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Whats preventing you from coming back to play Guild Wars 2 ?

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@"Anchoku.8142" said:There is no creativity value in the game.

  • Cannot build structures of our own design and share them with friends or have them collaborate
  • Recipes are fixed. While there are "discoverable" recipes, they are not flexible in ingredients, method of making, or results.
  • No fishing or other super casual ways to pretend being productive when chilling in-game. (Would need fish recipes, too.)
  • No clothing design options. Let fashion wars fans be creative fitting new designs to characters using a model interface tool.

Combat mechanics can still be improved.

  • Combinations are very simple. Increase their complexity and teamwork dependency.
  • Mob aggression mechanics could be changed to be less driven by a defensive stat and more driven by player actions.
  • Mob AI could be updated to respond like players in PvP by dodging, interrupting skills with tells, focusing on low health individuals, etc.
  • Rework boons and conditions to make them more meaningful, scarce, and balanced. Limit high value boons and conditions to specializations with clear opportunity costs.

Quality of life improvements

  • Allow more than 5 guild memberships or the option to purchase guild slots.
  • Make a training mode for raids and fractals that reduces mob defense and permits WP use when dead while the group is in combat.
  • Create a more sophisticated auto-grouping tool and add performance feedback options for all instanced combat.
  • Add native VR support for multiple platforms.
  • Add an option for a web-based client even if it costs the user a monthly fee.
  • Increase maximum texture and model detail
  • Improve model physics
  • Add a check box in on the BLTP to hide recipes and skins already learned.

I forgot mobs AI ..mobs is a huge one its actually the main reason i stopped doing PvE. I dont think they understood how annoying it is fighting against intelligent players tht force you to be engaged in pvp and then going to pve to deal with really bad AI. The story script would have been fine if not for this. In fact the bad AI is why the story felt so boring not 100% with the script itself.

However I think you are being unrealistic. Maybe its because you don't know whats reasonable to execute in an online game. Web based client, better graphics, better physics. There is a reason why downloaded games look better than web based games. Unless you want massive downgrades, streaming all that detail isnt reasonable.

Upgrading graphics and physics isnt necessary and wont do anything to enhance the experience. For its time, GW2 is the best looking MMORPG. BDO came in later with better graphics, though the art style is completely different.

For a small studio like Anet taking devs to develop VR is also not reasonable especially with VR not being mainstream yet.

AI to be able to respond like humans? I dont know about that, also that is vague because humans do so many things in so many situations. They could make a vastly more intelligent AI. Maybe you are talking about something like OpenAI to look for optimal ways to drop the players health to zero with movement and skills. That would be interesting.

One thing no one mentions is inventory management. This is also one of the main reasons i stopped playing. The filters, the sorting the salvaging. They could have done infinitely better with these things.

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@"Rendalmj.3152" said:This question to some of you who is only here lurking in forums but no longer play the game

There is no sense of loss in this game and it has this motto "Play alone, together!". The game has removed a ton of group content like dungeons and the only thing to do is fractals and raids. This gets VERY old after 3k hours and PvP and WvW is thrown out the window with zero ballances and no vision with what to do with it. Living Story is boring as hell and doing the achievments is even more boring and tedious to do. There is no gear progression at all and even MAPLE STORY 2 has better gear progression than GW2 and Maple story 2 is a social-type of MMO. Yeah if at August 30th I see the same casul-friendly attitude I will leave this game for ESO or FFXIV. I've been ridiculed and ignore for far too long by Anet. This is where I draw my line.

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@Faowri.4159 said:Combination of adult free time and health prevents me from playing more than I'd like to. I try and get back on to bash out each living story ep and then sometimes I start some of the collections and 'extra' bits of the episode, but run out of time before the next one lands. Trying to complete the skyscale collections now D'X GW3 might be out before I finish.

Kinda surprised to see so much vitriol for the story though. I feel like it's dramatically improved from Path of Fire onwards. I've loved having my character be a more central and focused part of the story, with personal stakes, instead of just getting dragged along anonymously by events. I've enjoyed having a much more vivid supporting cast to love or hate, and the cutscenes and general cinematic polish have come such a long way since original release. The only thing I routinely handwave is the often fluffy-sounding lore, which . . . eeeeh, I've always found forgivable if the characters and general thrust of a story are interesting enough.

Maybe it's pure personal taste - I acknowledge that we've moved away from the drier, less personal writing of GW1, but I prefer it whereas perhaps other people don't? I never, ever for a second thought that story was GW1's strong point. But that's just me! :)

I can agree that I could hand wave away the story if the characters and general direction were interesting. I just find the characters to be annoying at best and truly obnoxious for the most part.

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The main thing caused me to disengage from the game is lack of build templates, but maybe that will be addressed soon if the rumors are more than lip service. I wasn't even gonna buy HoT due to that, but a guildee arm-twisted me into it and I held out hope maybe they would add that as a post-HoT feature. When that didn't materialize, I stopped spending & reduced playing time. But if they eventually release one, it would definitely tempt me to return.

Also another factor was the stagnation of wvw development. Maybe the delays in Camelot Unchained will give Anet an opening to make improvements to retain that community.

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Time vs reward ratio.I'd prefer harder content that can be done in less time but with meaningful rewards, instead of brainlessly grinding easy events for a bazillion of useless bags and rewards. That includes raids and fractals as well.What can you do in GW2 in 1 hour that has a very high chance of a meaningful reward and give the players that "just one more run" feeling? Not having a gear progression system ended up hurting the game in the long time imo, the rewards for endless hours of grinding are really shallow.

And on top of that, anything that's even half decent is put in the store for that sweet money grab, so the only thing with actual value that's meaningful in GW2 is liquid gold.That turns the game into a glorified gold farming simulator, by any means necessary.

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GW2 lost me as a major player mere months after release when they dropped Ascended gear, and between that and the high cost of getting other maxed out gear, I had a strong sense that their design philosophy then and going forward was not going to be the same sense of maxing out quickly and then making strategic choices with builds to tackle content like I experienced in GW. That pushed me into the content where I could avoid all of that: activities. Activities continued the tradition from GW of being very interesting applications of one or two concepts, and building thematic games that worked well within a limited framework. Unfortunately, activities have received less support overall than similar modes in GW that has gotten worse over time, have been wracked with mechanics that break their games that have gotten worse over time, have rewarded players relatively far less than in GW and has gotten worse over time, and have incentives pushed through achievements, reward schemes, and team composition that encourage behavior I consider to be extremely poor that have gotten worse over time. Not only are any lessons from what made similar modes in GW successful not applied as if they were ever learned, but lessons about what draws players to content now don't even get applied to these modes. They are largely abandoned in favor of other kinds of content, like adventures, which continue in the philosophy of the main game in favoring whoever buys and grinds the most content rather than letting players play on even ground.

I have written before on specific issues for each activity mode, but it's not worth my time anymore. Where ANet is at with supporting activities is releasing old content with zero effective reward or achievement support (Aspect Arena, Reaper's Rumble) or new content that is mechanically bankrupt (Basket Brawl vs. Keg Brawl). They don't even demonstrate a level of competence or interest in supporting the mode worth criticizing anymore, because it would merely fall on lame or deaf ears. I wouldn't come back to the game unless ANet could show me something otherwise.

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@"VaLee.5102" said:Time vs reward ratio.I'd prefer harder content that can be done in less time but with meaningful rewards, instead of brainlessly grinding easy events for a bazillion of useless bags and rewards. That includes raids and fractals as well.What can you do in GW2 in 1 hour that has a very high chance of a meaningful reward and give the players that "just one more run" feeling? Not having a gear progression system ended up hurting the game in the long time imo, the rewards for endless hours of grinding are really shallow.

And on top of that, anything that's even half decent is put in the store for that sweet money grab, so the only thing with actual value that's meaningful in GW2 is liquid gold.That turns the game into a glorified gold farming simulator, by any means necessary.

The vast majority of skins that I like are in game. I dont care for most gemstore cosmetics. Other than that I agree with your points.

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Not being able to skip through living atory dialogue and gameplay that mostly involves walking around talking to people. Pretty much all the content we get is connected to the living story now. As someone who is no longer interested in the story, all the scenes that invole me having to run/walk along while the characters ramble are extremely unenjoyable.

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nothing. i play alot, im just hoping more official information comes out to make up for the fact that the 45 minute living world presentation was squeezed into 15 minutes and then supplemented by promotional items, ending in 35 minutes. i just think it should have been 45 minutes of what they repeatedly said it would be, and hope they are willing to talk more about the things they mentioned since that 45 minute presentation didnt really end up happening.

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@dragonkain.3984 said:1.No tengu.2.Overall laziness of developers (no coloring on backpacks would be the biggest example)3.No other ranked modes besides the stupid conquest in pvp.4.90% of balance changes are nerfs, nerfs never get many people excited to continue playing, they only scare them away.

Is the lack of ability to color backpacks an indication of laziness on your part?

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Several things are. I've played GW1 and 2 from the very beginning. Now however, I'm an expansion behind having not ever purchased or played PoF. Foremost, I am a crafter, legendary maker, lore buff. None of which seem to be going anywhere anymore in the grand scheme of things. By that I mean, the importance of them has dropped down to nothing as far as game improvements go (to me...look I get you have your own feelings on this, this is mine). I don't like raiding at all, even the concept of it. Its very exclusive and niche dictated. That counts me out straight away. The dependency on jumping, bouncing, mini games I really don't like at all but are now prevalent play, even to obtain legendaries. I get it...its become part of the GW2 experience now, I understand that, but that is a huge part why I haven't been playing for quite some time now.

Cringe worthy dialogue. Rehashed maps. Festivals based on jumping, bouncing, I don't even bother with. Used to be, there were alternative ways to participate in festivals, not so anymore.

End boss fights that are long, tedious, not explained niche moves that can't be countered but by some unexplained find out yourself after trying obscene amounts of times down to your undies, frustrated, angry, finally get through it hating it with a passion when your done, fights. I despise that and so no longer finish seasons because of that. I don't play to get so angry I have to get up and walk outside, shut the game off and not return to it for months at a time. This time, the months have turned into years almost. So I don't see that changing (another time to say...this is MY opinion...you have yours, I don't expect this to change, I don't expect to change your mind nor do I want to do that, this is my opinion alone) others have stated the same in my small group of people I play with or have played with. I bring up coming back and hear an audible groan and statements of "yah that last boss fight to finish the story finished me before I finished fighting that awful mess so yah no I'm done...go play it but without me. If I can't see the end of the story I don't want to see the beginning either"

The game and I have seemed to have taken very different paths. That happens sometimes in gaming. I love the lore, I love the stories, I love the art, I loved my character I had all these years. Years of great gaming. But its different now, since the most awful for me jungle expansion that literally led me to put my character away and walk away completely. I watch the forums, I watch videos, I keep up with news, changes, in hopes that one day I'll come back. I liked this living world season video I saw at the announcement Nov 30th. I did not like the presentation of it. I might try it just to see...has it changed. Have I changed. My jury is out for this season...I'll see. I do feel like I've gone separate ways with a best friend, trying to find ways to get back to the way it was but unable to do so. Not the games fault, not my fault. It just is what it is. I'll hold out hope always but I doubt I'll ever come back.

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SPvP Map choice.

The fact that I have no option to choose what map I to play on. That I can play for hours upon hours and make zero progress towards personal goals, thereby earning zero rewards despite a high win/loss ratio.

I guess I can just live with the dishonor lockout and play something else until the timer passes and then hope to get into a chosen map again.

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@dragonkain.3984 said:4.90% of balance changes are nerfs

I know, right? The power creep with elite specs has been awful and badly needs being brought into line.

@"Lambent.6375" said:Not being able to skip through living story dialogue and gameplay that mostly involves walking around talking to people. Pretty much all the content we get is connected to the living story now. As someone who is no longer interested in the story, all the scenes that invole me having to run/walk along while the characters ramble are extremely unenjoyable.

omg this. I would love to go back and target achievements, especially Season 2, but the story just.. trudges.. along. And so many of the achievements are the "oops your toe got caught in the floor of lava, end run" variety that it's just too punishing. I desperately miss the old tableau panels (even if they did feel too visual novel).

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A couple things kept me coming back, but just don't do the trick anymore, besides LS and that's only to an extent.

  1. Got burnt out on PvP. 15,000-20,000 matches of conquest just ruined the game mode for me, as well as seeing my friends leave because of metas, no more ranked queue pushing out a lot of the competitive players, (queue sniping into a five man with your own five man brings back so many memories and you didn't have to wait for AT's to have fun 5v5 team matches).
  2. I used to LOVE WvW, that passion died after 2 years when I realized it would always be the same.
  3. LS brings me back for a couple of days, I rush through the content and then I don't feel implored to seek out the achievements.
  4. I came back to GW1 to farm all the greens in game, and go through the RNG experience. I loved it. Running certain dungeons with the hope that I'd get that rare VS, or BDS. That was an amazing feeling. With GW2 I think they put a lot of beautifully designed weapons into the gemstore. Completely skipping the content or challenge part of getting those weapons, and now you just need an outside currency. I bought a lot of gemstore weapons in hope that it'd support the game, but also fueled the fire for this game becoming mostly microtransactions without the content.
  5. I came back to my friends, and now even they have gotten fed up and found the same pessimistic view that I had found.
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Every since I got my Class A CDL it’s been keeping me very, very busy. Especially since I drive Box and Semi Trucks delivering to stops. Work about 60-70 hours weekly. No down time during the week and have some but very little time on the weekends.

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We don't need to hear details of expansion content but the community in general did need to hear Anet is at least working on one. Something like we are working on one and we should be done in about a year. Not saying anything at all after 2 years pretty much confirms expansions are dead and here's the proof for me, season 4 leads to season 5 announcement and now it's no longer called seasons they will be called sagas and sagas if successful will lead to saga DLC with a price tag. One more year of this kind of blunder and there won't be an 8th anniversary. I'm a big fan of Wooden Potato and even him is displeased about the lack of expansion news and Anet's total indifference surrounding the subject. However you don't need to twist their arm about the store and everything new that goes into it every month. An MMO can't survive without expansions and NC Soft is slowly pushing the game off the cliff. As an old player since day one of Guild Wars 1 I'll probably go down with the ship. :/

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Lack of compelling content to play or compelling reasons to repeatedly play the stuff we do have.

So much is released in the gem store now that I really can't be arsed to farm gold for hours a day when I can just buy an item with a fraction of the time investment via my job and $$$

And even at that point, I'm just left to wonder why I should spend $10 to buy the Lightbinder Sword if I have no real reason to use it in anything.

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