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Travel Ember bay

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Hi, I should go to Ember Bay, but I have the island blocked. I looked on the wiki and I should complete season 3. Points 2 and 4 are blocked. I open them and he asks me for 200 gems. But if I bought the base game and also the 2 expansions do I still have to pay with the gems? How can I get to Ember bay free?

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Ember Bay is a map made available during Living World Season 3, which occurred between the expansions Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. When the episode was originally released, you could get the episode for free. But now that we're moving into Season 5, you must pay to unlock the old episodes.

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The Living Story is DLC, it's just not called that by Arenanet. So unless you unlock it during the release period when it's free you have to buy each episode like you would for other game's DLC. There is no way to get to the map without buying it.

But you can use gold - last time I checked it would cost about 70 gold to get 200 gems, but the price does change all the time.

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@"Danikat.8537" said:you can use gold - last time I checked it would cost about 70 gold to get 200 gems, but the price does change all the time.The exchange rate is volatile right now. In the last few months, I've seen it fluctuate from as low as 60 gold for 200 gems to as high as 80 gold.

For those looking for a "good" rate, aim for 130 gold for 400 gems; a great rate this month would be below 125g.It's likely to rise steeply in the next few weeks, though: in a month, we'll celebrate another anniversary of the game's launch, which means discounts in the gem shop, leading tons of people to convert gold... which spikes the rate.

@"Danikat.8537" said:The Living Story is DLC, it's just not called that by Arenanet. So unless you unlock it during the release period when it's free you have to buy each episode like you would for other game's DLC. There is no way to get to the map without buying it.for what it's worth, I've never read the term "DLC" as "requires additional payment," probably because I originally encountered the distinguishing phrases "unpaid DLC" and "paid DLC." These days, more people seem to be using it to mean "paid downloadable content," so maybe I'm just slow to evolve the definition in my internal dictionary.

Still, it's a jargon term and I imagine that not everyone immediately assumes "DLC" to mean "pony up some more money."(Plus, in a lot of other games, you can't use in-game currency to pay for it; you have to come up with cash.)

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:For those looking for a "good" rate, aim for 130 gold for 400 gems; a great rate this month would be below 125g.

That ship has sailed I'm afraid. I've been stockpiling past few months, getting ready for the upcoming sale, and about 4-5 weeks ago we saw rates of 122-125, something I hadn't seen consistently since before Aug 2018, where after the sale, it rarely dropped below 130. Then bank tabs went on sale, and I believe that is when the price spiked (or maybe it was shared inventory slots?), and now that there is a new cabbage chair to buy - yeah, I don't see that exchange rate dropping before the Anniversary Sale hits, where iirc, prices spiked up to 150g / 400 last year. Great for sellers; less great for buyers.

I mean, it's only 10g or so more per 400 gems, but I understand how that can irk folks (as it does me)

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:For those looking for a "good" rate, aim for 130 gold for 400 gems; a great rate this month would be below 125g.

That ship has sailed I'm afraid.Since I just got some at 127g for 400 within the last 48 hours, I think there's still opportunity.

Great for sellers; less great for buyers.Yes. A change in rate is always a bonus for someone (even if it's not me).

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:you can use gold - last time I checked it would cost about 70 gold to get 200 gems, but the price does change all the time.The exchange rate is volatile right now. In the last few months, I've seen it fluctuate from as low as 60 gold for 200 gems to as high as 80 gold.

It's because of the skyscale skins and festival mainly; especially when BLC keys are on sale, you will see the rate skyrocket

in fact, I wont be expecting it to get any cheaper for the next 1 month peroid, i'm expecting it to skyrocket to bout 750g / 2000gems with the anniversary sales in a week's time



@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:For those looking for a "good" rate, aim for 130 gold for 400 gems; a great rate this month would be below 125g.

That ship has sailed I'm afraid.Since I just got some at 127g for 400 within the last 48 hours, I think there's still opportunity.

Great for sellers; less great for buyers.Yes. A change in rate is always a bonus for someone (even if it's not me).

Not sure how much gold it goes up with a single exchange, but when tried to exchange for 2000 gems with the same rate immediately it after an exchange it errored, and after refreshing i saw it went up by 10g

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:The exchange rate is volatile right now. In the last few months, I've seen it fluctuate from as low as 60 gold for 200 gems to as high as 80 gold.

It's because of the skyscale skins and festival mainly; especially when BLC keys are on sale, you will see the rate skyrocket

Current rate is 132g/400 gems and in since ~Thursday, I've seen it between 125-135g. As I've said, it's volatile.

in fact, I wont be expecting it to get any cheaper for the next 1 month peroid, i'm expecting it to skyrocket to bout 750g / 2000gems with the anniversary sales in a week's timeHistorically, it usually climbs quickly and stays high with the anniversary sales. Depend on the announcement on 30 Aug, that might bring in more gems from cash (or not). Based on recent spikes, I'd say 750-for-2000 (150g-for-400-gems) is conservative. 790-800 gold for 2000 wouldn't surprise me (160g+ for 400).

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:The exchange rate is volatile right now. In the last few months, I've seen it fluctuate from as low as 60 gold for 200 gems to as high as 80 gold.

It's because of the skyscale skins and festival mainly; especially when BLC keys are on sale, you will see the rate skyrocket

Current rate is 132g/400 gems and in since ~Thursday, I've seen it between 125-135g. As I've said, it's volatile.

in fact, I wont be expecting it to get any cheaper for the next 1 month peroid, i'm expecting it to skyrocket to bout 750g / 2000gems with the anniversary sales in a week's timeHistorically, it usually climbs quickly and stays high with the anniversary sales. Depend on the announcement on 30 Aug, that might bring in more gems from cash (or not). Based on recent spikes, I'd say 750-for-2000 (150g-for-400-gems) is conservative. 790-800 gold for 2000 wouldn't surprise me (160g+ for 400).

it's good if you have future traded like me, i traded in most of my gold when it was at low 600s :)

hence, if you are planning to buy something in gem store during the anniversary sale, which you should or wait for another year, the rate is still good (when i checked last night it was bout 655g / 2000 gem)

BUT... who knows what the moving average of the trade will increase to in the next 12 months, could increase by 50%, maybe?

we all know that how much the extra liquid gold these new maps are generating and hurting Anet's bottomline if the moving average does not increase to promote buying with real money

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