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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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Just purchased the Battlelord's Hood Helm Skin package to find out it comes with a bug when using the Mistwalker Infusion. It shows my characters face texture on the skin. Tried removing the infusion and it seems normal. I honestly want a refund because i want to use the infusion not remove it just to apply this skin. Would support refund this purchase since i "unlocked" the skin or not? 


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Please fix Sylvari's shoulders. Some are under-scaled and will clip through the model, others are over-scaled and just look insanely big on the model. An example of the latter is the Powered Shoulders from SAB which looks like the Sylvari has strapped a small shield to each arm and is wearing them as shoulders. An example of the former is the Magitech Shoulders which are too small and will clip through the model when worn.

Edited by Malus.2184
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The backpack skin "Guild Backpack" has some nasty Z-fighting, flickering the texture every frame, and it worsens when the camera zooms out. This is the backpack that displays your Guild's decal. It does still have this visual glitch without a guild represented, though.

Character is a: female charr guardian.

In the video, we're wearing the Arctic Explorer Outfit.

Backpack is a legendary, transmuted with the Guild Backpack skin.

If it helps, here's the rest of the equipped gear. Helmet, level 80 Illustrious Visor. Shoulders, level 80 Dreadnought Spaulders (transmuted). Chest, level 80 Warband Hauberk (transmuted). Gloves, level 80 Warband Fists (transmuted). Legs, level 80 Warband Tassets (transmuted). Feet, level 80 Watchknight Greaves (transmuted). Weapon1, level 80 Crucible (transmuted). Weapon2, level 80 Iron Legion Combat Blade (transmuted). Weapon3, level 80 Fortune-Shining Aureate Warhammer.

Video link: https://youtu.be/7zHXarvWOyI

Finally, my graphics settings: https://i.imgur.com/1lvGOAl.png


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The entire game is having problems loading graphics, and it's been getting progressively worse without even an acknowledgement that there's a problem. Character sprites, buildings, skill and inventory icons, even menu and button text are just randomly failing to display even after having been logged in for over an hour (so there should be no problem with cached images). Seems to crop up with every zone change. Structure-rich environments like Divinity's Reach and LA are especially bad for this, but anywhere with buildings will take a long time to "pop" into existence. And even then, not everything will be visible.

Fix your loading issues. This game's problems are far bigger than a couple of bugged skins or something clipping. For a couple of examples: why is the iconic FDS not fixed yet (broken since the start of Dragon Bash), and the Portable WvW Provisioner item has been nothing but a pixelated blueish box with a "rare quality" outline for months. There are hundreds if not thousands more items with problems. Have you heard of the "canary in the coal mine?" Canaries have been dropping dead left and right, but ANet doesn't seem to notice or care.

The game is becoming increasingly unplayable because if I can't use my hero panel for up to 2 full minutes after spawning, I can't see the menu options to click on, I can't see what I have in my bank or inventory (I get colored "quality" outlines of what's there but not the items themselves), what else is left?

If these visual load issues don't get fixed, what incentive could anyone possibly have to buy the new expansion? Can you imagine the hell that will be raised when people start decorating Homesteads in the new xpack and they can't see anything they've done?

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Firey Dragon Sword has display issues with the fire around it.

The flame only displays for about a minute, then disappears.

All I can see is the orange glow sticks.

Only reappears by changing map, but then it's gone again after about 30 seconds to a minute, tops.

Can you please fix this soon?


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Dragonvoid infusion is not displaying correctly. It disappears whenever my character uses a weapon. I think it's Envoy armor that causes this issue.


















Sorry can't upload more photos. I sent a video clip via a ticket to the support.

Edited by ita.9465
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So I seem to have discovered an interesting bug where the Suffused Obsidian Armor's glyph effect apparently negates the Juggernaut's chrome effect while active. There is a workaround where they'll work simultaneously if you fiddle around in wardrobe for a bit but it only works while your toon is wielding the hammer. Once they put it away and draw it again it, the chrome effect goes right back to being negated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Male, Human, Light Armor

The waist cloth part of the Warbeast Vestments (chest armor) doesn't seem to be getting any shadow lighting (just my guess, I could be wrong) in the game world but shows up fine in menus. The leggings in the screenshots are the Warbeast Pants with the cloth portion using the same white dye as the chest piece.

Screenshot 2024-08-24 102806.png Outside front view

Screenshot 2024-08-24 102855.png Outside back view

Screenshot 2024-08-24 102937.png Hero Panel front view

Screenshot 2024-08-24 103019.png Hero Panel back view

Edited by Myster Marz.6481
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Same issues as Previous User:

The Fiery Dragon Sword (and, to a lesser extent, the Icy Dragon Sword) have been affected by a recent visual bug that causes them to lose their fire/ice particle effects.  While I don't use them often enough to pin the issue to an exact build, it seems to have started some time in the last month or so.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Equip a Fiery Dragon Sword

  2. Mount

  3. Dismount


  1. Equip a Fiery Dragon Sword

  2. Drag-drop the Fiery Dragon Sword to another weapon slot (e.g. mainhand to offhand)

Some additional observations/info...

  • The icy dragon sword did not seem to be affected by this bug in quite the same way.  When mounting or dragging weapons around, the IDS also loses its effects.  However, it re-ignites when you draw your weapons again. The FDS does not re-ignite under these conditions.

  • Even in a bugged state, the character window renders the swords correctly.

  • Weapon swapping does not trigger the bug.

  • The bug persists until you change maps.

  • Changing equipment templates does not fix the issue - neither does un-equipping and re-equipping the FDS.

  • Other players in world reported no change when I re-created the issue - for them, the flames remained visible.

  • The ambient light effect (which is only visible to the wielder) of the FDS also disappears.

  • If the FDS is in the main hand slot and weapon in the offhand has its own ambient light effect, that effect will show once the bug happens. Tested with: icy dragon sword, tormented torch.

  • Tested on: Male Human. 

  • Nvidia 3080 driver version 560.94; Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz; 64gb Ram. 

  • Issue reproduced multiple times on Max Graphic settings. 

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  • Outfit
  • Headband clipping through the character models forehead.
  • Asura, Male, Engineer.
  • The Outfit  "Taimi Outfit" from the Gem Store.
  • Its an "Outfit" that obscures all of your current gear with but here is the list anyway, no Wardrobe changes on any of the pieces.
    Head: Bladed Mask of the Trapper
    Shoulders: Ebon Shoulders of the Trapper
    Chest: Viper's Emblazoned Coat of the Trapper
    Hands: Viper's Emblazoned Gloves of the Trapper
    Pants: Viper's Emblazoned Pants of the Trapper
    Boots: Viper's Emblazoned Boots of the Trapper


Edited by teewb.9167
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