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2 Phantasms on Staff


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Taken in a vacuum, on its own there's nothing wrong with 2 phantasms on staff - it helps with staff clone production. It's not an issue on core or mirage tbh.

Of course when looked at through chrono, then yeah the problems arise.

I tentatively hold on to the idea that phantasms ought to be glorified visual effects only rather than npc entities, maybe making them appear even more ghostly, not able to body block and not block the cursor if needing to select a target behind them, and so be untargetable (yeah I get that defender would need to be factored into this) until transforming into clones.

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@Pyroatheist.9031 said:

@viquing.8254 said:It worries me since the phantasms rework : why staff gain 2 phantasms ?Did they gave any explanation or someone have an idea about this ?

Cause they nerfed it so hard that just 1 would seem like an insult? Idk, come up with your own fun reason.

This is a reasonable assertion.

Prior we had a coefficient of .69 with a 10% buff per condi. Now it’s .45 with a little bit of vuln and no longer persistent.

Why then did they not just make it a single phant with a harder attack? Probably because they wanted more clone generation as this weapon performs better the more clones and bounces you have going on. This is also important when considering how useful phase retreat is as a tool and accomidating plays to save it, to use it strategically without sitting with only 1 clone on the board.

At least this is what I’ve come up with....

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Daishi.6027 said:Probably because they wanted more clone generation as this weapon performs better the more clones and bounces you have going on.

Yup, you pretty much got it. To add onto that, having it summon two phantasms (to make two clones) helped give it a stronger unique identity when compared to the other phantasm skills.

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@Robert Gee.9246 said:

@Daishi.6027 said:Probably because they wanted more clone generation as this weapon performs better the more clones and bounces you have going on.

Yup, you pretty much got it. To add onto that, having it summon two phantasms (to make two clones) helped give it a stronger unique identity when compared to the other phantasm skills.

if by stronger unique identity you mean clutter the screen with even more billions of phantasms then yup, you got it.

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@Robert Gee.9246 said:

@Daishi.6027 said:Probably because they wanted more clone generation as this weapon performs better the more clones and bounces you have going on.

Yup, you pretty much got it. To add onto that, having it summon two phantasms (to make two clones) helped give it a stronger unique identity when compared to the other phantasm skills.

Just want to say great job on the Mesmer rework. This is the most fun I've had in the game. :)

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@Elva.6372 said:

if by stronger unique identity you mean clutter the screen with even more billions of phantasms then yup, you got it.

that is
part of the Mesmer style of combat: obfuscation and sowing confusion.

I wholeheartedly agree. For me, it is the core of the class and I'm sorry if my opponent has trouble picking me out of a crowd. ;)

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@Robert Gee.9246 said:

@Daishi.6027 said:Probably because they wanted more clone generation as this weapon performs better the more clones and bounces you have going on.

Yup, you pretty much got it. To add onto that, having it summon two phantasms (to make two clones) helped give it a stronger unique identity when compared to the other phantasm skills.

I’m going to join the rest of the crew up there.

This is the most fun I’ve gotten out of mesmer in terms of gameplay, in the last 5 years. The rework has done a fantastic job of pushing the profession back to its roots of confusing the enemy. Offers many options for creative plays, unless you’re a phantasm passivemancer chrono obv. :lol:

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@Robert Gee.9246 said:

@Daishi.6027 said:Probably because they wanted more clone generation as this weapon performs better the more clones and bounces you have going on.

Yup, you pretty much got it. To add onto that, having it summon two phantasms (to make two clones) helped give it a stronger unique identity when compared to the other phantasm skills.

Is there any way to remove the animations phantasms have after attacking (like lowering axes, stepping backwards after a flurry, etc) so they can be shattered faster?

The new iMage is very quick, but other, especially iWarden, take forever to get replaced.


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@Robert Gee.9246 said:

@"Daishi.6027" said:Probably because they wanted more clone generation as this weapon performs better the more clones and bounces you have going on.

Yup, you pretty much got it. To add onto that, having it summon two phantasms (to make two clones) helped give it a stronger unique identity when compared to the other phantasm skills.

Thanks for that. I really love staff. It's very fun to use and an excellent defensive weapon with solid damage output. I never would have beaten that angry Mushroom Queen in Tangled Depths without it! But a few suggestions:

1) Add actual armor to chaos armor. It fits thematically. Also, I figure a little damage reduction goes a long way for a class that is designed to avoid the majority of incoming strikes. You might also consider a cooldown reduction. Bonus Points: Make the armor boost "chaotic".

2) I absolutely love chaos storm! It's the only combo field in my build, so it's a critical skill for me and one of several key reasons that I love staff! But a cooldown reduction would be nice. Also, if we could make chaos storm just a tiny bit less chaotic by ensuring the initial pulse provides aegis?

3) Increase Winds of Chaos/Chaos Vortex travel speeds.

4) Is there some way to prioritize the damage strike to the target so that projectiles don't get consumed entirely by allies for boons?

Just my little wish list there.

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