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Is Iboga bugged or intended?


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Pretty much what the title says. It's dps is so high right now in certain situations that everyone assumes it is bugged. Any word on whether it is actually bugged, or if it's just working as intended? I haven't done the numbers, but the skill causing the dps lists that it deals more damage per condition on target. Would be good to get a dev response as to whether we can include it in benchmarks and stuff.

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I hope they don't nerf it. I don't think it is too crazy for PvE, like the pet was useless before (completely), now it has a place in raids and world bosses, which is PvE content and is totally fine where it can be strong. I like having a new mix for the best pets, its been the same couple of pets for so long.

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@AnariiUK.7409 said:There's no way they intended the pet to be doing this much damage.

It's a mix. If it still had the previous cast and aftercasts from before, then the DPS would be in-line and probably what they actually intended, but Anet did things out of order (as usual) so now the Iboga is quite strong due to buffing its skills BEFORE fixing them.

Edit: Grammar

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Sadly, it's just a matter of time before the complaints rise to the level of another ranger pet nerf. Can't have any pet be dangerous in PvP. Hopefully, the nerf will only be in PvP, but I have my doubts.

I hopes so too. I personally dont like the Iboga because i am a utility fetishist regarding pets, but the dmg is fantastic for Closed PvE and OW.If they nerf the dmg per condition applied in competitive modes i can understand but its far from OP in PvE although it is strong.I wish we had more pets doing reasonable dmg in PvE.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Sadly, it's just a matter of time before the complaints rise to the level of another ranger pet nerf. Can't have any pet be dangerous in PvP. Hopefully, the nerf will only be in PvP, but I have my doubts.

I hopes so too. I personally dont like the Iboga because i am a utility fetishist regarding pets, but the dmg is fantastic for Closed PvE and OW.If they nerf the dmg per condition applied in competitive modes i can understand but its far from OP in PvE although it is strong.I wish we had more pets doing reasonable dmg in PvE.

I'd argue that it's overpowered when compared to the other pets. With Lynx/Jacaranda as DPS pets it was always a trade off to bring extra utility, and not a huge loss if you did want to switch to a second pet to cc.

Comparatively with Iboga you just camp the same pet permanently, you'd be mad to ever switch to anything else. It even has a CC built in.

Another worry is that it arguably makes druid overpowered again, and I'd rather see this pet nerfed than the whole class again.

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@AnariiUK.7409 said:

@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Sadly, it's just a matter of time before the complaints rise to the level of another ranger pet nerf. Can't have any pet be dangerous in PvP. Hopefully, the nerf will only be in PvP, but I have my doubts.

I hopes so too. I personally dont like the Iboga because i am a utility fetishist regarding pets, but the dmg is fantastic for Closed PvE and OW.If they nerf the dmg per condition applied in competitive modes i can understand but its far from OP in PvE although it is strong.I wish we had more pets doing reasonable dmg in PvE.

I'd argue that it's overpowered when compared to the other pets. With Lynx/Jacaranda as DPS pets it was always a trade off to bring extra utility, and not a huge loss if you did want to switch to a second pet to cc.

Comparatively with Iboga you just camp the same pet permanently, you'd be mad to ever switch to anything else. It even has a CC built in.

Another worry is that it arguably makes druid overpowered again, and I'd rather see this pet nerfed than the whole class again.

As i said i wish we had more pets doing such dmg. Only PvE ofc. It gives atleast some insentive to keep them alive or stay unmerged.Bonus stats should compensate for the dmg loss not give more.

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@Ardenwolfe.8590 said:Sadly, it's just a matter of time before the complaints rise to the level of another ranger pet nerf. Can't have any pet be dangerous in PvP. Hopefully, the nerf will only be in PvP, but I have my doubts.

I doubt it will be PvP only, unfortunately the Raid community has become as toxic as the PvP community and now demands nerfs for any build that preforms well. Which is funny as the people who are crying for nerfs are just announcing to the world how much they rely on people playing these meta builds to carry them through content.

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Maybe Anet could consider doing skill splits on pets if/when the Iboga gets nerfed. Pets currently have no skill splits between modes - only vitality stat scaling - and doing some would widen the selection if players could slot a canine (for instance) without taking a DPS loss compared to the usual Feline or Jacaranda.

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@AnariiUK.7409 said:I'd argue that it's overpowered when compared to the other pets. With Lynx/Jacaranda as DPS pets it was always a trade off to bring extra utility, and not a huge loss if you did want to switch to a second pet to cc.

Ah, there in lies the solution. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048, double the damage of all the other pets in PvE so the Iboga's DPS looks normal when compared to the other pets. Git on it! :smirk:

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:

I'd argue that it's overpowered when compared to the other pets.
With Lynx/Jacaranda as DPS pets it was always a trade off to bring extra utility, and not a huge loss if you did want to switch to a second pet to cc.

Ah, there in lies the solution. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048, double the damage of all the other pets in PvE so the Iboga's DPS looks normal when compared to the other pets. Git on it! :smirk:

This, but unironically. Please? :cookie:

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:

I'd argue that it's overpowered when compared to the other pets.
With Lynx/Jacaranda as DPS pets it was always a trade off to bring extra utility, and not a huge loss if you did want to switch to a second pet to cc.

Ah, there in lies the solution. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048, double the damage of all the other pets in PvE so the Iboga's DPS looks normal when compared to the other pets. Git on it! :smirk:Or just revert all the nerfs that were done for the sake of PVP whining, which amounts to basically the same thing.

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:

I'd argue that it's overpowered when compared to the other pets.
With Lynx/Jacaranda as DPS pets it was always a trade off to bring extra utility, and not a huge loss if you did want to switch to a second pet to cc.

Ah, there in lies the solution. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048, double the damage of all the other pets in PvE so the Iboga's DPS looks normal when compared to the other pets. Git on it! :smirk:

It might not actually be a bad idea if they could skill-split it to be PvE only, the important thing is just standardising the damage across all pet archetypes and not having one outlier that's taken mostly everywhere. Heck, as you said before, it could even open up some interesting unmerge rotations for both power and condi-soulbeast; both of which are somewhat underwhelming in PvE right now.

Druid to me remains a problem though, there's something wrong about a fully defensively geared player dealing almost 10k DPS while being basically unkillable. It's a shame that pets don't currently scale based on the player's own stats. Here's hoping for the ranger pet rework up next! ;)

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@jcbroe.4329 said:And now it's practically useless.

The ANet devs hard at work to live up to their reputation.

I wouldn't say it's useless, but they did pretty much gut and defang it. Against bosses, it may still have its uses if the raid puts a ton of conditions on it. But . . . yeah. Not happy at all with this nerf.

Sigh. Another patch. And another serious nerf for rangers . . . but not unexpected. And I really don't know why they did this in PvE as well.

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@AnariiUK.7409 said:

I'd argue that it's overpowered when compared to the other pets.
With Lynx/Jacaranda as DPS pets it was always a trade off to bring extra utility, and not a huge loss if you did want to switch to a second pet to cc.

Ah, there in lies the solution. @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048", double the damage of all the other pets in PvE so the Iboga's DPS looks normal when compared to the other pets. Git on it! :smirk:

It might not actually be a bad idea if they could skill-split it to be PvE only, the important thing is just standardising the damage across all pet archetypes and not having one outlier that's taken mostly everywhere. Heck, as you said before, it could even open up some interesting unmerge rotations for both power and condi-soulbeast; both of which are somewhat underwhelming in PvE right now.

Druid to me remains a problem though, there's something wrong about a fully defensively geared player dealing almost 10k DPS while being basically unkillable. It's a shame that pets don't currently scale based on the player's own stats. Here's hoping for the ranger pet rework up next! ;)

So you're saying "its ok to nerf it in pvp but not in pve".

I never thought IBOGA was an outlier. All the pets are sKitten and iboga was a little less sKittierI did my testing with it. But yanno, I'm not playing at plat 2 the only mode that matters /eyeroll-- @Trevor Boyer.6524 Are you?

Anert catches a whiff of something maybe strong for rangers and BAM they are on it!Why'd it take them this long to heavy hand the mesmers?

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