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Dont want to talk about OPness, but some builds that are not fun to play against at least


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Emphasize again. I am not discussing whether the builds / classes are OP or not, I simply think they are not fun, and should be adjusted.

dagger/dagger condi daredevil; or staff daredevil to a lesser extent. Just spam evasions and do dmg. Pistol Whip (spam 3 to evade and do dmg, its also a stun right?) similar.

Various oneshot soulbeast builds (long bow, GS, Axe etc.) Long bow 4 2 from 1200+ ranges, most classes wont survive this single burst. Also GS2 does ton of dmg. Combine these with unblockable trait and pet F2 F3, basically if not careful you are dead.The semi random pet cc, is really nice.and forget to add: as a full zerker build have access to 2-3 stealth. long leaps. invuls, very nice and very balanced (OPPs)

Engi/Holo: Some builds have stealth (belt skills), 6 seconds of stealth might to too long? 3 might be better.Also, Holo 3 has 6 second CD too low... increase to 8 or 10 would be better.

Scrapper: Just not fun, requires no skill and hard to kill.

Weaver: too many evades & Stab gained from stances

Rev: sword 5 has no animation... Give the second hit an animation, instead of reduce its dmg...

Rampage: it makes war vs. war duels not fun. Also some engi builds.

Mirage: the scepter (sword)/pistol staff build is pure stupid. It literally requires no skill at all. To give more details: staff 2, staff 5 random cc and Agis, scepter 2 like 6 second cd? And of course, the trait that generate clones when you dodge and yes, without internal CD. With only 2-3 games of game play, I can actually 1v1 very good players. This should not be the case in any case.

Scrapper and FB: Imagine the other team has a FB and scrapper. They are unkillable in 1v1s, which is justifiable. But the issue is that they survive way too long in 1v2s.

The condi version of the FB: I find it very hard to figure out what skills they are using from the animation. But maybe its just me.

Scourges: all the F2-F5s are instant (same to mirage), hard to see what they have used (but after playing a few games as scourge, sort of can figure it out.) Staff, no way to know which mark they have used. I think to a lesser extent, the other weapon set.

Match making: you are making complex algorithms trying to balance teams, in most cases its fine. But a core guard against a Support Fireband puts the former team into disadvantage. And yes, class switching before start sort of partly ruin your effort to make balance games. Recently GM replied to a post saying the benefit of allowing class switch outweights its downsides. But maybe a solution is to allow switching for most classes/builds, but do not allow switching to support FB or ELE etc, and maybe ban switching to healing amulet/sigils. At least in this way, most players can do their PvE stuff while waiting for the game to start.

PS: It's soo hilarious of how people defend their classes. I am simply saying its not fun and need some adjustments, which means nerf, buff or completely rework, and this offend people.

PS: ANET GJ of not addressing the stupidity of chaotic condi mirage. After 30 mins of game play, I can win a top weaver 1v1, and can win gold3 -plat1 level wars, with dont even have a chance. Very nice class.

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I've run into a tanky staff daredevil build off and on lately and it's annoying as hell. Pretty much the only thing I mind fighting against.

I will agree that Rampage is annoying, but that's mostly because it just occurs so often during games. They really need to increase the cooldown or decrease the duration.

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Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

No they just want u to be a free bag, if u pose any challenge using any skill that skill will be posted under their name in the forums as OP lol. Imagine ele/weaver without the evades it has lmao u might as well just stand their and let it happen cuz it literally be a free bag to every one.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

No they just want u to be a free bag, if u pose any challenge using any skill that skill will be posted under their name in the forums as OP lol. Imagine ele/weaver without the evades it has lmao u might as well just stand their and let it happen cuz it literally be a free bag to every one.

Fire Weaver opEvades 2 much, BLS nerfNot oneshotting ele hard enough Anet,nerf nowFresh Air Weaver broke, can one-shotNerf heals on sword cause me can't oneshot2 much Condi cleanse

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@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?

  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

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@Swagg.9236 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY? You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest. Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either. The only class that has passive evades is thief.

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@Swagg.9236 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

You mean that attack that has a telegraphed animation that locks you in interuptable state, can be walked away from and even makes thief character glow bright blue colour to even further help you interrupt it?

That block which was already nerfed in the past an is the very only usable utility skill on entire DD spec?

Zero timing and zero positioning is true for D/D, not for Staff where you have to set up because otherwise noone ever got hit by Vault.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY? You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest. Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either. The only class that has passive evades is thief.

There is no alternative, but that does not mean that the weaver play style is healthy. Weaver as a spec is actually terribly designed for PvP and WvW and I really hope that the devs design the next ele spec with competitive play in mind. Weaver would be terrible for competitive play if it was good because it is a spec that relies on rotations. You cannot stop that without completely reworking the spec. This is because the 4 sec delay on getting to your 4 and 5 skills makes it incredibly difficult to properly react to your opponent's plays. You are also encouraged to swap attunements as soon as possible to get to your other skills, which means rotational play instead of saving skills and using them at the correct time. Basically the entire spec is a mess that will never be satisfying for both the one playing it nor the opponent. It also doesn't help that ele skills tend to be pretty bad across the board. Dual skills are especially guilty of not being good enough, since they are almost purely offensive skills with no other variety. Basically filler skills that trap you into a rotation even more.

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@otto.5684 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?

OP said annoying not Over performing. And yes, I find both DD builds the most annoying thing to fight.

I didn't say OP neither. Mere mentioning of Staff DD is suspicious because "annoying" suggests trouble dealing with, which I find very hard to believe.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY? You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest. Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either. The only class that has passive evades is thief.

Out of meta?...xd if only that would be the issue , the real issue is being out of the game entirely because nothing else even come close to work at all

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@Alatar.7364 said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

You mean that attack that has a telegraphed animation that locks you in interuptable state, can be walked away from and even makes thief character glow bright blue colour to even further help you interrupt it?

It's still an attack that is insulated by a protracted evasion duration. That aside, Thief, regardless of weapon selection, is a wholesale passive playstyle which never takes any risky engagements against targets which have any real recourse against most actions (i.e. you'll probably never see a Thief use more than 1-2 melee-range skills on a player who is full up on cooldowns before teleporting away or stealthing). Players who take Vault will typically attack targets who have whittled through their panic buttons and passives or Vault users will employ stealth in order to get in a huge free hit or make an opponent waste dodges guessing when the Thief will attack. As someone who mostly played staff Ele in PvP, a 180 radius is super easy to hit (particularly in a game mode focused around capture nodes which aren't much bigger than 240 range units in diameter).

You and I can go back and forth about this, but the fundamental fact remains that the skill itself (along with Thief in general) is not a fun class to fight because it denies an opponent's agency with damage negation while attack paired with instantaneous travel which can effortlessly negate opponent positioning at the press of a button.

That block which was already nerfed in the past an is the very only usable utility skill on entire DD spec?

It's singularity as a "useful" skill doesn't mean anything with regards to how cancerous it is as an ability.

Zero timing and zero positioning is true for D/D, not for Staff where you have to set up because otherwise noone ever got hit by Vault.

I'll admit that Vault technically requires more timing than full-on d/d evasion spam or sw/d teleports, but seriously: it's a 180 radius on the tiny capture points supported by allies which will be pouring on pressure by face-rolling across a keyboard while having a selected target (if you're going to complain about Vault not hitting, you can't really immediately go to d/d 3 spam as a better option since that can also be pretty easily avoided with manual movement). Regardless of build, every Thief in a team fight or +1 situation just waits in a corner until combat progresses beyond a point at which a focused team-fight target can reply to damage with instantaneous damage negation. At that point, anything hits. You can argue that maybe Vault is perhaps the least optimal skill choice in this situation, but you can't really deny that it follows a design paradigm which is congruent with the kind of braindead PvP gameplay which GW2 has hamfistedly fostered since 2014.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?
  • Attack that deals spike-level damage and also evades during its attack animation.
  • Extra dodges for zero investment.
  • A protracted block that breaks stuns when it is activated.
  • All this on top of the already "zero-timing and zero-positioning necessary" Thief frame.

Just because it doesn't rule PvP with an iron fist doesn't mean that it isn't a cancer-inducing opponent with a brutally straightforward and very passive playstyle.

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Weaver needs those evades to survive. If we don't have the evades we end up like core ele and Tempest: garbage.

So unless you want to give me a severe buff in skills, cd reductions, trait rework or the like, then no we don't care if we have evades as long as everyone else does brain less, drool on the keyboard damage.

A Weaver PvP playstyle is literally just a PvE-level rotation; the moment that they are engaged in a fight, they instantly start using the same series of skills entirely sustained by passive evasion. It's incredibly predictable. It's no less brainless than any other meta build on the market regardless of how effective it is in any given encounter. Your comment falls into the same category as the guy crying about how Daredevil can be considered a frustrating opponent: it's an incredibly frustrating playstyle because it effortlessly and consistently takes away the agency of an opponent by simply pressing some attack buttons at any given time. Just because it doesn't slam everyone in PvP with just a glance doesn't mean that it isn't derived from an awful, generic design which contributes to an unhealthy PvP environment.

But then there's the problem of WHAT OTHER BUILD CAN WE PLAY?

You can play whatever you want, but they're all basically the same build with the same sort of problems: every optimal PvP build for each class in GW2 is one which does its best to passively deny opponent agency by insulating the user from risk while he/she engages a target.

You tell me a healthier way to play this class without it being completely out of meta than I'll actually believe Weaver as an actual toxic design like the rest.

There is no such thing as a "playstyle" in GW2. The term "playstyle" typically refers to how a player can self-express using a few fundamental elements of a game (most of which are often movement based). GW2 skills only allow one to do what they say one can do; players are locked into predictable patters and openers (which is why GW2 PvP design has caved to passive risk insulation via the inclusion of passive damage negation in every build viewed as "good").

Also passive evasion? Where? Actually where? Ele had their passives gutted back in HoT and Twist of Fate, from what I remember, is an ACTIVE skill.

So when you list out passive evades, I'll consider your comment. And no, passive arcane shield is not an 'evade' either. The only class that has passive evades is thief.I should have just said "passive damage negation," because that's the ultimate goal: stack as much passive damage negation into a build as possible so that attacking any target results in the least risk possible at any given time. Passive Arcane Shield fits snuggly into that category, so you would be remiss to just dismiss it as something permissible as part of a fair PvP encounter. As for technically passive evades, it often comes down to the skills Earthen Vortex and Riptide. Both feature relatively low cooldowns, and it's also very important to consider that Weaver builds will contest points by popping a number of passive damage ticks such as those featured in Primordial Stance. It's one thing to just dodge around in circles or passively heal while dealing no damage, but when in full spam mode, Weavers inflict pulsing AoE damage while also avoiding it with manual dodges or abilities which attack or heal and dodge simultaneously.

Twist of Fate is possibly one of the least egregiously unfair actives which provide a form of perfect damage negation in all of GW2, but again, since it is an instant-cast which is often employed in tandem with passive and rapid attack spam, it mostly just contributes to the overall problem playstyle which every class in GW2 features: minimap-centric, super passive, low risk turtling until a player finds the right rock-paper-scissors situation in which they come out on top with very little effort. At the end of the day, Weaver is just another spammy build which allows a player to deal damage while self-healing and evading if necessary. Just because it doesn't kill everything in under a second doesn't mean that it doesn't feature a playstyle which attempts to passively steal the agency away from opponents.

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@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not it simply IS NOT in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a goddamn glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

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With some I agree, with some I disagree.d/d condi yes, its annoying and requires literally 0 skill to play it, but there are other things that are hell more abused and should be taken care of first.Staf DD...really? Yes, it hits hard, but is also easy to dodge and interrupt if you play this game long enough to know this small spot in the end of jump animation.Pistol whip, lmao, I never had and never will have any kind of respect for players playing this build, Im sorry. Anyways, dont think it deserves asap nerfsSoulbeast builds yes, some "buffing mechanics" of this elite spec are busted and should be fixed. Doesnt require big changes so i dont think there should be a problem with fixing it.Weaver no. Just no. Weaver did not receive any proper buffs since its release. Only nerfs (its ele tradition anyway). It has 2 range skills which are easibly dodgeable and are 600 range (as you said, longbow 1,2k+), it doesnt hit hard (ppl with braincells will never play s/d or s/f with zerk stats, and FA is rather l2p against it problem) it has 3 gap closers (as s/f less) with 15/30/40s CD with <900 range (and ride the lightning is easy to interrupt or predict) which makes it easy to kite. What left is evading, if you take it, this class becomes trash can. I agree that fireweaver might take some condi damage adjusting, but as well nothing big. If during counquest play you have problem with an ele, just outnumber it, skilled rev does amazing work against it.Rev okay, some damage/skill adjusting might be good.Rampage same, I agreeEngi holo and scrapper are busted.Mirage kinda yes, used to be worse, now is bit better.

Whole "meta" is annoying tbh. Either something can kill you in 2s or it'll be invulnerable/immune/dodging/evading till the end of the world. Welcome to post-PoF world.

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@Delweyn.1309 said:The real thing is : guess the op's played class with all the clues.

He plays warrior nuff said...and apparently the only complain would be rampage xd, do I really need to open the worm can about wars? As usually a player who play the least risk based class with the biggest reward, claims knowledge of game balance.....

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@"Swagg.9236" said:

Thief passive playstyle? Eh.

There is no arguing possible because Vault is not
it simply IS NOT
in any way or universe, a dangerous or annoying skill, it is easily avoidable, easily interuptable skill that locks thief in to "punish and delete thief now" state/animation that can not be canceled or even ported from, it even has a kitten glowing aura to shout outloud when to do it. Doesn't matter what you tell yourself about it, it is a joke of a skill.

Ever stop to think how silly it must seem for someone to throw a tantrum about how a skill has some remote attempt at being fairly telegraphed (despite still being relatively easy to land and giving its user a free damage negation period)? It speaks a lot about how damaged the GW2 playerbase is at this stage of the game's lifespan.

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@Crozame.4098 said:

@"Alatar.7364" said:D/D Daredevil?! STAFF DAREDEVIL?!?!?!?

Whats your problem? D/D Daredevil spam dodge and dagger 3, all evades while does dmg. For Staff its staff 5 and dodge.What you look so surprised? Also you need to understand, I am not saying they are OP, they are just annoying.

I said it once already but I'll say it again: Also didn't say its OP, but considering those "annoying" suggests trouble dealing with, which I find very hard to believe, especially in the case of Staff DD.I can for the sake of compromise agree that D/D Daredevil is annoying even without being hard to deal with, but Staff DD? No way.

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Barrier, evade, invulnerability, block, protection 100% uptimes on tanks nowadays. Damage dealers have to wait for the right moment to strike and they have to deal lethal damage 15-20k or more in 1 - 3 sec. That's the game right now tanks vs oneshots. It's soo fucking far away from the concept of core pvp. Back in the days we could fight for minutes. Tension and the pacing was just the right amount. Now every dps hits lethal and all tanks have 100% defense uptimes. The whole pvp concept went off the rails long time ago and I think it has started when they killed the trait system to make room for elite trait lines.

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