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What is going on with Piken Square population status?


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Piken Square has been now left without any link, with a "Full" status ever since 14th of JANUARY (almost 6 months), despite having barely any queues even during resets, even with links. Now guilds and friends are separated without any possibility to join together. What is going on?

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Sounds like the same Problem Riverside has had over a long time .. at least 6 Months i guess .. and Kodash seems to have atm.. a lot of Players left / stopped playing / play less by far but server status "Full" won´t change. But luckily this usualy is going just until there´s really no one left to play with .. Good luck

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I recall Piken thoroughly trouncing us about 2 months ago, I wouldn't necessarily say people have stopped playing entirely, maybe folks have paused to wait for the upcoming alliances, that, or the language server limitations removal has thrown a wrench in their machinery (for a Reason I cant fathom)

Maybe check at different hours, it's possible prime time shifted for them ?

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@Naxos.2503 said:I recall Piken thoroughly trouncing us about 2 months ago, I wouldn't necessarily say people have stopped playing entirely, maybe folks have paused to wait for the upcoming alliances, that, or the language server limitations removal has thrown a wrench in their machinery (for a Reason I cant fathom)

Maybe check at different hours, it's possible prime time shifted for them ?

We had Blacktide linked 2 months ago, which is Medium at the moment, and allowed a lot of people to join.

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@Samug.6512 said:

@Hoon.1524 said:But they still have community... and that's what matters.

Sure we do, but people will start leaving if this continues, during prime time.

That really bad news is: your situation will not change, when no one leaves. (and ANet doesn't close T5)

Currently Piken belong to the largest 3 server (in WvW-player-Hours) in EU (that's why you did not got a link - there are only 12 minor server for 15 major-server) and as long as you do not shrink more than the mean EU-WvW-population, you stay where you are: Full and unlinked and doomed to T4-T5. (as unlinked server have no chance against most linked ones.)

That's why Kodash break up and that's the situation the German servers faced during the last years (and ANet did not changed anything, until recently when they dropped the language restriction on linking.).

You can adapt to the situation, hope that ANet closes T5 soon or leave the server.

But in any case the 3 largest EU server will stay doomed to be Full and without link till T5 is closed or ANet increases the pop-limit of unliked servers or the Alliance system replaces the current mess.

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Quit complaining and look at Baruch Bay, never had a link, even after dropping the language barrier. ;)

If Piken is as dead as everyone on Piken seems to be complaining about because they got no link (boohoo), then you'll be open soon enough. If not, shut up and put up or move, simples.

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@Duca di Ebonhawke.1045 said:The actual situation , it's absolutely ridiculous. There is no way to play fair matchups and we have broken guilds. The system like it is today doesn't work the wvw population calculation/criteria it is absolutely wrong. I still hope ANET is going for a solution in the next days/hoursLike others said, that's (unfortunately) nothing new. It's been like this for over a year, the only difference being that it no longer only hits Baruch and the Germans.

The only (visible) acknowledgement that there's a problem so far has been the change to multi-language linking. It's unfortunate that you are the server being hit this time, but judging from how ANet reacted to the problem so far (pretty much not at all) I wouldn't expect them to change anything for the remainder of this linking period. You can either wait out until next re-linking and hope that other servers have grown beyond your size by then, or move your guild to another server.

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@Fish.2769 said:Quit complaining and look at Baruch Bay, never had a link, even after dropping the language barrier. ;)

If Piken is as dead as everyone on Piken seems to be complaining about because they got no link (boohoo), then you'll be open soon enough. If not, shut up and put up or move, simples.

People in Piken is complaining because it is mentioned FULL and we are not. Let us alone but open and you will see no complaint and that we will recover the players that would allow us to play.

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@Duca di Ebonhawke.1045 said:

@Fish.2769 said:Quit complaining and look at Baruch Bay, never had a link, even after dropping the language barrier. ;)

If Piken is as dead as everyone on Piken seems to be complaining about because they got no link (boohoo), then you'll be open soon enough. If not, shut up and put up or move, simples.

People in Piken is complaining because it is mentioned FULL and we are not. Let us alone but open and you will see no complaint and that we will recover the players that would allow us to play.

Allow you to play? So unless you have a blob, you can't play? There's plenty more to do in WvW than follow a tag around mindlessly my friend.

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Lul. Are you really complaining?

The augury rock + miller link had the buff for no people at reset time 8.30pm on two maps! And also during the week we get barely any q on any map. So do you really complain about being underpopulated?

In my opinion. It would be better to close 3 servers. Make it a 12server matchup, and wvw would be much more enjoyable.

@Fish.2769 said:

@Fish.2769 said:Quit complaining and look at Baruch Bay, never had a link, even after dropping the language barrier. ;)

If Piken is as dead as everyone on Piken seems to be complaining about because they got no link (boohoo), then you'll be open soon enough. If not, shut up and put up or move, simples.

People in Piken is complaining because it is mentioned FULL and we are not. Let us alone but open and you will see no complaint and that we will recover the players that would allow us to play.

Allow you to play? So unless you have a blob, you can't play? There's plenty more to do in WvW than follow a tag around mindlessly my friend.

That doesn't bring you any victory if the enemy has a full zone blob, almost all the time and just rolls over your T3 structures.

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@Nimon.7840 said:Lul. Are you really complaining?

The augury rock + miller link had the buff for no people at reset time 8.30pm on two maps! And also during the week we get barely any q on any map. So do you really complain about being underpopulated?

In my opinion. It would be better to close 3 servers. Make it a 12server matchup, and wvw would be much more enjoyable.

@Fish.2769 said:Quit complaining and look at Baruch Bay, never had a link, even after dropping the language barrier. ;)

If Piken is as dead as everyone on Piken seems to be complaining about because they got no link (boohoo), then you'll be open soon enough. If not, shut up and put up or move, simples.

People in Piken is complaining because it is mentioned FULL and we are not. Let us alone but open and you will see no complaint and that we will recover the players that would allow us to play.

Allow you to play? So unless you have a blob, you can't play? There's plenty more to do in WvW than follow a tag around mindlessly my friend.

That doesn't bring you any victory if the enemy has a full zone blob, almost all the time and just rolls over your T3 structures.

And you missed my point by also proving what i said to be true.

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@Nimon.7840 said:Lul. Are you really complaining?

The augury rock + miller link had the buff for no people at reset time 8.30pm on two maps! And also during the week we get barely any q on any map. So

There is no augury rock + miller link!Millers is linked with jade sea!and for the second place your server is doing great + we on the red map had 4/5 of the time outnumbered buff too.

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Piken usually has a good turn out of players on WvW, and it's never a perfect bunch (Many don't come on TS) it's an average group but usually it's enjoyable. You'd often get guilds working together to take over certain borderlands etc. Lately though, and this is from someone who has been dipping in and out of WvW pretty casually theres barely been anyone.

There was a pretty bad week last week, against WSR, to now barely any guilds on Piken coordinatiing. There were a lot of players just giving up that week, including comms which is understandable. I'm not a Comm, but I can understand it must be frustrating on their more so.

Playing last night we had about a handful of people against a blob just to defend our own borderlands, and this was for a number of hours. The usual guilds were just not visible. Didn't recognize any Comm, it was strange.. wasn't a total loss we got smaller things and so on but we were vastly outnumbered on multiple maps.

Then again attendance as a whole has been something I've noticed the last 2 weeks, World bosses were being failed with people not turning up, which is rare.. I only assumed it was due to Dragon Bash, not really sure what is going on.

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@"Zeike.7469" said:Piken usually has a good turn out of players on WvW, and it's never a perfect bunch (Many don't come on TS) it's an average group but usually it's enjoyable. You'd often get guilds working together to take over certain borderlands etc. Lately though, and this is from someone who has been dipping in and out of WvW pretty casually theres barely been anyone.

There was a pretty bad week last week, against WSR, to now barely any guilds on Piken coordinatiing. There were a lot of players just giving up that week, including comms which is understandable. I'm not a Comm, but I can understand it must be frustrating on their more so.

Playing last night we had about a handful of people against a blob just to defend our own borderlands, and this was for a number of hours. The usual guilds were just not visible. Didn't recognize any Comm, it was strange.. wasn't a total loss we got smaller things and so on but we were vastly outnumbered on multiple maps.

Then again attendance as a whole has been something I've noticed the last 2 weeks, World bosses were being failed with people not turning up, which is rare.. I only assumed it was due to Dragon Bash, not really sure what is going on.Replace "piken" with... literally any server linked or not... and it would be about as accurate.

Also, we're still smack in the middle of summer. WvW always slumps as normal people take vacations, yet the remaining players are as surprised every year.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Zeike.7469" said:Piken usually has a good turn out of players on WvW, and it's never a perfect bunch (Many don't come on TS) it's an average group but usually it's enjoyable. You'd often get guilds working together to take over certain borderlands etc. Lately though, and this is from someone who has been dipping in and out of WvW pretty casually theres barely been anyone.

There was a pretty bad week last week, against WSR, to now barely any guilds on Piken coordinatiing. There were a lot of players just giving up that week, including comms which is understandable. I'm not a Comm, but I can understand it must be frustrating on their more so.

Playing last night we had about a handful of people against a blob just to defend our own borderlands, and this was for a number of hours. The usual guilds were just not visible. Didn't recognize any Comm, it was strange.. wasn't a total loss we got smaller things and so on but we were vastly outnumbered on multiple maps.

Then again attendance as a whole has been something I've noticed the last 2 weeks, World bosses were being failed with people not turning up, which is rare.. I only assumed it was due to Dragon Bash, not really sure what is going on.Replace "piken" with... literally any server linked or not... and it would be about as accurate.

Also, we're still smack in the middle of summer. WvW always slumps as normal people take vacations, yet the remaining players are as surprised every year.

How dare you nerds venture outside, get back in your basements!

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Piken has a lot of players like myself, that play odd hours due to work. I work 24h shifts on a rota, so I hop on for a few hours randomly during the day or night depending on my shifts and there's no real pattern to it. Get enough of these players and it's bound to cause a disconnect to what the average 9-5 worker sees in his prime time and what the actual coverage and true population is.

Edit; you also have to bear in mind that bandwagon servers like WSR attract a lot of players, your average server with a fixed and stable community isn't going to be able to compete with servers that stack so they can run a blob twice the size of yours, while simultaneously having 5-10 burst oriented players scouting our zerg and defending major camps from individuals in EB and each border.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Zeike.7469" said:Piken usually has a good turn out of players on WvW, and it's never a perfect bunch (Many don't come on TS) it's an average group but usually it's enjoyable. You'd often get guilds working together to take over certain borderlands etc. Lately though, and this is from someone who has been dipping in and out of WvW pretty casually theres barely been anyone.

There was a pretty bad week last week, against WSR, to now barely any guilds on Piken coordinatiing. There were a lot of players just giving up that week, including comms which is understandable. I'm not a Comm, but I can understand it must be frustrating on their more so.

Playing last night we had about a handful of people against a blob just to defend our own borderlands, and this was for a number of hours. The usual guilds were just not visible. Didn't recognize any Comm, it was strange.. wasn't a total loss we got smaller things and so on but we were vastly outnumbered on multiple maps.

Then again attendance as a whole has been something I've noticed the last 2 weeks, World bosses were being failed with people not turning up, which is rare.. I only assumed it was due to Dragon Bash, not really sure what is going on.Replace "piken" with... literally any server linked or not... and it would be about as accurate.

Also, we're still smack in the middle of summer. WvW always slumps as normal people take vacations, yet the remaining players are as surprised every year.

Only ever been on Aurora Glade, and then Piken so I wouldn't know much about other servers in terms of WvW. Aurora Glade was years ago.

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The exact same thing is happening over here in NA with Yak's Bend. We've been listed as "full" for months, but have no active guilds during the NA daytime or overnight (so no EU or SEA presence). Just wondering if there is any hope of some of these servers opening up or if we're being purposefully killed off. If that's the case, though, not sure putting us in T2 to start the re-link (with the same server we had last link, so no population change) after being in T4 for weeks before is the best way to do that. Hoping we open up soon.

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