable expectation that iTunes doesn't do the bad things Anet says 3rd party shouldn't do to the game ... and that gives me the confidence that it's safe.

Now we have people claiming the 'cheatengine' shouldn't have them banned, but I can go to the 'About Cheat Engine' page and read this:

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so you can make them harder or easier depending on your preference(e.g: Find that 100hp is too easy, try playing a game with a max of 1 HP)

Now, I am by NO means some computer programming guru ... but I would PROBABLY very concerned if I ran this software while playing GW2 ... you know, hints like "modifying games running windows" or "make the easier" or "changing your HP" ... if that doesn't scream hacking, well ...

As I said before, I firmly believe that the vast majority of those banned deserve what they got. I hope that Anet, despite claims to the contrary, entertains the possibility of a need for appeals for the likely tiny fraction of those affected who might not have engaged in any illicit activity.

But having software with purpose beyond GW2 (software with no function beyond cheating at gw2 is another matter entirely) running on one's computer is not a violation of the ToS. Sure Anet can ban anyway. A ToS violation isnt needed. They could decide that they dont like your zip code and ban every player from your part of the city...but claiming that fiat bans (even if based on justifiable suspicion) are because of ToS violations is incorrect.

While this is true, keep in mind, as per the hack makers themselves, this is Anet's "Annual Purge", so this is not something that they just looked into today, or maybe just kinda noticed something that someone may have done one time recently, they have been collecting data for a while on these accounts, upwards to a year, and I am most assured that everyone one of these accounts has already been reported for Bot/Hack usage, hence why they started to investigate them to begin with, which, being reported by others players for Hack use, is legit probable cause.

I am sure that before they would just step in and ban someone, they would assure that there is a consistent pattern of having these known editing programs running in the background while playing game, not some one time event, but a consistent pattern, which, for the few that want to challenge this ban (those that for some grace were ONLY running Cheatengine, which I would bet, has already killed off most of them from even having a hope), those that could be considered to have their ban lifted, would most likely need to explain why they needed this program running in the background all the while they were playing, and, I would wager, that all of them have been reported for cheating (if not several times over), I almost wish I could read what their stories were, as I am sure that would be some really fun pleading on their part.

But I have heard these hack programs are not free... so as Irony would have it, if they spent more on the game and less on cheating, they never would have had to worry about being banned to start with.

We already know this is not the case

. 1516 accounts were suspended because we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year.

The scanner was also only detected in the month of march

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@Kovu.7560 said:

@Kovu.7560 said:Right. So I don't use any 3rd party programs at the moment, but I was thinking about getting arcdps.This scares the kitten out of me. Could we get clarification in a pinned topic,
, as to which 3rd party programs are allowed? I'd feel a lot better about it being officially written in a pinned thread and not simply heresay or some old dev post somewhere around here or reddit.

Until then I'll be avoiding any of the bell-and-whistle programs.

~ Kovu

No one in the recent banwave was banned for using ArcDPS, TaCO, or ReShade/GW2Hook (mod of ReShade specially for GW2).

ArenaNet has even showcased some of these on their videos. Chris Clearly was working with the ArcDPS dev when build templates came out, which is essentially an auto-clicker to allocate your traits.

It's a safe bet TaCO and ReShade are never going to get you banned as TaCO is an overlay that simply uses the official game APIs and ReShade is just a DirectX renderer that does nothing to the actual game beyond making it look pretty or different from the default renderer.

ArcDPS as of present is safe and legal but it does read the memory, however only to provide kosher details that the game already offers. It simply takes all the legwork out of manually adding DPS numbers, it can calculate group DPS, etc. It's very handy and good.

Now if ArcDPS dev one day decides to lose his mind and add a bunch of non-kosher features as some DPS tools had done, it would become illegal.

It becomes a matter of keeping up with what ArcDPS dev is doing and despite what some posters would have you believe Anet aren't the gestapo waiting for you to step out of line to ban you.

Other DPS meter guy was given a grace period to stop being crazy and he did not.

Users were given a grace period to stop using the illegal meter and even Chris said something to the effect he blamed the dev not so much the users for going out of line with the features he included (making a kosher version and a Chinese version with non-kosher features... guess what people opted to use?)

ArcDPS dev is pretty chill and it's a pretty safe bet he's not gonna be crazy. But you never know. Obviously if he starts adding gear checking abilities, exact HP data, exact player data, etc. you'd probably better drop it.

As of writing you're good if you want to use ArcDPS, GW2Hook/ReShade, and/or TaCO. Bells and whistles are great.

Just practice a little common sense. Don't keep CheatEngine on while you're playing an online multiplayer game you care about. You'll trigger some anti-cheat measures and get banned.

Much less, don't download trainers to use in said game. It'll probably get you banned. Basic things some of our surely innocent friends neglected to do.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

~ Kovu

No problem. :+1:

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@Nezekan.2671 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

I think he said that be has only been playing a month. If so he may be able to get a chargeback by contacting his bank or card issuer regardless of ANet's return policies.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

He started playing a month ago so he got his account for free. He may ask for a refund and they may say "Sure, here is the 0 Euro purchase price of your GW2 account". Because the expansions are just that, expansions. They can be used with the game. If you play the game. If you don't play the game, they can not be used. Does it matter why you are not playing the game? I doubt it.

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@CETheLucid.3964 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:I wonder how many people saying that false positives are for the greater good would be willing to delete their own accounts to show solidarity.

Even the guilty ones are free to come back in 6 months though?

Solid point.

Uninstall for six months then?

Assuming the banned ones aren't using their not-banned alts, sure. Or else it just becomes "don't use your main account for 6 months". B)

I think there are more bans coming. My alt was not banned until today even though I do not actively play it. Um....so more probably to come? Amazes me still after so many days that people will not admit their fault as I have.

I saw your earlier posts and I honestly respect you for accepting responsibility for what you did. It's obvious you didn't go about it the best way, but I won't patronize you on that. I don't approve or condone but I can understand where your coming from.

WvW is a mess and I hope they got the guys that drove you to it for what it's worth.

Appreciate the kind words. I have had a good time and a good run here. As I have mentioned in previous comments GW2 was more of a past time than a life so though the ban sucks and I deserve what I got I think I am pretty much done with MMOs me thinks. I don't fault ANET as you can find in a previous posts months and months ago when people were complaining of hacks and cheats that I told them to be patient, it takes time for any developer to watch the hacks in progress, learn what they do then effectively close the hole. What we have found out through Gaile's response is it wasn't just one program they were looking for or at but many.

Unfortunately I didn't take my own advice and not much I can do or care to do about it. I have opened a ticket and what was in that ticket is private and we'll see their response but I am sure I am pretty much done here. I can't bring myself to buy another account and though I have heard many in private conversations to back charge my credit I couldn't help but laugh. Why punish ANET for what I did? I know some have and once you do that it's bye-bye for good regardless of the credit appeals process.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

I think he said that be has only been playing a month. If so he may be able to get a chargeback by contacting his bank or card issuer regardless of ANet's return policies.

Chargeback would be a very messy way of getting your money back if they ever wanted to come back to the game.

Basically they couldn't use that bank account at all for purchases of the game or in-game stuff, possibly even barring their own name depending on how zealous they are about that (I think they're pretty hardline on that sort of thing by necessity, fraud is a serious issue). They'd have to do things through a spouse or something.

Of course if they never intend on doing business with Anet again, it's an option I guess.

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@"starhunter.6015" said:

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

It was not spyware, it was only checking processes running along with GW2. It scanned for nothing more. It collected no personal information, no location data, no passwords. It is not tracking what web sites you went too. Many MMO's run programs like this to check for cheats and hacks.

No it opened each file and read it then sent it back to Anet servers.

That is the definition of spyware

Read the link to the reddit postRead it, yes.It sends a list of hashed values, a hash is destructive and you can't get the original content back.No "private" information, just a guess of what processes were used, which is required to detect a list of software they don't want you to use.
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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

I think he said that be has only been playing a month. If so he may be able to get a chargeback by contacting his bank or card issuer regardless of ANet's return policies.

a refund from anet and a charge back are different beasts.. charge back and anet will blacklist and more than likely close your account full stop and blacklist your card from being used on their systems most likely.If they refund then its entirely plausible that the account will be left open, perhaps downgraded to f2p, but still useable (in 6months time at least :) )

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@usnedward.9023 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:I wonder how many people saying that false positives are for the greater good would be willing to delete their own accounts to show solidarity.

Even the guilty ones are free to come back in 6 months though?

Solid point.

Uninstall for six months then?

Assuming the banned ones aren't using their not-banned alts, sure. Or else it just becomes "don't use your main account for 6 months". B)

I think there are more bans coming. My alt was not banned until today even though I do not actively play it. Um....so more probably to come? Amazes me still after so many days that people will not admit their fault as I have.

I saw your earlier posts and I honestly respect you for accepting responsibility for what you did. It's obvious you didn't go about it the best way, but I won't patronize you on that. I don't approve or condone but I can understand where your coming from.

WvW is a mess and I hope they got the guys that drove you to it for what it's worth.

Appreciate the kind words. I have had a good time and a good run here. As I have mentioned in previous comments GW2 was more of a past time than a life so though the ban sucks and I deserve what I got I think I am pretty much done with MMOs me thinks. I don't fault ANET as you can find in a previous posts months and months ago when people were complaining of hacks and cheats that I told them to be patient, it takes time for any developer to watch the hacks in progress, learn what they do then effectively close the hole. What we have found out through Gaile's response is it wasn't just one program they were looking for or at but many.

Unfortunately I didn't take my own advice and not much I can do or care to do about it. I have opened a ticket and what was in that ticket is private and we'll see their response but I am sure I am pretty much done here. I can't bring myself to buy another account and though I have heard many in private conversations to back charge my credit I couldn't help but laugh. Why punish ANET for what I did? I know some have and once you do that it's bye-bye for good regardless of the credit appeals process.

I know 6 months is an eternity in internet, but in the grand scheme it's not very long. You'd be back for the Halloween celebration and a couple living stories to catch up on. Should you choose to come back, the new WvW rework might also be coming around that time or a bit after. Give you a bit of time to catch up and ally yourself with the people you want to WvW with.

Here's hoping it makes WvW a better place.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

I think he said that be has only been playing a month. If so he may be able to get a chargeback by contacting his bank or card issuer regardless of ANet's return policies.

a refund from anet and a charge back are different beasts.. charge back and anet will blacklist and more than likely close your account full stop and blacklist your card from being used on their systems most likely.If they refund then its entirely plausible that the account will be left open, perhaps downgraded to f2p, but still useable (in 6months time at least :) )

Yes, but a refund seems unlikely and it is very easy to acquire a new visa.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@"starhunter.6015" said:

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

It was not spyware, it was only checking processes running along with GW2. It scanned for nothing more. It collected no personal information, no location data, no passwords. It is not tracking what web sites you went too. Many MMO's run programs like this to check for cheats and hacks.

No it opened each file and read it then sent it back to Anet servers.

That is the definition of spyware

Read the link to the reddit postRead it, yes.It sends a list of hashed values, a hash is destructive and you can't get the original content back.No "private" information, just a guess of what processes were used, which is required to detect a list of software they don't want you to use.

Stop posting misinformation

They will then go through all processes and get their file names. Those file names are then fed into the very same hash function as before at 0x6F4E90, which will open the respective files, read all their content, create a MD5 hash of it and returns said hash, which are then, again, stored in a list for later use.

While the list is submitted in form of hashes, those hashes are not salted, so they are trivially to reverse

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@Jinks.2057 said:

@"starhunter.6015" said:

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

It was not spyware, it was only checking processes running along with GW2. It scanned for nothing more. It collected no personal information, no location data, no passwords. It is not tracking what web sites you went too. Many MMO's run programs like this to check for cheats and hacks.

No it opened each file and read it then sent it back to Anet servers.

That is the definition of spyware

Read the link to the reddit post

That is not the definition of spyware, nor is there "one" correct definiton of spyware. Spyware is whatever the person using the term wants it to be.You either missed my earlier post or you didn't read it or you read it but did not want to acknowledge. Just in case it was one of the first two, I'll quote it for your convenience:

@"shikigami.4013" saidToo bad spyware is just a term used for all kinds of stuff and does not have an "legal definition", nor is there any law that would allow anyone prosecute someone for "spyware" because then the term spyware would have to be defined clearly. Anyone can call anything "spyware" if he feels he is being spied on. By the way, wikipedia is not a source for legally binding information.

Also, let me give you a few definitions for spyware that I found using google in just 2 minutes on various websites:-Ohne, dass Sie es überhaupt mitbekommen, sammeln Firmen so Daten über Ihre Vorlieben, Ihr Surfverhalten und andere persönliche Daten, um Ihnen gezielt Werbung und Produkte anbieten zu können. (Without your knowledge, companies collect data about your preferences, surf history and other personal data to show targetted ads to you or make targetted product offers)-Spyware zielt ausschließlich darauf ab, Identitätsdaten zu stehlen, die auf einem Rechner oder Mobilgerät gespeichert sind. (Spyware is aimed exclusively to steal data about your identity that are stored on your computer or mobile device)-Sie sammelt Informationen über ihr Surf-Verhalten, den Browserverlauf oder persönliche Angaben wie z. B. Kreditkartendaten (It collects data about your browsing behaviour, browser history or personal data like e.g. credit card data)

Oh look - everyone thinks it does something else than scan processes for known cheating software. How odd.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

I think he said that be has only been playing a month. If so he may be able to get a chargeback by contacting his bank or card issuer regardless of ANet's return policies.

a refund from anet and a charge back are different beasts.. charge back and anet will blacklist and more than likely close your account full stop and blacklist your card from being used on their systems most likely.If they refund then its entirely plausible that the account will be left open, perhaps downgraded to f2p, but still useable (in 6months time at least :) )

It's worse. A chargeback can get you blacklisted at Digital River which is used as a payment processor for all kind of internet services.

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@usnedward.9023 said:

@Ashen.2907 said:I wonder how many people saying that false positives are for the greater good would be willing to delete their own accounts to show solidarity.

Even the guilty ones are free to come back in 6 months though?

Solid point.

Uninstall for six months then?

Assuming the banned ones aren't using their not-banned alts, sure. Or else it just becomes "don't use your main account for 6 months". B)

I think there are more bans coming. My alt was not banned until today even though I do not actively play it. Um....so more probably to come? Amazes me still after so many days that people will not admit their fault as I have.

I saw your earlier posts and I honestly respect you for accepting responsibility for what you did. It's obvious you didn't go about it the best way, but I won't patronize you on that. I don't approve or condone but I can understand where your coming from.

WvW is a mess and I hope they got the guys that drove you to it for what it's worth.

Appreciate the kind words. I have had a good time and a good run here. As I have mentioned in previous comments GW2 was more of a past time than a life so though the ban sucks and I deserve what I got I think I am pretty much done with MMOs me thinks. I don't fault ANET as you can find in a previous posts months and months ago when people were complaining of hacks and cheats that I told them to be patient, it takes time for any developer to watch the hacks in progress, learn what they do then effectively close the hole. What we have found out through Gaile's response is it wasn't just one program they were looking for or at but many.

Unfortunately I didn't take my own advice and not much I can do or care to do about it. I have opened a ticket and what was in that ticket is private and we'll see their response but I am sure I am pretty much done here. I can't bring myself to buy another account and though I have heard many in private conversations to back charge my credit I couldn't help but laugh. Why punish ANET for what I did? I know some have and once you do that it's bye-bye for good regardless of the credit appeals process.

Very well measured and honest response .. that takes some doing under these circumstances so I pat you on the back for that.. though I don't support what you did, owning up to ones actions isn't really an easy thing to d so I wish you luck going forward.

Gailes response did turn this thread in another direction.. for sure.

The same players proclaiming innocence were originally telling us all that they only use 3rd party software listed as useable by ANET.. arcdps, taco.. then all of a sudden that changed to .. "but I only run Cheat engine, I don't use it in game but I wont say why I had it installed, why it was running alongside GW2 or what they actually use it for if not to cheat"So its kinda refreshing to see you stand up and take it on the chin like you have.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"starhunter.6015" said:

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

It was not spyware, it was only checking processes running along with GW2. It scanned for nothing more. It collected no personal information, no location data, no passwords. It is not tracking what web sites you went too. Many MMO's run programs like this to check for cheats and hacks.

No it opened each file and read it then sent it back to Anet servers.

That is the definition of spyware

Read the link to the reddit postRead it, yes.It sends a list of hashed values, a hash is destructive and you can't get the original content back.No "private" information, just a guess of what processes were used, which is required to detect a list of software they don't want you to use.

Stop posting misinformation

They will then go through all processes and get their file names. Those file names are then fed into the very same hash function as before at 0x6F4E90, which will open the respective files, read all their content, create a MD5 hash of it and returns said hash, which are then, again, stored in a list for later use.

While the list is submitted in form of hashes, those hashes are not salted, so they are trivially to reverse

Do you even read what you post?"create a MD5 hash of it and returns said hash"


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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@"starhunter.6015" said:

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

It was not spyware, it was only checking processes running along with GW2. It scanned for nothing more. It collected no personal information, no location data, no passwords. It is not tracking what web sites you went too. Many MMO's run programs like this to check for cheats and hacks.

No it opened each file and read it then sent it back to Anet servers.

That is the definition of spyware

Read the link to the reddit postRead it, yes.It sends a list of hashed values, a hash is destructive and you can't get the original content back.No "private" information, just a guess of what processes were used, which is required to detect a list of software they don't want you to use.

Stop posting misinformation

They will then go through all processes and get their file names. Those file names are then fed into the very same hash function as before at 0x6F4E90, which will open the respective files, read all their content, create a MD5 hash of it and returns said hash, which are then, again, stored in a list for later use.

While the list is submitted in form of hashes, those hashes are not salted, so they are trivially to reverse

Do you even read what you post?"create a MD5 hash of it and returns said hash"


While the list is submitted in form of hashes, those hashes are not salted, so they are trivial to reverse and match to a database

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:It couldn't be more clear. There is a list of software that violate the terms of service. Don't run those. As a matter of fact, if you VALUE your playtime, don't run any. The warning was in the terms of service you (likely didn't) read when you start the game.

My country's law > any terms of service. I read my countries laws. Period.

You just experienced what happens if you think your countries laws are going to keep you from being at risk from being banned when you violate the terms of service. how did that work out for you BTW?

Yes, if they don't unban me I will get a full refund. So, yay me.

Good luck with that.. you got banned for breaking ToS.. not sure a refund could/should be granted under those circumstances but if they do then.. cya.

I think he said that be has only been playing a month. If so he may be able to get a chargeback by contacting his bank or card issuer regardless of ANet's return policies.

a refund from anet and a charge back are different beasts.. charge back and anet will blacklist and more than likely close your account full stop and blacklist your card from being used on their systems most likely.If they refund then its entirely plausible that the account will be left open, perhaps downgraded to f2p, but still useable (in 6months time at least :) )

Yes, but a refund seems unlikely and it is very easy to acquire a new visa.

hence why I said good luck with the refund :)

As for getting a new visa.. used to be easy.. the world is a changed place these days when it comes to credit, of course a new debit card might be easier to get from another bank but hey.. hoops and loops I guess.

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@Twoodi.5849 said:

@"starhunter.6015" said:

No they installed spyware on March 6th and removed it on March 27th on all our computers.

You need to do your research and come back when you understand the entire situation

It was not spyware, it was only checking processes running along with GW2. It scanned for nothing more. It collected no personal information, no location data, no passwords. It is not tracking what web sites you went too. Many MMO's run programs like this to check for cheats and hacks.

No it opened each file and read it then sent it back to Anet servers.

That is the definition of spyware

Read the link to the reddit postRead it, yes.It sends a list of hashed values, a hash is destructive and you can't get the original content back.No "private" information, just a guess of what processes were used, which is required to detect a list of software they don't want you to use.

Stop posting misinformation

They will then go through all processes and get their file names. Those file names are then fed into the very same hash function as before at 0x6F4E90, which will open the respective files, read all their content, create a MD5 hash of it and returns said hash, which are then, again, stored in a list for later use.

While the list is submitted in form of hashes, those hashes are not salted, so they are trivially to reverse

Do you even read what you post?"create a MD5 hash of it and returns said hash"


While the list is submitted in form of hashes, those hashes are not salted, so they are trivial to reverse

So? Seems to be pointless to salt stuff like that since the contents of the files cannot be reversed. It can only be used to compare it with known files. So even your super secret business apps are not affected by this since Anet wont know the file corresponding to them.

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