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Skritt or Quaggans as Playable Race

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What if Anet made quaggans or skritt playable and made every voice line in the content before they were introduced something like the quaggan saying something along the lines of "coo, quaggan angry", or for the skritt something about shinnies for every line of dialog. I'd probably be laughing myself silly if this happened.....

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Skritt are great as the open world NPCs they are. They're good comic relief in small doses and turn interesting the more you have.Quaggan on the other hand never did it for me. For all I care, I wouldn't mind receiving an ingame mail and maybe a cutscene with some fancy Largos informing me that Sbubbles has eaten/turned them all and I must avenge them in GuildWars2: Tides of Tuna.

In short: Nope and nope. I'd rather have ANet develop other things like a new expansion and if we have to get new races, which is unlikely to happen, I'd rather not have the comic relief ones.

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Omg id make so many new characters if quaggan was available. I wouldnt even mind having no personal story! Though i wonder why we couldnt just bundle a bunch of new fun races into the same personal story with a particular theme separate from the rest - in order to properly support lore. My two cents.

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