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Can't give up Chrono for roaming


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The video below is an example of the kinds of roaming fights I choose to get into. The Mirage jumps down first, but there are two Scourges I can see on the cliff above before I engage.I make lots of mistakes, and I expect to lose a lot of these kinds of fights. It might be possible to do similar things with Mirage, but here's what I haven't been able to do.

  • Get a strong initial condi damage burst without putting myself at a lot of risk. With Chrono, you can start with blocks and then use continuum split two cast the burning skills twice (and you can do that with Distortion for most of the time). Mirage feels like it can create an initial condi burst, but I always feel like I'm in more jeopardy (I come out of the burst with more damage on me and more condi's I need to deal with)
  • Remove conditions quickly and easily. In roaming, many of the fights are against foes that apply condis. While the mantra condi cleanse is good, in a build with the Chronophantasma trait, it's easy to include the Disenchanter. And using the shatters to clear condis is not that big of a loss since you're also getting healing and shorter cooldowns even when you don't do damage.
  • The lack of movement on dodges really throws me off. I know that I can move after using a dodge skill with Mirage, but my brain doesn't process it the same way. And I'm worried about screwing up the ambush cast if I'm moving.

Bottom line is that my inability to use Mirage for roaming may just be my own limitations as a player. But Chrono just feels so much more fluid and forgiving - it just feels more fun.

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Offtopic: I rly love Azura :). I didn't play for years and started my (second) human mesmer, to find my way back in the game. I think I will drow a uplevel, because Aszuras are cute, even if the kill you =) .

Topic: Kind of disappointing that the new elite don't work as good like the "old" one. But - they're both new to me.

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Yeah likewise.

Actually it's the combination of time marches on + antitoxin runes + food that allows me to almost ignore cripple/chill/immobilise.

Also the healing from RI and mantra heal with RM is too useful.

And now that mirror images also detargets it's actually a buff for my chrono roaming build.

While I love mirage, more than chrono tbh, I can't justify playing it in wvw unless I want to handicap myself or play in a way I don't enjoy (ie ganking).

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@Curunen.8729 said:Yeah likewise.

Actually it's the combination of time marches on + antitoxin runes + food that allows me to almost ignore cripple/chill/immobilise.

Also the healing from RI and mantra heal with RM is too useful.

And now that mirror images also detargets it's actually a buff for my chrono roaming build.

While I love mirage, more than chrono tbh, I can't justify playing it in wvw unless I want to handicap myself or play in a way I don't enjoy (ie ganking).

I think it’s more that most of the HoT elite specs are just that strong compared to PoF where you can see they put more development time into them and thought about classes giving something up to get something else. One thing that helps mirage is that a lot of PoF elite specs are much slower in travel time without having swiftness spammed out the wazoo or mass evade frames while attacking like was so prevalent in HoT.

In my opinion HoT elite specs need a massive reduction to the level of PoF elite specs and some PoF elite specs need some more polish to really get the kinks out of them except spellbreaker, firebrand and scourge that need a general tone down.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Curunen.8729 said:Yeah likewise.

Actually it's the combination of time marches on + antitoxin runes + food that allows me to almost ignore cripple/chill/immobilise.

Also the healing from RI and mantra heal with RM is too useful.

And now that mirror images also detargets it's actually a buff for my chrono roaming build.

While I love mirage, more than chrono tbh, I can't justify playing it in wvw unless I want to handicap myself or play in a way I don't enjoy (ie ganking).

I think it’s more that most of the HoT elite specs are just that strong compared to PoF where you can see they put more development time into them and thought about classes giving something up to get something else. One thing that helps mirage is that a lot of PoF elite specs are much slower in travel time without having swiftness spammed out the wazoo or mass evade frames while attacking like was so prevalent in HoT.

In my opinion HoT elite specs need a massive reduction to the level of PoF elite specs and some PoF elite specs need some more polish to really get the kinks out of them except spellbreaker, firebrand and scourge that need a general tone down.

And then there's spellbreaker, firebrand, and scourge which are all better than HoT ones in pvp.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Curunen.8729 said:Yeah likewise.

Actually it's the combination of time marches on + antitoxin runes + food that allows me to almost ignore cripple/chill/immobilise.

Also the healing from RI and mantra heal with RM is too useful.

And now that mirror images also detargets it's actually a buff for my chrono roaming build.

While I love mirage, more than chrono tbh, I can't justify playing it in wvw unless I want to handicap myself or play in a way I don't enjoy (ie ganking).

I think it’s more that most of the HoT elite specs are just that strong compared to PoF where you can see they put more development time into them and thought about classes giving something up to get something else. One thing that helps mirage is that a lot of PoF elite specs are much slower in travel time without having swiftness spammed out the wazoo or mass evade frames while attacking like was so prevalent in HoT.

In my opinion HoT elite specs need a massive reduction to the level of PoF elite specs and some PoF elite specs need some more polish to really get the kinks out of them except spellbreaker, firebrand and scourge that need a general tone down.

While I agree that HoT specs really need toning down, there are some aspects of PoF specs that also need toning down, though not nearly as many.

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I tried condi mirage - it's crap. If people only play condi on their chrono I most definetly understand why the mirage offer nothing.

I went for a durable power version instead. Now there is the mirage build I cant give up for roaming. It's so much fun. Very mobile with high shatter spikes and enough cleanses to easily counter the current... climate... of WvW. Condi chrono is a sluggish and dull snoozefest in comparison.

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Couldnt go back to chrono ; id miss the Combat Mobility and the constant interrupts through sword ambush. I can overlook the movementspeed lack through blinks ambush jaunts etc.

While i feel best in small Groups or +1 , solo roaming is love on mirage. Setup is important. I tried illu / duelling/ mirrage and felt i had not enough sustain. So iswapped illu with chaos , which was hilarious , but Illusions is just too strong. So - chaos illu mirage. Sword/ Torch - severance/draining - sigil , staff - energ/poison. Chaos - traited heal/traited staff/ traited interruption , illu - traited torch/torment/traited shatter , mirage - ambush/Protection/stun break

Stats + runes is ur choice , but minimum 30 % crit chance, 1000 condi damage.

Right now i have cele trinkets , Marschall weapons, sinister armor except dire breast + perplexity runes. Endurance + condi dmg food.

false oasis , illusionary, Blink, cleanse mantra , jaunt. Feel free to disengage fights to recover Health and cooldowns.

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I find both condition mirage and chronomancer very strong in WvW roaming.

Chrono has better sustain but mirage can have bigger burst. Due to ease to min/max in WvW, condi chrono doesn't feel lacking damage to kill ppl as they do in PvP. So overall, condi chrono is a bit more forgiving to play.

Another advantage of chrono is that it is easy to build in phantasmal disenchanter into the build to counter spellbreaker. Condi mirage doesn't benefit from the skill as much. Other boon removal like null field and arcane thievery are not as effective.

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