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[PoF] Too few waypoints


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And no, saying that mounts make distances shorter is not a valid argument in areas where you have to -- again -- fight your way through dozens of mobs etc. to get to the point where you died, because you did not manage to reach the nearest waypoint before it happened.

Never wasted as many Revive Orbs in my whole GW2 life as I have already in PoF.

P.S. Why can I not kitten enter gliding when I get pushed off high stairs by a gargoyle's flame burst?

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:I've died a fair few times trying to reach places (especially in the Branded area of Vabbi). But I can't say it's happened any more than it happened in HoT or even Orr, back when I was still leveling. It really isn't that bad.

Regarding branded areas, as long as you avoid contact with the ground as much as possible it is a breeze (read: skimmer).

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Yeah, right.

  1. Stop assuming gender.
  2. I don't usually die when just following the next story marker, but many things beyond that are leading you into crazy extreme long range aggro territory. I doubt you wouldn't have died once had you played PoF in its entirety.
  3. It always depends on the profession you are playing. This is my second walkthrough. How many professions have you already led through PoF?
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@Crise.9401 said:

@RoseofGilead.8907 said:I've died a fair few times trying to reach places (especially in the Branded area of Vabbi). But I can't say it's happened any more than it happened in HoT or even Orr, back when I was still leveling. It really isn't that bad.

Regarding branded areas, as long as you avoid contact with the ground as much as possible it is a breeze (read: skimmer).

Oh, I'm well aware of that. But I skipped through most of the third and fourth zones to go straight to Vabbi (for silly reasons), so I didn't have the skimmer when I was first making my way around there. Once I came back with the skimmer, I realized how silly it was to go to that place before getting the skimmer.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Yeah, right.

  1. Stop assuming gender.
  2. I don't usually die when just following the next story marker, but many things beyond that are leading you into crazy extreme long range aggro territory. I doubt you wouldn't have died once had you played PoF in its entirety.
  3. It always depends on the profession you are playing. This is my second walkthrough. How many professions have you already led through PoF?

1) I feel like you are trying to meme with that one and I respect some memes so +1 to that. If not then -10.

2) I have played PoF and have fully explored with one character, completed the story with that character, and have been working on map completion with my other 8 toons all of which are different professions(1 of each). At first I died a few times but as I learned how enemies behaved and got better at getting around the map that has gone down by a significant amount.

3) See 2 for the number but all-in-all I'm not having any trouble with any of the professions. I will say that some are better equipped at taking down certain mobs but overall I have not had any issues with every class from firebrand to mirage and everything in between. For example I've found renegade pretty good at those break bars thanks to Scorchrazor, Icerazor, and Darkrazor.

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I've died once right before the waypoint just cause I was too lazy to kill mobs and got murdered lol. But to few? I think it's ok. So far I just led 2. Ranger and my thief. But ranger was harder to get to the jackel mount. Only because I didn't know the fire pushed me off going up those fire stair things. But I made it. As thief was chill I just hit that stealth and boom and he's an asura so he ran right under the fire. XD. Dying too much though no. If I wanted to kill every month I wouldn't die. I find it when I wanna be lazy and run through is where I almost end up dying.

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@Healix.5819 said:You can, just not for the first ~2 seconds when you're knocked back and disabled. Just dodge through them and bunny hop up.

Thanks, I know how to get up there, only that theory often gets disrupted by practice in this case, especially with sudden spawns attacking you or other players drawing mobs up the stairs. ;).


@ImTasty.2163 said:1) I feel like you are trying to meme with that one and I respect some memes so +1 to that. If not then -10.

It's not a meme to not want to be addessed as "sir" when you are not male. But hey, maybe I will call you madam from now on, I'm sure you'll love that.

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@Endless Soul.5178 said:

@Sznurek.8791 said:Also you finally have a real punishment for death.

Who wanted that? Nobody I know.I do, for one. As much as I despise the HoT maps and how terrible they are to navigate, not being able to afk faceroll through the content is pretty nice. And with PoF, that's still true to some degree, but without all of the navigation issues.

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@Endless Soul.5178 said:

@Sznurek.8791 said:Also you finally have a real punishment for death.

Who wanted that? Nobody I know.

Most people who have played GW1. Where death actually mattered.

Pretty much like any new game where dying means you get tped back 30 seconds before. Its just boring and unchallenging.

Otherwise no. We really dont need more waypoints with mounts.

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I have to say, I've 100%ed the maps and I haven't really had this issue, but I do have the advantage of playing an Ele (Mist Form + Obsidian Flesh + Flash + Swirling Winds + Magnetic Wave keeps you pretty safe from most ranged attackers while running to safety / out of combat so I could jump on a mount and jump / fly away).

Don't get me wrong, there were a few times when I died and needed to get back to the area and it was slightly far away, and I got slightly frustrated, but then I remembered I was being rash or careless, or just not doing my best to survive, and trying frantically to get to a point without being careful. With the freedom of movement we have in PoF, it's relatively easy to find an alternate route past obstacles that doesn't involve being bashed in the face - and with the speed / mobility of mounts, even once getting aggro, it's still possible to get away.

Another thought I'd have when in situations like that is that GW2 is an MMORPG, and if I'm ever having trouble getting past some mobs it might be because it's not intended for one person, and it's not hard to find someone to help while adventuring in Tyria ^^ After all, it's meant to be end-game content, no?

And I've found in my experience of dying in various remote places that all in all, no matter where you die, it shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes away from a waypoint, which isn't a lot of time :D

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I have decided to give an example to explain myself better. But before I start, I would like to say this: I played GW1 beginning to end, for many, many years, but comparing the two games is comparing apples to oranges.

That said, here is what I am getting at -- my example for a highly frustating situation that had me waste 3 (!) Revive Orbs for this one spot within a couple of minutes:

Map: The DesolationPOI: Junundu LookoutNearest available WP to me at the time: The Scourgeway Waypoint (which is quite a long travel route away)

This was my first time on the map. I did not yet have the Sand Jackal Run WP and did not know any specifics of this particular spot (the Junundu Lookout tower).

There were several Awakened patrols there, and I decided to carefully wait and circumvent them. Then the following chain of events occured:

  • First attempt: I misjudged the exact height of one of the fire spitting gargoyles, was pushed off the stairs, not able to enter gliding (due to pushback condition) and died. I did not want to start all over from The Scourgeway WP, so I used a revive orb.
  • Second attempt: still under the influence of revive sickness, a condition from the orb that makes it impossible for you to regenerate health or mount your beast in order to get to safety, I attempted my second ascent. Too bad another player had showed up and pulled one of the mobs up the stairs (the four-legged one in particular that uses knockback) while I was waiting for my endurance to refill so I could dodge the next two fire spitting gargoyle heads. I fought, with 50% health, the other player did not help me. I managed to kill two of them, but the knockback monster threw me off the stairs. I died a second time. (Of course the genius who was responsible for the pull just flew off as soon as he had acquired the POI instead of rezzing me first).
  • Third attempt: I waited until I could use another revive orb. Unfortunately, at the moment it triggered, another mob was pulled to my location by a helpful player who had arrived and obviously wanted to rez me. Long story short, we both got killed. I used another revive orb as soon as the mobs were out of sight, rezzed my colleague and finally climbed up the tower. What a drag.

This is just an example of many possible "impossible" situations in PoF that make navigating a map a frustrating experience with so few waypoints.

I know that people argue that there weren't many WPs in HoT, either, but the huge difference is that Heart of Thorns had game mechanics that made navigating maps very easy once you had the respective masteries: updrafts, wallow shortcuts, mushrooms. They were all available to you at all times, regardless of your condition, and in certain situations you could easily flee a potentially deadly situation by using them.

In Path of Fire, however, you cannot mount up to escape when you face a hairy situation due to aggro and conditions (that automatically mark you as "in fight", even when you are no longer in aggro range, until they had worn off). The spot I mentioned is surrounded by deadly sulfur, so I could only have escaped by mounting my Skimmer. Escape to recuperate and try again. But I couldn't. Due to aggro or revive sickness. You don't have it nearly as easy as anywhere else in Tyria (core, HoT). Therefore, in my opinion, more waypoints are a necessity in PoF.

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