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Balance Patch Rumours


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Balance patch should be about 2-3 weeks away (basing myself off Feb 6th's patch) and I have started to hear rumors about what we could get with engi, most sound like complete rubbish but this one caught my eye:

  • Concussion bomb's modifier goes from 0.6 to 1.2 (100% increase).

It would enter the rotation and grant engi the ability to put another condi on the enemy for modified ammo, sounds too synergistically good to be true considering what we have faced but wanted to share it here

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@ThePrestige.8236 said:Balance patch should be about 2-3 weeks away (basing myself off Feb 6th's patch) and I have started to hear rumors about what we could get with engi, most sound like complete rubbish but this one caught my eye:

  • Concussion bomb's modifier goes from 0.6 to 1.2 (100% increase).

It would enter the rotation and grant engi the ability to put another condi on the enemy for modified ammo, sounds too synergistically good to be true considering what we have faced but wanted to share it here

That might make concussion bomb worth using in PvE, but that change would simply turn it into a better version of the bomb autoattack, which is really lacking in flavor on ANet's part. If they gave it a daze, more confusion stacks, and maybe a short cripple, now we're talking flavor!

Also, where are you hearing these rumors?

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I really don’t think Anet plays the engie much themselves, especially in WvW. In the few times I saw them in EBG when we played against YB I didn’t see a single engie/scrapper/holosmith in any of the many encounters with thier hyperblob. Not once. All the players with Anet icons were scourge, guardians, firebrands etc. They basically just stuck with the current meta. It’s like they are making a game for themselves rather than for thier customers (us).

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"ThePrestige.8236" said:Balance patch should be about 2-3 weeks away (basing myself off Feb 6th's patch) and I have started to hear rumors about what we could get with engi, most sound like complete rubbish but this one caught my eye:
  • Concussion bomb's modifier goes from 0.6 to 1.2 (100% increase).

It would enter the rotation and grant engi the ability to put another condi on the enemy for modified ammo, sounds too synergistically good to be true considering what we have faced but wanted to share it here

make concussion bomb worth using in PvE, but that change would simply turn it into a better version of the bomb autoattack, which is really lacking in flavor on ANet's part. If they gave it a daze, more confusion stacks, and maybe a short cripple, now we're talking flavor!

Also, where are you hearing these rumors?

I don't think doubling down on confusion helps anyone since the changes to it...

Rumours start spreading on discord servers every time a patch is "near".

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@ThePrestige.8236 said:

@ThePrestige.8236 said:Balance patch should be about 2-3 weeks away (basing myself off Feb 6th's patch) and I have started to hear rumors about what we could get with engi, most sound like complete rubbish but this one caught my eye:
  • Concussion bomb's modifier goes from 0.6 to 1.2 (100% increase).

It would enter the rotation and grant engi the ability to put another condi on the enemy for modified ammo, sounds too synergistically good to be true considering what we have faced but wanted to share it here

make concussion bomb worth using in PvE, but that change would simply turn it into a better version of the bomb autoattack, which is really lacking in flavor on ANet's part. If they gave it a daze, more confusion stacks, and maybe a short cripple, now we're talking flavor!

Also, where are you hearing these rumors?

I don't think doubling down on confusion helps anyone since the changes to it...

Rumours start spreading on discord servers every time a patch is "near".

Confusion is still useful in PvP, and increasing stacks of it in PvE could increase its usefulness there, provided it's a significant increase in stacks.

@"Jaruselka.5943" said:I really don’t think Anet plays the engie much themselves, especially in WvW. In the few times I saw them in EBG when we played against YB I didn’t see a single engie/scrapper/holosmith in any of the many encounters with thier hyperblob. Not once. All the players with Anet icons were scourge, guardians, firebrands etc. They basically just stuck with the current meta. It’s like they are making a game for themselves rather than for thier customers (us).

I'm not particularly surprised, tbh. Their latest "buffs" to engineer were the result of either completely misunderstanding the class, or just trying to throw a worthless bone to appease people. The only good thing from these buffs was making mortar halfway decent in PvP.

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honestly if they get hit with a nerf bat in an entire trait-line then it's completely pointless to play them next season, which I'm sure we all know invention trait-line gonna get hit hard.........with that being said no "buff" gonna really help them when their getting gutted everywhere else imo.

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I don't like how this sounds honestly, it wouldn't accomplish anything regarding to the need of a change, Power Holo gets another skill for add to the rotation in the best of the cases.... This won't help to our demising condi situation and that means nothing for PvP/WvW (bombs are fundamentally flawed for those modes).

Is it so hard to recieve a Main Pistol buff?

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@"zoopop.5630" said:honestly if they get hit with a nerf bat in an entire trait-line then it's completely pointless to play them next season, which I'm sure we all know invention trait-line gonna get hit hard.........with that being said no "buff" gonna really help them when their getting gutted everywhere else imo.

Honestly, no I don't think so. Holo isn't mesmer level of viability, Inventions really isn't that OP. They might slap a 1-sec ICD on Anti-Corrosion Plating to prevent double cleanses but that's about it.

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@Lunateric.3708 said:I highly doubt they do anything meaningful to engineer this patch but I want to be completely wrong. Kinda annoying Holosmith is still Best in Slot for everything and Scrapper doesn't find a meaningful niche, same with base engi.

I'm hoping that they will buff the engineers' kits, like Grenade Kit, Elixir Gun and Tool Kit. It's the only way for core engineer to be buffed without buffing Scrapper or Holosmith.

I'm also hoping for Holosmith to get nerfed so that once they're in Photon Forge, they can't use healing skills and utility skills. I know this may seem harsh, but it's already a glass cannon specialization with too much sustain.

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@Hoodie.1045 said:

@Lunateric.3708 said:I highly doubt they do anything meaningful to engineer this patch but I want to be completely wrong. Kinda annoying Holosmith is still Best in Slot for everything and Scrapper doesn't find a meaningful niche, same with base engi.

I'm also hoping for Holosmith to get nerfed so that once they're in Photon Forge, they can't use healing skills and utility skills. I know this may seem harsh, but it's already a glass cannon specialization with too much sustain.

It may be one of the most balanced specs right now, has natural counters and has mixed play. If Holosmith was anywhere near OP you'd see pro teams stacking it and truth is some don't even use Holo at all.

Your idea isn't harsh, it's completely off mark. Just to give yourself and idea watch latest Tourney hosted by WP.

That's assuming you refer to PvP only, in PvE it would be completely overkill.

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@Lunateric.3708 said:

@Lunateric.3708 said:I highly doubt they do anything meaningful to engineer this patch but I want to be completely wrong. Kinda annoying Holosmith is still Best in Slot for everything and Scrapper doesn't find a meaningful niche, same with base engi.

I'm also hoping for Holosmith to get nerfed so that once they're in Photon Forge, they can't use healing skills and utility skills. I know this may seem harsh, but it's already a glass cannon specialization with too much sustain.

It may be one of the most balanced specs right now, has natural counters and has mixed play. If Holosmith was anywhere near OP you'd see pro teams stacking it and truth is some don't even use Holo at all.

Your idea isn't harsh, it's completely off mark. Just to give yourself and idea watch latest Tourney hosted by WP.

That's assuming you refer to PvP only, in PvE it would be completely overkill.

Agreed. Holosmith is in a good spot now but will need nerfs if the meta receives nerfs as well.

Hoodie is a little overzealous to get people back on core, lol

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@Lunateric.3708 said:I highly doubt they do anything meaningful to engineer this patch but I want to be completely wrong. Kinda annoying Holosmith is still Best in Slot for everything and Scrapper doesn't find a meaningful niche, same with base engi.

I'm also hoping for Holosmith to get nerfed so that once they're in Photon Forge, they can't use healing skills and utility skills. I know this may seem harsh, but it's already a glass cannon specialization with too much sustain.

It may be one of the most balanced specs right now, has natural counters and has mixed play. If Holosmith was anywhere near OP you'd see pro teams stacking it and truth is some don't even use Holo at all.

Your idea isn't harsh, it's completely off mark. Just to give yourself and idea watch latest Tourney hosted by WP.

That's assuming you refer to PvP only, in PvE it would be completely overkill.

Agreed. Holosmith is in a good spot now but will need nerfs if the meta receives nerfs as well.

Hoodie is a little overzealous to get people back on core, lol

Not overzealous, it's just that it's ArenaNet talks all the time about wanting to have build variety, that everyone will have lots of builds to play with and everyone will be on par with one another. The problem with that statement is that they made Holosmith too good that core and Scrapper don't even compete with it. That's my biggest problem. You can forget the nerf I even proposed for the Holosmith, I'm just hoping the balance patch that's coming soon to include buffs for the kits and maybe improve some of the Scrappers' gyros.

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@Hoodie.1045 said:I'm also hoping for Holosmith to get nerfed so that once they're in Photon Forge, they can't use healing skills and utility skills. I know this may seem harsh, but it's already a glass cannon specialization with too much sustain.

No other glass cannon is given that kind of punishment. Holosmith's damage doesn't actually deviate too significantly from other high damage classes, and the sustain on holosmith is critical because engineer has some of the lowest mobility in the game, tied with necromancer. We simply can't disengage from a fight unless the enemy is dead or crippled/chilled.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:No other glass cannon is given that kind of punishment. Holosmith's damage doesn't actually deviate too significantly from other high damage classes, and the sustain on holosmith is critical because engineer has some of the lowest mobility in the game, tied with necromancer. We simply can't disengage from a fight unless the enemy is dead or crippled/chilled.

Holo is highly mobile. With Photon Forge Skill 2 you have Access to perma superspeed, then you have 2x 1200 leapers on each 16s CD (rocket boots) with 3s of superspeed, you can have the rifle 5 jump. If infight Holo can be faster than anything except thiefes. When out of fight, where superspeed is on pair with swiftness mesmer, revenant and fast warriors can keep up that is right.

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@Prinzsecond.4863 said:

@Vagrant.7206 said:No other glass cannon is given that kind of punishment. Holosmith's damage doesn't actually deviate too significantly from other high damage classes, and the sustain on holosmith is critical because engineer has some of the lowest mobility in the game, tied with necromancer. We simply can't disengage from a fight unless the enemy is dead or crippled/chilled.

Holo is highly mobile. With Photon Forge Skill 2 you have Access to perma superspeed, then you have 2x 1200 leapers on each 16s CD (rocket boots) with 3s of superspeed, you can have the rifle 5 jump. If infight Holo can be faster than anything except thiefes. When out of fight, where superspeed is on pair with swiftness mesmer, revenant and fast warriors can keep up that is right.

You choose between being viable in a fight and being highly mobile..... The best Holosmith is not mobile at all

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