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Holo is correctly placed, it's definitely not S tier. It's decent and can be real value against the rights comp, but definitely doesn't come close to Rev in TF or Spb on Sidenode. This is about ATs with optimized comps, not Ranked where flexibility of roles can be a strength.

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This feels mostly accurate, though Spellbreaker should only be S tier with the Rampage icon in the middle. Its A Tier otherwise. Firebrand (to me, anyway) still feels like its S tier for being massively popular for teamfight survival, though. Soulbeast is potentially A tier.

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You think Scourge is A Tier without a FB?Being alone as a Scourge it requires the use of no port spots, a good reaction time and kiting skills to survive the initiate fight, and if I get focused and I got 3 team mates jumping on me and following me, I die real fast. Barely no sustain, no blocks, no "last resort" skill,... This is why I am in doubt about being A Tier. I would think A Tier had more skills to sustain. Holo, Scrapper and FB all have them. In the lower B tier we have other classes more similar to scourge, basically with clear weaknesses and easy counters.

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Can someone explain to people FB can't tank anything like a scrapper. It is literally just a Tempest on drugs. Literally can't even bunker by itself without it's scourge buddy bumping it up with barrier.

Sure it's A-tier because it basically outclasses every other support spec, but it sure as hell is not bunkering a Spellbreaker, Herald, Holo, or Soulbeast when multihit attacks exist to break any aegis they give by itself. It stopped bunkering by itself after their initial nerfs.

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@dDuff.3860 said:

@dominik.9721 said:Nice thread: good overview what classes (rev,fb,scourge,scrapper,holo + rampage of warr) are broken currently.Glad you agree with me that those should get nerfed.

I'd swap fb with spellbreaker, tho.Way easier to play without a sb than without a fb.

firebrand became a punchbag, while SB rampage can 2shot you. So i feel it is pretty accurate.

A punchbag that currently facerolls teamfights with duable Rev and who will be even more broken when Rev and holo dmg gets adjusted.

Recently, I've been doing ATs without firebrand and with second scourge instead, We've facerolled every other team so far. Ones with FB on the enemy team were much easier. So my experience tells me, you're incorrect.

So it's not broken because you won against it with two other broken classes? Flawless.And what teams you won against?Vin aeone at 4am?No, prime time ATs only, and I'm speaking from the position of winning potentially good teams in tryhard mode.
Other than that, we're not speaking of broken/not broken, don't see the reason for being so toxic, we're speaking of firebrand being an A tier, rather than S tier, because of several reasons. The point is, you just sit on FB's face and snowball everything else after it dies. With FB against FB, it comes to which one dies first.

EDIT: If you're curious, you can also check my last vod with this setup in another prime time daily AT, where we were trying to confirm that it wasn't a luck.

Ye, see how "lol" tier Gorm's druid does all the work alongside blood necroes. Me and you, we were... just there :)

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@Stale.3527 said:Imagine the diversity and team comps that could become viable if everything was within 2-3 class tiers. Or even if the gap between each tier wasn't as big as it is now.

I can imagine. Unfortunately, The current Anet dev team is never going to fulfill this vision. Do they lack the competence, the will or the vision? I dunno. But for a game entering its seventh year, and we still do not even have 1 competitive build per class, there is little hope for improvements.

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