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Which Spec deserves a nerf in pvp and why?

Crystal Paladin.3871

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@nativity.3057 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Are you sure it wasn't because a lot of players are bad and don't know how to fight reapers? besides how do i know its really you? show a youtube video of you playing so we can see you show your real class too while your at it.

And if your wondering why i'm hostile its because of this:You aren't the first one to ask for nerf, and not the last one either, and a lot of others also agree reaper doesn't need nerfed because it has plenty of counters.If you nerf it then you create a class that has all counters no strengths, and it becomes a meme build that won't get far.

As some called it:a noobkiller build.

Do you want my API key so you can see for yourself in GW2efficiency?I said I've only played Necro recently and have 11 games on it. I'm not going to scour the internet to find a picture to fit my narrative.

I don't make content videos, and won't start for GW2 because I would only upload WvW montages, and that's overdone.

This guy is constantly defending reaper because now he is probably getting lot of kills and he thinks he is a good player because of it.

But he doesn't accept the fact that necro since beta is same as warrior, top number 1 easy pick brainless profession.

Scourge is a brainless condi spammer, reaper is a brainless power spammer (plus trash perma chill and cripple which are btw so op even for a power build).

He doesn't realize how hard is to kite when chilled, and reaper spam chill with every single skill.

And like you mentioned now it's brainless and for this reason so abused by noobs who are ranking up pretty fast because of it, not to mention in wvw in small scale or 1vs1 fights, you can drop a reaper to 5% landing every single skill perfectly, he pop shroud counter spam 2-3 skills and you are downed if you do just one mistake or don't dodge one thing, plus retard passive procs.

Of course now there are many easy mode builds out there, noobeast, noobreaker, yolosmith, memser, scourage and reaper is one of them.

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firebrand because it literally makes all other support builds null and void in pvp and wvw.

After that i would say mirage then holo then soul beast then deadeye.Reasons for all of them are the same, way to effective for little to no effort; mirrage can be best described as having a sustained burst, holo just faceroles his keyboard in forge and is effective, soulbeast has so many damage pumps that it becomes absurd, dead eye is just a one trick gimic spec that is n fun to fight.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Are you sure it wasn't because a lot of players are bad and don't know how to fight reapers? besides how do i know its really you? show a youtube video of you playing so we can see you show your real class too while your at it.

And if your wondering why i'm hostile its because of this:You aren't the first one to ask for nerf, and not the last one either, and a lot of others also agree reaper doesn't need nerfed because it has plenty of counters.If you nerf it then you create a class that has all counters no strengths, and it becomes a meme build that won't get far.

As some called it:a noobkiller build.

Do you want my API key so you can see for yourself in GW2efficiency?I said I've only played Necro recently and have 11 games on it. I'm not going to scour the internet to find a picture to fit my narrative.

I don't make content videos, and won't start for GW2 because I would only upload WvW montages, and that's overdone.

This guy is constantly defending reaper because now he is probably getting lot of kills and he thinks he is a good player because of it.

But he doesn't accept the fact that necro since beta is same as warrior, top number 1 easy pick brainless profession.

Scourge is a brainless condi spammer, reaper is a brainless power spammer (plus trash perma chill and cripple which are btw so op even for a power build).

He doesn't realize how hard is to kite when chilled, and reaper spam chill with every single skill.

And like you mentioned now it's brainless and for this reason so abused by noobs who are ranking up pretty fast because of it, not to mention in wvw in small scale or 1vs1 fights, you can drop a reaper to 5% landing every single skill perfectly, he pop shroud counter spam 2-3 skills and you are downed if you do just one mistake or don't dodge one thing, plus kitten passive procs.

Of course now there are many easy mode builds out there, noobeast, noobreaker, yolosmith, memser, scourage and reaper is one of them.

You got wrecked by khome earlier.

@KrHome.1920 said:    @whoknocks.4935 said:    https://ibb.co/jTPrCK    Just few seconds ago while roaming on my revenant and found reaper, dropped him to 25% with my main burst, I used staff3 to block immediately after to kite.    He entered shroud and this happened in 1-2 seconds before I could actually react and doing anything, I didn't even have the time to press glint heal.    Yeah he downed me in 1-2 seconds by spamming shroud skills. Yeah this profession takes definetely skill.This picture proves you are a bad player (and a liar). The death's charge alone in your face (the numbers clearly state he did it in melee range, which btw. is a waste of ressources) takes about a second not even to mention the 5 soul spiral hits and two whole autoattack rotations.All you would have to do, was using riposting shadows after he popped shroud to kite him.Well you couldn't, because all you know about revenant is the oneshot weaponswap into legendswap combo, that ends you up in glint stance. So you clearly misplayed. It's not the reaper's fault, that you play onetrick pony tactics he can punish after you failed.That 5,8k lesser spinal shivers hit shows you were full glass (berserker or marauder). If you duell a power build while not running some toughness gear you have to use your blocks, dodges and evades properly, which you clearly did not even though you have plenty of them on revenant.Get good!You want a simple counter tactic to that quickness reaper build?Just spam riposting shadows -> hammer auto -> hammer 2 -> hammer auto -> riposting shadows -> hammer 2 etc.

Face it you got wrecked and made a mistake.Other pointed it out.

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I voted for deadeye.

Far from op but really annoying with the perma stealth. Maybe a mesmer can burst them really quickly. As I play warrior i just hide behing walls and take the point bit by bit wasting his time.

I think the other classes are ok, there are a few really good to play. And another ones that really need some buffs.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:It does say the last 2 days doesn't show long term like if you practiced or not.Its pretty clear you didn't go in without practicing some, because a newbie on a fresh class would get wrecked.


Reaper is stupid easy to play, and that comes from someone that plays core guard normally. It has very little to no depth and it's as close as you can possibly come to the typical melee fighter in games nowadays.Also, stop justifying Reaper damage because of how it performs in PvE. Staff ele has been god there for years, didn't really make it anymore viable in PvP though.

Then stop trying to justify gutting a class that spent 6 years in the gutter and trying to excuse not learning how to fight it.I've fought reaper with my thief, and i won.If i can beat a reaper, you can too.Do you know how i won? i ranged the reaper so it couldn't get near me.

Its pointless discussion anyways.You aren't here looking to help a class, you just want a scapegoat a class into having its arms and legs.If you wanted balance, you would ask for improvements in others areas, but you don't care, because whatever class you play you just facetank and get wrecked.

Difference is weaver is viable for raids, and reaper is the only thing necros got viable for raids.You would have to buff bosses and give them boons to make reaper viable, and once its gone, its back to being /autokicked in high rating fractals/raids.

Eles are also pretty good healers too, even though tempest isn't really as good as others, because others provide better buffs.I even tried tempest in spvp, and i managed to make life hard for some enemies by healing and condi clears.

This is downright a lie. Necromancer has been meta ever since HoT dropped. Tempest reaper was the go to during all of HoT, Scourge Firebrand is still the go to.Heal Necro is a viable raid build, the meta a few months ago was 6 scourges with epi bounce.

Not all classes has viable ranged weapons, see warrior and core guard. Even Weaver.

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@whoknocks.4935 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Are you sure it wasn't because a lot of players are bad and don't know how to fight reapers? besides how do i know its really you? show a youtube video of you playing so we can see you show your real class too while your at it.

And if your wondering why i'm hostile its because of this:You aren't the first one to ask for nerf, and not the last one either, and a lot of others also agree reaper doesn't need nerfed because it has plenty of counters.If you nerf it then you create a class that has all counters no strengths, and it becomes a meme build that won't get far.

As some called it:a noobkiller build.

Do you want my API key so you can see for yourself in GW2efficiency?I said I've only played Necro recently and have 11 games on it. I'm not going to scour the internet to find a picture to fit my narrative.

I don't make content videos, and won't start for GW2 because I would only upload WvW montages, and that's overdone.

This guy is constantly defending reaper because now he is probably getting lot of kills and he thinks he is a good player because of it.

But he doesn't accept the fact that necro since beta is same as warrior, top number 1 easy pick brainless profession.

Scourge is a brainless condi spammer, reaper is a brainless power spammer (plus trash perma chill and cripple which are btw so op even for a power build).

He doesn't realize how hard is to kite when chilled, and reaper spam chill with every single skill.

And like you mentioned now it's brainless and for this reason so abused by noobs who are ranking up pretty fast because of it, not to mention in wvw in small scale or 1vs1 fights, you can drop a reaper to 5% landing every single skill perfectly, he pop shroud counter spam 2-3 skills and you are downed if you do just one mistake or don't dodge one thing, plus kitten passive procs.

Of course now there are many easy mode builds out there, noobeast, noobreaker, yolosmith, memser, scourage and reaper is one of them.

reaper is a brainless power spammer only against brainless playertry reaper in plat 2 and above (EU ofc)i agree with the passive proc i dont use that and i have hard time to down my enemy without it but i refuse to use that stupid proc thus i relay on my active skilland if you want the passive remove then i say remove all the passives from the game (cuz i hate them all)and if you want the so famous second health bar remove then i say remove all the invuln from the game

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:It does say the last 2 days doesn't show long term like if you practiced or not.Its pretty clear you didn't go in without practicing some, because a newbie on a fresh class would get wrecked.


Reaper is stupid easy to play, and that comes from someone that plays core guard normally. It has very little to no depth and it's as close as you can possibly come to the typical melee fighter in games nowadays.Also, stop justifying Reaper damage because of how it performs in PvE. Staff ele has been god there for years, didn't really make it anymore viable in PvP though.

Then stop trying to justify gutting a class that spent 6 years in the gutter and trying to excuse not learning how to fight it.I've fought reaper with my thief, and i won.If i can beat a reaper, you can too.Do you know how i won? i ranged the reaper so it couldn't get near me.

Its pointless discussion anyways.You aren't here looking to help a class, you just want a scapegoat a class into having its arms and legs.If you wanted balance, you would ask for improvements in others areas, but you don't care, because whatever class you play you just facetank and get wrecked.

Difference is weaver is viable for raids, and reaper is the only thing necros got viable for raids.You would have to buff bosses and give them boons to make reaper viable, and once its gone, its back to being /autokicked in high rating fractals/raids.

Eles are also pretty good healers too, even though tempest isn't really as good as others, because others provide better buffs.I even tried tempest in spvp, and i managed to make life hard for some enemies by healing and condi clears.

This is downright a lie. Necromancer has been meta ever since HoT dropped. Tempest reaper was the go to during all of HoT, Scourge Firebrand is still the go to.Heal Necro is a viable raid build, the meta a few months ago was 6 scourges with epi bounce.

Not all classes has viable ranged weapons, see warrior and core guard. Even Weaver.

You can do low tier fractals fairly easy, but dps is a big deal.Like i said:huge difference in dps is a big difference.Also reapers have a fairly obvious weakness in pvp that makes them easy to exploit and kill, and if you are really bad and don't have good timing besides spamming skills, you will get wrecked by better players.

Scourge has less dps than reaper, and its support while decent is not on level with other support classes.Boon corrupt is still poweful in pvp because everyone spams a bajillion boons, and thus of course its strong there and in WVW where you got groups of scourge.Epi bounce got nerfed, and is less of a thing.

Warriors have far more sustain than reaper does and thus has a clear advantage, plus they hit really hard.Why do you think people cry about fullcounter so much?

Each class has its advantage and disadvantage, and you need to learn to play to your strengths.I haven't played weaver in pvp so i don't know.I do know tempest is fairly difficult to pull off because its very squishy and sometimes those casts feel like a eternity getting a heal off.

Also keep in mind, a lot of older classes also feel the effects of fighting path of fire specs, its called power creep for a reason.Reaper tools are better suited dealing with opponents with builds from older expansions.

Also:If weaver is weak in pvp(i don't know, not saying it is) but if its weak at what its supposed to be strong against, which i don't know, then instead of nerfing reaper, they should buff weaver to be strong against whatever its supposed to be strong against, and have reaper be stong vs certain classes.

If you nerf reaper, you gut all of its strengths and leave all its weaknesses, and then all you have is weakesses

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:It does say the last 2 days doesn't show long term like if you practiced or not.Its pretty clear you didn't go in without practicing some, because a newbie on a fresh class would get wrecked.


Reaper is stupid easy to play, and that comes from someone that plays core guard normally. It has very little to no depth and it's as close as you can possibly come to the typical melee fighter in games nowadays.Also, stop justifying Reaper damage because of how it performs in PvE. Staff ele has been god there for years, didn't really make it anymore viable in PvP though.

Then stop trying to justify gutting a class that spent 6 years in the gutter and trying to excuse not learning how to fight it.I've fought reaper with my thief, and i won.If i can beat a reaper, you can too.Do you know how i won? i ranged the reaper so it couldn't get near me.

Its pointless discussion anyways.You aren't here looking to help a class, you just want a scapegoat a class into having its arms and legs.If you wanted balance, you would ask for improvements in others areas, but you don't care, because whatever class you play you just facetank and get wrecked.

Difference is weaver is viable for raids, and reaper is the only thing necros got viable for raids.You would have to buff bosses and give them boons to make reaper viable, and once its gone, its back to being /autokicked in high rating fractals/raids.

Eles are also pretty good healers too, even though tempest isn't really as good as others, because others provide better buffs.I even tried tempest in spvp, and i managed to make life hard for some enemies by healing and condi clears.

This is downright a lie. Necromancer has been meta ever since HoT dropped. Tempest reaper was the go to during all of HoT, Scourge Firebrand is still the go to.Heal Necro is a viable raid build, the meta a few months ago was 6 scourges with epi bounce.

Not all classes has viable ranged weapons, see warrior and core guard. Even Weaver.

You can do low tier fractals fairly easy, but dps is a big deal.Like i said:huge difference in dps is a big difference.Also reapers have a fairly obvious weakness in pvp that makes them easy to exploit and kill, and if you are really bad and don't have good timing besides spamming skills, you will get wrecked by better players.

Scourge has less dps than reaper, and its support while decent is not on level with other support classes.Boon corrupt is still poweful in pvp because everyone spams a bajillion boons, and thus of course its strong there and in WVW where you got groups of scourge.Epi bounce got nerfed, and is less of a thing.

Warriors have far more sustain than reaper does and thus has a clear advantage, plus they hit really hard.Why do you think people cry about fullcounter so much?

Each class has its advantage and disadvantage, and you need to learn to play to your strengths.I haven't played weaver in pvp so i don't know.I do know tempest is fairly difficult to pull off because its very squishy and sometimes those casts feel like a eternity getting a heal off.

Also keep in mind, a lot of older classes also feel the effects of fighting path of fire specs, its called power creep for a reason.Reaper tools are better suited dealing with opponents with builds from older expansions.

Also:If weaver is weak in pvp(i don't know, not saying it is) but if its weak at what its supposed to be strong against, which i don't know, then instead of nerfing reaper, they should buff weaver to be strong against whatever its supposed to be strong against, and have reaper be stong vs certain classes.

If you nerf reaper, you gut all of its strengths and leave all its weaknesses, and then all you have is weakesses

Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release. Too much pay out for the effort required.The damage is too high for what you need to do in order to land it.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:It does say the last 2 days doesn't show long term like if you practiced or not.Its pretty clear you didn't go in without practicing some, because a newbie on a fresh class would get wrecked.


Reaper is stupid easy to play, and that comes from someone that plays core guard normally. It has very little to no depth and it's as close as you can possibly come to the typical melee fighter in games nowadays.Also, stop justifying Reaper damage because of how it performs in PvE. Staff ele has been god there for years, didn't really make it anymore viable in PvP though.

Then stop trying to justify gutting a class that spent 6 years in the gutter and trying to excuse not learning how to fight it.I've fought reaper with my thief, and i won.If i can beat a reaper, you can too.Do you know how i won? i ranged the reaper so it couldn't get near me.

Its pointless discussion anyways.You aren't here looking to help a class, you just want a scapegoat a class into having its arms and legs.If you wanted balance, you would ask for improvements in others areas, but you don't care, because whatever class you play you just facetank and get wrecked.

Difference is weaver is viable for raids, and reaper is the only thing necros got viable for raids.You would have to buff bosses and give them boons to make reaper viable, and once its gone, its back to being /autokicked in high rating fractals/raids.

Eles are also pretty good healers too, even though tempest isn't really as good as others, because others provide better buffs.I even tried tempest in spvp, and i managed to make life hard for some enemies by healing and condi clears.

This is downright a lie. Necromancer has been meta ever since HoT dropped. Tempest reaper was the go to during all of HoT, Scourge Firebrand is still the go to.Heal Necro is a viable raid build, the meta a few months ago was 6 scourges with epi bounce.

Not all classes has viable ranged weapons, see warrior and core guard. Even Weaver.

You can do low tier fractals fairly easy, but dps is a big deal.Like i said:huge difference in dps is a big difference.Also reapers have a fairly obvious weakness in pvp that makes them easy to exploit and kill, and if you are really bad and don't have good timing besides spamming skills, you will get wrecked by better players.

Scourge has less dps than reaper, and its support while decent is not on level with other support classes.Boon corrupt is still poweful in pvp because everyone spams a bajillion boons, and thus of course its strong there and in WVW where you got groups of scourge.Epi bounce got nerfed, and is less of a thing.

Warriors have far more sustain than reaper does and thus has a clear advantage, plus they hit really hard.Why do you think people cry about fullcounter so much?

Each class has its advantage and disadvantage, and you need to learn to play to your strengths.I haven't played weaver in pvp so i don't know.I do know tempest is fairly difficult to pull off because its very squishy and sometimes those casts feel like a eternity getting a heal off.

Also keep in mind, a lot of older classes also feel the effects of fighting path of fire specs, its called power creep for a reason.Reaper tools are better suited dealing with opponents with builds from older expansions.

Also:If weaver is weak in pvp(i don't know, not saying it is) but if its weak at what its supposed to be strong against, which i don't know, then instead of nerfing reaper, they should buff weaver to be strong against whatever its supposed to be strong against, and have reaper be stong vs certain classes.

If you nerf reaper, you gut all of its strengths and leave all its weaknesses, and then all you have is weakesses

Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release. Too much pay out for the effort required.The damage is too high for what you need to do in order to land it.

Will there be huge compensation? because in order to land a kill reaper will need those invulns and sustain outside shroud to survive longer.You will have to buff reaper through the roof as is, because even though i hits very very hard, it stil gets kited easily, and outmanouvered easily.

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1) revenant2) guard's retaliation traits (was funny for awhile but seriously 50% crit rate 250 ferocity 10% dmg might stack procs and all that given to you so your enemy can hit themselves for 250 per a hit? and considering some attacks are 8-10 hits thats easy 2.5k dmg while you're essentially afk)

overall power builds are way too broken right now compared to condi cause they target nerfed every single condition build for no reason whatsoever (cus of forum bad ppl crying when they cant play and the issue is in them not in the builds)

on top of that every cleanse got buffed over time and went from removing 1-3 to 3-5

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:It does say the last 2 days doesn't show long term like if you practiced or not.Its pretty clear you didn't go in without practicing some, because a newbie on a fresh class would get wrecked.


Reaper is stupid easy to play, and that comes from someone that plays core guard normally. It has very little to no depth and it's as close as you can possibly come to the typical melee fighter in games nowadays.Also, stop justifying Reaper damage because of how it performs in PvE. Staff ele has been god there for years, didn't really make it anymore viable in PvP though.

Then stop trying to justify gutting a class that spent 6 years in the gutter and trying to excuse not learning how to fight it.I've fought reaper with my thief, and i won.If i can beat a reaper, you can too.Do you know how i won? i ranged the reaper so it couldn't get near me.

Its pointless discussion anyways.You aren't here looking to help a class, you just want a scapegoat a class into having its arms and legs.If you wanted balance, you would ask for improvements in others areas, but you don't care, because whatever class you play you just facetank and get wrecked.

Difference is weaver is viable for raids, and reaper is the only thing necros got viable for raids.You would have to buff bosses and give them boons to make reaper viable, and once its gone, its back to being /autokicked in high rating fractals/raids.

Eles are also pretty good healers too, even though tempest isn't really as good as others, because others provide better buffs.I even tried tempest in spvp, and i managed to make life hard for some enemies by healing and condi clears.

This is downright a lie. Necromancer has been meta ever since HoT dropped. Tempest reaper was the go to during all of HoT, Scourge Firebrand is still the go to.Heal Necro is a viable raid build, the meta a few months ago was 6 scourges with epi bounce.

Not all classes has viable ranged weapons, see warrior and core guard. Even Weaver.

You can do low tier fractals fairly easy, but dps is a big deal.Like i said:huge difference in dps is a big difference.Also reapers have a fairly obvious weakness in pvp that makes them easy to exploit and kill, and if you are really bad and don't have good timing besides spamming skills, you will get wrecked by better players.

Scourge has less dps than reaper, and its support while decent is not on level with other support classes.Boon corrupt is still poweful in pvp because everyone spams a bajillion boons, and thus of course its strong there and in WVW where you got groups of scourge.Epi bounce got nerfed, and is less of a thing.

Warriors have far more sustain than reaper does and thus has a clear advantage, plus they hit really hard.Why do you think people cry about fullcounter so much?

Each class has its advantage and disadvantage, and you need to learn to play to your strengths.I haven't played weaver in pvp so i don't know.I do know tempest is fairly difficult to pull off because its very squishy and sometimes those casts feel like a eternity getting a heal off.

Also keep in mind, a lot of older classes also feel the effects of fighting path of fire specs, its called power creep for a reason.Reaper tools are better suited dealing with opponents with builds from older expansions.

Also:If weaver is weak in pvp(i don't know, not saying it is) but if its weak at what its supposed to be strong against, which i don't know, then instead of nerfing reaper, they should buff weaver to be strong against whatever its supposed to be strong against, and have reaper be stong vs certain classes.

If you nerf reaper, you gut all of its strengths and leave all its weaknesses, and then all you have is weakesses

Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release. Too much pay out for the effort required.The damage is too high for what you need to do in order to land it.

Will there be huge compensation? because in order to land a kill reaper will need those invulns and sustain outside shroud to survive longer.You will have to buff reaper through the roof as is, because even though i hits very very hard, it stil gets kited easily, and outmanouvered easily.

The point with reaper ( or previously with scourge) isn't only concerning the build. I can perform well against these necro builds too, but you have to keep in mind that this is a 5v5 game, not only a 1v1. If you played within the 1000-1400 rating, you would know how players drop like flies to any necromancer. That's most of the time partly a " l2p" issue for sure, but i'm still finding the build way too easy and too rewarding.If we asked a beginner to perform the build, i'm pretty sure he could go up +150 rating rather easily with reaper, something he probably wouldn't do with other builds.

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@Abazigal.3679 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Axl.8924 said:It does say the last 2 days doesn't show long term like if you practiced or not.Its pretty clear you didn't go in without practicing some, because a newbie on a fresh class would get wrecked.


Reaper is stupid easy to play, and that comes from someone that plays core guard normally. It has very little to no depth and it's as close as you can possibly come to the typical melee fighter in games nowadays.Also, stop justifying Reaper damage because of how it performs in PvE. Staff ele has been god there for years, didn't really make it anymore viable in PvP though.

Then stop trying to justify gutting a class that spent 6 years in the gutter and trying to excuse not learning how to fight it.I've fought reaper with my thief, and i won.If i can beat a reaper, you can too.Do you know how i won? i ranged the reaper so it couldn't get near me.

Its pointless discussion anyways.You aren't here looking to help a class, you just want a scapegoat a class into having its arms and legs.If you wanted balance, you would ask for improvements in others areas, but you don't care, because whatever class you play you just facetank and get wrecked.

Difference is weaver is viable for raids, and reaper is the only thing necros got viable for raids.You would have to buff bosses and give them boons to make reaper viable, and once its gone, its back to being /autokicked in high rating fractals/raids.

Eles are also pretty good healers too, even though tempest isn't really as good as others, because others provide better buffs.I even tried tempest in spvp, and i managed to make life hard for some enemies by healing and condi clears.

This is downright a lie. Necromancer has been meta ever since HoT dropped. Tempest reaper was the go to during all of HoT, Scourge Firebrand is still the go to.Heal Necro is a viable raid build, the meta a few months ago was 6 scourges with epi bounce.

Not all classes has viable ranged weapons, see warrior and core guard. Even Weaver.

You can do low tier fractals fairly easy, but dps is a big deal.Like i said:huge difference in dps is a big difference.Also reapers have a fairly obvious weakness in pvp that makes them easy to exploit and kill, and if you are really bad and don't have good timing besides spamming skills, you will get wrecked by better players.

Scourge has less dps than reaper, and its support while decent is not on level with other support classes.Boon corrupt is still poweful in pvp because everyone spams a bajillion boons, and thus of course its strong there and in WVW where you got groups of scourge.Epi bounce got nerfed, and is less of a thing.

Warriors have far more sustain than reaper does and thus has a clear advantage, plus they hit really hard.Why do you think people cry about fullcounter so much?

Each class has its advantage and disadvantage, and you need to learn to play to your strengths.I haven't played weaver in pvp so i don't know.I do know tempest is fairly difficult to pull off because its very squishy and sometimes those casts feel like a eternity getting a heal off.

Also keep in mind, a lot of older classes also feel the effects of fighting path of fire specs, its called power creep for a reason.Reaper tools are better suited dealing with opponents with builds from older expansions.

Also:If weaver is weak in pvp(i don't know, not saying it is) but if its weak at what its supposed to be strong against, which i don't know, then instead of nerfing reaper, they should buff weaver to be strong against whatever its supposed to be strong against, and have reaper be stong vs certain classes.

If you nerf reaper, you gut all of its strengths and leave all its weaknesses, and then all you have is weakesses

Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release. Too much pay out for the effort required.The damage is too high for what you need to do in order to land it.

Will there be huge compensation? because in order to land a kill reaper will need those invulns and sustain outside shroud to survive longer.You will have to buff reaper through the roof as is, because even though i hits very very hard, it stil gets kited easily, and outmanouvered easily.

The point with reaper ( or previously with scourge) isn't only concerning the build. I can perform well against these necro builds too, but you have to keep in mind that this is a 5v5 game, not only a 1v1. If you played within the 1000-1400 rating, you would know how players drop like flies to any necromancer. That's most of the time partly a " l2p" issue for sure, but i'm still finding the build way too easy and too rewarding.If we asked a beginner to perform the build, i'm pretty sure he could go up +150 rating rather easily with reaper, something he probably wouldn't do with other builds.

Of course in spvp its always 5v5, but in a lot of situations, you can outrun the reaper such as i did with thief and range them immob them cc them and force them out of shroud, and once there they need something to keep them alive.Improvements would be very nice to core as said by other fellow necromancers, like fear for instance could use help, and maybe nerf its counters a bit as its heavily countered.

It would be really nice to be able to survive a bit on my own ones own without needing a firebrand to babysit them the whole time, so they can do anything.In order for any damage to be worthwild for reaper, it needs to survive long enough to see its enemies fail, so it needs tools to survive longer.Even with damage, its tools of survival aren't enough to keep them alive most of the time, and if it gets a damage nerf, which i imagine with the amount of complaining it probably will, it needs a lot of survivability to keep it competitive in spvp.It needs outside of shroud some major defensives since its so slow, so it can be the slow creeping killer that it is, because there is no doubt in my mind that mobility buffs are out of the question.

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release.Only good against lazy idiots who tried to facetank it?

I mean, this season i had lot of games on " low/average " ratings, and you can really get several headaches when you see how reapers do win easily. For sure, there is a " L2P " part since you have too many people trying to 1v1 them while they should not ( same as scourge, DH or turrets on their time). However, like Angel says, the output is way too high for what it requires.

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@Abazigal.3679 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release.Only good against lazy idiots who tried to facetank it?

I mean, this season i had lot of games on " low/average " ratings, and you can really get several headaches when you see how reapers do win easily. For sure, there is a " L2P " part since you have too many people trying to 1v1 them while they should not ( same as scourge, DH or turrets on their time). However, like Angel says, the output is way too high for what it requires.

What do you mean requires? you mean it doesn't deserve to be good? or do you mean its output can function with less and be equally functional?

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release.Only good against lazy idiots who tried to facetank it?

I mean, this season i had lot of games on " low/average " ratings, and you can really get several headaches when you see how reapers do win easily. For sure, there is a " L2P " part since you have too many people trying to 1v1 them while they should not ( same as scourge, DH or turrets on their time). However, like Angel says, the output is way too high for what it requires.

What do you mean requires? you mean it doesn't deserve to be good? or do you mean its output can function with less and be equally functional?

The problem is similar to scourge, and furthermore what it used to be with DH or turret to a lesser extend. These builds perform exponentially good according to opponents incompetence, and that's pretty much why i said there is a " L2P " part with it.My point is more likely : Should one build still perform so well when opponents aren't playing good, regardless of your own skill ?

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@Abazigal.3679 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Reaper is what dragonhunter used to be on release.Only good against lazy idiots who tried to facetank it?

I mean, this season i had lot of games on " low/average " ratings, and you can really get several headaches when you see how reapers do win easily. For sure, there is a " L2P " part since you have too many people trying to 1v1 them while they should not ( same as scourge, DH or turrets on their time). However, like Angel says, the output is way too high for what it requires.

What do you mean requires? you mean it doesn't deserve to be good? or do you mean its output can function with less and be equally functional?

The problem is similar to scourge, and furthermore what it used to be with DH or turret to a lesser extend. These builds perform exponentially good according to opponents incompetence, and that's pretty much why i said there is a " L2P " part with it.My point is more likely : Should one build still perform so well when opponents aren't playing good, regardless of your own skill ?

I think so, i mean sometimes some stuff you learn can be trial and error finding out what works and what doesn't, but only somewhat reward.In order though for reaper to be able to perform admirably we need to give them a way to tactically outsmart their opponent and win, despite being hardcountered.Spamming shouldn't be rewarded, but what you want would require a overhaul i think.

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@breno.5423 said:Herald - 50% damage nerf at sword off hand skillsHolosmith - 20% dps nerfDeadeye - 20% damage nerf at death judgementSoulbeast - 20% dps nerfReaper - 30% damage nerf at shroud skills (keep quickness)Necromancer - Rework on Transfusion. Keep pull, but remove resurrection bonusEdit -Mirage - Remove break stun from mirage cloakSome things you say are absurd, it's okay to die of 1 shot in 0.2 sec of an Ele, of a Mesmer or of a Deadeye for example, but that a Rev attacks you with a sword 4 + 5 removing 10k is wrong, but that an invulnerable Warrior hits you 7 or 8k is fine ;)

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@StabbersTheThird.6053 said:Mirage/Chronomancer/Mesmer only set up not even referenced in thread poll. Perhaps OP plays them and thinks these are problematic and require minor concentration and brief attention, thus wants them nerfed? Op plays Mirage confirmed. Otherwise this poll would only have one vote.

If you read what he wrote you'd see why he didn't include them. We all know Mirage is over performing so there's no sense in adding it to a poll where he's trying to figure out what other elites people want nerfed.

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@rev in love.8439 said:

@"breno.5423" said:Herald - 50% damage nerf at sword off hand skillsHolosmith - 20% dps nerfDeadeye - 20% damage nerf at death judgementSoulbeast - 20% dps nerfReaper - 30% damage nerf at shroud skills (keep quickness)Necromancer - Rework on Transfusion. Keep pull, but remove resurrection bonusEdit -Mirage - Remove break stun from mirage cloakSome things you say are absurd, it's okay to die of 1 dispero in 0.2 sec of an Ele, of a Mesmer or of a Deadeye for example, but that a Rev attacks you with a sword 4 + 5 removing 10k is wrong, but that an invulnerable Warrior hits you 7 or 8k is fine ;)

Don't forget to add reaper which can be countered by not facetanking it and ccing them and movin around them making them waste their time in shroud, because we all know its easier to nerf something than to learn how to play.

People are literally complaining about the chills and procs when you literally have a 20 sec internal cooldown on chill of death and you need multiple boons on people to proc high crits, plus combine other effects to possibly kill someone below 50% health.Did i mention your enemy has to be 50% health? yeah thats a lot of things required for it to proc, and people cry about the silliest things.


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@Axl.8924 said:

@"breno.5423" said:Herald - 50% damage nerf at sword off hand skillsHolosmith - 20% dps nerfDeadeye - 20% damage nerf at death judgementSoulbeast - 20% dps nerfReaper - 30% damage nerf at shroud skills (keep quickness)Necromancer - Rework on Transfusion. Keep pull, but remove resurrection bonusEdit -Mirage - Remove break stun from mirage cloakSome things you say are absurd, it's okay to die of 1 dispero in 0.2 sec of an Ele, of a Mesmer or of a Deadeye for example, but that a Rev attacks you with a sword 4 + 5 removing 10k is wrong, but that an invulnerable Warrior hits you 7 or 8k is fine ;)

Don't forget to add reaper which can be countered by not facetanking it and ccing them and movin around them making them waste their time in shroud, because we all know its easier to nerf something than to learn how to play.

People are literally complaining about the chills and procs when you literally have a 20 sec internal cooldown on chill of death and you need multiple boons on people to proc high crits, plus combine other effects to possibly kill someone below 50% health.Did i mention your enemy has to be 50% health? yeah thats a lot of things required for it to proc, and people cry about the silliest things.

You need to consider that pvp ain't only about 1v1s it's about 2v2s and 3v3s as well, Reaper currently is overperforming especially when combined with a Firebrand or any other class that has cc skills, which most have.Also 20 sec internal cooldown on Chill of Death is indeed a really low cooldown for a skill that has no tell other than your own hp, removes boons, deals damage and applies chill.

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@Slapinator.4196 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"breno.5423" said:Herald - 50% damage nerf at sword off hand skillsHolosmith - 20% dps nerfDeadeye - 20% damage nerf at death judgementSoulbeast - 20% dps nerfReaper - 30% damage nerf at shroud skills (keep quickness)Necromancer - Rework on Transfusion. Keep pull, but remove resurrection bonusEdit -Mirage - Remove break stun from mirage cloakSome things you say are absurd, it's okay to die of 1 dispero in 0.2 sec of an Ele, of a Mesmer or of a Deadeye for example, but that a Rev attacks you with a sword 4 + 5 removing 10k is wrong, but that an invulnerable Warrior hits you 7 or 8k is fine ;)

Don't forget to add reaper which can be countered by not facetanking it and ccing them and movin around them making them waste their time in shroud, because we all know its easier to nerf something than to learn how to play.

People are literally complaining about the chills and procs when you literally have a 20 sec internal cooldown on chill of death and you need multiple boons on people to proc high crits, plus combine other effects to possibly kill someone below 50% health.Did i mention your enemy has to be 50% health? yeah thats a lot of things required for it to proc, and people cry about the silliest things.

You need to consider that pvp ain't only about 1v1s it's about 2v2s and 3v3s as well, Reaper currently is overperforming especially when combined with a Firebrand or any other class that has cc skills, which most have.Also 20 sec internal cooldown on Chill of Death is indeed a really low cooldown for a skill that has no tell other than your own hp, removes boons, deals damage and applies chill.

You can literally counter reaper by not engaging them while shroud and ccing them and or ranging them to force them out of shroud faster, since its already super fast degen.Also, its not even a one shot move because you would need more than 3 boons on a person to kill them at half health(7 or 8 boons)

If you facetank reapers and don't learn to not stand on a point and try to fight them in melee range and get wrecked, your just really bad and got outplayed.

Learn to not always stand on point and sometimes some things hard counter what you play, go ask for help and get someone.CC the reaper until he's out of shroud in which you can blast him to death easily since he's no longer in shroud because he's very vulnerable to ccs mobile classes.Use your sustain as well to outplay him, as usually most classes outsustain reaper.

If you can't do any of these you are just really bad.

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