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Ranger one shot


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My friend made this build for his first 80 years ago o.oIt's a super old concept. People just don't seem to understand how damage multipliers work.I theorized as similar build for WvW which would allow for a ranger OS autoattack using longbow to hit for 17k.

It used to hit harder with the old MoC and SotH. 35-45k were not uncommon numbers.

It's basically just like signet D/D thief, though. Burns a lot of resources and viability of its kit overall to get that damage.

Powercreep and the general game state has people pushing these kinds of builds harder and harder, though. With the unbelievable amount of sustain in-game today, people opt for builds that just ignore it as best they can.

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@PaRaPhReNiA.8763 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Played one game today, and had 3 power SB-s in the game right away (top25 EU). And they hit pretty brutal.

We played core ranger if u referring to the match on templeYeah that one. Honestly I wasn't sure because I've kept seeing multiple core / SB-s (I think mostly core) in the past few games :)

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It’s stupid being able to 1 shot (if blowing all cds, might stacking etc can be called that) but this is also a really bad build.

Once in a while you get someone, if you miss? You just wasted everything and are now pretty much defenseless in zerker gear.

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Played one game today, and had 3 power SB-s in the game right away (top25 EU). And they hit pretty brutal.

We played core ranger if u referring to the match on templeYeah that one. Honestly I wasn't sure because I've kept seeing multiple core / SB-s (I think mostly core) in the past few games :)

You played power mirage right? Actually power mirage does way more dmg than core ranger ( u can actually oneshot). I don't get it why there are 2 threads about ranger/ soulbeast being able to one shot ppl and none about mirages being able to do the same while having sustain haha .. This community

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@PaRaPhReNiA.8763 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Played one game today, and had 3 power SB-s in the game right away (top25 EU). And they hit pretty brutal.

We played core ranger if u referring to the match on templeYeah that one. Honestly I wasn't sure because I've kept seeing multiple core / SB-s (I think mostly core) in the past few games :)

You played power mirage right? Actually power mirage does way more dmg than core ranger ( u can actually oneshot). I don't get it why there are 2 threads about ranger/ soulbeast being able to one shot ppl and none about mirages being able to do the same while having sustain haha .. This communityYeah. Personally I don't think they are overpowered or anything. But both power and Soulbeast certainly made a comeback to the meta. Guess this is more down to the fact that people scrapped druid and took these builds instead.Btw, I don't really agree about oneshot, you can only properly oneshot with SB ranger (see the first post) and power mirage if you play full cheese zerker builds. Which are not viable at the top.

edit: I checked the build you posted a few weeks ago, but you weren't running staff yesterday right? IIRC it was LB + GS

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Played one game today, and had 3 power SB-s in the game right away (top25 EU). And they hit pretty brutal.

We played core ranger if u referring to the match on templeYeah that one. Honestly I wasn't sure because I've kept seeing multiple core / SB-s (I think mostly core) in the past few games :)

You played power mirage right? Actually power mirage does way more dmg than core ranger ( u can actually oneshot). I don't get it why there are 2 threads about ranger/ soulbeast being able to one shot ppl and none about mirages being able to do the same while having sustain haha .. This communityYeah. Personally I don't think they are overpowered or anything. But both power and Soulbeast certainly made a comeback to the meta. Guess this is more down to the fact that people scrapped druid and took these builds instead.Btw, I don't really agree about oneshot, you can only properly oneshot with SB ranger (see the first post) and power mirage if you play full cheese zerker builds. Which are not viable at the top.

edit: I checked the build you posted a few weeks ago, but you weren't running staff yesterday right? IIRC it was LB + GS

That was the power druid build for season 10, which u cannot really play nowadays cuz of nerfs.. I play core ranger since the end of s10, which is played with LB+GS most of the times. I think u can even find the build on meta battle (maybe not that "up to date" but im too lazy to check rn ^^)

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Most guys didn't explain why something is broken/op/ so on...But yeah, ranger can do high range dmg much higher meele dmg and do them really save, maybe they don't hit but its hard to stop a combo.

Oh and btw its not needed to hit a target with maul on gs to get the dmg boost on pet/ you if you're in soulbeast mode :open_mouth:

Now let me see new opener combos with gs and swap to lb to get a higher dmg on the first hit xD

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@PaRaPhReNiA.8763 said:

You played power mirage right? Actually power mirage does way more dmg than core ranger ( u can actually oneshot). I don't get it why there are 2 threads about ranger/ soulbeast being able to one shot ppl and none about mirages being able to do the same while having sustain


haha .. This community

And this.

One more time:

haha .. This community

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@PaRaPhReNiA.8763 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Played one game today, and had 3 power SB-s in the game right away (top25 EU). And they hit pretty brutal.

We played core ranger if u referring to the match on templeYeah that one. Honestly I wasn't sure because I've kept seeing multiple core / SB-s (I think mostly core) in the past few games :)

You played power mirage right? Actually power mirage does way more dmg than core ranger ( u can actually oneshot). I don't get it why there are 2 threads about ranger/ soulbeast being able to one shot ppl and none about mirages being able to do the same while having sustain haha .. This community

Well the difference is that power mirage is viable and this ranger build is not. I think the responses to this thread are more about curiosity than anything else. I only created it because i thought it was interesting to get hit so crazy hard and was curious if it was new.

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@Sampson.2403 said:Well the difference is that power mirage is viable and this ranger build is not. I think the responses to this thread are more about curiosity than anything else. I only created it because i thought it was interesting to get hit so crazy hard and was curious if it was new.The build which was used to hit 26k is not viable, obviously. Power ranger / SB IS very viable though. Most druids rerolled to power rangers since the last update based on my experience.

I'll go even further: I have 100+ matches played this season, and I have encountered 2 power mirages in total (1 of them was Frostball playing and he plays all builds anyway). While power ranger players, I've encountered around 6 yesterday only.

This is more likely down to the fact that mesmer has around 3 viable builds at the moment and power mirage is the weakest of them all (yet still viable). Bunker chrono and condi mirage are performing better currently.

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@"Liewec.2896" said:its synergy and stacking,maul/world breaker already hit hard but rangers also have things like:"Moment of Clarity"(marksmanship master) +50% damage on next hit after interrupting enemy."Remorseless" (marksmanship GM): +25% damage on next hit when you gain fury (also this hit is always a crit because of the minor trait "Precise Strike")

add that to lots of little extras like:"Furious Strength" (soulbeast minor) +7% damage while you have fury."Twice as Vicious" (soulbeast minor) +5% damage for 4 seconds when disabling a foe."Oppressive Superiority" (soulbeast GM) +10% damage to foes with less health percentage than you."Two handed Training" (beastmastery master) +10% damage with greatsword"pet's prowess" (beastmastery minor) 10% increased crit damage when merged with pet."loud whistle" (beastmastery minor) 10% increased damage while above 90%hp.

utility skill "Sic em!" grants +40% damage for 10 seconds too

simply interrupting an enemy (with hilt bash), activating "Sic Em!" and granting yourself fury (with Moa Stance for example) will cause your next maul to always crit and deal atleast +147% damage, +167% if your hp is over 90% and above that of your enemy!ja5qDD9.gif

Dat sexy 20k HP banishment oof

So, like mesmers, be prepared to stunbreak and dodge when you get dazed/ stunned. Nothing new~

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In my point of view, some glass cannon SlB isn't such a big issue, worldly impact is easy to dodge, in fact you don't even need to evade it, i usually just walk away from it. Plus the ranger keeps getting hit with nerfs, SoT got re-worked (in my point of view a 3 sec direct damage immunity is useless), druid got nerf over its head so yes most ranger would go glass cannon to drain the enemy before they even have a chance to counter. Please note that SlBs are easy to counter, most of them if not all of them have low defence and only high damage, maybe some runing marauder have some HP as well, but still i've seen deadeyes and thieves 1 shotting SlBs like it was nothing so i don't see a problem with the SlB being able to deliver high damage. In my point of view this is a L2P issue, learn to dodge worldly impact, once you learn that just go aggressive on the SlB, you should be able to knock them down easly after they got in close combat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Running a pure Marks/Skirm one shot gimmick does not work in higher tier play for many reasons. If you want a high DPS Soulbeast, it will need to aim more at 2 shot = kill rather than 1 shot, and it will end up looking something like this:

Wild: middle - bottom - middleBeast: bottom - middle - topSoul: middle - top - bottom

LB: Fallibility & PerilGS: Energy & EscapeBerserker/Pack Rune

6 - Bear Stance7 - Moa Stance8 - Quick Zephyr9 - Protect Me0 - Strength of Pack

Rock Gazelle as main pet for F2 run "strong disengage when paired with GS3 and superspeed". The F2 is also a strong opener for the kill combo due to the daze. You can LB #3 stealth, F2 in with the daze, Worldly Impact which will inflict taunt on this build, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul = Dead. If they are baited out of most of their defensive skills, it is usually inescapable death. Most importantly though, that F2 allows the build to be evasive enough to where only Thief builds can keep up with you, yes it can outrun Mesmers. When this build runs and engages 1v1, it can win all of its 1v1s on balanced ground, outside of vs. Mirages.

Normal Grey Wolf is a good selection for 2nd pet, used only in downstate "You won't want to swap off Rock Gazelle and lose F2, due to the daze, gap closer, and it hits almost as hard as Maul". When downed, throw 2, let the Gazelle use it's attacks and then F2 with its CC. Swap to Wolf, throw 2 again, let Wolf use its knockdown, then F2 fear, swap back to Gazelle = repeat. It's one of the more annoying downstate builds possible in GW2 and if you don't down the player trying to kill you, it will generally take a long duration of time to actually kill the Soulbeast. It's a good option to defend a node, if you know someone is coming to + and save the node, otherwise just respawn.

Why Fallibility & Peril? This build is played as a Roamer decap +, very similar to a Thief. So when you are +ing fights, the Fallibility & Peril stacks well with the function of vuln stacking with Rapid Fire. It helps everyone deal more damage to the called target.

Why Energy & Escape? First of all, you won't need any damage buffs on the GS side, I assure you. The GS is often used as an escape side, which is important to have that extra dodge and the effects of Escape. The GS side's disengage factor is every bit as important as it's damage values, for when you are being +'d.

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