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what condi builds nowa days?

Fat Disgrace.4275

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My current build is P/D and SB with Acro 1-3-3, DA 3-2-1, DD 2-3-1. Trailblazer and Dire with Anti-Toxin runes. You can amp the DPS by switching Acro to Trickery 1-1-3 and AntiT runes to Mesmer but survival drops significantly. Torment, Energy, Draining and Bloodlust are my go to sigils. Utilities are typically Shadow Step, Withdraw, SoA, Dagger Storm (great in Choking Gas) and some other random utility to fit the occasion (Bandits Defense, Blinding Powder, etc).

Steal, Shadow Strike, switch SB, dump a poison field, dodge. Interrupts will start flying if they aren't cleansing really fast. If they try to kite the build, switch back to P/D and pick at them until the next steal comes up. If they are melee, use dodges and Shadow Strike or Disabling Shot to keep them rotating their attacks until the next steal comes up. Build can win or draw pretty much every build and crushes average players. With Anti Toxin it is very difficult for other condi builds to win. The massive armor and health pool with the high levels of evasion makes power builds really have to push to get any significant DPS. It is not uncommon to win on the first steal, sometimes the second and if I need to go to a 3rd I am usually dealing with a heavy cleanse class. Keep in mind classes built around Resistance are very vulnerable to Choking Gas interrupts. They don't take damage from poison but the stacks remain and trigger the interrupts.

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@Straegen.2938 said:My current build is P/D and SB with Acro 1-3-3, DA 3-2-1, DD 2-3-1. Trailblazer and Dire with Anti-Toxin runes. You can amp the DPS by switching Acro to Trickery 1-1-3 and AntiT runes to Mesmer but survival drops significantly. Torment, Energy, Draining and Bloodlust are my go to sigils. Utilities are typically Shadow Step, Withdraw, SoA, Dagger Storm (great in Choking Gas) and some other random utility to fit the occasion (Bandits Defense, Blinding Powder, etc).

Steal, Shadow Strike, switch SB, dump a poison field, dodge. Interrupts will start flying if they aren't cleansing really fast. If they try to kite the build, switch back to P/D and pick at them until the next steal comes up. If they are melee, use dodges and Shadow Strike or Disabling Shot to keep them rotating their attacks until the next steal comes up. Build can win or draw pretty much every build and crushes average players. With Anti Toxin it is very difficult for other condi builds to win. The massive armor and health pool with the high levels of evasion makes power builds really have to push to get any significant DPS. It is not uncommon to win on the first steal, sometimes the second and if I need to go to a 3rd I am usually dealing with a heavy cleanse class. Keep in mind classes built around Resistance are very vulnerable to Choking Gas interrupts. They don't take damage from poison but the stacks remain and trigger the interrupts.

Just a thought, but with absorption sigil on shortbow classes built around resistance stacking wouldn't be an issue at all. Also I'd miss the torment on interrupt from trickery personally, but that's me.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Just a thought, but with absorption sigil on shortbow classes built around resistance stacking wouldn't be an issue at all. Also I'd miss the torment on interrupt from trickery personally, but that's me.

I left Absorption out because I find it useful only after players have mastered the basics of that build . However you are correct and I do actually run it on my SB. Now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag... a weakness of most condi-thief builds is boon based enemies. Ele, Warrior, etc that rotate constant regen, stab, resistance, protection, etc. Absorption frequently is unnecessary, until it isn't. It is tempting to add more condi pressure (Torment), quickness (Agility) or similar for a better general DPS output. However the first time a player runs into a small group running Guardian, Scrapper, Tempest or some other bunker anchor Absorption can completely turn those fights. Essentially Absorption shores up a general weakness in the overall build. It is also ridiculously good in zerg fights. It takes some practice in setting up players with 5 stacks or more of poison so I still recommend condi pressure early on because it requires far less micro-management.

I love the Torment stack from Trickery and use it on my P/P interrupt build but find stripping Resistance from Warriors and the like very important when moving away from Acro into Trickery. With Acro a player can matador many builds but without it I find having to cut through the defense rotations very important. I also like Trickster particularly if I start fighting heavy condi builds.

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so i am currnetly running this (traits not updated yet) the problem(?) is that there is no swiftness in the build, though i do steal boons i was wondering if dropping some condi dmg for traverler runes would be a dent in my dps?


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Yeah, I was running p/d+sb DA/SA/DD and occasionally lack of swiftness feels just bad. I swapped SA to Acro, mainly for that, lost some utility and dmg like stealth on heal/steal, but acro makes it even safer now with swiftness/vigor/'auto-condi removals', so I'll probably stick to that for now. Leeching venoms was kind of disappointing seeing how I didn't really want or need to stay in stealth for extended periods of time.

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@Sobx.1758 said:Yeah, I was running p/d+sb DA/SA/DD and occasionally lack of swiftness feels just bad. I swapped SA to Acro, mainly for that, lost some utility and dmg like stealth on heal/steal, but acro makes it even safer now with swiftness/vigor/'auto-condi removals', so I'll probably stick to that for now. Leeching venoms was king of disappointing seeing how I didn't really want or need to stay in stealth for extended periods of time.

make's sence, i mean blind on stealth was good and the 50% run speed in stealth was the only real reason i took sa, and you're right about the spider venom thing, all the time you';re in stealth building them up their condi clear skills are coming of cooldown.

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@Straegen.2938 said:

@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:Just a thought, but with absorption sigil on shortbow classes built around resistance stacking wouldn't be an issue at all. Also I'd miss the torment on interrupt from trickery personally, but that's me.

I left Absorption out because I find it useful only after players have mastered the basics of that build . However you are correct and I do actually run it on my SB. Now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag... a weakness of most condi-thief builds is boon based enemies. Ele, Warrior, etc that rotate constant regen, stab, resistance, protection, etc. Absorption frequently is unnecessary, until it isn't. It is tempting to add more condi pressure (Torment), quickness (Agility) or similar for a better general DPS output. However the first time a player runs into a small group running Guardian, Scrapper, Tempest or some other bunker anchor Absorption can completely turn those fights. Essentially Absorption shores up a general weakness in the overall build. It is also ridiculously good in zerg fights. It takes some practice in setting up players with 5 stacks or more of poison so I still recommend condi pressure early on because it requires far less micro-management.

I love the Torment stack from Trickery and use it on my P/P interrupt build but find stripping Resistance from Warriors and the like very important when moving away from Acro into Trickery. With Acro a player can matador many builds but without it I find having to cut through the defense rotations very important. I also like Trickster particularly if I start fighting heavy condi builds.

Yep, I totally agree with what you've written here, especially absorption being unnecessary until it isn't. I guess I'd rather run it when I didn't need it but have it when I do, because the payoff is just that good imo. That said my old condi build (DD trapper with dash and shortbow P/D) is basically not a thing anymore so I'll have to play around with a new build soon anyways. Thanks for the input :)

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I am naming this build Magic thief :D(it seems you have to copy an paste it out for whatever reason it not working if you click on it)http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAqYVnsMBNGj1FDmOBUGjFZCzrMMG+Q8Dzm50UbPNFCAA-jVyCQBbUJ2KVCWP9BI7RAcsjAAAOBAVU5RBV/ZZ7PEAABYmlZZOzAzcmzcmzcmVmzcmzcmzcmzcmzsUA6uBD-w

second link incase first one does not work http://tiny.cc/q8k19y
this is meme build i playing for past few days super fun.

way you play it is you go blinding shadow > deadeye mark > mercy > deadeye mark > choking gas.

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join condi club recently.. 3 days to be exact and gotta admit, it's pretty fun, i don't know about typical but i'm pretty sure it would be p/d it got burst and some range. but if you want to try something new i have an idea for s/d condi wvw/pvp with DA,TR and DD. btw this is just a theory.

DA 3 - 2 - 1TR 3 - 1 - 2DD 1 - 2 - 1

-deadly art for inflict poison, trickery for boon and make user control initiative easier. daredevil for survivability.-main damage source is from sword 2. inflict poison when your attack connect (deadly ambition - cd 5 s) and immobilized (panic strike).-3 dodge bar from daredevil default trait and inflict bleeding when dodge by lotus traning-10% damage reduction when close to an enemy and 7% vitality from marauder's resilience

about utility i suggest shadowstep, impairing daggers or choose anything you want..... just poke and let poison do the work. if they chase .. dodge and poke again and don't forget you have swipe.

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P/d in trailbazer runes. Trying this in two variants , that being Core (da/sa/tr) and th older DE version I had used. Core generally puts out more damage but DE has easier ready access to stealth for survival and the sneak attacks. With Runes of Tormenting , I am also taking Shadows savior as an added heal. The heal on a shadowstrike with 4x170 for the torment added to the Port heal complements each other nicely

I have also spent more time on s/d Grievers hybrid build . This spec is very glassy but I ran it in WvW for a while and am liking the results. The Shadows savior is coupled with assassins reward. As it in Acro as well I also have regen always on and while this does not help with that spike damage which can take him down quick it is a very good source of the ongoing heals. DA/SA/Acro spec. With Savior heal and reward I find I am able to keep pressure on longer with the infiltrators in and out. As it INI intense this one takes shadow rejuv as a source of INI.

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@"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:so i am currnetly running this (traits not updated yet) the problem(?) is that there is no swiftness in the build, though i do steal boons i was wondering if dropping some condi dmg for traverler runes would be a dent in my dps?


Your link does not work for me. in P/d there two things I found to address lack of swiftness. I have never been too big a fan of ACRO in P/d or DD for that matter in a Condition build. DD I just do not find adds enough damage from a Condition perspective as I found too may of the impaling lotus dodges went to waste Given I at raneg a good deal of the time when I did dodge. UC was nice for that swiftness but it not doing much damage wise.

DE with lots of stealth utilities and rely on the added speed +50 when stealthed for the bulk of your added speed. DE will aslo add might rather easily and generate more INI having the added advantage of added stealth via the Elite and the stealth with steals. If desired you can take MALI 7 to get those boons. It long to build but if you have a wee bit of precision (or can get Fury via TOTC ) you will trip that in a reasonable time for that swiftness.

Take TOTC in lieu of Uncatchable. Again I found I was not up close a lot with the build whereby I could take advantage of uncatchable to do any real damage. If up close I would rather shadowstrike away then dodge out of range of the ability to use a shadowstrike . This made TOTC an easier choice out of the TR line.

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@roamzero.9486 said:

@Taobella.6597 said:for thief it malice > bursting > anything else. earth sigil is good if you have 100% crit rate but most con builds do not.

If you incorporate SB or weapon swapping, Doom sigil is pretty good as well.

Cleansing sigil in one weapon with antitoxin runes is nice. With that and HiS you don't really need to worry about traiting or using a utility for clears.

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Currently running p/d sb with DA 3-2-1, Trick 3-1-2, DD 2-3-2. Wizard ammy in pvp, and Saerni's mix of Carrion gear +Grieving jewelry (up to ~17k hp) in WvW and PvE (usually switch to d/d for PvE). Utilities are CV for heal, then SoA, Impairing Daggers, Bandit's Defense, and Impact Strike.

I tend to stay in shortbow dropping CG clouds and firing my AA to build stacks/ cause interrupts (throwing a steal or Impairing Daggers into this when it seems advantageous) for as long as possible in order to force my opponent into burning their cleanse and healing. When they get low (or they manage to close to melee range), I will usually then switch to p/d for a direct damage spike off of #3.

The hybrid damage seems to work well against most classes. Necro's are usually my easiest downs, condi mes the hardest.

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