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What will people do on these maps after few weeks?


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The thing is that in HoT you can explore all the maps (but the last) without participating in the events.

This is such a lie. I played it on release, and there were constant gates closed in AB, to the point of making entire areas impossible to reach.You can do more now, after we explorers raised a stink and got this fixed some, but it's still not great. Many AB areas are still locked, they just are smaller now.And yet the last map is STILL impossible to properly explore without event bullshit going on and will even kick you out, even after you participated and won the event.

The new maps are better. I am playing fairly extensively, and I only finished one map so far. Of course, unlike OP and similar people, I don't use guides for achievements, I do it myself. If you spoil everything and let others hold your hand, then of course things are quicker. But that's your fault and your choice.

The new maps are how GW2 maps should be. I am not against adding a "meta event" map somewhere along the line, maybe one in season 4, but until then, it's good we're getting a few proper maps, instead of railroaded event theaters.

Also, I am pretty sure that most of you that have played both expansions felt that PoF maps were "smaller" than HoT maps.

The opposite is true. The new maps feel like large, real places, not set dressing like the tiny HoT maps, and feel MUCH larger.

At the end of the day, you guys still have your meta maps. They were not removed from the game. But it's telling that so many people left them, isn't it? If they were so much better, and everyone already finished PoF, why did the HoT maps empty out? Perhaps people didn't like them as much as you think they did.

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@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Stalkingwolf.6035 said:There will be Meta Events. There is a thread on reddit.

Please, can you post the link here?

That's not a meta; THIS is a meta: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27sStand(meta_event)

(in Crocodile Dundee voice)

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I never perceived any HoT Meta as Epic they're all just based around gathering enough people to press "1" over and over again until you have to do the boss mechanic and can go back to pressing "1" . I'm Ele so I actually get to press F3 sometimes which almost makes the metas exciting...No I prefer Legendary Bounties or just whatever Champion I can find in PoF because playing in small groups means that you actually play your class and not just a few butons. I know everyone has different opinions and this is mine.

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So true. The legendary bounties are a lot more engaging per fight than whatever enemy falls over in the HoT metas. The only three fights that stand out in there are the final champion fights when stupid people join the center and mess it up. The new fights are so much more involving. The new ones actually have mechanics and need attention.

I rather have this than the pinatas of the "meta" events.

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Zergfests as HoT meta's may be when you have the numbers, I am still more immersed in my gameplay when doing the chain of events in a HoT Meta, then hopping Legendaries, or doing a Boss train in Orr for loot. Even though I have heard the dialogue during the events many times, it is stil more fun to me. I do not do them daily though. But I can still appreciate the whole "events leading up to a climax" type of gameplay.

Also for me the Meta's in Hot are more of a whole map working together towards a single goal. I always appreciate the fact that there are Commanders who tag up and try to round up enough people to finish a lane (or Pylons) and work together with other commanders.

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I really do enjoy PoF maps - Granted I havent completed it 100% yet.

As for HoT meta vs. PoF meta; Having every map being a one large meta isnt really something I've enjoyed all that much - if you enter a map where the meta just finished or is already over, then more often than not I find myself just sitting there waiting for it to start as theres not much else to do - usually.

With that said, I do like meta events, but having all the maps as function as one big single dedicated meta event has certainly been frustrating for me during HoT.

PoF's maps are a fairly large as we all know, and having several different meta events on such a map should certainly be a possibility, while still providing smaller events, which has their own smaller stories to tell as well.

As such, contrary to Tyncale above me, I find PoF to be a lot more immersive.

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@Menadena.7482 said:Umm, maybe next time do not rush? I prioritized mounts and act 1 of the story. I have 2 mounts at level 3, one at 1, and the jackal I just got. I have some HPs but that is only because I was in a zerg that was nearby. I will be doing new stuff for a long time.

There will always people who play more than others. Telling someone to slow down and take it slow like the devs did im the live stream doesn't really speak for a content heavy expansion as PoF was advertised.

A content heavy expansion offers meaningful, repeatable content that lasts more than 2 weeks. There are no huge events in PoF, no real reason to go back to the maps after you've fully explored them and no dungeons or the like. A MMORPG expansion that took 2 years to develop doesn't feature a single dungeon? That's ridiculous, and non GW2 players would certainly not be convinced if they heard that.

But Anet doesn't have to care about replayability since they'll go on with the next Season of the Living World. In 3 months there will be another episode and map that lasts 1 or 2 weeks. It feels more like the whole game is on life support and does just the minimum to keep some players in the game.

It certainly doesn't live up to the expectations of a content heavy expansion after they told us to give them time to introduce all the needed features with HoT. That's why people are already asking what they're suppoed to do in a few weeks.

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Getting all skins and completing collections, farming gold/mats for crafting and legendaries, doing bounties, opening chests, doing some fun achievements, and finally, play the game the way they want instead of being railroaded like zombies and follow a strict schedule and organization doing meta events.

Edit: after reading the entire thread, it's hilarous to see that most of the dudes complaining that there's nothing to do haven't even reached the 3rd map...

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@Zok.4956 said:

@bOTEB.1573 said:I have completed the story, got 100% map completion on 4 maps and got all the mounts.

All of them

Killed a couple of legendary bounties here and there and completed some events.(...)P.S. I like the game but I am very disappointed as I was expecting more. And I really hope they add some major changes to these maps very soon, namely meta events.

Congratulation, you burned through the content and now you are finished. No wonder, that you are disappointed.

You're totally missing the point. The content is so minimal, even playing casually completes all of it. What part of this don't people understand? Compared to HOT, content, ie events and metas and actual things do to, POF does not compare. Heck we aren't even a week in and Im already mapping with my 5th toon while still finding time to do my nightly raid runs and dailies lmao.

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:I guess that's your fault for finishing and now sitting around saying "Now what?"I'm a casual play and will actually enjoy the expansion for months to come.So who will actually get more out of the game me or the person who finished in the first week?

Talk about missing the point.... Most people who have finished it already ARE casual.......

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Started asking myself the same thing, i work 10 or more hours a day(monday through friday) and ive already finished the story, and most of the non uber time consuming achievements, hell i even got the gryphon. The maps ive been getting on are deserted except for the people doing the bounty trains, and they dont really count because they dont DO any of the other events.

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@Mitch.4781 said:

@"Game of Bones.8975" said:I guess that's your fault for finishing and now sitting around saying "Now what?"I'm a casual play and will actually enjoy the expansion for months to come.So who will actually get more out of the game me or the person who finished in the first week?

Talk about missing the point.... Most people who have finished it already ARE casual.......

Should I even ask how you know how many people have finished, and what proportion are casuals? Please, please tell me you've asked your closest friends and based on that sample you've projected it to the whole player base.

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You can't go to Africa and expect things to be just like they were in Asia.Meaning ... the open wastelands and environment dictate how and where the people live. If there are fewer resources there will be fewer settlements (hence fewer waypoints and the need to adjust by training with mounts).Just because there aren't major monsters that live in the area doesn't detract from the overall story. Have you asked yourself if this was a part of the plot-line or did the designers just get lazy?

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Just in the maps today and I see lots of people. Maps were not empty. As for what I will be doing .... playing the game. I enjoy the game and I will continue to play it. No I have not finished PoF ... why? ... because I keep getting distracted by other things that pop up in the maps. I don't bother with the mounts all that much as I have always killed everything around and harvested everything and you cannot do that on a mount as you run right past mobs. Why kill mobs? That's where I have gotten any of the precursors that have dropped for me, yep mobs not bosses.

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"What will people do on these maps after few weeks?"

In just a few weeks 99.99% of the playerbase won't have even reached the fifth map and nothing will happen at all. Just because you and a small circle of players blow through content like it's a race doesn't mean everyone does. I've completed two maps, on one character each, barely touched the third and fourth, haven't even seen the fifth, or earned the fourth mastery for a single mount, and I'm one of the more advanced people in both of the guilds I'm active in.

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@Conncept.7638 said:"What will people do on these maps after few weeks?"

In just a few weeks 99.99% of the playerbase won't have even reached the fifth map and nothing will happen at all. Just because you and a small circle of players blow through content like it's a race doesn't mean everyone does. I've completed two maps, on one character each, barely touched the third and fourth, haven't even seen the fifth, or earned the fourth mastery for a single mount, and I'm one of the more advanced people in both of the guilds I'm active in.

From where do you get these statistics? Let me tell you about a statistic which is a fact. I can tell you that it took me LESS THAN 48 hours playtime to do this (this is without watching any guides, just because there weren't any). To have 257 mastery level (max), 90% of the collection achievements, all maps 100% completed, all mastery insights, all legendary and champion bounties (several times), all events.

Now, Imagine you play 2 hours a day. How fast would you complete all these? 24 days? Damn, make it 1 month just for the casual lazy, hangover days of sleeping, cuddling and watching movies with your crush/wife/husband.

Telling me that at this point only 1 of each 10000 players has reached the 5th map is just hilarious and that it will be like this in the next few weeks... wake up, please.

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@bOTEB.1573 said:

@Conncept.7638 said:"What will people do on these maps after few weeks?"

In just a few weeks 99.99% of the playerbase won't have even reached the fifth map and nothing will happen at all. Just because you and a small circle of players blow through content like it's a race doesn't mean everyone does. I've completed two maps, on one character each, barely touched the third and fourth, haven't even seen the fifth, or earned the fourth mastery for a single mount, and I'm one of the more advanced people in both of the guilds I'm active in.

From where do you get these statistics? Let me tell you about a statistic which is a fact. I can tell you that it took me LESS THAN 48 hours playtime to do this (this is without watching any guides, just because there weren't any). To have 257 mastery level (max), 90% of the collection achievements, all maps 100% completed, all mastery insights, all legendary and champion bounties (several times), all events.

Now, Imagine you play 2 hours a day. How fast would you complete all these? 24 days? kitten, make it 1 month just for the casual lazy, hangover days of sleeping, cuddling and watching movies with your crush/wife/husband.

Telling me that at this point only 1 of each 10000 players has reached the 5th map is just hilarious and that it will be like this in the next few weeks... wake up, please.

From my head, because they're not statistics they're an opinion. Please show me where I stated any of that was a statistic. Numbers does not a statistic make.

And are you serious? Forty eight hours? You're proving my bloody point! You have as good a point of reference for casual play as Donald Trump has of the needs of the poor.

Casual players don't complete the first content they see and move on like a robot until everything is checked off. They meander, wander, they go through the same content content multiple times because they're lost, because they think its new when it isn't, because of stuff they hear in chat or on the forums or whever else, because they failed it and want to retry, because they have a new build or a new group. And sometimes they repeat content just because it's there, and it was enjoyable the first time and it will be enjoyable again, and the stuff they haven't done yet isn't going anywhere.

Or in summation, casual players are not preoccupied by competition or efficiency or even completion to any degree whatsoever. Most days I only have 2-3 hours to play and that's pretty standard for a casual player, and in that time, most days, I won't progress towards a single thing or do anything "new". I log in, do the first thing that looks fun whether I've done it before or it has any rewards or not, and I daisy chain from that into whatever catches my attention. And that's the way most casual players play. And you are so obviously utterly and completely disconnected from that that you actually think you're a casual player, which is absolutely ridiculous, you are not a casual player by any measure whatsoever and you do not speak for casual players with any amount of authority or even a modicum of applicable experience.

Forty eight hours of "casual" play, good grief that could not sound more ridiculous. There were players that hit 80 with map completion within a week of the vanilla games launch, does that mean the vanilla game that you're comparing this expansion to also has no content? There's no bones about this you blew through the content, and are complaining about issues that are the result of your own poor habits, not the design of the expansion.

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