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3 months without balance


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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:I want to post this here. Square Enix new expansion has borrowed the idea of using npc hero's like Guild Wars. Guild Wars; not Guild Wars 2 in their game and players all alike are thrilled by it. Guild Wars is getting more recognition in the mmo industry and continue being a positive healthy competitive game and i am very excited about it.

(Many are trying out the game with excitement and are spreading the news to others)

Praise Guild Wars for having a healthy positive competitive influence in the mmo industry and i hope it spreads everywhere.

The Legend Never Dies

If they were working on Guild Wars 1 for mobile, and they sneakily finish it anyways
, I will buy it even at OG price per xpansion.

You may be correct :) ((hint))

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.

Teef: at least we can play 2 Builds in ranked S/D - D/P

Anet: Here u have "SWIPE"

Teef: at least we can play 1 build in rank S/D

Anet: lets see, patch is incomming

Teef: oh no please stop it ...

True could be worse...

Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /sThe last season reaper player finished as top3 with 800 games nonstop playing, not just sitting it out as many does.Even core guardian CAN be played in ranked as last season top14 is a core guard main, point is... what cant be played in ranked ?

@mortrialus.3062 said:I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.I can't even understand what you're saying. No balance. But then balance not content.He meant : he bet 50g next patch is not going to be a PvP balance patch, but content update like some PvE fixed, some PvE additions, gemstore stuff. Not real PvP focused balance patch. 20g for translation

I'll take him up on the bet. 50g July 16th is the balance patch.

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About the subject :I agree. Every week I am waiting for it. Trying to predict what is going to happen and hoping to be able to theory craft the future meta. I like that they add tons of events but after so long it starts to feel like a temporary solution.In sPvP the meta is not "terrible". I know internet is a place of exaggeration but every class has a place. I am happy with most of the balance. Some builds really needs to be toned down but there is room for a lot of specs / builds.

About the reactions :
Even if I agree, the overreacting in this thread is hilarious and sad. "I played X years this game and it never met my expectations!" "In my time it was way better!". Yeah, sure.

My take on this :They are preparing the new season and I expect them to launch a big patch with / prior it. I do not know how they are dealing with the restructuring but I hope we have more news in the future (soon if possible) about their plans for the balance in PvP, some of the teased projects (I am waiting for the option to save builds) and for the new format of PvE. (again I think news for PvE would mean balance is close)

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@Mikkel.8427 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.

Next Tuesday the 16th is the end of Dragon Bash. There will be a patch that (more than likely) will include this quarter's balance update. Streamers that have regular contact with the devs have suggested its going to be substantial in size. Hopefully that's true...

I have heard that before. it didn't happen.. Also, Anet could release a statement stating there is a balance patch coming.

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I wish the balance team would make balance decisions for each class based on each mode pve,pvp and wvw as skills/utilities are effective to varying degrees in each respectively. So one month or two the team focuses on balancing classes when played in wvw, next month or so make balance decisions based on pvp and so on. Theres no reason a skill or mechanic cant be altered or numbers changed within each mode to more reflect its effectiveness in each respective mode. I realize though that's expecting alot.

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Ye keep waiting more, balance path ain't gonna happen. And if it ever does, don't get your hopes up because it's gonna be disappointing ( just like necro off hand weapons rework).For what concern me, even though Anet has released some really cool mounts skins, glider, outfit etc on gemstore I ain't gonna support them anymore, I won't even farm gold in game to buy from gemstore, until they start to take pvp/www balance seriously.The reason is simple, it's not the pve content, that btw you can't keep dish out for ever, that will keep the game alive but instead the fun that players have with the pvp/www combat. Because a player will always be willing to invest an hour or so to actually have fun with the game combat system, but he won't spend the same time mindlessly spamming 1 on pve enemies.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.

Teef: at least we can play 2 Builds in ranked S/D - D/P

Anet: Here u have "SWIPE"

Teef: at least we can play 1 build in rank S/D

Anet: lets see, patch is incomming

Teef: oh no please stop it ...

True could be worse...

Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /s

Yes, this why I mentioned Sin in here it wasnt a joke?! I dont understand your comment :) Maybe it is bc Im not a Native, maybe missunderstanding, however.

Actually he said on stream during DE gameplay, Sin:" Just Think about if Im just playing DE to motivate u to play it either and then I Farm u all on S/D"

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:I want to post this here. Square Enix new expansion has borrowed the idea of using npc hero's like Guild Wars. Guild Wars; not Guild Wars 2 in their game and players all alike are thrilled by it. Guild Wars is getting more recognition in the mmo industry and continue being a positive healthy competitive game and i am very excited about it.

(Many are trying out the game with excitement and are spreading the news to others)

Praise Guild Wars for having a healthy positive competitive influence in the mmo industry and i hope it spreads everywhere.

The Legend Never Dies

If they were working on Guild Wars 1 for mobile, and they sneakily finish it anyways, I will buy it even at OG price per xpansion.

I want GW1 for Nintendo Switch. I'd throw $100 at em.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@"mortrialus.3062" said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.



When you bet 50g that a balance patch wasn't scheduled to happen on the 16th?

Well it is.

I want my money.

I will report you for real money scamming you if you try to duck out.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.



When you bet 50g that a balance patch wasn't scheduled to happen on the 16th?

Well it is.

I want my money.

I will report you for real money scamming you if you try to duck out.

Lmao sure.....i wont be on for like 12 hours....gots the work

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.



When you bet 50g that a balance patch wasn't scheduled to happen on the 16th?

Well it is.

I want my money.

I will report you for real money scamming you if you try to duck out.

Lmao sure.....i wont be on for like 12 hours....gots the work


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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.

Teef: at least we can play 2 Builds in ranked S/D - D/P

Anet: Here u have "SWIPE"

Teef: at least we can play 1 build in rank S/D

Anet: lets see, patch is incomming

Teef: oh no please stop it ...

True could be worse...

Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /sThe last season reaper player finished as top3 with 800 games nonstop playing, not just sitting it out as many does.Even core guardian CAN be played in ranked as last season top14 is a core guard main, point is... what cant be played in ranked ?

@mortrialus.3062 said:I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.I can't even understand what you're saying. No balance. But then balance not content.He meant : he bet 50g next patch is not going to be a PvP balance patch, but content update like some PvE fixed, some PvE additions, gemstore stuff. Not real PvP focused balance patch. 20g for translation

I mean 90% of my games this season has been S/D which i climbed to 1920-30ish with. Then played some DE cus haste PW is fun. However im pretty much done with the game?

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@bluri.2653 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:Actually I feel like no balance patch isn't that bad... After all without balance patch you don't have things like the "rune rework" destroying balance or the necromancer's off hand skills being trashed with a life siphon nerf bat. Never forget that it could be worse.

Teef: at least we can play 2 Builds in ranked S/D - D/P

Anet: Here u have "SWIPE"

Teef: at least we can play 1 build in rank S/D

Anet: lets see, patch is incomming

Teef: oh no please stop it ...

True could be worse...

Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /sThe last season reaper player finished as top3 with 800 games nonstop playing, not just sitting it out as many does.Even core guardian CAN be played in ranked as last season top14 is a core guard main, point is... what cant be played in ranked ?

@mortrialus.3062 said:I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.I can't even understand what you're saying. No balance. But then balance not content.He meant : he bet 50g next patch is not going to be a PvP balance patch, but content update like some PvE fixed, some PvE additions, gemstore stuff. Not real PvP focused balance patch. 20g for translation

I mean 90% of my games this season has been S/D which i climbed to 1920-30ish with. Then played some DE cus haste PW is fun. However im pretty much done with the game?:(But again my point was - what cant be played in ranked? People able to get relatively high placed with reaper/core guardian/core mesmer and shouldnt really stop them from playing off meta spec.
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Sindrener: just play DE it is better anyway plebs... "and then I Farm u with S/D"Sindrener played DE himself on the stream. Faeleth never stoped to play DE. Top2 EU is DE (now, and he was falling back and forth in positions)... Sure DE is cant be played in ranked /sThe last season reaper player finished as top3 with 800 games nonstop playing, not just sitting it out as many does.Even core guardian CAN be played in ranked as last season top14 is a core guard main, point is... what cant be played in ranked ?

The problem is with playing none op meta builds in pvp is different if u Eu to Na. Most plat Eu players will be gold in Na fact. As vallun said it’s nothing to do with skill level it’s population, 50% of your games Na will be a smack together group vs the lucky matched well to level group. So to play non meta is supper risky Na As non metas can’t carry as much as needed no matter who u are on Na. On Eu I was leg most seasons with ex on Na I struggle plat2.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.



When you bet 50g that a balance patch wasn't scheduled to happen on the 16th?

Well it is.

I want my money.

I will report you for real money scamming you if you try to duck out.

Lmao sure.....i wont be on for like 12 hours....gots the work


Its not Tuesday yet...i dont believe it till i see.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.



When you bet 50g that a balance patch wasn't scheduled to happen on the 16th?

Well it is.

I want my money.

I will report you for real money scamming you if you try to duck out.

Lmao sure.....i wont be on for like 12 hours....gots the work


Its not Tuesday yet...i dont believe it till i see.

Gold sent, and i dont ever get a thankyou.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If it didn't happen today it's happening
for sure.

I bet u 50g no balance patch next week. Balance patch not content update. But balance patch.



When you bet 50g that a balance patch wasn't scheduled to happen on the 16th?

Well it is.

I want my money.

I will report you for real money scamming you if you try to duck out.

Lmao sure.....i wont be on for like 12 hours....gots the work


Its not Tuesday yet...i dont believe it till i see.

Gold sent, and i dont ever get a thankyou.

Thanks, I appreciate you.

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