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how do you beat good guild groups other than blobbing them down?


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@anonymous.7812 said:

@sephiroth.4217 said:which RISE?

Opposing all odds we RISE were dismembered by someone put into power that mass kicked everyone.

Not too mention Seraph who was RISEs driver left the game like 2 years ago as far as I know..

If they rebooted under a different name but same players like rip, gnar, henry and seraph it would be nice to know ☺

Primordus Virtus aka Jarvan's RISE .. pretty sure they're the only RISE that anyone would reference in the WvW forum.

maybe now days but not a few years ago... DOLO for example is another older one.

TBT were our little brothers when they first started, they were the only ones for a while to give us RISE a challenge.when TBT were new we were constantly battling with them and a lot of guild's that I join make me watch my old RISE/TBT raid videos for training.

I was in TBT temporarily but they moved to a higher tier that my net couldnt handle. ( hey El Cid, sexy man I had a golem vs golem with)

Thanks for info though, thought the kings of GoM had returned.

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Centaur banner in the hands of the right class can tear apart most stacked groups/guilds that aren't spamming heals, and even then the damage often outweighs the healing. 2 Centaur banners can flatten the majority of most groups on incoming except the tankiest of the tanks. Worst case scenario, it forces them to blow most of their healing before they even clash with the enemy (causing them to lose). Best case scenario; enough mid and back line are downed depleting most of their damage.

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@"DeadlySynz.3471" Yeah, I'm actually curious about what a good centaur banner player could dish out within a group... never ccome across one before but might be good.

As for the RISE i'm tlaking about... of course THE RISE. Primordius Virtus led by "Princess Jarvan" a.k.a. the "Princess of Blackgate"

@"sephiroth.4217" yeah dude! both RISE and TBT are extraordinary groups. Actually I remember when TBT used to run around not AS good as they are today but man is it somewhat satisfying to see such a guild group grow (from an outside perspective). Nowadays they go far in GvGs and manage to scare outnumbering groups from fighting them as soon as they see "TBT" tag. Happens on my alpine borderland all the time "13-15 TBT on Redlake Sentry, need players to keep an eye"

As for RISE, they're just extremely experienced players. A lot of them have been around for a while but THEY actually think about improving their gameplay. I know many players that have been around for long times but sit around, following commanders like a robot, and getting onepushed 4-5 years into the game still. Jarvan's commanding is intense as I've seen in youtube videos but I kinda find it fun when the commander is hype.

GOD FORBID, followed Zog back in the day and his commanding was intense as HECK... off topic, but I think he's actually a decent commander... sadly the people that follow him around keep making the same mistakes and just too lazy to practice for improvement.

@"ArchonWing.9480"Well... the call outs for that EBG keep thing was kind of sad at first dude. It was like "eXa EBG keep inc"and then literaly 5 minutes later (which is quite long) someone finally makes a proper callout "at least 40-45 FC on EBG keep, water gate down with 4 golems, eXa mixed with some VR, and other groups"and the sad part was that... these guys kept going back in and falling for their FARM ... they weren't even capping the place yet people were doing the Anvil Rock lowlands jumping puzzle just to build arrow carts.I have to admit I went in once and got on an AC, but was pulled by like 100 mesmers from 1 KM away and instantly bombed by 10 shades.

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BTW. For all of those wondering, I DID transfer to Maguuma recently and am planning to pugmand/startup a guild there SLOWLY. It was good to get all of your responses and opinions. I've also been watching some youtube videos of groups fighting and stuff and I do want to improve--pass on this knowledge.


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@MalinBlume.9314 said:@"DeadlySynz.3471" Yeah, I'm actually curious about what a good centaur banner player could dish out within a group... never ccome across one before but might be good.

As for the RISE i'm tlaking about... of course THE RISE. Primordius Virtus led by "Princess Jarvan" a.k.a. the "Princess of Blackgate"

@"sephiroth.4217" yeah dude! both RISE and TBT are extraordinary groups. Actually I remember when TBT used to run around not AS good as they are today but man is it somewhat satisfying to see such a guild group grow (from an outside perspective). Nowadays they go far in GvGs and manage to scare outnumbering groups from fighting them as soon as they see "TBT" tag. Happens on my alpine borderland all the time "13-15 TBT on Redlake Sentry, need players to keep an eye"

As for RISE, they're just extremely experienced players. A lot of them have been around for a while but THEY actually think about improving their gameplay. I know many players that have been around for long times but sit around, following commanders like a robot, and getting onepushed 4-5 years into the game still. Jarvan's commanding is intense as I've seen in youtube videos but I kinda find it fun when the commander is hype.

GOD FORBID, followed Zog back in the day and his commanding was intense as HECK... off topic, but I think he's actually a decent commander... sadly the people that follow him around keep making the same mistakes and just too lazy to practice for improvement.

@"ArchonWing.9480"Well... the call outs for that EBG keep thing was kind of sad at first dude. It was like "eXa EBG keep inc"and then literaly 5 minutes later (which is quite long) someone finally makes a proper callout "at least 40-45 FC on EBG keep, water gate down with 4 golems, eXa mixed with some VR, and other groups"and the sad part was that... these guys kept going back in and falling for their FARM ... they weren't even capping the place yet people were doing the Anvil Rock lowlands jumping puzzle just to build arrow carts.I have to admit I went in once and got on an AC, but was pulled by like 100 mesmers from 1 KM away and instantly bombed by 10 shades.

I would imagine the next thing that happened is you lost the keep and server mates just got spawn camped for the next hour because lol screw alternate exits.

Yea, you're probably not winning that. Go tag up and steal pugs to train red bl lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Ni In.6578 said:

@Ni In.6578 said:Oh and if you want the authoritative list of top guilds, take a look at

lol linking a site that have very biased opinions about guilds. gg

Can't be biased. It is accurate reporting.

Given how many good guilds arent even in that list, and ones that roll many of the ones in the list, its a fairly easy guess that anyone spruking that is doing it because they are on it, or because they were involved in making it. Either way, nothing to say its accurate in the slightest.

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@Vantrax.8546 said:

@Ni In.6578 said:Oh and if you want the authoritative list of top guilds, take a look at

lol linking a site that have very biased opinions about guilds. gg

Can't be biased. It is accurate reporting.

Given how many good guilds arent even in that list, and ones that roll many of the ones in the list, its a fairly easy guess that anyone spruking that is doing it because they are on it, or because they were involved in making it. Either way, nothing to say its accurate in the slightest.

Why are you conflating top with good?

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Sometimes the best tactics are the oldest. Spear. For everything you have in a straight line through their center, piercing the enemy body of forces with your own. Then turning 180 degrees and pulling back out. Destroy the tail. Focus on single target and burn it to ashes, one by one by one by one by one by one....It's what we had to do in the Edge of the Mist. It's what we all did in year one. Now all the commanders are doing is complicating things. "Circle here. Move there. Bomb at your feet. Dome....Move there. Double dodge...." Your dancing choreography is loud, belligerent, and tell the truth, only works 1/4 to 1/2 the time. Sometimes if you want to hit a nail with a hammer, you don't need to dance around the nail to do it. Just hammer it.

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