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Dragon Bash Arena: Eye of Zhaitan 10 stacks

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To whoever is going to attempt this achievement, we just managed (barely) with 3 Soulbeasts (I played condition dagger/torch + shortbow), 1 Tempest and 1 Scourge:

  • Take Blocks and Reflects with you. This fight requires them, and none of us had those equipped. ;)
  • It can be of additional help to not attack while the Eye is in the phase of reflecting incoming damage.
  • The 10 stacks occur during the second playthrough, so you basically have to stay inside and wait for the chain of foes to restart (talk to the NPC, do not exit the arena). The Eye will spawn with 10 stacks the second time around.
  • Said arena can be found by entering the portal vis-à-vis the Dragon Bash Arena NPC. Group up outside, then enter the explorable area.

Good luck & have fun! :)

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:This fight requires Blocks and Reflects, and none of us had those. ;)

...equipped. Should have phrased it more clearly. Went in unprepared, it was a spontaneous decision, hence my advice in this thread.

and 1 Scourge:Au contraire mon ami:

Okay, I know not only Guardians can block/reflect. I was just saying that Guardians are the best option (IMO anyway ;) ).

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Good to see that you could block its attacks.

Could not, were unprepared, survived barely. ;)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:This fight requires Blocks and Reflects, and none of us had those. ;)

...equipped. Should have phrased it more clearly. Went in unprepared, it was a spontaneous decision, hence my advice in this thread.

and 1 Scourge:Au contraire mon ami:

Okay, I know not only Guardians can block/reflect. I was just saying that Guardians are the
option (IMO anyway ;) ).

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Good to see that you could block its attacks.

, were unprepared, survived barely. ;)

Misread it seems. I guess I’ll find out later then as one of its attacks looked like projectiles.

Boon strip is definitely important as that retal is a pain on top of everything else. Having a healer doesn’t hurt either.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Having a healer doesn’t hurt either.

Like full on support or just something that gives off sustain? I have a fully geared Medi Scrapper but does next to nothing in terms of DPS. This is a timed event though, right? Would 4 DPS and 1 healer be able to pull that off?

I’d say that it depends on your team and whether they’re capable of keeping themselves alive. I’m only basing it off my experience with a group and what I heard from a couple others. I think there was a timer but I’m not sure how much time you’re given.

I don’t believe having a someone doing full healing would be a detriment. If you’re in a group that needs that then it’s not like you’re going to succeed without it anyway.

A healer of some kind is useful as the eye does an annoying beam attack, can appear to be spammy with a projectile-looking attack (can possibly be blocked/reflected), and also gives itself retaliation. If you can prevent it then you’ll need to strip it or out heal its damage. There’s also damage every three seconds or so although it’s fairly minor.

For the fight, it’s better to be over prepared than spend the 30 min or so and end up failing because your setup could get through. If you fail, you have to start over from the beginning and do the first round again. Revive orbs are helpful too but I wouldn’t expect many people to have them on hand.

He does have a CC bar but it seems to come up soon after breaking it. It felt as fast as how long it took for the bars at Serpent’s Ire to come back before the nerf.

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... For me, the hint was in the name. "Survival". Therefore, I immediately removed any ideas about doing it with full glass and was fine with four other players that looked like they had only just completed Victory or Death for the first time ever and were ready to rumble.

Whatever possible mechanics the boss had, it seemed like staying close negated all of them since he seemed fond of targeting whoever was far away. I was also fortunate to have boon strip at the time I suppose since I wasn't expecting the night stacks and retaliation, but it was otherwise a cakewalk ... for me. Everyone else in the party I was constantly rezzing, until at 50%, me and one other just decided to duo it.

Unfortunately, this isn't very helpful, because I had little struggle and so can't offer much but to say you should bring sustain, either for self or in some form of a party member designated for that role. PvE never changes. Difficulty equates to anticipating cheap one-shots on anything that's a champion or higher.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:Would 4 DPS and 1 healer be able to pull that off?

were able to pull it off without blocks and reflects, you will be just fine. ;)

Tried it last night with a pug group from LFG. I was on my Daredevil, we had a Scourge, Reaper, Mirage and DH. We got to boss # 7 before two guys went into downed state, and while trying to bring them back up, the rest got nuked into downed state.

It is a lot more challenging than the non partied version though, so anyone complaining about that being too ezsauce should give this a go.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:It is a lot more challenging than the non partied version though, so anyone complaining about that being too ezsauce should give this a go.

Sometimes rezzing is your death sentence and you should rather fight on. Also, resurrection orbs can be of help in such situations.

P.S. Why did you not tell your PUG group about blocks and reflects being a must-have in this final fight before you entered the arena? I mean, you had already read this thread. ;) Not attacking when the Eye is reflecting damage can also be a helpful tactic.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:It is a lot more challenging than the non partied version though, so anyone complaining about that being too ezsauce should give this a go.

Sometimes rezzing is your death sentence and you should rather fight on. Also, resurrection orbs can be of help in such situations.

P.S. Why did you not tell your PUG group about blocks and reflects being a must-have in this final fight before you entered the arena? I mean, you had already read this thread. ;)

Hey, there's an idea. LFG description: Dragon's Bash Arena - bring food/wrench + revive orbs

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I used tablet to block projectiles which seemed to help somewhat. It still comes down to your team not getting downed and the fight not then snowballing as you try to revive them.

What specifically triggers its buffs? I had thought it would be failing to break its bar but we missed several times and it never got them.

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