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[Suggestion] Could we get another version of "Blossoming Mist Shard" armor?

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I'm not sure if those crystals on the armor can be easily removed by artists or not, but the armor underneath it looks amazing. It looks a lot more rugged, worn, and carries more details than the standard set. The heavy armor helmet on the charr has a long neck piece covering it, where the standard Mist Shard version does not. The upgraded heavy boots even cover the foot claws of charr characters! Having a crystal free version would help this armor match other armor sets better and give me a goal I'd be more eager to work towards.

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We totally should. I would buy SO MANY MORE skins if I could remove all that extraneous stuff I(and maybe only I) consider no-goes.

Its like they craft something awesome and then someone else comes along and adds a detail and then someone else and then someone else and then the gorgeous armor is buried under all the additions.

I know you meant it sarcastically but man. If only.

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The odd thing about this armor set is really the name.

With 'Blossoming', I'd have expected something like Caithe's flowers/vines or crystalline petals instead of the same crystal hunks that seem to have found their way onto everything lately. I appreciate the variety, it's just a bit puzzling when we have so many rock candy fashions to work with already.

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I will say my only beef with them is the weird way that dyes are applied to them, especially purples. If it's not a dark purple, it shows up pink or white. It's like it's mixing with a different layer of colour or something. I was trying to get it as close to the branded purple (like on the weapons for example) as possible but the ones I think would look right just end up looking like Electro Pink.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:Why does Anet have an obsession with glueing spikes/crystals/gems on actually good looking armor pieces???

I have no idea but I feel really bad for whom ever they have making their armor now. That person did a great job with the Elegy/Requiem armor and a great job with this set. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the crystals was a third party decision and not a very good one.

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@Substance E.4852 said:

@"Lilyanna.9361" said:Why does Anet have an obsession with glueing spikes/crystals/gems on actually good looking armor pieces???

I have no idea but I feel really bad for whom ever they have making their armor now. That person did a great job with the Elegy/Requiem armor and a great job with this set. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the crystals was a third party decision and not a very good one.

I'm gonna assume that conclusion too because I LOVE the regular mist shard on ALL of the armor types. I just smacked on the boots (THEY'RE HEELS, EEEEE~) and pants on my condi holosmith and in the middle of trying to make an outfit with the heavy boots, pants, and chestpiece. The artist is SO good, and it disappoints greatly that some dude in the back is like: "Yea man, spikes, they love that stuff.

No, we fashion wars people do not 'like' that on outfits or on armor pieces.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Why does Anet have an obsession with glueing spikes/crystals/gems on actually good looking armor pieces???

I have no idea but I feel really bad for whom ever they have making their armor now. That person did a great job with the Elegy/Requiem armor and a great job with this set. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the crystals was a third party decision and not a very good one.

I'm gonna assume that conclusion too because I LOVE the regular mist shard on ALL of the armor types. I just smacked on the boots (THEY'RE HEELS, EEEEE~) and pants on my condi holosmith and in the middle of trying to make an outfit with the heavy boots, pants, and chestpiece. The artist is SO good, and it disappoints greatly that some dude in the back is like: "Yea man, spikes, they love that stuff.

No, we fashion wars people do not 'like' that on outfits or on armor pieces.

Ya I have a feeling the original artist would have added the crystals in a more deliberate, organic way rather than just erupting them out all over chaotically.

Their sets favor flowing curves, minimalism, and tight silhouettes. The crystals are antithetical to all of these.

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@Substance E.4852 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Why does Anet have an obsession with glueing spikes/crystals/gems on actually good looking armor pieces???

I have no idea but I feel really bad for whom ever they have making their armor now. That person did a great job with the Elegy/Requiem armor and a great job with this set. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the crystals was a third party decision and not a very good one.

I'm gonna assume that conclusion too because I LOVE the regular mist shard on ALL of the armor types. I just smacked on the boots (THEY'RE HEELS, EEEEE~) and pants on my condi holosmith and in the middle of trying to make an outfit with the heavy boots, pants, and chestpiece. The artist is SO good, and it disappoints greatly that some dude in the back is like: "Yea man, spikes, they love that stuff.

No, we fashion wars people do not 'like' that on outfits or on armor pieces.

Ya I have a feeling the original artist would have added the crystals in a more deliberate, organic way rather than just erupting them out all over chaotically.

Their sets favor flowing curves, minimalism, and tight silhouettes. The crystals are antithetical to all of these.

Indeed. There is a bit more synergy and order. The shoulders and helm could have been a bit more 'sleek', but that's hardly a complaint that's just me and my own personal tastes speaking. I like the minimalism and the most 'practical' look. These, along with elegy/Requiem, look as if they could be an underarmor that a warrior could walk into a bar in. Instead of just like..full plate. Never liked we didn't have more underarmor options, since plate looks so awfully clunky to me.

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