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Balance patch when?


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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:I hope for the following changes:Engineer; increase cooldown by Holo leap by 2 seconds, make Holo wave LoSable and remove Y axis on it.Nerf to either protection uptime, spectrum shield or frontal block. Not all of them. Remove pull from HLA tool belt, they have enough cc spam already.

Mesmer; increase cooldown on axe 3 by 4 seconds, remove the ability to dodge while stunned and rework EM to remove two conditions. Put a 5 second ICD on Ineptitude. Remove clone from sword ambush. Shave torch burns. Make portal one way only, either put the entrance down first so that the skill can be used to rotate your team and not yourself, or put the entrance down last so that you can disengage from fights along with people close to you. (But not go back through) portal nerf is long overdue. Or make it an elite skill.

Warrior; lower the damage on greatsword and give it to other weapons to promote diversity. Undo rampage change as it's way too spammy now.

Revenant; nerf damage on sword offhand or make them longer cast times. Make them cleanse two condis on legend swap + 1 extra cleanse on staff 4.

Ranger; greatly reduce the boonspam on Soulbeast builds. Reduce base damage on owl, gazelle and smokescale. Move the pet damage to underused weapons to promote diversity.

Elementalist; greatly reduce the evade spam while increasing damage across the board on sword and dagger mainhand. Making the class less frustrating to fight.

Thief; rework swindler's equilibrium into reducing steal cooldown by x seconds when evading an attack. Double steal isn't fun playing against as you need to dodge two untelegraphed skills instead of one. Rework instant reflexes to proc at 25%. See valluns video for Condi thief rework/nerf.

Necromancer; make shades LoSable again and remove cripple from shade auto attacks as they already have an abundance of wide condition application. Rework transfusion to not port the target, the res speed coupled with well is strong enough. Make torch 5 LoSable.

Guardian; increase the cooldown on signet of Mercy. Decrease healing done by staff 4 and staff 2 and move those heals to mace, this will force Firebrands away from sword and in turn lowering mobility. Decrease Condi cleanse / conversion on healing tome.

I only want to see nerfs in this patch, across the board. After PoF specs are brought in line, we can start buffing underused specs such as berserker, dragonhunter, core necros, engineers and so on.

You suggest to nerf sustain on weaver(evades as its only form of sustain) and soulbeast( soulboon build) plus their dmg and overall ability to be a threat to you...then you go on "suggesting" to nerf engi/mesmer etc by adding 2-3s to specific skills while leaving their sustain basically untouched which is hilarious.

To do damage you need the sustain and ability to deliver it effectively
, if just damage would be enough then eles would have used zerker staff since day 1 in GW2, if you don't want all professions to be frustrating to fight.....then all your suggestions become automatically invalid.

"This profession is hard to fight against...so nerf their sustain but...increase their dmg..in that way I can kill them easily now so really that extra dmg won't matter in the end, their sustain is gone", that's the general line of thought you normally find in every player's balance thread.

You left out
core guardian hammer-strength core war-core s/d and condi thief-chronomancer-reaper and more....
their sustain should be left untouched in your opinion when they already greatly outperform respect to core ele which has been left in the gutter for years now

I didn't leave out core thief and Condi thief. I did leave out hammer guard however as it isn't the best at anything.Core guard has a lot of damage in a burst, but that's all it does. It's also very telegraphed. Core warrior is strong and the nerf to greatsword will hit them too. So I didn't leave them out.I didn't specifically mention core ele, but if you read the last paragraph I stated that I only want nerfs and that we can buff underused specs on the future. Core ele included.

As for Weaver, there's currently no counterplay to the evade spam. Give them more heal, or barrier instead of the godly amount of evade frames the currently have.

There is no apparent counterplay to weaver sword evades...but there is instead to the teleport of guardians...well seen as during AT you see the latter and not the first it's safe to assume that you're lying to yourself and others, core guard burst is listed as great..sword weaver is not listed at all.

How can there be no counterplay...if there are
no eles in AT , not a single ele since a year ago
?...So powerful and yet nowhere to be seen and luckily anet uses numbers to see what currently imbalanced , if we look the numbers here...
your claims hold no ground

P.S where are these eles with no counterplay?

If you would stop being so biased and actually start reading what I'm writing instead of putting words in my mouth we might be able to hold a discussion.I didn't say eles didn't have counterplay, I said evade spam doesn't. I'm in favor of giving eles damage, heals or barrier in order to make them able to actually win 1v1s instead of just stalling them.

As of this patch, hitting an ele with a burst is just luck as they have 2 evades on skills as well as dodge roll bring part of the rotation. I don't see why you would send the current irritation of Weaver as it had no favorable matchups vs any of the other sidenode monkey builds out there.

You should specify because it doesn't seem you played an ele recently, yes evasion spam is always annoying we have the problem with mesmers after all BUT , nerfing the evasion uptime on mesmer won't stop them from being top dog, meanwhile ele is not even a dog to start with.

All the healing in the world does nothing...look at tempest, if healing along would be enough to stay alive long enough to contribute anything to a fight...then tempest would be used when instead the whole spec is gone

You mention barriers, are we talking scourge levels of barrier? Because anything else it's simply useless, without a fb close by, it's faily quick to down a scourge so again....you're offtrack

Maybe you should look objectively at the game and not from your personal point of view, in a game where people can deliver 20k dmg from 1200+ range...you wanna talk about healing as form of sustain?...This is not 2013 GW2, this is post PoF GW2

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@"Arheundel.6451" , you're excessively crying because ele isn't OP enough to your liking at the moment.

Weaver doesn't afk sustain, it evades, which does prevent 20k dmg from 1.2k range. If sustain wasn't a thing, why do you even mention "without a firebrand close by". Guess what this FB does? It heals.

He suggested nerfing the evades and buffing the counterpressure it puts out. I find this insanely reasonable considering the build is currently too bunkery with too little general pressure, and its main flaw at the high end is that it can't actually pressure players who can dodge even on fairly squishy / non-sustain builds... But it also can't be killed.

Rather than producing stalemates in every matchup, giving it the pressure to win matchup but requiring you to dodge appropriately to live forever seems a healthy change.

Tempest isn't used because it's strictly worse than firebrand. Firebrand is very strong. Support / heal / sustain has been part of hte PvP meta for the last 4 years. Tempest WAS used as a healer / sustain for the entire HoT meta; the reason it's gone (is it? I bet I can get plat with tempest) is because firebrand is better.

Maybe YOU should objectively look at the game and not from a personal point of view. You're insanely biased towards weaver which he clearly stated should be buffed + nerfed to more appropriately define its strengths and weaknesses. You've ignored most other suggestions, did not provide reasonable alternatives.

Tempest was used in the last CASH BASED tournament, which jebro also casted. I'm not seeing proof how core guard is "meta" here; the teams using it are getting slaughtered. Also using NA AT's to determine the meta is funny. Everyone knows NA is allergic to meta.

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@Etheri.5406 said:@"Arheundel.6451" , you're excessively crying because ele isn't OP enough to your liking at the moment.

Weaver doesn't afk sustain, it evades, which does prevent 20k dmg from 1.2k range. If sustain wasn't a thing, why do you even mention "without a firebrand close by". Guess what this FB does? It heals.

He suggested nerfing the evades and buffing the counterpressure it puts out. I find this insanely reasonable considering the build is currently too bunkery with too little general pressure, and its main flaw at the high end is that it can't actually pressure players who can dodge even on fairly squishy / non-sustain builds... But it also can't be killed.

Rather than producing stalemates in every matchup, giving it the pressure to win matchup but requiring you to dodge appropriately to live forever seems a healthy change.

Tempest isn't used because it's strictly worse than firebrand. Firebrand is very strong. Support / heal / sustain has been part of hte PvP meta for the last 4 years. Tempest WAS used as a healer / sustain for the entire HoT meta; the reason it's gone (is it? I bet I can get plat with tempest) is because firebrand is better.

Maybe YOU should objectively look at the game and not from a personal point of view. You're insanely biased towards weaver which he clearly stated should be buffed + nerfed to more appropriately define its strengths and weaknesses. You've ignored most other suggestions, did not provide reasonable alternatives.

Tempest was used in the last CASH BASED tournament, which jebro also casted. I'm not seeing proof how core guard is "meta" here; the teams using it are getting slaughtered. Also using NA AT's to determine the meta is funny. Everyone knows NA is allergic to meta.

What counterpressure can you do if you're fucking dead???

Why don't you take a mender core ele fire and try to dodge appropriately against a spellbreaker-mirage-holosmith...anything with a kitten brain, I am sure your heals will save you...

What's that? Too hard ? Don't worry you can use d/d weaver c'mon it has more dmg/healing than sword weaver minus the evades and I bet you or him don't know about this and you dare to call other biased when you know nothing about other classes to formulate a valid opinion.

Ele has no blocks, stealth, double elixir s, CC for defense/offens, no clones, no massive health pool and they don't have 1200 single target dmg weapons...they've been designed to facetank dmg with a light armor and lowest base stats but you will always complaints from people would are bothered of not seeing ele explode the second they look in their direction

So you can get to platinum with TEMPEST come with pictures and videos !

P.S for the last time...I main half the classes in this game and I am ready to prove it whenever you wish, just inbox me or ask for proofs and that's why I can talk , because I actually play the damn classes, I don't rant about with zero clue

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Complaints become valid when they're made by people with a solid understanding but normally complaints are made by people with their own agenda and care nothing outside their own niche realm.

When counter-arguments are made, they are always ignored and they never receive effective answers: you nerf the main sustain of Profession X...but increase its dmg, what that dmg will be good for if you're dead before doing any dmg? That's like common sense

A reasonable individual would have said :" ok we decrease the this evasion uptime but change this utility to decrease upcoming dmg by 50% for 5s every 50s and we turn up a little the dmg" but no.....typical gw2 players will say :" nerf their sustain....but increase the dmg of their 2s cast time skill with 130 range [meanwhile I can swap range at will and will instadown it from safe distance as now it has not even the sustain hahaha].

On the contrary of what many forum warriors may believe, people play for their own amusement...not theirs , like - "this profession is frustrating to play, nerf it so it's easy to kill"...like wtf really?

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@Etheri.5406 said:@"Arheundel.6451" , you're excessively crying because ele isn't OP enough to your liking at the moment.

Weaver doesn't afk sustain, it evades, which does prevent 20k dmg from 1.2k range. If sustain wasn't a thing, why do you even mention "without a firebrand close by". Guess what this FB does? It heals.

He suggested nerfing the evades and buffing the counterpressure it puts out. I find this insanely reasonable considering the build is currently too bunkery with too little general pressure, and its main flaw at the high end is that it can't actually pressure players who can dodge even on fairly squishy / non-sustain builds... But it also can't be killed.

Rather than producing stalemates in every matchup, giving it the pressure to win matchup but requiring you to dodge appropriately to live forever seems a healthy change.

Tempest isn't used because it's strictly worse than firebrand. Firebrand is very strong. Support / heal / sustain has been part of hte PvP meta for the last 4 years. Tempest WAS used as a healer / sustain for the entire HoT meta; the reason it's gone (is it? I bet I can get plat with tempest) is because firebrand is better.

Maybe YOU should objectively look at the game and not from a personal point of view. You're insanely biased towards weaver which he clearly stated should be buffed + nerfed to more appropriately define its strengths and weaknesses. You've ignored most other suggestions, did not provide reasonable alternatives.

Tempest was used in the last CASH BASED tournament, which jebro also casted. I'm not seeing proof how core guard is "meta" here; the teams using it are getting slaughtered. Also using NA AT's to determine the meta is funny. Everyone knows NA is allergic to meta.

What about EU meta ? allergic too?.........Damn you must be playing on a private server of gw2 can I have an invite?
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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:I hope for the following changes:Engineer; increase cooldown by Holo leap by 2 seconds, make Holo wave LoSable and remove Y axis on it.Nerf to either protection uptime, spectrum shield or frontal block. Not all of them. Remove pull from HLA tool belt, they have enough cc spam already.

Mesmer; increase cooldown on axe 3 by 4 seconds, remove the ability to dodge while stunned and rework EM to remove two conditions. Put a 5 second ICD on Ineptitude. Remove clone from sword ambush. Shave torch burns. Make portal one way only, either put the entrance down first so that the skill can be used to rotate your team and not yourself, or put the entrance down last so that you can disengage from fights along with people close to you. (But not go back through) portal nerf is long overdue. Or make it an elite skill.

Warrior; lower the damage on greatsword and give it to other weapons to promote diversity. Undo rampage change as it's way too spammy now.

Revenant; nerf damage on sword offhand or make them longer cast times. Make them cleanse two condis on legend swap + 1 extra cleanse on staff 4.

Ranger; greatly reduce the boonspam on Soulbeast builds. Reduce base damage on owl, gazelle and smokescale. Move the pet damage to underused weapons to promote diversity.

Elementalist; greatly reduce the evade spam while increasing damage across the board on sword and dagger mainhand. Making the class less frustrating to fight.

Thief; rework swindler's equilibrium into reducing steal cooldown by x seconds when evading an attack. Double steal isn't fun playing against as you need to dodge two untelegraphed skills instead of one. Rework instant reflexes to proc at 25%. See valluns video for Condi thief rework/nerf.

Necromancer; make shades LoSable again and remove cripple from shade auto attacks as they already have an abundance of wide condition application. Rework transfusion to not port the target, the res speed coupled with well is strong enough. Make torch 5 LoSable.

Guardian; increase the cooldown on signet of Mercy. Decrease healing done by staff 4 and staff 2 and move those heals to mace, this will force Firebrands away from sword and in turn lowering mobility. Decrease Condi cleanse / conversion on healing tome.

I only want to see nerfs in this patch, across the board. After PoF specs are brought in line, we can start buffing underused specs such as berserker, dragonhunter, core necros, engineers and so on.

You suggest to nerf sustain on weaver(evades as its only form of sustain) and soulbeast( soulboon build) plus their dmg and overall ability to be a threat to you...then you go on "suggesting" to nerf engi/mesmer etc by adding 2-3s to specific skills while leaving their sustain basically untouched which is hilarious.

To do damage you need the sustain and ability to deliver it effectively
, if just damage would be enough then eles would have used zerker staff since day 1 in GW2, if you don't want all professions to be frustrating to fight.....then all your suggestions become automatically invalid.

"This profession is hard to fight against...so nerf their sustain but...increase their dmg..in that way I can kill them easily now so really that extra dmg won't matter in the end, their sustain is gone", that's the general line of thought you normally find in every player's balance thread.

You left out
core guardian hammer-strength core war-core s/d and condi thief-chronomancer-reaper and more....
their sustain should be left untouched in your opinion when they already greatly outperform respect to core ele which has been left in the gutter for years now

Did you notice the lack of Warrior nerfs in this post though XD

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@"UfoCoffee.2084" said:1: Tone down condi burst in the game in general. Condi burst on thief and mesmer kills faster than any power build. There is no counter play.No, condition burst "in general" is fine, and probably is actually underpowered. You're doing that thing where you get mad at specific condition builds and want them to butcher all condition builds. Necromancer, mesmer, and thief are pretty much the only professions who even have a viable condition build any more, an across-the-board nerf would render the other 6 professions literally unplayable on the condition front.

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@BeLZedaR.4790 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:I hope for the following changes:Engineer; increase cooldown by Holo leap by 2 seconds, make Holo wave LoSable and remove Y axis on it.Nerf to either protection uptime, spectrum shield or frontal block. Not all of them. Remove pull from HLA tool belt, they have enough cc spam already.

Mesmer; increase cooldown on axe 3 by 4 seconds, remove the ability to dodge while stunned and rework EM to remove two conditions. Put a 5 second ICD on Ineptitude. Remove clone from sword ambush. Shave torch burns. Make portal one way only, either put the entrance down first so that the skill can be used to rotate your team and not yourself, or put the entrance down last so that you can disengage from fights along with people close to you. (But not go back through) portal nerf is long overdue. Or make it an elite skill.

Warrior; lower the damage on greatsword and give it to other weapons to promote diversity. Undo rampage change as it's way too spammy now.

Revenant; nerf damage on sword offhand or make them longer cast times. Make them cleanse two condis on legend swap + 1 extra cleanse on staff 4.

Ranger; greatly reduce the boonspam on Soulbeast builds. Reduce base damage on owl, gazelle and smokescale. Move the pet damage to underused weapons to promote diversity.

Elementalist; greatly reduce the evade spam while increasing damage across the board on sword and dagger mainhand. Making the class less frustrating to fight.

Thief; rework swindler's equilibrium into reducing steal cooldown by x seconds when evading an attack. Double steal isn't fun playing against as you need to dodge two untelegraphed skills instead of one. Rework instant reflexes to proc at 25%. See valluns video for Condi thief rework/nerf.

Necromancer; make shades LoSable again and remove cripple from shade auto attacks as they already have an abundance of wide condition application. Rework transfusion to not port the target, the res speed coupled with well is strong enough. Make torch 5 LoSable.

Guardian; increase the cooldown on signet of Mercy. Decrease healing done by staff 4 and staff 2 and move those heals to mace, this will force Firebrands away from sword and in turn lowering mobility. Decrease Condi cleanse / conversion on healing tome.

I only want to see nerfs in this patch, across the board. After PoF specs are brought in line, we can start buffing underused specs such as berserker, dragonhunter, core necros, engineers and so on.

I’ll only add that full counter should become blockable.

Nerf full counter by fixing the animation so it isn't on all the time.

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@Faux Play.6104 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:I hope for the following changes:Engineer; increase cooldown by Holo leap by 2 seconds, make Holo wave LoSable and remove Y axis on it.Nerf to either protection uptime, spectrum shield or frontal block. Not all of them. Remove pull from HLA tool belt, they have enough cc spam already.

Mesmer; increase cooldown on axe 3 by 4 seconds, remove the ability to dodge while stunned and rework EM to remove two conditions. Put a 5 second ICD on Ineptitude. Remove clone from sword ambush. Shave torch burns. Make portal one way only, either put the entrance down first so that the skill can be used to rotate your team and not yourself, or put the entrance down last so that you can disengage from fights along with people close to you. (But not go back through) portal nerf is long overdue. Or make it an elite skill.

Warrior; lower the damage on greatsword and give it to other weapons to promote diversity. Undo rampage change as it's way too spammy now.

Revenant; nerf damage on sword offhand or make them longer cast times. Make them cleanse two condis on legend swap + 1 extra cleanse on staff 4.

Ranger; greatly reduce the boonspam on Soulbeast builds. Reduce base damage on owl, gazelle and smokescale. Move the pet damage to underused weapons to promote diversity.

Elementalist; greatly reduce the evade spam while increasing damage across the board on sword and dagger mainhand. Making the class less frustrating to fight.

Thief; rework swindler's equilibrium into reducing steal cooldown by x seconds when evading an attack. Double steal isn't fun playing against as you need to dodge two untelegraphed skills instead of one. Rework instant reflexes to proc at 25%. See valluns video for Condi thief rework/nerf.

Necromancer; make shades LoSable again and remove cripple from shade auto attacks as they already have an abundance of wide condition application. Rework transfusion to not port the target, the res speed coupled with well is strong enough. Make torch 5 LoSable.

Guardian; increase the cooldown on signet of Mercy. Decrease healing done by staff 4 and staff 2 and move those heals to mace, this will force Firebrands away from sword and in turn lowering mobility. Decrease Condi cleanse / conversion on healing tome.

I only want to see nerfs in this patch, across the board. After PoF specs are brought in line, we can start buffing underused specs such as berserker, dragonhunter, core necros, engineers and so on.

I’ll only add that full counter should become blockable.

Nerf full counter by fixing the animation so it isn't on all the time.

This. PLEASE fix this already!

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@Rufo.3716 said:Expect Mesmer and thief buffs. They will nerf rev into the ground as it's becoming sort of relevant.

i love that thief can be beaten by any class and any build yet people qq about it evrywhere, and wants more nerfs, pls give the class cooldowns on normal attacks not just stealth

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@Menyus.4610 said:

@"Rufo.3716" said:Expect Mesmer and thief buffs. They will nerf rev into the ground as it's becoming sort of relevant.

i love that thief can be beaten by any class and any build yet people qq about it evrywhere, and wants more nerfs, pls give the class cooldowns on normal attacks not just stealth

dunno what kind of thieves you see nowadays, but i have see really skilled thieves killing Mirages and SBs nonstop , using S/D and SB , the fact that in this game there are utilities/skills that dont need direct sight of your target to tp to him means that some classes that can "abuse" of such skills become really powerful.

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Your suggestion for Swindlers is probably a sufficient nerf if you are looking to pull back on S/D condi builds.

I don’t think more is warranted given that the other condi builds are not particularly over performing. Even sword isn’t really overpowered either but a lot of hate comes from the porting in and out which double steal is largely responsible for.

But I do think the build should be a viable option. I don’t play it but enough people enjoy it that I feel we should avoid nerfing it out of the meta (assuming it even counts as meta now).

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@saerni.2584 said:@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741"

Your suggestion for Swindlers is probably a sufficient nerf if you are looking to pull back on S/D condi builds.

I don’t think more is warranted given that the other condi builds are not particularly over performing. Even sword isn’t really overpowered either but a lot of hate comes from the porting in and out which double steal is largely responsible for.

But I do think the build should be a viable option. I don’t play it but enough people enjoy it that I feel we should avoid nerfing it out of the meta (assuming it even counts as meta now).

SD condi doesn't even run acro so it would change litterally nothing on that build. The problem with the build is that the main burst of steal + dodge with spider venom is instant, 1200 range, ignores line of sight, requires no aiming only a target. Thus it requires the lowest mechanical skill of any burst in the game and can only be reliably counter-played with mass cleansing while being able to100-0 most builds that can't get the poison off behind the half dozen cover condis it applies. Steal needs to not be a high damage nuke.

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My wish on balance patches: more Salt on every reward, to hit with fluffy things and to get one day every year with teamdmg.Im, also waiting for the "all attacks, transform to moa patch, if you miss you transform yourself"

But to be serious, let them take the time, they need. I want a good patch every 4 months, not 3 bad-patches every month :)

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Etheri.5406 said:@Arheundel.6451 , you're excessively crying because ele isn't OP enough to your liking at the moment.

Weaver doesn't afk sustain, it evades, which does prevent 20k dmg from 1.2k range. If sustain wasn't a thing, why do you even mention "without a firebrand close by". Guess what this FB does? It heals.

He suggested nerfing the evades and buffing the counterpressure it puts out. I find this insanely reasonable considering the build is currently too bunkery with too little general pressure, and its main flaw at the high end is that it can't actually pressure players who can dodge even on fairly squishy / non-sustain builds... But it also can't be killed.

Rather than producing stalemates in every matchup, giving it the pressure to win matchup but requiring you to dodge appropriately to live forever seems a healthy change.

Tempest isn't used because it's strictly worse than firebrand. Firebrand is very strong. Support / heal / sustain has been part of hte PvP meta for the last 4 years. Tempest WAS used as a healer / sustain for the entire HoT meta; the reason it's gone (is it? I bet I can get plat with tempest) is because firebrand is better.

Maybe YOU should objectively look at the game and not from a personal point of view. You're insanely biased towards weaver which he clearly stated should be buffed + nerfed to more appropriately define its strengths and weaknesses. You've ignored most other suggestions, did not provide reasonable alternatives.

Tempest was used in the last CASH BASED tournament, which jebro also casted. I'm not seeing proof how core guard is "meta" here; the teams using it are getting slaughtered. Also using NA AT's to determine the meta is funny. Everyone knows NA is allergic to meta.

What counterpressure can you do if you're kitten dead???

Why don't you take a mender core ele fire and try to
dodge appropriately
against a spellbreaker-mirage-holosmith...anything with a kitten brain, I am sure your heals will save you...

Right, "fire core ele" has something to do with the dodge spam from weaver utilities + sword skills? OH MY BAD.

What's that? Too hard ? Don't worry you can use d/d weaver c'mon it has more dmg/healing than sword weaver minus the evades and I bet you or him don't know about this and you dare to call other biased when you know nothing about other classes to formulate a valid opinion.

Yeah it has nothing to do with most of the 2 filler skills on dagger being significantly weaker than those on weaver. "Dagger does more damage" except where even in PvE, the non-staff DPS rotation is sword. Sword is plain STRONGER than dagger on weaver; mostly because half the strong skills on dagger are 3 and not 2.

Ele has no blocks, stealth, double elixir s, CC for defense/offens, no clones, no massive health pool and they don't have 1200 single target dmg weapons...they've been designed to facetank dmg with a light armor and lowest base stats but you will always complaints from people would are bothered of not seeing ele explode the second they look in their direction

Yet current weaver doesnt facetank anything :)

So you can get to platinum with TEMPEST come with pictures and videos !

P.S for the last time...I main half the classes in this game and I am ready to prove it whenever you wish, just inbox me or ask for proofs and that's why I can talk , because I actually play the kitten classes, I don't rant about with zero clue

"I main half the classes in the game" I don't think you know what main means, for one. I'm sure you're convinced of yourself; but you're not quite convincing to me. I'll think of how I can prove that i can get plat with tempest, as both my accs are already plat this season. I'll do placements and grind to plat on meme ele builds next season for you. xoxo

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@urdriel.8496 said:

@"Rufo.3716" said:Expect Mesmer and thief buffs. They will nerf rev into the ground as it's becoming sort of relevant.

i love that thief can be beaten by any class and any build yet people qq about it evrywhere, and wants more nerfs, pls give the class cooldowns on normal attacks not just stealth

dunno what kind of thieves you see nowadays, but i have see really skilled thieves killing Mirages and SBs nonstop , using S/D and SB , the fact that in this game there are utilities/skills that dont need direct sight of your target to tp to him means that some classes that can "abuse" of such skills become really powerful.

in what league lol?

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As much as I'd love to see a rework for weaver, I very much doubt we'll get more than number tweaks.

For example: If they'd give us a cleansing option outside of water, we would not take the trait to get CD reduced on water skills. If they gave us some base defense, we would not have to take arcane, which also gives vigor and the different random dodge mechanic.

Won't happen, I fear. But you can predict the dodges - well, to some extend. Watch twist of fate, it has a 40s CD. Watch when he goes to fire or air and burst him then. Dont burst when he has his water field out. Without a dodge and protection, ele is dead in seconds. It just takes a moment to get him there, yes.

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@Menyus.4610 said:

@"Rufo.3716" said:Expect Mesmer and thief buffs. They will nerf rev into the ground as it's becoming sort of relevant.

i love that thief can be beaten by any class and any build yet people qq about it evrywhere, and wants more nerfs, pls give the class cooldowns on normal attacks not just stealth

dunno what kind of thieves you see nowadays, but i have see really skilled thieves killing Mirages and SBs nonstop , using S/D and SB , the fact that in this game there are utilities/skills that dont need direct sight of your target to tp to him means that some classes that can "abuse" of such skills become really powerful.

in what league lol?

double post.

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@urdriel.8496 said:

@"Rufo.3716" said:Expect Mesmer and thief buffs. They will nerf rev into the ground as it's becoming sort of relevant.

i love that thief can be beaten by any class and any build yet people qq about it evrywhere, and wants more nerfs, pls give the class cooldowns on normal attacks not just stealth

dunno what kind of thieves you see nowadays, but i have see really skilled thieves killing Mirages and SBs nonstop , using S/D and SB , the fact that in this game there are utilities/skills that dont need direct sight of your target to tp to him means that some classes that can "abuse" of such skills become really powerful.

in what league lol?

gold-platinum, in fact i saw people in twitch killing everything with thief in platinum league xD, perhaps is that people are being carried by the meta and then when facing someone skilled meta cant win xD.

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