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Toning Down Maguuma

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@zaekeon.5128 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I think OP has a valid point. Any new player coming in is going to have greens, yellows or maybe exotic when they hit 80 and want to start HoT. The difficulty, confusing map design (keep in mind they will have no masteries), loads of mobs, etc are a little much to throw all at once considering where core Tyria leaves off. Someone can very easily go 1-80 and still be missing tons of insights into game mechanics, builds etc.

The jungle in general is just so frustrating at first that I think it becomes a huge turn off to new players to the point that it’s unfun to play and they won’t even bother looking anything up because they are done with the game at that point...Some classes are definitely worse off than others for this whole experience.

Just lvling your toon to 80 will award you with exotics via story and lvling up rewards as well as a whole range of crafting skills at their disposal and coin to buy other equipment if you seek to gear up enough to survive and make a difference.. I mean exotics are cheap as chips these days compared to when it first landed. There are even karma exotics available or wvw reward tracks.. any player these days should be able to gear to exotics fairly easy/cheaply compared to the good ole days .. do story

Yes true but keep in mind new players...they may not even do the story let alone have any idea where to even start when it comes to gearing up. There’s so many ways to do things that it’s quite daunting...

If you are a player of another mmo you may naturally assume lots of ways to get gear may be inefficient or outdated and thus skip to the expansion.

This is not other MMO's this is GW2.. other MMO's do their thing and it might not be the same or anywhere close.As for new players not running story etc.. then that is purely down to them. There is a learning curve and if new players choose to bypass that cos they wanna get to endgame in a day then don't expect sympathy when coming to the forums crying for nerfs to this that and the other.. that is no way to approach the game or any game imo.

I don’t think we need to assume people are crying to nerfs. There can be constructive criticism on the game. If you look at twitch there’s a reason why hardly anyone streams GW2 and that’s because so fewer people play it and there are reasons for it. Many have played for a while and quit because of many reasons stated here. There’s certainly a way that the issues here could be addressed while still keeping the gameplay fun and engaging.

This whole thread is based on a player wanting the maps/mobs/content toned down.. that is a polite way of saying "its to hard, nerf it cos I want eeezzz"

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@zaekeon.5128 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I think OP has a valid point. Any new player coming in is going to have greens, yellows or maybe exotic when they hit 80 and want to start HoT. The difficulty, confusing map design (keep in mind they will have no masteries), loads of mobs, etc are a little much to throw all at once considering where core Tyria leaves off. Someone can very easily go 1-80 and still be missing tons of insights into game mechanics, builds etc.

The jungle in general is just so frustrating at first that I think it becomes a huge turn off to new players to the point that it’s unfun to play and they won’t even bother looking anything up because they are done with the game at that point...Some classes are definitely worse off than others for this whole experience.

Just lvling your toon to 80 will award you with exotics via story and lvling up rewards as well as a whole range of crafting skills at their disposal and coin to buy other equipment if you seek to gear up enough to survive and make a difference.. I mean exotics are cheap as chips these days compared to when it first landed. There are even karma exotics available or wvw reward tracks.. any player these days should be able to gear to exotics fairly easy/cheaply compared to the good ole days .. do story

Yes true but keep in mind new players...they may not even do the story let alone have any idea where to even start when it comes to gearing up. There’s so many ways to do things that it’s quite daunting...

If you are a player of another mmo you may naturally assume lots of ways to get gear may be inefficient or outdated and thus skip to the expansion.

That's a good point, right now I can create a character and have them at 80 with a build and a set of appropriate exotics or better within half an hour or so if I wish, while my first set of exotics was a mismatched pile of nonsense that I gathered a few weeks (or months) after getting my first character to 80, before that I was in as bad a set of rares. Of course that was back in 2012-13 so it was a lot harder to get a good set of equipment but the principle is the same. When HoT arrived my main already had full ascended with a good build (better after I finished unlocking Daredevil) so it was comparatively easy (of course back then most of my alts had exotics). The game does do a very bad job of teaching people how to play but the NPE gives you some gear at least, if you know what to pick.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I think OP has a valid point. Any new player coming in is going to have greens, yellows or maybe exotic when they hit 80 and want to start HoT. The difficulty, confusing map design (keep in mind they will have no masteries), loads of mobs, etc are a little much to throw all at once considering where core Tyria leaves off. Someone can very easily go 1-80 and still be missing tons of insights into game mechanics, builds etc.

The jungle in general is just so frustrating at first that I think it becomes a huge turn off to new players to the point that it’s unfun to play and they won’t even bother looking anything up because they are done with the game at that point...Some classes are definitely worse off than others for this whole experience.

Just lvling your toon to 80 will award you with exotics via story and lvling up rewards as well as a whole range of crafting skills at their disposal and coin to buy other equipment if you seek to gear up enough to survive and make a difference.. I mean exotics are cheap as chips these days compared to when it first landed. There are even karma exotics available or wvw reward tracks.. any player these days should be able to gear to exotics fairly easy/cheaply compared to the good ole days .. do story

Yes true but keep in mind new players...they may not even do the story let alone have any idea where to even start when it comes to gearing up. There’s so many ways to do things that it’s quite daunting...

If you are a player of another mmo you may naturally assume lots of ways to get gear may be inefficient or outdated and thus skip to the expansion.

This is not other MMO's this is GW2.. other MMO's do their thing and it might not be the same or anywhere close.As for new players not running story etc.. then that is purely down to them. There is a learning curve and if new players choose to bypass that cos they wanna get to endgame in a day then don't expect sympathy when coming to the forums crying for nerfs to this that and the other.. that is no way to approach the game or any game imo.

I don’t think we need to assume people are crying to nerfs. There can be constructive criticism on the game. If you look at twitch there’s a reason why hardly anyone streams GW2 and that’s because so fewer people play it and there are reasons for it. Many have played for a while and quit because of many reasons stated here. There’s certainly a way that the issues here could be addressed while still keeping the gameplay fun and engaging.

This whole thread is based on a player wanting the maps/mobs/content toned down.. that is a polite way of saying "its to hard, nerf it cos I want eeezzz"

I agree it is. I think many of us here have helped to uncover that the difficulty he’s experiencing is a symptom and not the problem. The problem more lies in how the game introduces, educates and prepares players into new content areas.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I think OP has a valid point. Any new player coming in is going to have greens, yellows or maybe exotic when they hit 80 and want to start HoT. The difficulty, confusing map design (keep in mind they will have no masteries), loads of mobs, etc are a little much to throw all at once considering where core Tyria leaves off. Someone can very easily go 1-80 and still be missing tons of insights into game mechanics, builds etc.

The jungle in general is just so frustrating at first that I think it becomes a huge turn off to new players to the point that it’s unfun to play and they won’t even bother looking anything up because they are done with the game at that point...Some classes are definitely worse off than others for this whole experience.

Just lvling your toon to 80 will award you with exotics via story and lvling up rewards as well as a whole range of crafting skills at their disposal and coin to buy other equipment if you seek to gear up enough to survive and make a difference.. I mean exotics are cheap as chips these days compared to when it first landed. There are even karma exotics available or wvw reward tracks.. any player these days should be able to gear to exotics fairly easy/cheaply compared to the good ole days .. do story

Yes true but keep in mind new players...they may not even do the story let alone have any idea where to even start when it comes to gearing up. There’s so many ways to do things that it’s quite daunting...

If you are a player of another mmo you may naturally assume lots of ways to get gear may be inefficient or outdated and thus skip to the expansion.

This is not other MMO's this is GW2.. other MMO's do their thing and it might not be the same or anywhere close.As for new players not running story etc.. then that is purely down to them. There is a learning curve and if new players choose to bypass that cos they wanna get to endgame in a day then don't expect sympathy when coming to the forums crying for nerfs to this that and the other.. that is no way to approach the game or any game imo.

I don’t think we need to assume people are crying to nerfs. There can be constructive criticism on the game. If you look at twitch there’s a reason why hardly anyone streams GW2 and that’s because so fewer people play it and there are reasons for it. Many have played for a while and quit because of many reasons stated here. There’s certainly a way that the issues here could be addressed while still keeping the gameplay fun and engaging.

This whole thread is based on a player wanting the maps/mobs/content toned down.. that is a polite way of saying "its to hard, nerf it cos I want eeezzz"There are more than enough players playing it.. players don't just play to twitch or watch a twitch.. I find that stuff to be nothing more than a chattercrapper personally and the sites that are there for guides have been established longer so players will go to them.. dulfy, aion etc are all one needs not to watch some elitedweeb 5v1 cos dey awesomesauce.. that stuff I leave to the chattercrappers as I said, but each to their own :)
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@InvaGir.9158 said:You didn't see HoT when it first came out.Trust me dude you couldn't even pass the first mission alone without dying 5000 times or almost roam the maps reaching waypoints without an escort of a friend.

HoT is much more easier now than before and the devs wont make it more easier and to be honest its fine the way it is right now.

Omegalul, you made me remember my first exploration of Tangled Depths.

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@zaekeon.5128 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I think OP has a valid point. Any new player coming in is going to have greens, yellows or maybe exotic when they hit 80 and want to start HoT. The difficulty, confusing map design (keep in mind they will have no masteries), loads of mobs, etc are a little much to throw all at once considering where core Tyria leaves off. Someone can very easily go 1-80 and still be missing tons of insights into game mechanics, builds etc.

The jungle in general is just so frustrating at first that I think it becomes a huge turn off to new players to the point that it’s unfun to play and they won’t even bother looking anything up because they are done with the game at that point...Some classes are definitely worse off than others for this whole experience.

Just lvling your toon to 80 will award you with exotics via story and lvling up rewards as well as a whole range of crafting skills at their disposal and coin to buy other equipment if you seek to gear up enough to survive and make a difference.. I mean exotics are cheap as chips these days compared to when it first landed. There are even karma exotics available or wvw reward tracks.. any player these days should be able to gear to exotics fairly easy/cheaply compared to the good ole days .. do story

Yes true but keep in mind new players...they may not even do the story let alone have any idea where to even start when it comes to gearing up. There’s so many ways to do things that it’s quite daunting...

If you are a player of another mmo you may naturally assume lots of ways to get gear may be inefficient or outdated and thus skip to the expansion.

This is not other MMO's this is GW2.. other MMO's do their thing and it might not be the same or anywhere close.As for new players not running story etc.. then that is purely down to them. There is a learning curve and if new players choose to bypass that cos they wanna get to endgame in a day then don't expect sympathy when coming to the forums crying for nerfs to this that and the other.. that is no way to approach the game or any game imo.

I don’t think we need to assume people are crying to nerfs. There can be constructive criticism on the game. If you look at twitch there’s a reason why hardly anyone streams GW2 and that’s because so fewer people play it and there are reasons for it. Many have played for a while and quit because of many reasons stated here. There’s certainly a way that the issues here could be addressed while still keeping the gameplay fun and engaging.

This whole thread is based on a player wanting the maps/mobs/content toned down.. that is a polite way of saying "its to hard, nerf it cos I want eeezzz"

I agree it is. I think many of us here have helped to uncover that the difficulty he’s experiencing is a symptom and not the problem. The problem more lies in how the game introduces, educates and prepares players into new content areas.

And you guys are doing an excellent job. And to clarify, I wasn't asking for nerfs for I am not just someone who can't handle difficulty, I just posted to see if I was doing anything wrong for I am a woman who can admit I am not right all the time lol. I ran through the vanilla story to completion and I have mostly orange and yellow gear, only got two mounts in PoF for convenience (I know nothing of the story), and I have NEVER touched Living World.

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The only thing I'm not uber happy about in HoT is that Hero Challenges are so hard to solo on some of my toons. I'm aware it wasn't initially designed for solo, but the lack of mobs of players running around in HoT has dropped a bit. Can still join lfg and join a map with a meta or hero train, but I like the option of solo.The idea of the jungle being a tougher place to survive than the desert is kinda strange too. Enemies in PoF are relatively ez compared to HoT

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@Saint Sated.2698 said:The only thing I'm not uber happy about in HoT is that Hero Challenges are so hard to solo on some of my toons. I'm aware it wasn't initially designed for solo, but the lack of mobs of players running around in HoT has dropped a bit. Can still join lfg and join a map with a meta or hero train, but I like the option of solo.The idea of the jungle being a tougher place to survive than the desert is kinda strange too. Enemies in PoF are relatively ez compared to HoT

Have you been using the list of ones that are either communes or veterans? That should be enough to get your elite spec unless you’re going for map completion.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Saint Sated.2698 said:The only thing I'm not uber happy about in HoT is that Hero Challenges are so hard to solo on some of my toons. I'm aware it wasn't initially designed for solo, but the lack of mobs of players running around in HoT has dropped a bit. Can still join lfg and join a map with a meta or hero train, but I like the option of solo.The idea of the jungle being a tougher place to survive than the desert is kinda strange too. Enemies in PoF are relatively ez compared to HoT

Have you been using the list of ones that are either communes or veterans? That should be enough to get your the elite specs unless you’re going for map completion.

I totally did not know a list existed. I'll do some research. Thanks!

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@CrazyMinxi.6810 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I think OP has a valid point. Any new player coming in is going to have greens, yellows or maybe exotic when they hit 80 and want to start HoT. The difficulty, confusing map design (keep in mind they will have no masteries), loads of mobs, etc are a little much to throw all at once considering where core Tyria leaves off. Someone can very easily go 1-80 and still be missing tons of insights into game mechanics, builds etc.

The jungle in general is just so frustrating at first that I think it becomes a huge turn off to new players to the point that it’s unfun to play and they won’t even bother looking anything up because they are done with the game at that point...Some classes are definitely worse off than others for this whole experience.

Just lvling your toon to 80 will award you with exotics via story and lvling up rewards as well as a whole range of crafting skills at their disposal and coin to buy other equipment if you seek to gear up enough to survive and make a difference.. I mean exotics are cheap as chips these days compared to when it first landed. There are even karma exotics available or wvw reward tracks.. any player these days should be able to gear to exotics fairly easy/cheaply compared to the good ole days .. do story

Yes true but keep in mind new players...they may not even do the story let alone have any idea where to even start when it comes to gearing up. There’s so many ways to do things that it’s quite daunting...

If you are a player of another mmo you may naturally assume lots of ways to get gear may be inefficient or outdated and thus skip to the expansion.

This is not other MMO's this is GW2.. other MMO's do their thing and it might not be the same or anywhere close.As for new players not running story etc.. then that is purely down to them. There is a learning curve and if new players choose to bypass that cos they wanna get to endgame in a day then don't expect sympathy when coming to the forums crying for nerfs to this that and the other.. that is no way to approach the game or any game imo.

I don’t think we need to assume people are crying to nerfs. There can be constructive criticism on the game. If you look at twitch there’s a reason why hardly anyone streams GW2 and that’s because so fewer people play it and there are reasons for it. Many have played for a while and quit because of many reasons stated here. There’s certainly a way that the issues here could be addressed while still keeping the gameplay fun and engaging.

This whole thread is based on a player wanting the maps/mobs/content toned down.. that is a polite way of saying "its to hard, nerf it cos I want eeezzz"

I agree it is. I think many of us here have helped to uncover that the difficulty he’s experiencing is a symptom and not the problem. The problem more lies in how the game introduces, educates and prepares players into new content areas.

And you guys are doing an excellent job. And to clarify, I wasn't asking for nerfs for I am not just someone who can't handle difficulty, I just posted to see if I was doing anything wrong for I am a woman who can admit I am not right all the time lol. I ran through the vanilla story to completion and I have mostly orange and yellow gear, only got two mounts in PoF for convenience (I know nothing of the story), and I have NEVER touched Living World.

I am confused tbh.. Your title asks for Maguuma to be toned down, and hope it gets ANET's attention, you then ask if this can be fixed (even though there is nothing broken).. that is as I said a polite way of asking ANET to look into nerfing down the map in order to make it easier..Map XP for HoT and PoF is only useful for shards and mastery xp is there for a reason and is slower to accrue than pof because there is a lot more to learn.. gliding and gliding techniques, fast travel via nuhoc etc etc.. so yes its slower, but for a reason other than.. its xp.PoF mastery is all about mounts predominantly and the maps are larger so more opportunity to pick up the pace exploring areas, fighting mobs, running events, gorging on bounty after bounty, as well as all the traditional hearts and hp's - end result you can fill masteries quicker.Mastery xp is meant to be a little slow because that's the way they keep you in game when an expansion hits and there are new things to learn going forward.

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@Saint Sated.2698 said:

@Saint Sated.2698 said:The only thing I'm not uber happy about in HoT is that Hero Challenges are so hard to solo on some of my toons. I'm aware it wasn't initially designed for solo, but the lack of mobs of players running around in HoT has dropped a bit. Can still join lfg and join a map with a meta or hero train, but I like the option of solo.The idea of the jungle being a tougher place to survive than the desert is kinda strange too. Enemies in PoF are relatively ez compared to HoT

Have you been using the list of ones that are either communes or veterans? That should be enough to get your the elite specs unless you’re going for map completion.

I totally did not know a list existed. I'll do some research. Thanks!

the dulfy guides are pretty solid on that.

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@Saint Sated.2698 said:

@Saint Sated.2698 said:The only thing I'm not uber happy about in HoT is that Hero Challenges are so hard to solo on some of my toons. I'm aware it wasn't initially designed for solo, but the lack of mobs of players running around in HoT has dropped a bit. Can still join lfg and join a map with a meta or hero train, but I like the option of solo.The idea of the jungle being a tougher place to survive than the desert is kinda strange too. Enemies in PoF are relatively ez compared to HoT

Have you been using the list of ones that are either communes or veterans? That should be enough to get your the elite specs unless you’re going for map completion.

I totally did not know a list existed. I'll do some research. Thanks!


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@Pifil.5193 said:

@"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:I'm kind of shocked, though, that people don't report the same experience in PoF. Most of the enemies on those maps are similar to, or more advanced versions of, the HoT enemies. Jungle vines <=> sand sharks. Mordrem Sniper <=> Hookhead. The ones that don't are usually worse, looking at you forged assemblers and whatever those spinning blade floating things are.

I suspect that's because many of us "got gud" during HoT and didn't even realise it. :)

I love your take on it! And just to help you out a little on those spinny blades, try standing right on top of the boss during the spinny blades. Not only will you avoid damage, but being at range when he queues his next attack will likely cause him to use that mobile fireball barrage if it's off cooldown. If you stand at melee range, he will use fire breath first (again, if off cooldown). Just dodge through him (but be ready because fire breath strikes extremely quickly and will apply a stack of burning for each hit that lands!) and get some free hits in from behind! With a little luck, he will cycle between blades and fire breath while you just stand there teeing off and dodging through him after the blades end. Easy!

It's kind of clever, really. It seems obvious that you should stay away from these guys as the blade and breath attacks deal so much damage so quickly and apply heavy condi on top of it! But once you understand how they work you are really better off getting in their faces as the fireball barrage is probably their most dangerous attack! It causes knockdown if they come too close to you and once you're knocked down he can just light you up! Plus targets that zip all over tend to draw other enemies into the fight as well as making you waste potential cleave damage!

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I think OP has a valid point. Any new player coming in is going to have greens, yellows or maybe exotic when they hit 80 and want to start HoT. The difficulty, confusing map design (keep in mind they will have no masteries), loads of mobs, etc are a little much to throw all at once considering where core Tyria leaves off. Someone can very easily go 1-80 and still be missing tons of insights into game mechanics, builds etc.

The jungle in general is just so frustrating at first that I think it becomes a huge turn off to new players to the point that it’s unfun to play and they won’t even bother looking anything up because they are done with the game at that point...Some classes are definitely worse off than others for this whole experience.

Just lvling your toon to 80 will award you with exotics via story and lvling up rewards as well as a whole range of crafting skills at their disposal and coin to buy other equipment if you seek to gear up enough to survive and make a difference.. I mean exotics are cheap as chips these days compared to when it first landed. There are even karma exotics available or wvw reward tracks.. any player these days should be able to gear to exotics fairly easy/cheaply compared to the good ole days .. do story

Yes true but keep in mind new players...they may not even do the story let alone have any idea where to even start when it comes to gearing up. There’s so many ways to do things that it’s quite daunting...

If you are a player of another mmo you may naturally assume lots of ways to get gear may be inefficient or outdated and thus skip to the expansion.

This is not other MMO's this is GW2.. other MMO's do their thing and it might not be the same or anywhere close.As for new players not running story etc.. then that is purely down to them. There is a learning curve and if new players choose to bypass that cos they wanna get to endgame in a day then don't expect sympathy when coming to the forums crying for nerfs to this that and the other.. that is no way to approach the game or any game imo.

I don’t think we need to assume people are crying to nerfs. There can be constructive criticism on the game. If you look at twitch there’s a reason why hardly anyone streams GW2 and that’s because so fewer people play it and there are reasons for it. Many have played for a while and quit because of many reasons stated here. There’s certainly a way that the issues here could be addressed while still keeping the gameplay fun and engaging.

This whole thread is based on a player wanting the maps/mobs/content toned down.. that is a polite way of saying "its to hard, nerf it cos I want eeezzz"

I agree it is. I think many of us here have helped to uncover that the difficulty he’s experiencing is a symptom and not the problem. The problem more lies in how the game introduces, educates and prepares players into new content areas.

And you guys are doing an excellent job. And to clarify, I wasn't asking for nerfs for I am not just someone who can't handle difficulty, I just posted to see if I was doing anything wrong for I am a woman who can admit I am not right all the time lol. I ran through the vanilla story to completion and I have mostly orange and yellow gear, only got two mounts in PoF for convenience (I know nothing of the story), and I have NEVER touched Living World.

I am confused tbh.. Your title asks for Maguuma to be toned down, and hope it gets ANET's attention, you then ask if this can be fixed (even though there is nothing broken).. that is as I said a polite way of asking ANET to look into nerfing down the map in order to make it easier..Map XP for HoT and PoF is only useful for shards and mastery xp is there for a reason and is slower to accrue than pof because there is a lot more to learn.. gliding and gliding techniques, fast travel via nuhoc etc etc.. so yes its slower, but for a reason other than.. its xp.PoF mastery is all about mounts predominantly and the maps are larger so more opportunity to pick up the pace exploring areas, fighting mobs, running events, gorging on bounty after bounty, as well as all the traditional hearts and hp's - end result you can fill masteries quicker.Mastery xp is meant to be a little slow because that's the way they keep you in game when an expansion hits and there are new things to learn going forward.

Yeah, my title did ask for that but my opinions can be changed and influenced. From the 80+ posts I can see that I was in the wrong thinking that the difficulty spiked unfairly. As most posters have said vanilla to Magumma is daunting and since I am not familiar with Living World or have the 3 years experience prior to HoT, I have become accustomed to the bulldozing that my build used to do in vanilla.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"AliamRationem.5172" said:

Here's a little video I made in response to a similar thread awhile back. This is just my little healer ele taking a run through the canyon of pocket raptor murder.

Great vid. I love pocket raptors now. Great way to build up bloodlust stacks before Tarir event., and they are kinda fun to farm (for no reason). I just leap in on my Guardian and hit GS 3 or on my Daredevil and spam 5 twice.

Definitely! And really so many enemies are like that. At first it almost seems unfair. For instance, those frog bladedancers. When I first got to the jungle, that stun followed by a big (slow) strike was a serious threat and resulted in many deaths. Now I laugh at how easy it is to anticipate it, how slow the animation is because I'm watching for it, and how easily I can take even veteran and champion versions of these guys down now. I mean, I was a fresh 80 when I first entered HoT. I didn't even have a stun break on my bar! Fresh meat!

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Saint Sated.2698 said:The only thing I'm not uber happy about in HoT is that Hero Challenges are so hard to solo on some of my toons. I'm aware it wasn't initially designed for solo, but the lack of mobs of players running around in HoT has dropped a bit. Can still join lfg and join a map with a meta or hero train, but I like the option of solo.The idea of the jungle being a tougher place to survive than the desert is kinda strange too. Enemies in PoF are relatively ez compared to HoT

Have you been using the list of ones that are either communes or veterans? That should be enough to get your the elite specs unless you’re going for map completion.

I totally did not know a list existed. I'll do some research. Thanks!

Once you finish the easy ones, if you're still hungry for HP, you always have the option of the Heroics Notary in WvW.

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