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Please do something with the Skyscale.

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Hello ! First time posting on these forums so please excuse me if I got the category or something wrong.

In any case, I just finished the Skyscale collection.. And I just have to say, the Skyscale is very dissapointing, like it does not have a purpose in this game, all the other mounts atleast have something they excel in, or something that is unique to them. Beetle for going Sonic Boom speeds, Gryphon for flying super fast, Jackal for using portals (And helping with certain hero points) Bunny+Leap for Scaling cliffs and Raptor is an average of all the mounts on the ground, and Skimmer for being able to skip swimming for about 5 years, With that being said.

With how much effort the Skyscale took, running all over the LS4 maps, Tyria, and needing to run back and forth all over Dragonfall 3 times in a row, needing to farm the LS4 Currencies, day after day, only to find out that the Skyscale excels in nothing, need to go up a high cliff ? There's the Springer and Leap, Need to fly ? There's the Gryphon which is superior at that, and the ground ? Just use the beetle or Raptor.

Please just buff the Skyscale in some way, maybe only drain it's flight bar after you hit a certain height in the map, and buff it's speed because it takes an enternity to reach from the Pact Command in Dragonfall to a camp.

Just please do something.

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I enjoy Skyscale. It is my second favorite mount, and my most used mount. In groups it's easier to stay grouped with a Skyscale than any other mount. It makes doing content with my fiance much easier.

Here is what I enjoy about the Skyscale:1.) Barrel Roll... (Keybinded V for me)This makes Skyscale faster, and it make it relatively easy to evade things with the Jackel Mastery. It's kind of fun to do it.2.) Precise descending. (Keybinded C for me) We have a button to go straight down. This is when I started to love the mount. This makes it much easier to get to locations.3.) Climb + Energy. This thing really takes off when you max that out. Combined with the precision, this leaves a lot of room for error.4.) Hover (We can talk and figure out what we want to do and where we want to go while being out of combat)

Skyscale has replaced my Bunny, and has become my general all purpose mount.

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My only issue's with the Skyskale. Is while pushing forward button they will "wall grab" damn near anything even small bushes and rocks low to the ground. Also they are too slow to elevate, I at times feel like I have to press my key extra hard like I'm struggling lifting heavy weight. Other than that I enjoy using mine.

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@Zephyr.5382 said:Have you tried mapping with it yet? It really trivializes getting to most of the POIs, so is way faster. Also, it has supplanted griffon as my default mount, so...to each their own.

I just use the Springer and Gryphon for most of my mapping, which works wonders.

@"NYG.2568" said:My only issue's with the Skyskale. Is while pushing forward button they will "wall grab" kitten near anything even small bushes and rocks low to the ground. Also they are too slow to elevate, I at times feel like I have to press my key extra hard like I'm struggling lifting heavy weight. Other than that I enjoy using mine.

That's also a thing I really don't like about it, you come as much to a meter away from a wall and a magnet just sucks you in. xD

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The main benefits of the skyscale for me are that it flies slower than the griffon and it can hover, which makes it a superior mount for exploring because I can look around to find where to go or see if I can spot whatever I'm looking for without having to land. It's great for doing those PoF treasure maps for example because I don't have to juggle the wing flap and pinging the search skill whilst trying to keep it pointed in the right direction. Being able to drop down and then regain height without landing, swapping to the springer and remounting further up is also extremely useful.

It may not be as much of a 'must have' as the core mounts but IMO it's better that way because so much harder to get, and potentially more expensive. How annoying would it be if you bought PoF for mounts, got all the base ones unlocked and then found out actually you really need to buy a whole Living World Season, complete all the episodes and do a long series of collections before you can actually keep up with other players? Some people have called the skyscale a legendary mount and just like legendary equipment in GW2 I think it should be more of a convenience or 'horizontal upgrade' than a direct improvement.

But also it's a dragon. That alone means I'd love it and use it even if it was worse than all the other mounts.

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@Calvsie.3675 said:takes the skyscale on a joyous picnic lunch in Ascalon

I am confused when I see these type of post as it sounds like they are using something completely different from what I am.

Also they are completely discounting how useful hovering in place is.

Right? Doing bounty trains in POF is amazingly awesome with a skyscale. I always feel so sorry for the folks who have to catch up with the flock of skyscales now. It /really/ showcases the advantages. It's like, do I /really/ feel like swapping from raptor to springer to griffon to get somewhere or just skyscale and hover if I have to afk to grab a drink or the phone or finish a seam(I sew while doing gw a lot).

I do agree that the clinging can be super irritating. For some reason mine just looooooves flagpoles. But they are the very same flagpoles my bunny would hit his head on, so this might be a me issue. :anguished:

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@Danikat.8537 said:But also it's a dragon.

I mean yes, but it looks like it have flown into one too many walls, the face is way too stubby for my liking, and Anet decided to stop selling the Shimmerwing the day before I could buy it.. Still a bit salty about that.

But again, my main issue that it is just simply, for what little time I have tested it, it is just far too slow to go anywhere with.. Like with the Beetle on the ground or Gryphon in the air I can go at Sonic speeds.. But the Skyscale just.. It feels slower than walking speed. Not to mention that it's flight bar is so short you can barely fly straight for a minute before needing to fly down, land, recover your flightbar, then try to get up to the altitude you were at again.

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@Etria.3642 said:You don't need to land and wait for the flightbar to refill, just touch and go.

Well I did not know that, in any case, it's bar just depletes so fast, I can stay in the air on a Gryphon for a solid 30+ seconds atleast, baring in mind I get a good cliff, while going fast, while the skyscale just moves at a snails pace in the air compared to the Gryphon, which is what I use my mounts for, to get somewhere fast.

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:But also it's a dragon.

I mean yes, but it looks like it have flown into one too many walls, the face is way too stubby for my liking, and Anet decided to stop selling the Shimmerwing the day before I could buy it.. Still a bit salty about that.

But again, my main issue that it is just simply, for what little time I have tested it, it is just far too slow to go anywhere with.. Like with the Beetle on the ground or Gryphon in the air I can go at Sonic speeds.. But the Skyscale just.. It feels slower than walking speed. Not to mention that it's flight bar is so short you can barely fly straight for a minute before needing to fly down, land, recover your flightbar, then try to get up to the altitude you were at again.

If your sole concern is getting to your destination as quickly as possible then you're right that the skyscale is not the best mount to use. But GW2 mounts have never been just a speed boost, even the raptor has canyon jumping as an additional function. The jackal, skimmer and (going horizontally) springer are all slower than the raptor but they're still not redundant, even though everyone who has them will also have the raptor, because they serve other purposes. And it's the same with the griffon and the skyscale - the griffon is for speed, the skyscale is for more precise movement and the ability to gain height in the air.

But also the flight bar is only used for gaining height, not to stay in the air. The skyscale (like the griffon) does lose height gradually as it's flying but there's absolutely no need to fly down and land because it's run out, you can keep going as long as there's enough space to stay airborne. You'd only need to land and let it recharge if you had reached the ground anyway (either because the skyscale dropped enough or because the ground is rising), but I assume that's not what you're referring to since you specifically mentioned having to fly down to land.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:But also it's a dragon.

I mean yes, but it looks like it have flown into one too many walls, the face is way too stubby for my liking, and Anet decided to stop selling the Shimmerwing the day before I could buy it.. Still a bit salty about that.

But again, my main issue that it is just simply, for what little time I have tested it, it is just far too slow to go anywhere with.. Like with the Beetle on the ground or Gryphon in the air I can go at Sonic speeds.. But the Skyscale just.. It feels slower than walking speed. Not to mention that it's flight bar is so short you can barely fly straight for a minute before needing to fly down, land, recover your flightbar, then try to get up to the altitude you were at again.

If your sole concern is getting to your destination as quickly as possible then you're right that the skyscale is not the best mount to use. But GW2 mounts have never been just a speed boost, even the raptor has canyon jumping as an additional function. The jackal, skimmer and (going horizontally) springer are all slower than the raptor but they're still not redundant, even though everyone who has them will also have the raptor, because they serve other purposes. And it's the same with the griffon and the skyscale - the griffon is for speed, the skyscale is for more precise movement and the ability to gain height in the air.

But also the flight bar is only used for gaining height, not to stay in the air. The skyscale (like the griffon) does lose height gradually as it's flying but there's absolutely no need to fly down and land because it's run out, you can keep going as long as there's enough space to stay airborne. You'd only need to land and let it recharge if you had reached the ground anyway (either because the skyscale dropped enough or because the ground is rising), but I assume that's not what you're referring to since you specifically mentioned having to fly down to land.

And that is my sole concern :p I know they are not used only for Speedboosts, and I do believe I pointed that out in my original post, but if I am in thhen I mount my Skyscale and just experience that slow, tedious flying, with no way to speed up unless you use Dodge/Barrel Roll, it's kinda dissapointing you feel me ?

I know both mounts loses height gradually, but atleast on the Gryphon you can make a nosedive before pulling back up, which is really fun. And useful. Which is my problem with the flightbar, there really is no way to quickly gain altitude back as you can on the Gryphon.

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I enjoy the Skyscale very much; so much, in fact, that I barely use any other Mount.

I mean I respect that, but in my opinion the Skyscale is just so.. underwhelming compared to the other mounts which did not even take 1/4 of the effort to get, which is my problem with it.

  1. Let it fly all the time, the maps are instanced so its not like we will just fly up and over everything. (Invisible walls)
  2. Give it a better engage because its kinda eh
  3. make it a tiny bit faster, who cares if it invalidates griff? People will use the mount THEY like more, which is the case right now anyhow.
  4. I still like my dragon~ Regardless of this clunky dummy thiccness
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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Etria.3642 said:You don't need to land and wait for the flightbar to refill, just touch and go.

Well I did not know that, in any case, it's bar just depletes so fast, I can stay in the air on a Gryphon for a solid 30+ seconds atleast, baring in mind I get a good cliff, while going fast, while the skyscale just moves at a snails pace in the air compared to the Gryphon, which is what I use my mounts for, to get somewhere fast.

@GoldenPants: Are you using Dash skill "V" coupled with Bond of Vigor on Skyscale ? If your Endurance bar is full that's x2 Dash, then use use Bond of Vigor, that's another x2 Dash; wait for both to replenish, repeat.

Personally I think the Skyscale is perfect as it is. It was never meant to replace that supersonic dive speed of Griffon, and why would Anet do that because it would make Griffon completely redundant ?!

For someone that loved Griffon and used it constantly, I never thought I would use Skyscale very much, and even when I started with it I found it "clunky" and "slow" but that's because I was a noob Skyscale flyer not using it, how it's meant to be used. I stuck with Skyscale even though I was not an initial fan, and guess what ? Now I never ever use Griffon. If I need to get somewhere fast I just WP or TP to friend, then Skyscale it with Dash skill the rest of the way.

Skyscale really is the most single functionally versatile mount in the game now which is why I don't tend to use any other mounts, and its just easier and faster to stick with it than use Raptor, dismount Raptor, mount skimmer, dismount skimmer, mount raptor, dismount raptor, mount Bunny, dismount Bunny, mount Griffon, dismount Griffon etc.

Instead of all that I just >>> Mount Skyscale :tongue:

So sure Skyscale cannot go through Sand portals like Jackal, it does not have the ground speed of Beetle or Raptor, it does not have the ability to hover on water, it does not have the jump ability of Bunny, and it does not have the dive speed of Griffon...so some might say it does not have a "Master of any Trade" rather its "Jack of all Trades mount"...although just watch all the Skyscales in Casino Meta in Crystal Oasis, how fast they can ascend and dash around to collect Casino Coins. Once you learn the full functionality with fast ascent, dash skill, recharging the blue bar etc its soo much faster than using a combination of Bunny/Griffon/Raptor or w/e I used before I can't even remember. Skyscale IS superior.

So really Skyscale is just fine as it is, learn to play it how it should be played and not as a "replacement" for Griffon. It's really not to be seen as a replacement and if they made it faster, what would be the point for anyone that does not have Griffon to aspire to unlock it ?

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I enjoy the Skyscale very much; so much, in fact, that I barely use any other Mount.

I mean I respect that, but in my opinion the Skyscale is just so.. underwhelming compared to the other mounts which did not even take 1/4 of the effort to get, which is my problem with it.

  1. Let it fly all the time, the maps are instanced so its not like we will just fly up and over everything. (Invisible walls)
  2. Give it a better engage because its kinda eh
  3. make it a tiny bit faster, who cares if it invalidates griff? People will use the mount THEY like more, which is the case right now anyhow.
  4. I still like my dragon~ Regardless of this clunky dummy thiccness

Yea, my point, it's just not unique enough in my opinion.. It's just.. A jack of all Trades a master of none, unlike the other mounts which are a master of one trade.

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