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Rank GW2 In MMO Genre


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It all depends on the time frame.Ranking Guild Wars 2 based on all mmorpgs I've ever played is a tough one because not only I played to many mmorpgs but also over the years I've changed and wanted/expected different things out of the games I've played. A game that I loved 10 years ago wouldn't be one I'd even touch if it was released today.However, if you ask me to rate Guild Wars 2 right now, then I'd say it's 1st because it's the only mmorpg I want to play out of those that are available in this time period. So Guild Wars 2 simply destroys all other current gen mmorpgs, it's simply that good compared to the other available options.

So yeah, either Top 10 or 1st place, based on the time frame.

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For me, this game is simultaneously one of the greatest and worst games I've ever played. There's good stuff -- brilliant stuff, shinier than the shiniest shiny -- lumped together with stuff that's so egregiously not fun that I often find myself wondering if it was made by someone who must bathe every morning in the juice of a thousand lemons in order to sweeten their disposition, lest their bitter disregard for the game and its players result in the design of game play revolving around the throwing of soup ingredients at some over-caffeinated and possibly intoxicated chef, or HoT. Of course, everything I dislike, someone else loves. Or claims to. Ahem. It's a grand, glorious, confusing mess, easily making it into my Top 10. Maybe even Top 5. Top 3? Alas, nope. Not quite yet, but closer with the release of PoF, which has thus far been a mostly fun and positive experience. Thank you.

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Didn't even make it through WoW's free trial it was so boring. Combat is just stand and rotate through skills with no dodge mechanics, leveling was horrendously slow, and the world felt bland to me. I get that warcraft has been around for ages and has its own lore, but I'm tired of cookie cutter high fantasy monsters. I love guild wars aesthetic. While it's obvious that everyone on the forum is a bit biased, if i voted I would put it at number 1. Innovation beats "more stuff" any day, and there are so many things in GW2 that I have not done despite being here since launch.

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Great game, but unfortunately it does fall flat in a few areas, in particular PvP and WvW. These modes have been unfortunately put on the back burner for quite some time, and the community has been asking for more game modes for PvP and new maps and content for WvW for years now. The MMR system for ranked is absolutely terrible, and the balance patches are so far apart that builds and overtuned professions are abused for months before being addressed.

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Jokke, if you placed 1st place for GW2 then you meant FFXIV<WOW<GW2 ? ;P

As for the poll - you can't really expect serious answers here, can you? ask it on some general gaming website.

GW2 is starting to feel GREAT, but right now. I've played it in 2013 and got bored soon. I've been back in 2016 and played longer, it was better but got bored soon. I got back in 2017 and feel hype similar to what morrowind/gothic gave me all those years ago :) don't know if there is new staff, new management or they just started to listen more - doesn't matter, they are getting great while most asian mmos are a total sh*t and wow is getting slightly worse and worse with each expansion.

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Mechanically, GW2 is a very good game, but GW2's armor appearance and lack of armor diversity is a major letdown for me. There are many other MMOs have a much better grasp of what fantasy armor should look like. I'm also disappointed by GW2's emphasis on content like mini-games, JPs, and its absurd infatuation with exploiting the Z-dimension (HoT maps, many season 3 maps, PoF locations gated by springer, etc).

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Innovation and detail.

GW2 doesn't have the most players, the most content, the best graphics or engine (though these 2 are still extremely good and polished)... yet it's the most unique MMO where developers are constantly - and earnestly - making efforts to listen, innovate and re-invent. The result is an extremely diversified and friendly experience, from the amount of mini-games to the fairness of the cash shop and marketing model.

Two quick examples that as "obvious" as they may seem you won't find in other "top" games (if any games at all):

  • Downed and in-combat revival mechanics - what this brings both to gameplay and social interaction cannot be stressed enough.
  • Joy of Movement concept - from the deep, interesting and useful Gliding masteries to the new mounts, this takes exploring a fantasy world to another level.
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