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Is Blackgate dying?


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@Shagaliscious.6281 said:Now BG knows what it feels like to be the #3 server in tier 1. Getting aj'd by 2 servers 24/7. Sucks, doesn't it?

You really think anyone on BG care? Lol, I only regret that I don't have decent guild to join and fight, biggest BG WVW guildcan currently field 10 people at once at most...you're basically fighting pugs whole week, and can't even have better KDRdespite assjamming all the time

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@Nikola.3841 said:

@Shagaliscious.6281 said:Now BG knows what it feels like to be the #3 server in tier 1. Getting aj'd by 2 servers 24/7. Sucks, doesn't it?

You really think anyone on BG care?

100 percent there are people on that server that care a great deal. But now we get PR Wars 2 where we get assured that really no one on BG cares about winning in the slightest and it's just fun for everyone there to finally get a good fight.

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@Israel.7056 said:

@"Shagaliscious.6281" said:Now BG knows what it feels like to be the #3 server in tier 1. Getting aj'd by 2 servers 24/7. Sucks, doesn't it?

You really think anyone on BG care?

100 percent there are people on that server that care a great deal. But now we get PR Wars 2 where we get assured that really no one on BG cares about winning in the slightest and it's just fun for everyone there to finally get a good fight.

Well, can't really call this mess a "good fight" as I played way better pvp games, but its decent compared to utter boredom of winning at Sunday already.Still wish there would be something like 8vs8 scene in DAOC, if anyone notices something like that somewhere, please send me PM :)

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I hope SBI & JQ ppt BG into T2. Then I hope YB & FA ppt BG into T3. Then I hope Mag & TC ppt BG into T4.Then I hope that server implodes a horrible horrible death, its population conveniently spreading out to the other servers in such a way that there are more interesting matches in all four tiers, not just sometimes in T2~3.

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@"Kovu.7560" said:I hope SBI & JQ ppt BG into T2. Then I hope YB & FA ppt BG into T3. Then I hope Mag & TC ppt BG into T4.Then I hope that server implodes a horrible horrible death, its population conveniently spreading out to the other servers in such a way that there are more interesting matches in all four tiers, not just sometimes in T2~3.

The problem with this game is no one is willing to play the game the right way thus BG gets away with alot when the game design is based on double teaming the strongest server, we've went years without it happening because no one is willing to PPT. Because PPT isnt deemed fun and the work require to beat down BG even in its half dead state is extreme. So that even if BG fell out of Tier 1, I highly doubt any community down there will be as coordinated and focused to hold BG down.

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TC plays the game the way it was intended...as a distraction from real life for FUN.Our meta is "field whatever the hell you want" and pray someone wants to tag up and lead that.We live and die by the thought that "you win some, you lose some".And I am proud that, with the exception of the occasional "guild fun night", we haven't succumbed to the scourge that is "fielding the most scourges to win".

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@Maxxamillion.4125 said:BG is certainly not dying, it's just facing an arranged 4v1 and lots of ppl pulling big overtime.I'm not complaining, it's the most fun wvw has been for ages, and a great time to come play on BG.I have yet to see BG lose a single even fight, not that there are many.The guilds that left BG to supposedly get more fights have missed out big time, those who remain have been magnificent.

You talk about Jq and Kaineng guilds pulling overtime forgetting that Multiple guilds on Bg are playing extremely longer hours of WvW because Bg is losing It's all their own choice but I have found Bg guilds staying on for much longer

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@tacomex.8179 said:

@Kolmena.2416 said:if it's gonna be a dead server which server should I go to?

I think your answer is obvious. Transfer to the server that is currently in first place.

But the JQ is closed babe. Why dont you recruit him for FA while BG hibernates. I'm sure Kolmena is a quality pug and an awesome Roleplayer.

Hello, who dis?

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BG has always had guilds that tag up or stay up long hours. The pugs on our server are well known for also putting in long hours. That's nothing new. Plus who wouldn't want the amount of loot BG players are currently getting. None of us care if we go to T2, we will come back up and go back down if that's how the points go, that has never been an issue with the players on BG. If the fights are good better for us, even if its in t4. We just don't want to pay to move we like our community, we know when all of our tags, scouts, guilds, and roamers. The only ones hard up on GET BG TO T2 and lower are the people who used to be BG (not all of them but enough of them).

In any case, to the OP, nope we are very much not dead. Come out take a spin in WvW we have a tag nightly and you are welcome to open roam, havoc or zerg.

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@Kolmena.2416 said:Blackgate was winning every WvW match-up until now. Why is the server in 3rd place on this current match-up? Did guilds leave or what? I'm planing on playing the game again and my account is on Blackgate but if it's gonna be a dead server which server should I go to?

Nah. At launch, I was on ET, which was on top of tier 1 until it literally imploded and fell all the way to T8 (when t8 even existed). That was a dead server. This is just a temporary setback, and honestly the most fun BG has had in months.

@Israel.7056 said:100 percent there are people on that server that care a great deal. But now we get PR Wars 2 where we get assured that really no one on BG cares about winning in the slightest and it's just fun for everyone there to finally get a good fight.

No, really. We're not kidding. There's been a general level of excitement and server pride this week on BG that I haven't seen in a long time. Tags have been running overtime.....for what? So we can lose slightly less spectacularly than we already are? There is no salvaging the score at this point, we just genuinely are having fun and enjoying the bags.

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Honestly speaking, BG simply has amazing coverage, they not that fat on every timezone like many love to claims. It really just manipulative shilling to get people to stack on their servers, I mean it sounds nicer to say "join our server to beat bg" than "stack our server" right?

@Rysdude.3824 said:It took two full servers working together, three since the Kaineng bandwagon, to take down Blackgate. Even Jade Quarry had guilds that bandwagoned to it. That should show that BG is very much alive. With JQ Joffreying Kaineng, there'll be a new Cersei on the Throne.

There is only one full server technical. Two high though one could argue KN is closer to very high. Two Medium.

@XenesisII.1540 said:Look at the effort it even takes to make that happen, something most players/guilds/commanders don't even want to bother with these days.Mal's alliance is supposedly only around 150 players

I doubt they only have that many people. A lot of people like to round down their numbers base on number of people per run than total number of active people. Common sense will tell you that number of people per run is not same as number of active people in guild.

@XenesisII.1540 said:and they're making that much of a change for sbi, the question now is how many other alliance of that size will even exist in the new system so that 9-12 worlds will be competitive?

You are giving them too much credit. KN already has other guilds residing before they even went there, those guilds don't field small numbers either. They going there just simply inflated the numbers. Furthermore, SBI itself has numbers, just not that many commanders.

@XenesisII.1540 said:Funny how SoR got stuck with HoD for all those months and they could barely get out of t4, gets linked with JQ and suddenly they're t1 material again.

Sounds like a salty comment to me. So for a salty reply, HOD finally above 1.0 KDR (now is 1.19 and even 2.0 KDR skirmish on est prime) with brand new links while having lesser overall numbers than previous link. The map chat is super quiet while all of this happen! The world sure is a funny place.

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@Darksun.4702 said:

@Loviathan.3610 said:BG hibernating until alliances.

BG hibernating until an update scheduled to release half a year from now.


I don't know why people are saying BG is hibernating. It's being 2v1'd, so of course its PPT is low. You can't defend anything for very long when there are two or more 50-man zergs attacking your stuff on multiple BLs. If anything, people are playing more this week because there are always people to play against. This week is the most fun we've had in several months. Several times over the previous few weeks, I logged on for 15 minutes, got bored because there was nothing to do, and stopped playing. This week, I've been able to play the full amount of time I've wanted to and I've always had opponents to play against.

Despite what you may choose to think, BG winning without even trying every week made it unbelievably boring for most people. Everyone sneers at BG PPTing, but most organized groups weren't even trying to PPT. After all, why PPT when you've already won by Monday? The PPT mostly came about as a result of wanting to have things to do.

The fights have been constant and the bags have been raining down this week. So many people commenting how much fun they are having. Seems pretty healthy for blackgate. My guild feels tested by the solid double team and more seasoned to deal with what ever alliances may bring. The PPT thing really was never really any part of the Blackgate identity. Hopefully Sbi and Jq can maintain the enthusiasm, it’s pretty fun getting a stack of bags a night.

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@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:BG has always had guilds that tag up or stay up long hours. The pugs on our server are well known for also putting in long hours. That's nothing new. Plus who wouldn't want the amount of loot BG players are currently getting. None of us care if we go to T2, we will come back up and go back down if that's how the points go, that has never been an issue with the players on BG. If the fights are good better for us, even if its in t4. We just don't want to pay to move we like our community, we know when all of our tags, scouts, guilds, and roamers. The only ones hard up on GET BG TO T2 and lower are the people who used to be BG (not all of them but enough of them).

In any case, to the OP, nope we are very much not dead. Come out take a spin in WvW we have a tag nightly and you are welcome to open roam, havoc or zerg.

BG not caring about moving up or down. That's why they did blackouts and protested Anet. next we'll claim, Maguuma doesn't care about middle fort!

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@Kovu.7560 said:I hope SBI & JQ ppt BG into T2. Then I hope YB & FA ppt BG into T3. Then I hope Mag & TC ppt BG into T4.Then I hope that server implodes a horrible horrible death, its population conveniently spreading out to the other servers in such a way that there are more interesting matches in all four tiers, not just sometimes in T2~3.

You gotta get out more brah. No need to be so salty we get it Blackgate bad, blah, blah, stacked, blah, blah, blob, blah, blah, blah. Lots of great people in Blackgate, gonna miss them with the new system but the game needs to progress.

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@Darksun.4702 said:Despite what you may choose to think, BG winning without even trying every week made it unbelievably boring for most people. Everyone sneers at BG PPTing, but most organized groups weren't even trying to PPT. After all, why PPT when you've already won by Monday? The PPT mostly came about as a result of wanting to have things to do.

Yeah well every time Mag has played BG recently BG guilds have camped MagBL knowing full well that Mag will do little to defend it. They literally sit on the BL doing nothing until a random Mag group tried to take objectives back. That is not trying to find things to do, it is ppting for the sake of ppting.

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Clearing up misconceptions about my alliance and its effectiveness. To beat down BG, requires commanders of all timezones to focus BG relentlessly. It requires a lot of overtime and making sure you have hand offs and secure coverage holes. Yes my alliance has commanders in each timezone, but we're not solely responsible for SBI+ kainengs performance. We might have the knowledge to empower and inspire but this is a server wide effort and "we" my alliance couldn't have done this without the help of the SBI natives and the ones who came to Kaineng.

My alliance reformed at around 150 players or less. Now, its greater than that as the reason we even moved to kaineng in the first place is to prepare our alliance for the future system. This BG 2v1 is literally icing on the cake for most of us. Its a thing to reinvigorate ourselves and get people trying and playing to win again. So far this has worked wonders as all the guilds of my alliance have become fully healthy again and we're once again having the a great time in this game.

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