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Someone Hacking the sPVP please ban asap


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I'll ad here, charachter on EU, mesmer with name Lalunanera performs sort of same hacking, he just ports out of fight to some dimension, when a charachter appears above you (or doesn't appear at all), being "obstructed" and "no valid path". He can't attack you from there also, but just waits till cds.

Hope an admin will come here.

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@"dDuff.3860" said:I'll ad here, charachter on EU, mesmer with name Lalunanera performs sort of same hacking, he just ports out of fight to some dimension, when a charachter appears above you (or doesn't appear at all), being "obstructed" and "no valid path". He can't attack you from there also, but just waits till cds.

Hope an admin will come here.

Haha, the champion brawler mesmer that gets farmed in unranked has started to cheat?Good times

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"dDuff.3860" said:I'll ad here, charachter on EU, mesmer with name Lalunanera performs sort of same hacking, he just ports out of fight to some dimension, when a charachter appears above you (or doesn't appear at all), being "obstructed" and "no valid path". He can't attack you from there also, but just waits till cds.

Hope an admin will come here.

Haha, the champion brawler mesmer that gets farmed in unranked has started to cheat?Good timesYou know thats like saying famous people with youtube channels wont start to wintrade... oh waiiiiiiiiiiiiit....

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@"dDuff.3860" said:I'll ad here, charachter on EU, mesmer with name Lalunanera performs sort of same hacking, he just ports out of fight to some dimension, when a charachter appears above you (or doesn't appear at all), being "obstructed" and "no valid path". He can't attack you from there also, but just waits till cds.

Hope an admin will come here.

Yeah but no lol. I know luna since 5 years and i can assure he doesn't cheat at all and he doesnt give a damn about winning or loosing, he just farm games for fun with a super annoying build. It was more probably some bug with teleport. And btw if ur getting wrecked by a clicker like him you should probably train more against mesmer instead of accusing others of hacking....

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@"dDuff.3860" said:I'll ad here, charachter on EU, mesmer with name Lalunanera performs sort of same hacking, he just ports out of fight to some dimension, when a charachter appears above you (or doesn't appear at all), being "obstructed" and "no valid path". He can't attack you from there also, but just waits till cds.

Hope an admin will come here.

What you say is big cuz he is a old player and been playing since at least 4-5 years.I'd like to see some video capture so your claim would be valid. Oh wait.. Anet doesnt care about video footage too? right?

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Less people are taking ranked PvP seriously because or the gross class spec imbalances. You used to see these hacks in WvW, due to the neglect of that game mode. Now that PvP is neglected with a totally useless report system of course people are going to think they can get away with anything. Well done for turning PvP into a joke.

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@Blackdagger.9670 said:

@"dDuff.3860" said:I'll ad here, charachter on EU, mesmer with name Lalunanera performs sort of same hacking, he just ports out of fight to some dimension, when a charachter appears above you (or doesn't appear at all), being "obstructed" and "no valid path". He can't attack you from there also, but just waits till cds.

Hope an admin will come here.

What you say is big cuz he is a old player and been playing since at least 4-5 years.I'd like to see some video capture so your claim would be valid. Oh wait.. Anet doesnt care about video footage too? right?

They are not . Had videos with hacker DE teleporting around map , youtube videos .Both still playing ... good times

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@Blackdagger.9670 said:

@"dDuff.3860" said:I'll ad here, charachter on EU, mesmer with name Lalunanera performs sort of same hacking, he just ports out of fight to some dimension, when a charachter appears above you (or doesn't appear at all), being "obstructed" and "no valid path". He can't attack you from there also, but just waits till cds.

Hope an admin will come here.

What you say is big cuz he is a old player and been playing since at least 4-5 years.I'd like to see some video capture so your claim would be valid. Oh wait.. Anet doesnt care about video footage too? right?

It happened twice that match, one time he seems to just bug on chandelier on temple point/temple map, it looked like a bug, but after it he take a fight near the resp, where he appear to get advantage of this, while "bugging" right when he had troubles.

I lost that match, idk if this happened cuz cheating. But it looked intentional,

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hi i'm Lalunanera and i have not cheated at all, it's 2 hours that i'm trying to write this thing and you think i'm hacking... i'm not young and i don't know how to hack this game or anything else, please take care of real cheaters. I play since the beginning and only for fun, and cheating is not funny in my opinion.

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Hello.Please move the thread if this is not the right place to post. Today someone was hacking the sPVP, with the nickname Berriefarm. You can check the video i uploaded on youtube.

Thank you.

The thing is that he is around for more than two weeks now. I met him in a random group for the Automated Tournament and mid-match he started doing the things shown in the video. I blocked and reported him but followed his path by talking to other players who reported him too. He continued doing this stuff for the next two weeks and even was joined by another player (E***A) who then duo queued with him on several occasions. The real problem is that they would compete in the Automated Tournament for a couple of times and gained top spots in the match history repeatedly, getting rewarded big time.

I have no idea why ANet does not react to this incidence since I am sure that a lot of people reported him and his friend for his/their actions. I am very concerned about the Monthly Tournament.

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Hahahaha this is the guy that wanted to play in the AT with me and a couple of other guys. I asked him if he could reroll to another class since we had two thieves in the team. He said "don't worry, I literally nuke people from the sky." I kicked him out instantly cause I thought he was a troll and I can see that now loool

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