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Multiple weapon sets appearing on character.


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Anet, please, can we get an official toggle for this? I keep randomly finding players with weapons on back and hip (Like two swords on hips, greatsword on back, and spear on back), but there is no toggle or way to trigger this to happen on my characters.

It's something I absolutely LOVE, and would love to use on my characters all the time, but there is zero way to make it appear, and most of the time the players I see if happening on don't even see it on their characters. Since this never happened before, it's something unique with Path of Fire. I just really wish I could actively use such a system :/.

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@lothefallen.7081 said:I've noticed it too and I want it. Seeing both weapon sets on your character model is really awesome. Not sure what problems it would bring to performance though...

Likely negligible compared to what minipets and mounts bring.

I do agree that this should be implemented as a toggle in the hero menu though.

Maybe not include water weapons but definitely both sets of land weapons.

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I'd love this so much as well. I think about it more the old Tomb Raider style (Tomb Raider 1 to Chronicles) :The pistols in the holsters change depending on the selection (e.g. it shows Uzis until you change it. As soon as you change it on the keyboard number keys, it will display the new weapons immediately before Lara draws them - just like it's happening right now while swapping weapons) but her two-handed weapon (shotgun, M16, grenade launcher, MP5, you name it) stays the same. This would avoid clipping of the same weapon sets (pistols and daggers not inferferring with each other). This would work optimal with builts that use different weapons, e.g. on Deadeyel (AFAIK they have no other weapon put on the character's back then the rifle and spear/harpoon gun underwater).

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  • 1 month later...

persinalyl i#d really love to see this happening, even if it doesn#t immprove anythign of the game, and is in fact just a visual thing.. but it would make the realism and integrity of this game better, if we actualyl realyl could see BOTH weapons of our character, that are being in usage on our characters and not only just the weapon, that we currently use as our primary weapon(s).

If I could see my bow on my back, while using for exampel as primary weapons my daggers as thief, this would be so awesome, then it would make also visualyl much more sense to have all the time a quiver on my back :3 and when I use my shortbow, then i see my daggers beign put back to the hips, lettign them be visible on my, while i use my shortbow.

I think it cant be impossible to fix this.. just only, Naet didn#t care for this,, nor does currently, because it brigns ANet nothing, its just wastign resosurcesw, without gettign anythign back from this, which is why we have never seen this gettign fixed in the last 5 years.. or its simpyl again anets old spaghetti code, which makes it whyever impossible for Anet to fix this little visual thing for our charsacters to allow showing both weapons at the same time.the only point where i weould understand that it is impossible maybe is when you use as primare and secondary weapon set the same weapons, like for example running aroudn with two different shortbows as a Thief as your build, that this is impossible, because two weapons of the same type can't be at the same tiem at the same spot - logical, so in that case the game would have probably to show you only on your back the weapon, that is your primary weapon as a solution, which woudl be sad, but just a technical logical solution to do in such a case.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:A toggle would be nice yes. But i hope they fix the bug regardless because my underwater weapons look crappy and its irritating at some points.

The way I would toggle it is similar to how you can toggle shoulder/head pieces, put a check box in that equipment's slot. If you don't want to see your crappy underwater weapon, uncheck the underwater weapon's box. If you don't want to see any of your other weapons when not currently swapped to them, uncheck all the weapon boxes.

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@Leo G.4501 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:A toggle would be nice yes. But i hope they fix the bug regardless because my underwater weapons look crappy and its irritating at some points.

The way I would toggle it is similar to how you can toggle shoulder/head pieces, put a check box in that equipment's slot. If you don't want to see your crappy underwater weapon, uncheck the underwater weapon's box. If you don't want to see any of your other weapons when not currently swapped to them, uncheck all the weapon boxes.

maybe even a "no weapon" option, sometimes i like weapons to magically appear and not clutter the character's back.

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