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Mixing Berserker and Marauder Worth it?

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Right now I'm in the process of getting my Ascended armour (trinkets and weapons are all ascended Berserker) for my Ranger but wanted to ask if it's worth me doing my Ascended armour as part Berserker part Marauder. I mostly do Open World PvE (Meta Farming) with some WvW sometimes so I was thinking if it's worth to mix the two stats or if I should just go full Berserker.

Idea is basicallyBerserker: Helmet, Top Armour, LeggingsMarauder: Shoulder, Gloves, Shoes

Don't really do fractals/raids with this character since I got other characters I'm working on for those.Worth it or no?

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I recommend going full Marauder MAYBE mixing one or two Assassin's pieces in to make up for the slight loss of precision so you can always easily reach crit cap. Though it doesn't make the biggest of differences and is just for people who like min maxing everything.

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Its probably not worth it , there's barely any noticeable damage difference between Marauder's and Berserker's, because four-stat sets don't work like mixing three-stat sets such as Berserker/Valkyrie, they have more overall points to distribute. Depending on the combination, you could be losing stats on a hybrid combination than just going for full four-stat gear.

I would also not use Marauders at all except on Ele, Guardian, or Thief.

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@Blocki.4931 said:I recommend going full Marauder MAYBE mixing one or two Assassin's pieces in to make up for the slight loss of precision so you can always easily reach crit cap. Though it doesn't make the biggest of differences and is just for people who like min maxing everything.

Loss? O_o

Marauder has higher precision than berserker

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If it's just open word and WvW then full marauder is perfectly fine. You lose about 10% damg but gain nearly 40% hp plus higher crit chance but not much. If you like mixing them then marauder armors and zerker trinkets, either marau or zerker weapons is fine.

if you worry about the future (which u should be) like fractals or else then full zerker armor and two set of trinkets with marauder/zerker, by this you able to easily swap between full dps/mix survival, mainly because trinket with either stats are much easier to obtain and cheaper than armor. Same goes for weapons.

And to your question, i say yes totally worth it if you follow the option 2 with trinkets, be flexible depend on situation. Also as trinkets every other characters can uses it too, what's more that no re-skin needed when you decide to switch stats :) .

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@Blocki.4931 said:I recommend going full Marauder MAYBE mixing one or two Assassin's pieces in to make up for the slight loss of precision so you can always easily reach crit cap. Though it doesn't make the biggest of differences and is just for people who like min maxing everything.

Marauder is more precision than Berserker. You sacrifice a little Power and Ferocity for more Precision and Vitality.

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not worth it, the vitality you get from only so little marauder is hardly noticable

you should be crit capped anyway, even with berserker so again marauder is a loss.

what will show you the most if the reduction in power and ferocity, you may be crit capped "easier" but you'll crit for less

full marauder (no runes) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJAnHA-jBh/gAtKBB0DAp+DoyPA-e 2173 power 192.2% crit dmg 60.86% crit chancefull zerker (no runes) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJAnHA-jBBXgA9q/EqHAQ53jSQA-e 2381 power 214.07% crit dmg 50.76% crit chance

you get +-10% crit chance (which you would not need anyway, esp in fracs where you SHOULD be crit capped due to pots)but you lose 200 power and +- 22% crit dmg

200 power loss is far from "little" that's 8 might stacks-worth just in the trash can

not worth it at all!

if u can survive in full maraduer, you can survive ij full zerker just fine

for open world, does it really matter?rangers are notorious for running soldier gear, longbow from max range to make sure you get no boon at all and use brown bear

joke aside, more damage > less damage. you can't die to something you have killed first unless it's condi damage that keeps thicking but then again rangers have plenty of cleanses for that aswell

regarding your shoulder + boots+gloves you would only get 66 vitality, or 660 extra health.is this something that seems "useful" to me, it does not

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I would go full berserker for PvE except for the 11k HP classes thief, guardian, elementalist.

Marauder has less power and ferocity resulting in 20% lower damage than berserker.

In contrast it grants a 10% higher crit chance than berserker, which can compensate some of the mentioned 20% depending how much crit chance buffs (fury, banners, sigil etc.) you apply to yourself. If you compare berserker and marauder without any crit chance buffs, then marauder deals 12% less damage than berserker.

Marauder grants 6k more health (that's 50% more health on teef, guard and ele), which is a huge sustain boost in the competitive modes (WvW and PvP). On top of that the higher crit chance is preferable as you are more burst- than dps-focussed in these game modes.

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It's probably worth bearing in mind that most of your stats come from your trinkets rather than your armour (and some come from your weapons, of course). Wearing Marauder shoulders, gloves and boots and Berserker everything else (assuming that's what you're intending) isn't going to be much different from full Berserker gear - I think you'd need more Marauder pieces for it to make a noticeable difference.

What gear is your Ranger using right now? How often do you die/go down? If you're currently using Exotic Berserker gear and not having problems then I wouldn't bother with any Marauder gear. (Of course, if you are having problems, using Marauder gear might not solve them anyway!)

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Thanks for all the feedback folks, still messing around to see what's optimal but seems like going full zerk still wins out most scenarios. Might go ahead and just get the second set of trinkets that's been suggested that goes marauder stats instead of making ascended armour that's part marauder since it's easier to get the trinkets than it is getting ascended armour.

If there are other suggestions feel free to add.

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on low hp classes it can definitely help to have some extra vitality.some will cry out loud, because berserker is the better dps-stat - but personally? i use some extra hp on elementalist aswell, as i cant get the hang of 11.6k hp in almost every scenario, since elementalist has less survival-abilities (e.g. aegis on guardian).if your goal is to improve, use some marauder at first and reduce it once you are comfortable enough. changing stats is pretty cheap nowadays -> mystic forge https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stat_changing

as long as you keep the idea of your build (power in this case) nowbody should blame you to have a safety-net at first.another example here: for a veeery long time i havent been paying attention to some boss mechanics, or couldnt time my dodge properly (istan whirlwind on the champs, ascalonian tombs - the daggerstorm(kohler), having 18k hp on my engineer guaranteed survival, while not losing much of my damage (2%ish).unfortunately enginner is only comparable to soulbeast in merge (traits with extra hp vs merge with extra hp) and not ranger in genereal - you would have to invest a lot more in hp on a ranger/druid. thats when this come into play

@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:[...] (Of course, if you are having problems, using Marauder gear might not solve them anyway!)+you are losing a lot of crit-dmg (ferocity) with marauders. thats a damage-multiplier that outweights power in many builds, due to high precision/crit-chance.

it all comes down to very specific situations.dont think about it too much, since changing stats can be done quite easily (armor and weapons) as i mentuioned earlier.

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