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Sincere question about Mistforged Glorious Armor and pvp suggestion.


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Was it meant only for the extremely skilled?
I want to believe it's not because we all bought the game and have access to all the shinies, if we're willing to put in the time. Right? The better players get there sooner, as it should be. I am not as skilled nor will I ever be, though I always strive to become better. My point - The better skilled have easier and more access to the Mistforged Armor set, while for us not-so-skilled players, it's more than just an accepted longer journey.
Access for skilled players:

  • Ranked games during season - more wins = more pips/rank experience = faster accruing of Ascended Shards of Glory/rank gain to 100 = fewer games with toxic people to endure/ignore.
  • Monthly tournaments - Placing 1st to 4th = 1-3 pieces of armor via the Tournament Vouchers - No Ascended Shards needed, until they decide to turn them in to legendary, but they've already collected them from all the ranked wins.
    Access for less-skilled players:
  • Ranked games during season - fewer wins = fewer pips/less rank experience = slower accruing of ASoG/rank gain to 100 = more games with toxic people to endure/ignore needed for ASoG.
  • Monthly tournaments - Placing 1st to 4th, (haha), never.

So a skilled player need only place 1st to 4th in a mAT (one time) to earn at least one piece of said shiny armor. I've been playing pvp for about six months, am rank 65, with mats needed for one piece of armor and I'm determined to see it through, toxicity and all. I'm hoping that by rank 100 I will have collected enough ASoG for one or two more pieces of armor.

My suggestion is, including even one (or more :) ) Tournament Voucher(s) and/or a few ASoG for 5th - 32nd placement in mAT would make it a bit more bearable.

I did not mean for this to be so long. Thanks for reading through.

Edit: Tagged: ArenaNet

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When they introduced this armor most people I know already had the requirements to buy it outright. It's not for skilled players, it's for long serving players. Anyone gets it if you play long enough and that's how it should be. It's prestige, but not prestige like the gizmos (those are for skilled players only)

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I wouldn't be opposed.I mean it takes 10 vouchers to get either 1 armor or 1 weapon box.And imo daily ATs are too unrewarding anyway.Could be just the carrot people need to sign up.

Maybe a voucher for as a participation trophy would be too convenient.Getting to second round (like 5th-16th place) seems like a fair reward ...considering you need 10 voucher for a piece of armor / a weapon.It would also keep the bots at bay.

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@jezebel.7054 said:

So a skilled player need only place 1st to 4th in a mAT (one time) to earn at least one piece of said shiny armor. I've been playing pvp for about six months, am rank 65, with mats needed for one piece of armor and I'm determined to see it through, toxicity and all. I'm hoping that by rank 100 I will have collected enough ASoG for one or two more pieces of armor.

My suggestion is, including even one (or more :) ) Tournament Voucher(s) and/or a few ASoG for 5th - 32nd placement in mAT would make it a bit more bearable.

I did not mean for this to be so long. Thanks for reading through.

The armor is so easy to get for dedicated pvp players that I hadn't even noticed the level 100 requirement... Things are very relative I guess.

We are all level 200+ at this point. The armor carries exactly zero prestige in the pvp community.

Give it away A-net, we don't care.

[edit] P.S. I just bought a full set and I don't even like it very much. Meh, what else am I going to do with my shards and marks? Buy Obsidian weapons!? LOL.

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I'm not quite sure if the OP is serious...sPvP is the fastest way to get legi armour - Ardent Glorious skin if you value practicality over fashion. And if the OP really wants to get that shiny Mistforged Glorious Hero's armour - it takes so much less effort than the raids' sets, or Mistforged Triumphant Hero's from WVW which, by the way, requires you to have WVW rank of 2000.

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@Whitworth.7259 said:When they introduced this armor most people I know already had the requirements to buy it outright. It's not for skilled players, it's for long serving players. Anyone gets it if you play long enough and that's how it should be. It's prestige, but not prestige like the gizmos (those are for skilled players only)Thank you for answering the question. Which gizmos?

@Dreddo.9865 said:To be honest it's not that hard to get the pips. And while you are new and unfamiliar with the mode playing games will help you get better. Assuming that your goal isn't just the armor but you also like to PvP.No, it isn't hard to get the pips. Losing the match though only gets us a minimum of three, making the toxic road much longer. I started pvp out of necessity for a legendary weapon. I continued to play AT for the gold because it was better than pve. Then I decided to work for the armor. I have gotten better and understand the game a bit more. I've met some really cool people who I play with regularly. My goal is the armor, but I absolutely love duking it out 1v1 with another person who is equally matched with me, whether I win the fight or not. Sometimes, when I play with a pug, we win even though we don't know each other and even if we have a troll on our team. Everyone instinctively playing as a team is a joy!

Edit: I don't enjoy getting smashed before I even get a shot in nor having trolls on my team but I will endure it to reach my goal.

@Zenix.6198 said:I wouldn't be opposed.I mean it takes 10 vouchers to get either 1 armor or 1 weapon box.And imo daily ATs are too unrewarding anyway.Could be just the carrot people need to sign up.

Maybe a voucher for as a participation trophy would be too convenient.Getting to second round (like 5th-16th place) seems like a fair reward ...considering you need 10 voucher for a piece of armor / a weapon.It would also keep the bots at bay.Thank you for seeing the fairness. :)

@bladezero.9470 said:The armor is so easy to get for dedicated pvp players that I hadn't even noticed the level 100 requirement... Things are very relative I guess.We are all level 200+ at this point. The armor carries exactly zero prestige in the pvp community.

Give it away A-net, we don't care.[edit] P.S. I just bought a full set and I don't even like it very much. Meh, what else am I going to do with my shards and marks? Buy Obsidian weapons!? LOL.

Thanks for your input. :)

@ollbirtan.2915 said:I'm not quite sure if the OP is serious...sPvP is the fastest way to get legi armour - Ardent Glorious skin if you value practicality over fashion. And if the OP really wants to get that shiny Mistforged Glorious Hero's armour - it takes so much less effort than the raids' sets, or Mistforged Triumphant Hero's from WVW which, by the way, requires you to have WVW rank of 2000.Serious about what exactly? Working for the Mistforged armor? I believe I was clear about that. And yes, I do recognize that it's easier than WvW armor, which is why I put that on the backburner, but still moving toward it. There are also a couple pieces from the raids' sets I have my eye on and will eventually work on those as well.

@Crab Fear.1624 said:I'm a nobody loser, and I got it . I'm less skilled and I got it. Hell no to an easier road.The game is always changing and only some are going to agree some of the time with these changes, but I would never begrudge someone acquiring anything a different way just because my way was more difficult.

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@jezebel.7054 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:I'm a nobody loser, and I got it . I'm less skilled and I got it. Hell no to an easier road.The game is always changing and only some are going to agree some of the time with these changes, but I would never begrudge someone acquiring anything a different way just because my way was more difficult.

If they change it, I am not gonna begrudge you. I am saying hell no to the change before hand. Until then, play more pvp.

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@Zenix.6198 said:as @bladezero.9470 already said, if the consensus already is, that it's just a grind and holds no prestige anyway....why not?

Kinda mind-boggling, that people immediately take such negative position on this topic, when the gamemode needs new blood so desperately.

How will making a long term goal shorter bring in new blood, or keep those that are trying to get just that?

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@jezebel.7054 said:OP'c comments ...

but if you flip to see the other side of the coin, the winners needs to be rewarded, and it needs to be enough to encourage them to work hard to win

overall the reward system in PvP is in a really good state, 10x better than WvW

the problems are how the match making works, and (seems like) overall inaction of game master to take actions on bots, match manipulators, etc...

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Zenix.6198 said:as @bladezero.9470 already said, if the consensus already is, that it's just a grind and holds no prestige anyway....why not?

Kinda mind-boggling, that people immediately take such negative position on this topic, when the gamemode needs new blood so desperately.

How will making a long term goal shorter bring in new blood, or keep those that are trying to get just that?

Cause long term goals are a bad carrot for new players.They are a good tool to keep players that are already hooked on the mode engaged and give them a feeling of progression.Short term goals are what introduce new players to the mode.

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@Zenix.6198 said:

@Zenix.6198 said:as @bladezero.9470 already said, if the consensus already is, that it's just a grind and holds no prestige anyway....why not?

Kinda mind-boggling, that people immediately take such negative position on this topic, when the gamemode needs new blood so desperately.

How will making a long term goal shorter bring in new blood, or keep those that are trying to get just that?

Cause long term goals are a bad carrot for new players.They are a good tool to keep players that are already hooked on the mode engaged and give them a feeling of progression.Short term goals are what introduce new players to the mode.

yeah it's called ardent glorious armor

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@Zenix.6198 said:as @bladezero.9470 already said, if the consensus already is, that it's just a grind and holds no prestige anyway....why not?

Kinda mind-boggling, that people immediately take such negative position on this topic, when the gamemode needs new blood so desperately.

Kinda mind-boggling how people always want the stuff that's meant to be superb immediately handed over to them.

I am generally against overly considerable rewards in sPvP tbh. It only lures in people who casually grab it and leave until something new and shiny is on the horizon. We don't need more achievement hunters and wanna-be-skritts in sPvP. My guess would be that most of them contribute nothing to the actual sPvP scene other than salty team mates because they can't be bothered to play properly since rating and rank doesn't mean anything if you are only after the reward.sPvP needs more incentive to play with friends and bring them into the game mode to have some fun, not for dat juicy new shiny they can display and is worth little to nothing because everybody has it already.sPvP is a very competitive environment so if everybody can eventually get everything, nobody who's playing seriously really wants it for prestige, even if it's a real chore to get it.

It's actually mind-boggling how everyone always comes up with new, more and better rewards as a better incentive to play sPvP instead of suggesting to improve the game mode itself. I mean.. this is the 3rd thread within like 2 weeks suggesting easier/more rewards.Like if the past didn't already show that this only leads to massive wintrading and match manipulation, making the whole season pointless until those wanna-be-skritts have gotten their loot and are chasing the next new shiny somewhere else. To the point where sindrener for example even suggested to completely get rid of rewards for losing a match and only keep win rewards.

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@DoomNexus.5324 said:

@Zenix.6198 said:as @bladezero.9470 already said, if the consensus already is, that it's just a grind and holds no prestige anyway....why not?

Kinda mind-boggling, that people immediately take such negative position on this topic, when the gamemode needs new blood so desperately.

Kinda mind-boggling how people always want the stuff that's meant to be superb immediately handed over to them.

I am generally against overly considerable rewards in sPvP tbh. It only lures in people who casually grab it and leave until something new and shiny is on the horizon. We don't need more achievement hunters and wanna-be-skritts in sPvP. My guess would be that most of them contribute nothing to the actual sPvP scene other than salty team mates because they can't be bothered to play properly since rating and rank doesn't mean anything if you are only after the reward.sPvP needs more incentive to play with friends and bring them into the game mode to have some fun, not for dat juicy new shiny they can display and is worth little to nothing because everybody has it already.sPvP is a very competitive environment so if everybody can eventually get everything, nobody who's playing seriously really wants it for prestige, even if it's a real chore to get it.

It's actually mind-boggling how everyone always comes up with new, more and better rewards as a better incentive to play sPvP instead of suggesting to improve the game mode itself. I mean.. this is the 3rd thread within like 2 weeks suggesting easier/more rewards.Like if the past didn't already show that this only leads to massive wintrading and match manipulation, making the whole season pointless until those wanna-be-skritts have gotten their loot and are chasing the next new shiny somewhere else. To the point where sindrener for example even suggested to completely get rid of rewards for losing a match and only keep win rewards.

Oh don't get me wrong. I'm all for performance based rewards.Be it ATs (which they already have) or even in ranked, were imo there should be some end of season reward chest that gives you better stuff upon reaching a certain division.

It's just that what OP is asking for, is reducing a tedious grind. Cause that's all it is when you can either win 1000 games or lose 3000 games to get it.Altho I will concede, that maybe my initial suggestion of adding a voucher to the daily AT loot-table is a bit extreme.

But then again....increasing the population should take precedence over pretty much anything else right now, if we dont want this gamemode to fully die within the next year.

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@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Kinda mind-boggling how people always want the stuff that's meant to be superb immediately handed over to them.This is the opposite of what I'm asking for.

I am generally against overly considerable rewards in sPvP tbh. It only lures in people who casually grab it and leave until something new and shiny is on the horizon. We don't need more achievement hunters and wanna-be-skritts in sPvP. My guess would be that most of them contribute nothing to the actual sPvP scene other than salty team mates because they can't be bothered to play properly since rating and rank doesn't mean anything if you are only after the reward.sPvP needs more incentive to play with friends and bring them into the game mode to have some fun, not for dat juicy new shiny they can display and is worth little to nothing because everybody has it already.sPvP is a very competitive environment so if everybody can eventually get everything, nobody who's playing seriously really wants it for prestige, even if it's a real chore to get it.It's actually mind-boggling how everyone always comes up with new, more and better rewards as a better incentive to play sPvP instead of suggesting to improve the game mode itself. I mean.. this is the 3rd thread within like 2 weeks suggesting easier/more rewards.Like if the past didn't already show that this only leads to massive wintrading and match manipulation, making the whole season pointless until those wanna-be-skritts have gotten their loot and are chasing the next new shiny somewhere else. To the point where sindrener for example even suggested to completely get rid of rewards for losing a match and only keep win rewards.

That's an awful lot of assumptions. Besides, how and why someone plays (a game we all bought), is completely subjective. Insisting on your how and why they should play is irrelevant. Just because I don't care for ratings, titles and badges doesn't mean I half-ass it and "can't be bothered to play properly". I always play to win and welcome suggestions and constructive criticism from my team. I even learn from the ones who feel the need to be abusive about it.

If you read between the lines of my post, you might see that I'm saying because the skill levels are not better matched, those of us who don't have as nimble fingers as the more competitive players have to play Many more games filled with abusive players who don't know how to lose or be a team player, who expect us to be mind readers, be in all the areas at once and not ever get killed. Why would we want to stick around for more of that after Earning our shiny? However, I absolutely would continue pvp if the skill levels were better matched and I was playing against other silvers.

@Zenix.6198 said:It's just that what OP is asking for, is reducing a tedious grind. Cause that's all it is when you can either win 1000 games or lose 3000 games to get it.Thank you for seeing my point.

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Well, the AP armor is a tediuos grind, and I really don't care that some people are closer to 40K AP.

Going with the spirit of this thread, I think 12k AP is enough for both the radiant and hellfire armor.

They might as well hand those over. Can't be bothered with the grind.

I am positive the guys close to completion won't mind.

It's just a lame grind after all.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:Well, the AP armor is a tediuos grind, and I really don't care that some people are closer to 40K AP.

Going with the spirit of this thread, I think 12k AP is enough for both the radiant and hellfire armor.

They might as well hand those over. Can't be bothered with the grind.

I am positive the guys close to completion won't mind.

It's just a lame grind after all.

My thoughts exactly. What's good for the goose is good for the gander

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@jezebel.7054 said:Was it meant only for the extremely skilled?

I want to believe it's not because we all bought the game and have access to all the shinies, if we're willing to put in the time. Right?

As a premise I'll just answer your original question specifically first. No. I don't think everybody should have access to everything, especially in a competitive environment like sPvP there should - in my opinion - be rewards that involve skill alone.

@jezebel.7054 said:

@DoomNexus.5324 said:Kinda mind-boggling how people always want the stuff that's meant to be superb immediately handed over to them.This is the opposite of what I'm asking for.

No. That's exactly what you are asking for. Like @"Crab Fear.1624" already made it clear on the radiant/hellfire example, it would just lower the value of effort some other people have sunk into the game and it's not even just content which has been around since release and everybody playing since release had it already 5 years ago.Especially since there's already the ardent glorious armor as legendary armor for PvP, I don't really see the point in your request. The mistforged hero set was only just released in November 2018 and was specifically meant as a long time goal for players who really dedicate themselves to the game mode while not being able to play as good as you'd need to for the glorious hero's armor (which you ONLY get via those vouchers from mAT btw, so if anything you should complain about that). Why do you want to negate that not even a year after its release? That would defeat the whole purpose of its introduction in the first place and of those 3 distinguished sets in general. It is meant to be long term, that's literally the only requirement difference which sets it apart from ardent glorious.

Besides, how and why someone plays (a game we all bought), is completely subjective. Insisting on your how and why they should play is irrelevant.

GW2 has a huge problem with match manipulation and especially when there's a new gizmo or title. I don't imply that you do it or even the majority, but there is a really non-neglectable part of the community who apparently does and this is not "completely subjective" it's reality. Probably not to the extent it gets hyped to on the forums but a problem nonetheless. And while it is indeed just an assumption but what would you wintrade for if not for a reward? It's not like you pay gold to others to win for the sake of a gifted win. I mean, that's just logical imo.

Why would we want to stick around for more of that after Earning our shiny?

Indeed. And thanks for confirming my point.That's exactly why we don't need better/more or easier rewards but rather a little bit of love from Anet to improve the game experience in sPvP itself. And since sPvP doesn't get a lot of attention from the devs anyway, every little bit of effort they make should contribute to improving the game mode as their main focus in my opinion.I mean you asked for easier access for mistforged specifically I know, but I would argue against every reward-related suggestion by pointing out that the game mode itself needs to improve, at least when talking in the context of increasing player population by giving people reward-based incentive to play. And THEN we can talk about how we could motivate people to check out the game mode. Otherwise they wouldn't stick around, just like you stated yourself with this rhetorical question.

However, I absolutely would continue pvp if the skill levels were better matched and I was playing against other silvers.

I got placed into gold 3 this season, followed by a dip into gold2 and was then playing my way (back) to ~plat1/2 and I also have a gold1 alt account for playing with silver/low gold friends so I know how gameplay feels in a pretty wide range of ratings at the moment (aka this season - I was in silver 2 as well a couple seasons ago but I won't count it since a lot has changed since then).I never had the impression that my opponents were any better than low gold when I was playing on my alt and very rarely that there are massively overskilled players in the enemy team at this rating in general tbh (and if so, they were probably smurfs anyway, so the match making algorithm - despite its flaws - isn't to blame here I think). Also considering the mean rating is somewhere in gold 1, high silver and low gold should have the most balanced matches (match making wise) of all, as I would also assume based on my experience in the region of rating so far.The real problem there, as far as I can tell, is the community. Probably more than half of the matches in which we didn't have a good start (aka lost the mid fight and couldn't immediately recover) there were one or two people instantly going afk, which results in a loss of course, which also drags down everybody else. And when I'm watching my friends in silver/low gold play or when I'm in discord with them, this is literally how half their games look like. People immediately going afk because 'iT's UnWinNaBlE". While this happens in plat too sometimes it's A) much rarer and B) most of the time ppl just complain a bit but still trying their best and more often than not, we can indeed make a comeback and win. I stopped taking screenshots of "extreme" comebacks at some point like from a 200:420 deficit, because it has become quite normal. You'd never be able to pull this off in silver tho, but not because the other team is so overpowered but because of lack of effort your own team mates are putting in at this point.In my opinion that's where the toxicity really comes from and which makes it so frustrating to play sPvP. Because it's completely out of your hand if someone else decides to do nothing and can therefore negate every effort you've made, probably during the last few matches too since the rating you've just won with your last win is now gone again. So Swiss tournaments and maybe later on-demand ATs are probably a huge step forward because it opens up PvP to full-team matches again where you don't have to rely on randoms anymore.On top of that there's also a very notable class imbalance too and since some classes are simply way easier to play than others while also being onpar if not even better, it's just additional fuel to the toxicity-flame. Maybe the next balance patch will finally improve that a bit.

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DoomNexus.5324 you bring up some good points about gameplay. I did not address these issues because it's a different topic for another thread. Maybe you could start that thread (or add to an existing one) and I will include my thoughts and suggestions without hijacking it.
So let's get back on topic. The only way a lesser-skilled person can acquire pvp legendary armor is with ASoG earned in ranked games. It costs ten Tournament Vouchers (earned only in placing at least 4th in mAT) for one piece of armor. Suggesting that one Tournament Voucher and a few ASoG be added to 5th-32nd placement (not participation) in the mAT is still a rather long journey and IS the opposite of "immediately handed over to them".
Legendary armor, with it's increased stats and being able to use it on multiple characters, is a goal that may improve gameplay for some and acquiring it should be encouraged. Attaching a visually pleasing skin to it and then putting it in a game mode where only the highly skilled and extremely competitive have "easier" access is a bit cruel.
In contrast, let's look at acquiring legendary weapons, (which should also be encouraged). They are accessible to all who purchased the game and all its expansions if one is willing to spend the time and has the determination. Regardless of being forced to "get your feet wet" by exploring other game modes (that might be out of one's comfort zone) to acquire it, it's not cruel.
Why then not have all legendary armor be equally as accessible to all, instead of game mode specific? It would still require the time and determination while offering all the shiny skins to all of the consumers.
"in a competitive environment like sPvP there should - in my opinion - be rewards that involve skill alone." You are right. Since (for some) it's not the Mistforged armor that offers this prestige, maybe it's the badges, titles and crowns, not to mention the amount of gold. Those (appropriate) rewards are already offered.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Get level 100 then6330 PvP pips earned over 3 seasons: To finish as fast as possible, the player must complete 3 seasons of the non-repeatable PvP League reward chests. At any time during these 3 seasons, they must also complete the final repeatable Byzantium reward chest 24 times to accumulate the rest of the Ascended Shard of Glory required. This path requires the most PvP games to be played, because the higher tiered reward chests that are repeated via this pathway provide less Ascended Shard of Glory per pip than the lower tiered ones, which can be repeated by playing over a greater number of seasons.Aka get level 100 and start farming chests

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So far the only reason I've seen here in favor of this is because you want it, and you want it to be easier.Those with the skill (PvP is all about skill and personal/team glory) should get it faster.Getting tired of pip farmers and consolation prizes in the game, they causing toxicity in the community.Competition is healthy, and the winner should get it all.

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@"jezebel.7054" said:In contrast, let's look at acquiring legendary weapons, (which should also be encouraged). They are accessible to all who purchased the game and all its expansions if one is willing to spend the time and has the determination. Regardless of being forced to "get your feet wet" by exploring other game modes (that might be out of one's comfort zone) to acquire it, it's not cruel.

How is this different to PvP armour?

You don't get handed a legendary weapon upon creating an account, you have to go and spend hundreds of hours grinding stuff out. Just because you "purchased the game" doesn't mean you automatically get everything unlocked for you. You only get a legendary weapon if you jump through all the necessary hoops, and acquire all the necessary mats, tokens, achievements, etc. If you're not willing to jump, that doesn't mean you're being "denied content", it just means you can't be bothered.

Experienced/veteran/dedicated players can cut down the time required by playing smart, knowing shortcuts, knowing how to grind most effectively, etc etc

This is exactly the same as PvP.

You say PvP armour isn't "accessible" to you...... but it is! If you put enough time in, you will get it, regardless of whether you're Bronze-tier or mAT winner. Explain again how that is different to legendary weapons or achievement-armour? Explain how this is different to me saying "I really want a crafted legendary weapon, but, I don't want to have to spend hours and hours grinding in PvE, and its not fair that the people who know how to farm most effectively and exploit meta-events and get taxied to the best maps can do it faster".

Or how about "I really want the raid-armour, and I think it's really unfair that people who are good at raids get it faster". Teh Fk?

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