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It's time to give DH small buffs


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@Lahmia.2193 said:F2 is too overloaded with stuff already, to add a evade of all things.

And yet one interrupt denies all of its effects and leaves you with 25 sec window with nothing. I do not think it needs evade, but it surely needs something to prevent losing all of its effects and going on 25 sec with one CC, espically when CC spam is at a historic level.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Lahmia.2193 said:F2 is too overloaded with stuff already, to add a evade of all things.

And yet one interrupt denies all of its effects and leaves you with 25 sec window with nothing. I do not think it needs evade, but it surely needs something to prevent losing all of its effects and going on 25 sec with one CC, espically when CC spam is at a historic level.

You have a good point of nearly all the benefit of f2 being cancelled if it's interrupted. I think a good compromise would be to treat f2 just like Daredevil staff 5 where you get an evade during the first 1/2 second of the leap but the landing can be interrupted. That way, people can't deny you the mobility (withholding wards of course) of f2 but can deny you the heal/condi clears which I believe is key to balance. It's a very powerful skill so I think it needs counterplay.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:

@Lahmia.2193 said:F2 is too overloaded with stuff already, to add a evade of all things.

And yet one interrupt denies all of its effects and leaves you with 25 sec window with nothing. I do not think it needs evade, but it surely needs something to prevent losing all of its effects and going on 25 sec with one CC, espically when CC spam is at a historic level.

You have a good point of nearly all the benefit of f2 being cancelled if it's interrupted. I think a good compromise would be to treat f2 just like Daredevil staff 5 where you get an evade during the first 1/2 second of the leap but the landing can be interrupted. That way, people can't deny you the mobility (withholding wards of course) of f2 but can deny you the heal/condi clears which I believe is key to balance. It's a very powerful skill so I think it needs counterplay.

Good idea!

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:

@Lahmia.2193 said:F2 is too overloaded with stuff already, to add a evade of all things.

And yet one interrupt denies all of its effects and leaves you with 25 sec window with nothing. I do not think it needs evade, but it surely needs something to prevent losing all of its effects and going on 25 sec with one CC, espically when CC spam is at a historic level.

You have a good point of nearly all the benefit of f2 being cancelled if it's interrupted. I think a good compromise would be to treat f2 just like Daredevil staff 5 where you get an evade during the first 1/2 second of the leap but the landing can be interrupted. That way, people can't deny you the mobility (withholding wards of course) of f2 but can deny you the heal/condi clears which I believe is key to balance. It's a very powerful skill so I think it needs counterplay.

Yeah that would be a fair way to add it.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:I like the changes but I wouldn't put 2 charges on F3 but rather F2. More condi cleanse and double evade sounds nice and helps with sustain and mobility.The all around block trait idea sounds good IMO.

I'm not sure charges are appropriate on any of guard's virtues, but then again, I'm pretty damn sure charges aren't appropriate for mesmer's f1 shatter... So screw it, put charges on a virtue!

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:I like the changes but I wouldn't put 2 charges on F3 but rather F2. More condi cleanse and double evade sounds nice and helps with sustain and mobility.The all around block trait idea sounds good IMO.

I'm not sure charges are appropriate on any of guard's virtues, but then again, I'm pretty kitten sure charges aren't appropriate for mesmer's f1 shatter... So screw it, put charges on a virtue!

To be clear, Mesmers have to trait to get 2 charges on F1/Mind Wrack.

I still think Virtues should've had the FB trait to retain the Virtue passives when used.

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@Barnabus Stinson.1409 said:Okay, So I recently swapped back to a guardian after playing Necro from HoT till now. Your need for love is tiny by comparasson. I am hitting 15% harder, and can do something about CC. I am not saying Gaurd isnt still outclassed by the Beloved 3 (Warrior, Mesmer, Ranger) but there are others that need the love more.

It's not about who needs it more... If you feel Necro needs buffs as well voice it out to the community too

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i would love F2 to get some love - idk if its evade or be uninterrupted... maybe do its effects on yourself when you activate the skill and group effects when landing... this is one of the worst skills when you get interrupted since you get nothing and a 20s+ CD :(

also agree that DH looks good besides that... the issue really is the overtuning of other specs

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DH's inherent design is flawed that was only viable at HoT launch due to OP nonsense like unblockable daze traps with ToF. (so was core guard), half the traits depend on guardians never activating virtues, half the traits depend on guardians always using their virtues (only somewhat fixed by FB's loremaster trait, which unless it becomes baseline, I can guarantee the next elite spec for guardians will be a mess again).

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@Opopanax.1803 said:Biggest change I would like to see on DH would be some small buffs to longbow. I think other stuff is fine atm.

I agree, for Longbow being DH's signature weapon it's really underwhelming compared to scepter/focus (I also just hate Guardian scepter in general but w/e I'll use it when damage matters). There aren't too many elite specs where their signature weapon is pretty much blanketly excluded from most of the meta at the moment, so that definitely resonates as a problem that needs fixing.

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True Shot definitely needs at least 10% of its damage back. The root's there to make you choose - choices are always welcome imo - so I'd keep it. But it's hella telegraphed so there's no reason for it to stay in its nerfed damage state.

Reduce the cast speed of Symbol of Energy, it's too goddamn clunky in a meta like this. You could chip off some of the cast animation of F1 as well.

Some of the traits like Defender's Dog-man and Big Kitten Hunter are just lackluster to the max. The forced 'synergy' is very hit or miss.

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