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Jump pads require rework

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I am just going through hell here trying to finish SAB World 2, Zone 2 in Tribulation Mode. As with all jumping platforms in this game, these jump pads never work accurately - sometimes you jump higher, sometimes you barely gain altitude, even when both times you jump from the exact same spot to land on them. Sometimes they don't work at all and you fall off the pillar because you were already pushing W to make the jump's crazy distance.

This is insane. These jumping mechanics require a serious revamp. That applies to all, not just the ones in SAB (but there it is especially painful).

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Welcome to the club of people dieing from old age before this gets fixed. I report this every year at every occasion and when it likes to bug out on me especially hard.

Apparently they don't like my originally nice and neutral, now mad and flaming, nor technical observational in-game reports about this at all.

Instead they "fix" things nobody cares about like the 2-3 mouth blowing effect and call it ready for release without even running trib or even normal mode once on a connection with more than 10ms ping (and I'd guarantee it happens even in localhost servers by now).

Dear Gadd am I happy they noticed messing up the ice skidding velocity two years ago and fixed it while the festival was online as it was an equally game/trib breaking (but new) bug! Yet the trampolines send you to death since ever.

Yeah, sorry for the rants, devs. I have no clue about your priorities or schedules. But something that blatant of a bug can't be missed by yours.

out of tribulation clouds to throw at anet Maybe this is the real reason why "TRAMPoline" without the "oline" gets censored on this forum.

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@"Ray Koopa.2354": Do you have any advice for a workaround? I am just a few minutes away from finishing W2Z2 in Trib Mode, but it is impossible since the second jump pad won't launch by itself (I have to initiate a jump) and never manages to get me all the way across to the next pillar (even when I hold down W the entire time).


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I suggest jumping once without moving, testing if it works.If it does, while falling down, move towards the ledge of the trampoline to where you want to jump off (e.g. forward). This guarantees* initial velocity when jumping again.Just PRAY for the jump to work or you'll run off the trampoline!!!It mostly does the second time but after that stops again.It is especially worse in parties and with higher pings.

*guaranteed as in "has noticeably lesser chance to fail and higher chance to outrage if it does"

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When I saw that the zone race for the coins features THAT part of w2 I was just willing to give up. Really hoping that I can get the hang of it through this thread lol thanks!

(On a side note: Isn't it lovely how dying during that race kills your reset timer and you have to do the entire zone up to that point again? Or that there are 60 assassins just stunlocking you if you're unlucky? Because damn this is awful game design, almost as bad as the 100% baubles stuff but forgive my rant it's 5 in the morning and I am cranky because I need to do this else my mind will never be at rest I am falling apart send help)

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@Blocki.4931 said:When I saw that the zone race for the coins features THAT part of w2 I was just willing to give up. Really hoping that I can get the hang of it through this thread lol thanks!

The trick is to curse without letting the anger take over. It was very close for me, so I took a break to post here and then went back - and finally figured that issue out. Phew!

On a side note: Isn't it lovely how dying during that race kills your reset timer and you have to do the entire zone up to that point again?

You can make use of that minute of time till you respawn at the starting point of the race to clear more of the path ahead, that's what I did. :) In the end I had a 100% clear path to do the races as quickly as I could. :+1:

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:When I saw that the zone race for the coins features THAT part of w2 I was just willing to give up. Really hoping that I can get the hang of it through this thread lol thanks!

The trick is to curse without letting the anger take over. It was very close for me, so I took a break to post here and then went back - and finally figured that issue out. Phew!

On a side note: Isn't it lovely how dying during that race kills your reset timer and you have to do the entire zone up to that point again?

You can make use of that minute of time till you respawn at the starting point of the race to clear more of the path ahead, that's what I did. :) In the end I had a 100% clear path to do the races as quickly as I could. :+1:

Yeah I did both of those things and it worked out in the end! Finished the last missing race as well, meaning that once again I am 100% done with all achievements the event has to offer (minus Drooburt but he doesn't count I'm not a maniac that has a billion coins).

When I first posted that I didn't know that the timer was still running and you get ported back to the start :) So yep, I did the W2Z2 Race from start of the zone to finish of the race in one go every single time until it luckily worked right after I ranted here earlier. I was angry, now I can laugh it off as myself being so impatient that I brute forced my way through that :sunglasses:

Absolutely nothing beats the baubles though. I will never do this again, I was legitimately depressed over not being able to backtrack and having to start all over, just to again miss a single bauble... Whew, had to get that out of my system. At this point I enjoy doing Trib mode FOR FUN a lot, because all that pain was still much more enjoyable than those stupid baubles. Luckily those aren't annual :cold_sweat:

That is all. I must now sleep for 3 days straight to get my head cleared

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We're totally off-topic now, but who cares: :p

@Blocki.4931 said:When I first posted that I didn't know that the timer was still running and you get ported back to the start :)

Ahhh, so I didn't have to edit my previous post, because after re-reading yours I thought I had misunderstood and you did know. But you didn't, oops.

Anyway, it's a bit buggy, though. If, for instance, you die twice in a row within seconds (perhaps by slipping or whatever reason), the timer stops and you won't get ported. Happened to me once, couldn't backtrack, had to start over. :/

So yep, I did the W2Z2 Race from start of the zone to finish of the race in one go every single time until it luckily worked right after I ranted here earlier. I was angry, now I can laugh it off as myself being so impatient that I brute forced my way through that :sunglasses:

Ditto. Finished all achievements (minus Drooburt) just now. Geez, Tribulation Mode really tests your patience; only when you remain calm you can make it through. My poor Ranger's death count was around 850 when I started SAB, now it's 2,633. :s Luckily, first thing I did was to buy an Infinite Continue Coin. =)

Absolutely nothing beats the baubles though. I will never do this again, I was legitimately depressed over not being able to backtrack and having to start all over

I found that less annoying than Tribulation Mode...

That is all. I must now sleep for 3 days straight to get my head cleared

LOL, I know the feeling. ;) Sleep tight!

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You can also jump to the trampoline without trigerring it and then perform a small jump forward in the desired direction, the edge should bounce yourself further. (Done that with mushrooms too since they never trigger the first time for me)

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  • 1 year later...

I tried w2z2 for the 1st time & reached the trampoline part. OMG, that thing is a massive drag there!!!!!!! I've done some research, even came here to see the jumping tip, nope... it's very very very hard to get it right. It took me an entire hour (probably more) just to get stuck on that part, like... to the point I just wanted to alt-F4 the game and go scream to my pillow, but since I've gotten so far, I just kept dying & trying & dying, I can tell you up to that point I was emotionally drained BECAUSE THE TRAMPOLINE JUMP IS SUPER UNRELIABLE!!!! Too many traps on every other poles and there wasn't any alternative route either, you kidding me?? You know how long it took me to finally gotten the RNG shined on me & finished 1 run??? More than 5 hours!!!!! That wasn't even the all baubles achivement run, that's just 1 usual-tribulation run!!!!!

The next day I thought may be I could skip the waste-of-time-don't-even-know-why-they-even-place-an-angry-cloud-there-temple, and the 2nd-another-super-waste-of-time-pointless-copy-pasted-but-more-octopus via the assasin cloud, nope, there are spikes there and there's no way to pass thru it, I had to just close the game entirely at that point at 2 hrs into that run, couldn't even be bothered to finish the rest of it because even if I get passed those those 2 the trampolines are going to cost me another hr at least..... I know I could eventually finish it, but it's not worth 5 hours of my time for each run!!!! Granted I'd get more efficient each run but at this rate it'd still be too long before I can finally run it efficiently, but knowing myself it'll still take 100x longer than a normal runner at my max efficient timer. It's like there's a huge difference between W2Z1 and W2W2, it doesn't pace well at all.

At least, we should be able to skip those 2 with a tiny bit of trick, but not forced us to do like a 5 hours per run times 16 times for 1/3 part of the whole collection (I can't even imagine what it's like in W2Z3 trib, I hate slippery gaming because spending too much time on it makes me dizzy & wanna puke, it's going to take me longer than 5 hrs....). This isn't just grindy, this is just simple trying to torture the players who try to play your content. Isn't this a festival?

Sorry about the rant, I'm really frustrating right now and instead of waking up my neighbour's dog, I thought I could scream here instead, at least you guys can understand me T_T

I'll probably just try to finish at least 1 run of W2Z3 when I have 8 hrs available so I could get the final boombox, and be done with tribulation forever. I'm giving up on this collection.

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@"Ray Koopa.2354" said:This is how I usually do it:RlHdWi2.png

I think I tried your variant too, but I'm not sure if it yielded momentum often enough. It's definitely an oddball not worth arguing about and NEEDS A FIX.

This should work 100% of the time. Finished the 16 runs and figured it halfway through, never had a problem with it afterwards.

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@Sariel.2143 said:

@"Ray Koopa.2354" said:This is how I usually do it:

I think I tried your variant too, but I'm not sure if it yielded momentum often enough. It's definitely an oddball not worth arguing about and NEEDS A FIX.

This should work 100% of the time. Finished the 16 runs and figured it halfway through, never had a problem with it afterwards.

It doesn't work if you have high ping. The trampolines are super buggy.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@Sariel.2143 said:This should work 100% of the time. Finished the 16 runs and figured it halfway through, never had a problem with it afterwards.

It doesn't work if you have high ping. The trampolines are super buggy.

They meant the technique, not the jump pad's functionality (which is buggy and therefore often deadly, and not just in Trib Mode).

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@"Ray Koopa.2354" said:This is how I usually do it:

I think I tried your variant too, but I'm not sure if it yielded momentum often enough. It's definitely an oddball not worth arguing about and NEEDS A FIX.

This should work 100% of the time. Finished the 16 runs and figured it halfway through, never had a problem with it afterwards.

It doesn't work if you have high ping. The trampolines are super buggy.

Most things don't work with high ping :expressionless:

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@"Ray Koopa.2354" said:This is how I usually do it:

I think I tried your variant too, but I'm not sure if it yielded momentum often enough. It's definitely an oddball not worth arguing about and NEEDS A FIX.

This should work 100% of the time. Finished the 16 runs and figured it halfway through, never had a problem with it afterwards.

It doesn't work if you have high ping. The trampolines are super buggy.

RIP trampoline, my ping is consistently at 260...

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You could try dodge bouncing. Gives you a lot of distance and a fair bit of hang time in the air. Basically dodge as the trampoline is about to bounce you. Maybe it's as soon as you land for other people, I consistently have over 300 ping so you'll probably have to work the timing out and get a feel for it yourself. If the trampoline decides not to bounce you, you're just going to dodge to your death though so keep that in mind. Probably best to practice somewhere like the beginning of w1z2.

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