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Let's Talk About Druid Competitively After Pet Nerf - And Buffs That CA Deserves

Trevor Boyer.6524

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I've always thought druid a ranger was a weird pairing, I get the rangers nature affinity but druid always seemed more kin to a mage with a affinity for nature like say a elementalist spec with ties to nature, I mean their already using all the forces of nature throughout their skills lol. Just seems like those who love the theme of druids got shafted by pairing it with ranger due to seemingly and consistently being made worse over time due to arenet trying to balance the druid spec while having its pet as a consideration when balancing and judging by last patch and their reasoning I'd say it's for the worse lol

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I trotted my old druid out for a bit of fun the last few days. I noticed I do as much group healing on my holosmith in marauders and more condi cleansing as well.
CA kit needs a rework to bring it in line with engi heal kit with the same investment.

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I really want the HoT beta version of Grace of the Land back. A stacking buff that reduces incoming condition damage (5 stacks â 4%). With a 10 player cap it also offers some utility in WvW.Yes that would likely kill druid in PvE but they only reason it exists there is easy might stacking and low healing requirements. Everything else can be brought by Soulbeast or other classes.

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They could simply just revert the heal nerfs from CA for competitive modes. Seriously, the damage in the game is doubled now or in some cases tripled, from what it was when those nerfs were delivered to CA. Like when a Herald gets on you, there is no reason to use any heal outside of CA 3. The other heals are so small that it's a complete waste of time and CA bar to use them. At this point, a Druid is actually defensively weaker in CA form than it is out of CA form, which is silly. The CA kit is so weak right now, that it has become a mechanism just to pop https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Druidic_Clarity and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celestial_Shadow pretty much. If you watch that video I posted, which demos 1v1s against some of the better players out there, you'll see what I'm talking about. CA is to pop CA 3 and then exit it immediately to preserve CA bar, which allows you to benefit Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow as often as possible. You die on a Druid in higher tier play if you actually try to use other CA abilities, and this is because they do nothing but waste your CA bar and greatly elongate the cool down of Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow.

Meanwhile, Holosmiths are healing themselves to full with Healing Turret every 20s, while wearing demolisher amulet. <- This single utility heal skill, that doesn't even require wearing a healing amulet, has all of the self healing power of the entire CA kit, and is on the same cool down time nonetheless. Then the damage power creep also disproportionately effects skills such as https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Litany_of_Wrath or https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiant_Stance which provides even more scenarios for damage invested builds to be able to have self healing that is equal to or greater than a build that is entirely heal invested.

I can understand how they'd prefer to not want to split skill effects between game modes, I get it. But something has to be done here. You know, alternatively to my initial suggestions in the first post, maybe the CA form should act like a Necro Shroud, where it absorbs damage while in CA. That or maybe being in CA grants a buff that does -20% vs. power and condi damage. Or maybe a buff that heals the Druid for 1000 health per second or something. None of those suggestions would effect the Druid's support performance in Raids or Fractals, but it would help it competitively.

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it was high time druid was nerfed. having just one class as a must-have on any raid encounter / fractal is just boring. And I'm not even talking about ridiculous mirror comps people used to run. thank goodness the days of dudu meta are gone, and now you only need one druid and 1 other healer (fb/rene/tempest) for non speed clear raids. Those complaining about the nerfs should wake up to the fact that druid was completely OP and broken like the pre-SOI nerf chrono. Now, it's in line with other support classes which is more than fair. Period.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:it was high time druid was nerfed. having just one class as a must-have on any raid encounter / fractal is just boring. And I'm not even talking about ridiculous mirror comps people used to run. thank goodness the days of dudu meta are gone, and now you only need one druid and 1 other healer (fb/rene/tempest) for non speed clear raids. Those complaining about the nerfs should wake up to the fact that druid was completely OP and broken like the pre-SOI nerf chrono. Now, it's in line with other support classes which is more than fair. Period.

This thread is about Druid competitively, in structured player vs. player, and world vs. world.

If you were to fully read through my OP statement, I suggest buffs that would not effect the Druid's strengths in PvE, but would help it competitively.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@ollbirtan.2915 said:it was high time druid was nerfed. having just one class as a must-have on any raid encounter / fractal is just boring. And I'm not even talking about ridiculous mirror comps people used to run. thank goodness the days of dudu meta are gone, and now you only need one druid and 1 other healer (fb/rene/tempest) for non speed clear raids. Those complaining about the nerfs should wake up to the fact that druid was completely OP and broken like the pre-SOI nerf chrono. Now, it's in line with other support classes which is more than fair. Period.

This thread is about Druid competitively, in structured player vs. player, and world vs. world.

If you were to fully read through my OP statement, I suggest buffs that would not effect the Druid's strengths in PvE, but would help it competitively.

No point man, by reading their post u can clearly see blind bias, their unable or un willing to consider druids performance on all sides but the one, pve of all things Lmao. who even cares if any spec is OP in pve? All of pve in gw2 is like easy mode in most games so u can play and be viable with anything lol

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:it was high time druid was nerfed. having just one class as a must-have on any raid encounter / fractal is just boring. And I'm not even talking about ridiculous mirror comps people used to run. thank goodness the days of dudu meta are gone, and now you only need one druid and 1 other healer (fb/rene/tempest) for non speed clear raids. Those complaining about the nerfs should wake up to the fact that druid was completely OP and broken like the pre-SOI nerf chrono. Now, it's in line with other support classes which is more than fair. Period.

The thread title is competetive. Let that sink in, for starters.

Secondly, druid only offers the raid build a trait for might and okay healing, most of the build is carried by core ranger utilities. I said this back when HoT came out: warrior and ranger with a dedicated heal elite spec is gonna outclass at best and at worst still be relevant in raids because of their core base kits. Banners/Spirits, EA/Spotter and access to might. Druid will always have a strong presence in PvE content because it's carried by its core class, regardless of how strong druid actually is.

Isolating druid traits and its weapon while disregarding the core ranger kit, then comparing it to other support classes makes it look pathetic. In its current state it still looks pathetic if you add the core kit back in and compare it to other support classes in PvP and WvW.

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I like a lot of the ideas I see in here.

Some glyph ideas that I think would help give WvW support Druid some actual presence and reason to play:

  • Verdant Etching: Glyphs gain reduced cooldown (20%) and now affect 10 allies. Gain increased reduced cooldown while in CA form (33%).
  • Glyph of Alignment: Now ranged (900). Non-CA version now removes 3 boons from enemies and applies 3x poison. CA version now removes 3 conditions.
  • Glyph of Tides: Now ranged (1200). Effects are switched and both now apply slow. Pull distance is increased so enemies are brought to a centralized point.
  • Glyph of Equality: CA version no longer removes conditions, but applies 5 stacks of stability to nearby allies in addition to breaking stun for them.
  • Glyph of Unity: I like @jcbroe.4329's suggestion. I would also reduce the heal ICD to 0.5 seconds.
  • Glyph of Stars: Now only affects 5 allies (due to VE increasing target cap to 10). Non-CA version is now a PBAoE effect. CA version prevents Warclaw stomps while channeling.

Glyphs are, in my eyes, one of the keys to giving Druid more viability for WvW group play. My suggested changes would give them a lot of added utility. I'd say they would need more help to make them more competitive with Firebrand and Scrapper, but this would be a helpful step forward. In my eyes, Cultivated Synergy, Verdant Etching, and Lingering Light should be the hard support lines that encourage players to move away from stuff like Druidic Clarity & Celestial Shadow so that they are forced to sacrifice Druid's best self-sustain traits. My suggestions are major powercreepy, but I honestly think that's what Druid needs to gain better viability.

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hey i just found one of your unfinished areas i think you should continue it i think it looks awesome maybe maybe turn it to a city or a special event only place or something it looks pretty actually i think if you were to finish it it would look great it's east of dragons stand i think it would look great i hope you consider it it would be very cool and personally i'd go there every day if you actually do

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I like a lot of the ideas I see in here.

Some glyph ideas that I think would help give WvW support Druid some actual presence and reason to play:

  • Verdant Etching: Glyphs gain reduced cooldown (20%) and now affect 10 allies. Gain increased reduced cooldown while in CA form (33%).
  • Glyph of Alignment: Now ranged (900). Non-CA version now removes 3 boons from enemies and applies 3x poison. CA version now removes 3 conditions.
  • Glyph of Tides: Now ranged (1200). Effects are switched and both now apply slow. Pull distance is increased so enemies are brought to a centralized point.
  • Glyph of Equality: CA version no longer removes conditions, but applies 5 stacks of stability to nearby allies in addition to breaking stun for them.
  • Glyph of Unity: I like @jcbroe.4329's suggestion. I would also reduce the heal ICD to 0.5 seconds.
  • Glyph of Stars: Now only affects 5 allies (due to VE increasing target cap to 10). Non-CA version is now a PBAoE effect. CA version prevents Warclaw stomps while channeling.

Glyphs are, in my eyes, one of the keys to giving Druid more viability for WvW group play. My suggested changes would give them a lot of added utility. I'd say they would need more help to make them more competitive with Firebrand and Scrapper, but this would be a helpful step forward. In my eyes, Cultivated Synergy, Verdant Etching, and Lingering Light should be the hard support lines that encourage players to move away from stuff like Druidic Clarity & Celestial Shadow so that they are forced to sacrifice Druid's best self-sustain traits. My suggestions are major powercreepy, but I honestly think that's what Druid needs to gain better viability.

If they don't directly buff the effects of glyphs, the glyphs could at least be using the ammo system, considering how subpar the effects are.

@IronSpyder.9524 said:hey i just found one of your unfinished areas i think you should continue it i think it looks awesome maybe maybe turn it to a city or a special event only place or something it looks pretty actually i think if you were to finish it it would look great it's east of dragons stand i think it would look great i hope you consider it it would be very cool and personally i'd go there every day if you actually do

We'll assemble the Maguuma construction crew and jump right on it. Thanks for letting us know.

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Hi all...I just want to say I am a noob and I dont have pro things to add. I dont ever come to the forums. But after I decided to get back on my druid (I have many alts) I was just really baffled by what happened to the class 100%bd and I can hardly maintain any boons without pressing a million button or taking this or that to fill in the gaps.

My pet dies all the time does nothing even when I want it to cc?? its a hit or mids situation??. I would take them to provide buffs instead thats cool for pet variety if they didnt have a 45 cooldown on a three second buff for 5 people...for real??

Why does CA 5 skill not provide might?

Shouts are now commands???? just to destroy the trooper rune?

Why was staff condi cleanse destroyed? The healing on it is awful...skill one is awful it was ok when it actually healed. Am I supposed to cleanse condis with CA skill 2...cause thats not happening.

What is the druids thing now?? apologise for being able to heal?? apologise for having a pet??

That channeling elite glyph is sooooo annoying and boring and doesnt feel like an elite.......what is with the range on these channeled spells :s. Chanelling was fine for covering might for a while...now omg u just live and breath CA 4 to justify ur existence if you interrupt it once...thats it.

The spirits...my god annoying to summon...then to reposition...then for them to respond...the repositioning doesnt need to be a cast with all the channeling needed does it??? are they realky that imba????

Meanwhile when I play my herald...everything is insta cast on 10 players the regen is disgusting then you can burst with tablet...and lasts forever and more...necro no targeting or chanelling needed?..so is that on my ele, you have a lot of traits to help channeling and the channeling is super worth? on druid my god its awful. Firebrand just lol.

I am very happy they are relevant...but...honestly druid just feels awful in comparison I hate the feeling of trying to enjoy a class when I can tell it's awful in comparison for what reason??.

I just dont understand why can herald and ele get easy perma booning but druid can not? what for? after all my stats gearing to just heal and give boons? Necros booning is awful but has a very strong niche.

Yeah I just feel these nerfs were done carelessly and I hope as you have for other classes will reconsider.

Maybe make the final tier trait either imba healer or CA become a damaging form like solar version or something, and the pet would be punished accordingly? I dunno...I just want to love my druid again :( and not feel like im shuving down peoples faces just cause I want to play it. It just feels unpolished and apologetic.

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@aetemes.2603 said:Yeah I just feel these nerfs were done carelessly and I hope as you have for other classes will reconsider.

If you want to get even more speechless go play a Firebrand. That's what I did and I have no reasons to turn back.

Beside the weird support build with terrible spirits in Fractals and Raids, Druid is just done. I don't get the hate they have for Druid. I always been Druiding in PvP since the spec was out in HoT, but it's just a no-no now.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I like a lot of the ideas I see in here.

Some glyph ideas that I think would help give WvW support Druid some actual presence and reason to play:
  • Verdant Etching: Glyphs gain reduced cooldown (20%) and now affect 10 allies. Gain increased reduced cooldown while in CA form (33%).
  • Glyph of Alignment: Now ranged (900). Non-CA version now removes 3 boons from enemies and applies 3x poison. CA version now removes 3 conditions.
  • Glyph of Tides: Now ranged (1200). Effects are switched and both now apply slow. Pull distance is increased so enemies are brought to a centralized point.
  • Glyph of Equality: CA version no longer removes conditions, but applies 5 stacks of stability to nearby allies in addition to breaking stun for them.
  • Glyph of Unity: I like @jcbroe.4329's suggestion. I would also reduce the heal ICD to 0.5 seconds.
  • Glyph of Stars: Now only affects 5 allies (due to VE increasing target cap to 10). Non-CA version is now a PBAoE effect. CA version prevents Warclaw stomps while channeling.

Glyphs are, in my eyes, one of the keys to giving Druid more viability for WvW group play. My suggested changes would give them a lot of added utility. I'd say they would need more help to make them more competitive with Firebrand and Scrapper, but this would be a helpful step forward. In my eyes, Cultivated Synergy, Verdant Etching, and Lingering Light should be the hard support lines that encourage players to move away from stuff like Druidic Clarity & Celestial Shadow so that they are forced to sacrifice Druid's best self-sustain traits. My suggestions are major powercreepy, but I honestly think that's what Druid needs to gain better viability.

If they don't directly buff the effects of glyphs, the glyphs could at least be using the ammo system, considering how subpar the effects are.

@IronSpyder.9524 said:hey i just found one of your unfinished areas i think you should continue it i think it looks awesome maybe maybe turn it to a city or a special event only place or something it looks pretty actually i think if you were to finish it it would look great it's east of dragons stand i think it would look great i hope you consider it it would be very cool and personally i'd go there every day if you actually do

We'll assemble the Maguuma construction crew and jump right on it. Thanks for letting us know.

just to lrt you know they did a good job at hiding it

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CA should stay like SB merge or at least as long as a death shroud. Druid was the only class that I was really excited at. And it is the only class that broke my heart so bad. And now it is even weaker than the previous version. Yay. It needs a good rework really.

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