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Main problems about soulbeast

Aleksander Suburb.4287

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@"Aleksander Suburb.4287" said:What do you think are the main problems of the soulbeast?

We are already discussing about two issues here, being low pure damage on Beastmode skills, and the condition scaling bug when merging or swapping pet, so I’ll add those two to the mixt.


  • The skills borrowed from the pet (F1 and F2) are dealing too little base damage, because the base damage has been drastically reduced compared to the base damage of those same skills when the pets use them.
  • Primal Cry should have 4 bleeding instead of 3.
  • Devourer Retreat range in Beastmode should go from 300 to 600.
  • Prelude Lash is underwhelming, it’s the beast skill for Versatile (+200 vitality/+225 concentration) pets, but doesn’t bring any boons when it could beneficiate from the additional concentration.
  • When you merge or swap your pet the conditions applied by the latter drop to zero (
    ), it’s the case since released, but with Soulbeast coming it means you don’t want to go in and out of Beastmode that much.
  • There is no real incentive to leave Beastmode, the bug listed above is one reason, but there are two others. The first being the pet not gaining back boons when Soulbeast exits Beastmode (as listed by Heimskarl Ashfiend), which means your pet is always going to be weaker when you unmerge than when you merged with it. The second being the statistic increase given by the pet archetype when in Beastmode is really strong, and since you lose it for 10 seconds when you exit Beastmode, you want to stay in Beastmode for as long as possible. The only good reason to unmerge is for the pet to rotate with its skills and to use the pet special skill.
  • I don’t know if it was a bug, but “Guard!” didn’t work when in Beastmode, a shame because it’d make for a great skill to have in sPvP, a bit like Bulwark Gyro for Scrapper. Also “Search and Rescue!” didn’t work, and it could also be great for PvE/sPvP.


  • Griffon Stance – This could be a nice skill for sPvP/WvW, and works well with traits like Light on your Feet or Evasive Purity, but it needs to be buffed for that to happen. The cooldown should go from 45s. to 35s., and the might gain by evasion should go from 1 to 4.
  • Vulture Stance – The issue with that skill is you won’t need it in group content half of the time, since you’ll get the might from other sources and the poison comes only when you strike below 50% health, therefore it pales in comparison to Spider Venom. The effect of Vulture Stance should go from 6s. to 8s.
  • Otherwise the other stances are quite good.


  • Twice as Vicious feels a bit underwhelming in regard to the condition necessary for the trait to activate, the duration should go from 4s. to 6s.
  • Fresh Reinforcement should also grants the boons affecting you to your pet when exiting Beastmode.
  • The traits are good on their own but don’t synergize that well together, with the exception of Live Fast and Essence of Speed. Second Skin also has a good synergy with Protective Ward for sPvP/WvW.


  • I was a bit disappointed to see the animations didn’t have the ghostly animals from skills like Maul or Swoop, and that they didn’t expand on that, I was also disappointed to see that most animations for Beastmode skills were taken from Daredevil animations.

Haven’t play enough with the dagger.

@BadSanta.6527 said:lost of druid for soul beast is adps loss for high lvl fracals and raids...

Why do people assume Soulbeast has to replace the Druid, the former is clearly oriented towards damage when the latter is support based, so you’ll never replace a Druid with a Soulbeast, but you might consider taking a Soulbeast instead of any other top damage dealer classes.

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@Crescendo Forte.4821 said:

They can also take the trait where stances affect allies as well, meaning power compositions will be hitting twice with that elite. You ele getting 20k dps? For the next 6 seconds it's 40k. That's actually better than quickness. imagine that on KC burn phase.

One wolf pack doesn't work like that. It only procs second hit every 1/2 seconds, and that second hit does different damage than the hit that procked it. Second strike has damage of 186(0.7)

Fair enough, so you'll go from 20k to (20+14) 34k. As most attacks are on a .25 or .5 cast (not counting quickness), It'll probably go down to 30k? But that's a lot of math and averages that will have to be tested when it's out, I think.

You should probably read what Blue Hare wrote again, since it seems you still don't understand how the elite works.

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@OGDeadHead.8326 said:

They can also take the trait where stances affect allies as well, meaning power compositions will be hitting twice with that elite. You ele getting 20k dps? For the next 6 seconds it's 40k. That's actually better than quickness. imagine that on KC burn phase.

One wolf pack doesn't work like that. It only procs second hit every 1/2 seconds, and that second hit does different damage than the hit that procked it. Second strike has damage of 186(0.7)

Fair enough, so you'll go from 20k to (20+14) 34k. As most attacks are on a .25 or .5 cast (not counting quickness), It'll probably go down to 30k? But that's a lot of math and averages that will have to be tested when it's out, I think.

You should probably read what Blue Hare wrote again, since it seems you still don't understand how the elite works.

I don't believe I did, I'll try and explain my reasoning, and you can help me understand if I still get it wrong. (The whole point of these calculations is to show that bringing SoulBeast can be a dps increase for all involved. Also, as @alchemyst.2165 said, you wouldn't bring a soulbeast to replace a druid.)

BlueHare said that it only procs every .5 seconds and that it deals 70% of a normal hit, so if you're normally hitting a 2k/s auto-attack (let's say staff fire 1, which is a 1s cast time), it will come out as a bonus 1.4k attack. That means your dps has gone up to 3.4k a second, for 8 seconds. (just looked it up, oops. I thought it was 6s, not 8s.) Where once you would have done 16k in that time period, you've now done 27.2k. That's with an attack that only goes every SECOND. As One Wolf Pack procs every 1/2 second, and as eles are a casting class that will frequently have overlapping damage sources, I guesstimated (remember, I'm terrible at math and trying to keep this simple) that your damage would go up maybe one half more. (So 1/2 of 8.4 is 4.2) So now we have you going from 16k to 27.2k to 31.4k over time. Divide each number by 8. Your dps over 8 seconds has gone up from 2k/s to 3.925k/s. (or almost doubled)

My numbers in the previous post were slightly unrealistic, as there aren't really skills that individually do that much damage every second/halfsecond/whatever. Still, if we raise the numbers we're dealing with slightly, we'll see similar results. Let's try looking at if you were doing 4k damage every .5s, from various attacks. (8k/s, about what an ele does with no boons, and barely a rotation.)8k+ 8k(.7)=13.6k total damage. Multiply all numbers by 8 for total damage for the stance duration. 64k without the stance, 108.8k with the stance. It's still a .6 increase, which is significant.

Again, this is arguing in favor of Soulbeast being a viable addition to a group as both a dps and as a powerful supplement to any power class. It is not advocating replacing druid with a soulbeast. That's just silly.

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Second strike has base damage of 186 and a coefficient of 0.7.

To put that into perspective, sword's first hit has base damage of 257 and coefficient of 0.7.

So the tooltip of One Wolf Pack could also read: "while attacking, do 186 (0.7) extra damage every 0.5 seconds."

To calculate the actual tooltip value you can refer to the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage

Or use the build editor: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/

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@Substance E.4852 said:At a recharge of 60s this is still pretty meh. It evens out to about a 1k dps increase over the whole skill rotation.

For something like staff ele, that's even less than what frost spirit gives.

Better than nothing but not compared to the damage bonus druid brings.

Well, if Soulbeast had decent power damage, you'd be able to use a condi druid in your condi subgroup and power soulbeast in your power subgroup, but it's not going to be a 10k damage increase from soulbeast so it won't happen.

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It certainly doesn't seem like Soulbeast is going to change my playstyle all that much, which is a shame. But I started to really enjoy Druid after I played around with the traits more.

And speaking on nothing more than personal preference, I was flat out pissed that we got Dagger as our new weapon. It's my least favorite weapon class in the game.

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@AngelsShadow.7360 said:A lot of the stance stuff is clearly made for other game modes. Soulbeast for instance will give ranger a proper WvW build. Similarly that trait of increased damage on CC is strong for pvp/WvW. Not everything should be focused on PvE/dps increases.

spec should not be specifice to game mode , you can see druid have usa in pvp / pve /wvw to make an espec specifice to one game type is disrespacfull to your player

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@BadSanta.6527 said:

@AngelsShadow.7360 said:A lot of the stance stuff is clearly made for other game modes. Soulbeast for instance will give ranger a proper WvW build. Similarly that trait of increased damage on CC is strong for pvp/WvW. Not everything should be focused on PvE/dps increases.

spec should not be specifice to game mode , you can see druid have usa in pvp / pve /wvw to make an espec specifice to one game type is disrespacfull to your player

You can't make one class good at every game-mode. Specializations are SPECIALIZED. They're made to be more useful in certain situations over others. Berzerker warrior isn't used in Zerg WvW, but it's meta as hell in raids and PvE. Healing/condi druid is meta in PvE, but it really depends on your commander on whether it's useful in Wvw. Revenant is absolute trash in PvE, but is Godly in WvW. Hell, base guardian still sees use over Dragonhunter in certain WvW comps, yet Base guardian is seen pretty much nowhere in PvE.

From what we know of the new specs, Warriors will be PvP/WvW (since those are the gamemodes that care the most about boon removal on long cds and affecting large areas.) Rangers will be a dps class with team utility, similar to how a warrior operates, Guardians will lean towards more damage (PvE/WvW), but I think DH and Base guard will still see use in organized play.

Making a SPECIALIZATION specific to a game-type is not disrespectful. It's actually more respectful because it gives you more situations to effectively use the class you love. Regardless on whether you agree with where I've theorized which classes will excel in which game-mode, it's undeniable that specializations are made to be situational, and will not excel in all game-modes. It's impossible to try and make everyone happy, and it makes for a stale game if they do try.

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My main problem with Soulbeast is the hybrid state it is in. And after playing around with it, power builds syngergizes better and are by far the most fun playstyle with the soulbeast mechanic. Hence, my first problem: the dagger isn't just weak as people have already mentioned, it should have been a power weapon. A decently hard hitting one with an autoattacks that actually puts pressure on people and doesn't hit like a nuddle for pve purposes, something we lack. Stop being afraid of giving the ranger some direct damage.

Traits aren't as bad as people make them sound, and there are definetely syngery with other traitlines (albeit, again, that synergy would have been a lot better if it was a pure power spec). Damage modifier with fury is great, rangers always got fury, soulbeast is damage oriented. All fine, if it wasn't for the fact that we're dealing with a hybrid spec. Again, either make the spec pure power or add condi damage to the trait. The grandmaster minor however is pathetic. As if the trait itself isn't boring enough as is, they give us 5%? A 5 % damage modifier with limited procs? For a grandmaster? Come on.

As for the major traits, I'd say the top line is boring, but allright. We got enough protection to make use Second Skin, and the grandmaster adds to that. Although I'd prefer something else than death proc grandmaster in the first place. Fresh Reinforcement should have been a part of the first minor trait. The middle line is my least favorite. While sharing stances might give ranger a spot in wvw trains, the entire of idea of sharing stances is 1) not very interesting as a trait and 2) means our stances are balanced with sharing in mind. Which sucks, as stances are generaly useful pvp utilities that shouldn't be gimped. Essence of speed is bad. Live fast is okay (if they make it work with "beast skills" when the pet is unmerged aswell). Bottom line is okay-ish. Unstoppable union is a good pvp trait. Predator's Cunning should just have been a straight up dagger trait (it's obvliously meant to be used with the dagger autos anyway), with a damage modifier to please the pve'ers. Oppressive Superiority is another ranger trait where Anet gives us power damage and condi duration in one trait, which I generally hate but at least it makes some sense with this spec. If Soulbeast was a pure power spec, this could just have been a straight up 15 %, left as is and it would be perfectly fine. The other two grandmaster are in more need of changes.

Stances? Bear and Dolyak is fine, good even, the others are meh. The fact they don't affect pets outside beastmode is again pathethic, but it wouldn't be the first time Anet made such an obvious oversight with our pets.

Pet swap NEEDS to be available in beastmode. This is currently my biggest complaint with the spec along with the weapon. Other than that, and I dunno if this was due to bugs or more oversights, but there are some traits that doesn't work with beastmode. Loud Whistle comes to mind. This should just be a straight up scholar rune bonus in beastmode. Pack Alpha should also reduce beastmode skills along with the extra stats. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Beastmode skills are generaly undertuned as far as pure damage numbers go. Again, this should be a damage spec, not just an utility spec. DPS ranger should be an acceptable role to play, more than it is today.

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@Lazze.9870 said:My main problem with Soulbeast is the hybrid state it is in. And after playing around with it, power builds syngergizes better and are by far the most fun playstyle with the soulbeast mechanic. Hence, my first problem: the dagger isn't just weak as people have already mentioned, it should have been a power weapon. A decently hard hitting one with an autoattacks that actually puts pressure on people and doesn't hit like a nuddle for pve purposes, something we lack. Stop being afraid of giving the ranger some direct damage.

Traits aren't as bad as people make them sound, and there are definetely syngery with other traitlines (albeit, again, that synergy would have been a lot better if it was a pure power spec). Damage modifier with fury is great, rangers always got fury, soulbeast is damage oriented. All fine, if it wasn't for the fact that we're dealing with a hybrid spec. Again, either make the spec pure power or add condi damage to the trait. The grandmaster minor however is pathetic. As if the trait itself isn't boring enough as is, they give us 5%? A 5 % damage modifier with limited procs? For a grandmaster? Come on.

As for the major traits, I'd say the top line is boring, but allright. We got enough protection to make use Second Skin, and the grandmaster adds to that. Although I'd prefer something else than death proc grandmaster in the first place. Fresh Reinforcement should have been a part of the first minor trait. The middle line is my least favorite. While sharing stances might give ranger a spot in wvw trains, the entire of idea of sharing stances is 1) not very interesting as a trait and 2) means our stances are balanced with sharing in mind. Which kitten, as stances are generaly useful pvp utilities that shouldn't be kitten. Essence of speed is bad. Live fast is okay (if they make it work with "beast skills" when the pet is unmerged aswell). Bottom line is okay-ish. Unstoppable union is a good pvp trait. Predator's Cunning should just have been a straight up dagger trait (it's obvliously meant to be used with the dagger autos anyway), with a damage modifier to please the pve'ers. Oppressive Superiority is another ranger trait where Anet gives us power damage and condi duration in one trait, which I generally hate but at least it makes some sense with this spec. If Soulbeast was a pure power spec, this could just have been a straight up 15 %, left as is and it would be perfectly fine. The other two grandmaster are in more need of changes.

Stances? Bear and Dolyak is fine, good even, the others are meh. The fact they don't affect pets outside beastmode is again pathethic, but it wouldn't be the first time Anet made such an obvious oversight with our pets.

Pet swap NEEDS to be available in beastmode. This is currently my biggest complaint with the spec along with the weapon. Other than that, and I dunno if this was due to bugs or more oversights, but there are some traits that doesn't work with beastmode. Loud Whistle comes to mind. This should just be a straight up scholar rune bonus in beastmode. Pack Alpha should also reduce beastmode skills along with the extra stats. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Beastmode skills are generaly undertuned as far as pure damage numbers go. Again, this should be a damage spec, not just an utility spec. DPS ranger should be an acceptable role to play, more than it is today.

exactly, that might be one of the biggest issues, the hybrid state it seem they want to make soulbeast be. The problem with hybrid is you are neither power nor condi and therefore end up sucking in both, you neither do power nor condi good. No idea where anet want to take rangers. Like you said i also believe traits have good synergy and arent that bad at all, the big problem is the ranger weapons. Most of them are hybrid or some weird experiment like that, Axe main hand, dagger main hand for example. I think to make soulbeast and rangers more desirable and useful they need to change some ranger weapons, starting with dagger. Sadly i doubt this expansion on release will have any big change like that, like we got the past patch which change lot of traits and skills.

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Problem with soulbeast is the stances are useless (especially in PvE), we have no good damage modifier traits or throughput increases on a base class that already has horribly low weapon coefficients and base damage.

To make it worse, merging with the pet causes a 3k DPS loss for a measly gain of 200 power and 150 ferocity which does not even come close to compensating for that, and the soulbeast skills are woefully undertuned.

Soulbeast DPS in PvE is trash because power weapons are currently trash (especially greatsword due to the horribly low autoattack DPS and maul's weak as well), and it doesn't have the utility or group buffs to compete with druid for a support role.

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@Zenith.7301 said:Problem with soulbeast is the stances are useless (especially in PvE), we have no good damage modifier traits or throughput increases on a base class that already has horribly low weapon coefficients and base damage.

To make it worse, merging with the pet causes a 3k DPS loss for a measly gain of 200 power and 150 ferocity which does not even come close to compensating for that, and the soulbeast skills are woefully undertuned.

Soulbeast DPS in PvE is trash because power weapons are currently trash (especially greatsword due to the horribly low autoattack DPS and maul's weak as well), and it doesn't have the utility or group buffs to compete with druid for a support role.

well to be fair the stances seem to be made for wvw and PvP. For PvE you can use other abilities, problem also is that people want soulbeast to be good in PvE, pvp, wvw. Tho rangers are lacking in everyone i suppose but still i think traits and skills are not much of a problem. Problem is with weapons and low damage we do, no aoe, no nothing. Skills well you can use some stances for wvw and pvp, some survival skills, for pve you have spirit or 10% dmg buff in druid and many others. Again problem IMO is the weapons and the garbage damage we do but i am not expert.

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@Zenith.7301 said:Problem with soulbeast is the stances are useless (especially in PvE)

I think the main issue is our ability to share them competes with Oppressive Superiority. Most players will take Oppressive Superiority, which essentially severs one of the most unique parts of the class.

However, regarding the individual stances themselves, I think they are very good.

The Elite One Wolf Pack is an amazing damage increase if you can get at least 13 procs of it.

Vulture Stance can inflict about 9 stacks of poison at 12s each in a viper build, and it's even better in a Stance-Share build. This is almost as strong as a Thief Venom, which are already considered to be some of the most powerful condition skills in the game.

Moa Stance increases boon duration a ton, allowing you to do all sorts of tricks like stacking quickness or protection. Sure maybe it's not a raid skill, but it will be incredibly useful in PvP. Theoretically, if traited it Nature Magic, then it will be possible to permanently maintain protection on your team, thanks to this skill. Then you have to consider stuff like the Smokescale Beastmode skill that grants the ranger tons of self-might, Warhorn offhand, and so on...

Griffon Stance completely refreshes endurance, and gives allies -super enhanced endurance regeneration when traited. Just because it's not a raid-skill, do not assume it is a bad skill. This may have great usage in PvP or elsewhere.

A shared Dolyak Stance will pwn WvW, period. Say good-bye to Immobilize, Chill, and Cripple. And unlike Resistance, it can't be stripped.

As for our heal, Bear Stance finally allows a Ranger to deal with conditions, which they have been struggling with for years.

I don't understand how you've come to the conclusion that stances are "useless"?

@Zenith.7301 said:we have no good damage modifier traitsTo make it worse, merging with the pet causes a 3k DPS loss for a measly gain of 200 power and 150 ferocity which does not even come close to compensating for that, and the soulbeast skills are woefully undertuned.

With Soulbeast and Beastmastery, with a ferocious pet, we get +280 Power, +250 Ferocty, +17% damage modifier, and possibly +5% more damage depending on how Twice as Vicious works with breakbars.

I won't disagree that some Soulbeast skills, such as Bite, could be buffed. However, the things Soulbeast offers are more than the pet.

This isn't even factoring "Sic Em!" yet, which seemed intentionally programmed and intended to work with Soulbeast.

Realistically speaking, we probably won't be the top dps in the meta. However, we still bring a lot of utility to the table, and I don't think we can ignore that. Frost Spirit, Sun Spirit, Stone Spirit w/ perma-protection, Entangle, the new Shared Stances, and tons of Invuln skills. At the very least, we will become the new Hand Kite meta.

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@Lazze.9870 said:Other than that, and I dunno if this was due to bugs or more oversights, but there are some traits that doesn't work with beastmode. Loud Whistle comes to mind. This should just be a straight up scholar rune bonus in beastmode. Pack Alpha should also reduce beastmode skills along with the extra stats. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I forgot about those two traits not (entirely) working in Beastmode. Loud Whistle should definitively grants 10% damage increase when above 90% health in Beastmode, and Pack Alpha should also reduce the cooldowns on F1 and F2 skills.

@Zenith.7301 said:Problem with soulbeast is the stances are useless (especially in PvE), we have no good damage modifier traits (1)or throughput increases on a base class that already has horribly low weapon coefficients and base damage.

To make it worse, merging with the pet causes a 3k DPS loss for a measly gain of 200 power and 150 ferocity which does not even come close to compensating for that (2), and the soulbeast skills are woefully undertuned.

Soulbeast DPS in PvE is trash because power weapons are currently trash (especially greatsword due to the horribly low autoattack DPS and maul's weak as well), and it doesn't have the utility or group buffs to compete with druid for a support role (3).

(1) There are damage modifier traits: Furious Strength, Twice as Vicious, and Oppressive Superiority, and this is without counting the traits working for you while in Beastmode, such as Pet's Prowess or Pack Alpha (partially working), or skills like Sic 'Em. (2) Which means merging with your pet doesn’t lead to a dps loss, but a dps increase since you’ll get a quite important statistic increase, at least one useful skill for power (Worldly Impact) and condition (Primal Cry) builds, and some damage modifier, such as Attack of Opportunity after Maul.

(3) Once again why do Soulbeast has to compete with Druid, one is a damage dealer the other a healer/damage support, besides power Soulbeast still brings Spotter, has an open slot to bring Frost Spirit, and also bring a unique skill: One Wolf Pack, which coupled with Leader of the Pack is a nice damage support ability.

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@"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:If you calculate all the numbers with all possible modifiers with all possible power buffs (I did but I'm sure I missed a couple) for a staff ele running zerker/scholar/food/utility etc, then IF you strike the 8 times in the interval, you can get about a 15k DPS increase for 4s.

You probably meant: "15k DPS increase over 4 seconds."

I highly doubt that it would do 7.5k damage on each strike. Meanwhile an almost 2k strike each time feel legit.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:If you calculate all the numbers with all possible modifiers with all possible power buffs (I did but I'm sure I missed a couple) for a staff ele running zerker/scholar/food/utility etc, then IF you strike the 8 times in the interval, you can get about a 15k DPS increase for 4s.

You probably meant: "15k DPS increase over 4 seconds."

I highly doubt that it would do 7.5k damage on each strike. Meanwhile an almost 2k strike each time feel legit.

I didn't make a typo. Go calculate it with a zerker ele with all raid buffs.

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@Alchimist.4738 said:

@Lazze.9870 said:Other than that, and I dunno if this was due to bugs or more oversights, but there are some traits that doesn't work with beastmode. Loud Whistle comes to mind. This should just be a straight up scholar rune bonus in beastmode. Pack Alpha should also reduce beastmode skills along with the extra stats. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I forgot about those two traits not (entirely) working in Beastmode. Loud Whistle should definitively grants 10% damage increase when above 90% health in Beastmode, and Pack Alpha should also reduce the cooldowns on F1 and F2 skills.

@Zenith.7301 said:Problem with soulbeast is the stances are useless (especially in PvE), we have no good damage modifier traits
or throughput increases on a base class that already has horribly low weapon coefficients and base damage.

To make it worse, merging with the pet causes a 3k DPS loss for a measly gain of 200 power and 150 ferocity which does not even come close to compensating for that
, and the soulbeast skills are woefully undertuned.

Soulbeast DPS in PvE is trash because power weapons are currently trash (especially greatsword due to the horribly low autoattack DPS and maul's weak as well), and it doesn't have the utility or group buffs to compete with druid for a support role

There are damage modifier traits: Furious Strength, Twice as Vicious, and Oppressive Superiority, and this is without counting the traits working for you while in Beastmode, such as Pet's Prowess or Pack Alpha (partially working), or skills like Sic 'Em.
Which means merging with your pet doesn’t lead to a dps loss, but a dps increase since you’ll get a quite important statistic increase, at least one useful skill for power (Worldly Impact) and condition (Primal Cry) builds, and some damage modifier, such as Attack of Opportunity after Maul.

Once again why do Soulbeast has to compete with Druid, one is a damage dealer the other a healer/damage support, besides power Soulbeast still brings Spotter, has an open slot to bring Frost Spirit, and also bring a unique skill: One Wolf Pack, which coupled with Leader of the Pack is a nice damage support ability.

It's cute you would even list twice as vicious when you can't disable raid bosses or any enemies with the breakbar, and twice as vicious gives an utterly mediocre 4 second buff for using CC skills with far longer cooldowns, meaning the uptime of the trait is abysmal. Same applies to oppressive superiority in raid settings.

Sic em is a 15% average damage increase at the cost of a skill slot. Maul doesn't grant attack of opportunity, Hilt Bash does. And you would never spec nature magic because you'd be giving up damage modifiers from skirmishing and marksman.

Bringing spotter or spirits doesn't matter because druids will ALWAYS be brought into a raid so long as grace of the land exists, no other healer brings such a group DPS boost, so druids will continue to be the defacto healers in any group, making your spirits and spotter utility redundant.

What's more, you listed sic em and pet prowess as if somehow that would make up for 3-4k DPS, but it doesn't. At the pitiful 20k DPS greatsword power ranger does, a 15% increase from beastmode is not even closing that gap alongside a measly 150 ferocity from pet prowess. Even should you somehow push 4k DPS with those traits, Soulbeast is DPS NEUTRAL, for a damn class mechanic. Wordly impact is awful for the 25 second cd it has, it's a marginal DPS increase.

But by all means keep believing a soulbeast ranger will be relevant in raiding or fractals in whatever fantasy land you people have lived in if you think stances are going to be remotely useful in PvE.

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