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What happened to the question and answer part of the event?

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:We gathered the questions (including in German, French and Spanish) and then discussed with the team what was relevant to our announcement, so that we could answer them. While you may not see a direct answer to a given question, comments that players made had an impact on the script of our event.

I recommend different phrasing if ANet plans something like this again. When people read, "we will be taking questions in advance," there's an expectation of a Q&A format, in which a question is presented (even if modified) and a direct response is offered. It also helps people visually see how many topics the respondent covers.

Since the corporate plan from the start was to incorporate answers into the main presentation, a more useful phrasing would be closer to

Are there topics you would like us to cover during the event? Please let us know here. We plan to adjust our presentation based on your feedback. Unfortunately, we won't have time to address specific questions.

Both styles work well for general audiences. It's only a problem when people attend expecting the one and end up getting the other.


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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

Page 3


! >
have the devs thought about adding a private test server type system using the PoF and HoT beta system to allow players the chance to test the content to avoid any possible update breaking bugs like the bug that released with Long Live the Lich?! A: Not addressed. (However, in the past, the devs have always said that this is cost inefficient to the point that it's not worth considering.)!! >
Will the event cover information about PvP and WvW for those possibly interested in going? or just Living Story?! A: Just story (based both on what they said in advance and what we actually saw.)!! >
Is there any chance that Living World could incorporate WvW and PvP game modes into the story ?! A: Not addressed. Seems unlikely.!! >
How many people are currently dedicated to the wvw, pvp game modes?! A: Not addressed.!! >
Shouldn't there have been more fallout in the world after the Commander and the Pact killed two Elder Dragons and then suddenly the commander changed his opinion on the Elder Dragon killing? Shouldn't at least the Norn and the Vigil have objected more? And why are not large groups of people questioning the fact that we gave Aurene a huge amount of magic, making her the most powerful Elder Dragon to date? Why would people in the world accept that she is benevolent? Most people don't know her. Do you not think that these questions should be explored in a real sense, through more than a throw-away line from Rytlock for example?! A: Not directly addressed. Although apparently, this might come up.!! >
Now that 3 Elder Dragons are dead, 2 are asleep and 1 does not affect the continent of Tyria directly, what are some of the challenges you face in writing the story going forward? To what extent do you think the game world of GW2 depend on the Elder Dragon threat? A lot of the status quo depends on the Elder Dragons being an active force. The forming of the Vigil, the forming of the Pact, the Human-Charr treaty, the withdrawel of the Tengu and so on. Shouldn't this status quo change now that the Elder Dragon threat is so much more distant?! A: Apparently not so distant.!! >
1: Is it possible to safe blish or is he gone and lost forever :'( ?! A: See
that one of the writers posted a few weeks ago.!! >
Will we find out more about Steve/ bubbels/ the DSD?! A: Not addressed.!! >
Will your the race of your character effect the new LW story? And which playable race will be in the spotlight the most this LW?! A: Not addressed in the presentation. However, in the past, writers have talked about how incredibly expensive that is and why it's almost certainly never going to happen.!! >
Which characters will be part of the cast/recurring npcs this LW?! A: Indirectly addressed. Braham, Rytlock appear to be important. Unclear who all else!! >
Will there be more quaggans and choya ^^?! A: Not addressed!! >
Have you any plans for future gen 3 legendary weapons in the future?! A: Not addressed!! >
Are there likely to be gen 2 underwater legendary weapons at some point?! A: Not addressed. Seems unlikely.!! >
Will the story continue until every dragon is killed/out or can we expect more stories centered on the races themselves?! A: Seems like a combination!!

Would you be willing to start a new Official Q and A section in the forums? To answer some of those 'unanswered questions'?

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

Page 3

! >
have the devs thought about adding a private test server type system using the PoF and HoT beta system to allow players the chance to test the content to avoid any possible update breaking bugs like the bug that released with Long Live the Lich?! A: Not addressed. (However, in the past, the devs have always said that this is cost inefficient to the point that it's not worth considering.)!! >
Will the event cover information about PvP and WvW for those possibly interested in going? or just Living Story?! A: Just story (based both on what they said in advance and what we actually saw.)!! >
Is there any chance that Living World could incorporate WvW and PvP game modes into the story ?! A: Not addressed. Seems unlikely.!! >
How many people are currently dedicated to the wvw, pvp game modes?! A: Not addressed.!! >
Shouldn't there have been more fallout in the world after the Commander and the Pact killed two Elder Dragons and then suddenly the commander changed his opinion on the Elder Dragon killing? Shouldn't at least the Norn and the Vigil have objected more? And why are not large groups of people questioning the fact that we gave Aurene a huge amount of magic, making her the most powerful Elder Dragon to date? Why would people in the world accept that she is benevolent? Most people don't know her. Do you not think that these questions should be explored in a real sense, through more than a throw-away line from Rytlock for example?! A: Not directly addressed. Although apparently, this might come up.!! >
Now that 3 Elder Dragons are dead, 2 are asleep and 1 does not affect the continent of Tyria directly, what are some of the challenges you face in writing the story going forward? To what extent do you think the game world of GW2 depend on the Elder Dragon threat? A lot of the status quo depends on the Elder Dragons being an active force. The forming of the Vigil, the forming of the Pact, the Human-Charr treaty, the withdrawel of the Tengu and so on. Shouldn't this status quo change now that the Elder Dragon threat is so much more distant?! A: Apparently not so distant.!! >
1: Is it possible to safe blish or is he gone and lost forever :'( ?! A: See
that one of the writers posted a few weeks ago.!! >
Will we find out more about Steve/ bubbels/ the DSD?! A: Not addressed.!! >
Will your the race of your character effect the new LW story? And which playable race will be in the spotlight the most this LW?! A: Not addressed in the presentation. However, in the past, writers have talked about how incredibly expensive that is and why it's almost certainly never going to happen.!! >
Which characters will be part of the cast/recurring npcs this LW?! A: Indirectly addressed. Braham, Rytlock appear to be important. Unclear who all else!! >
Will there be more quaggans and choya ^^?! A: Not addressed!! >
Have you any plans for future gen 3 legendary weapons in the future?! A: Not addressed!! >
Are there likely to be gen 2 underwater legendary weapons at some point?! A: Not addressed. Seems unlikely.!! >
Will the story continue until every dragon is killed/out or can we expect more stories centered on the races themselves?! A: Seems like a combination!!

Would you be willing to start a new Official Q and A section in the forums? To answer some of those 'unanswered questions'?

naaaa, were done.. It's fine.. We stop playing & getting over it.

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Since these questions haven't been answered I'm slowly distancing myself from this game. Even though I've spent 2200+ hours in the past year and more money than I care to admit on the gem store. Based on the history of this MMO and current state of things I can predict that the remaining veterans in WvW, Fractals and Raids are going to be gone soon. A roadmap with some tentative dates for the future of this MMO is all we're asking for. Without that we can only predict that the community is going to be dead. Why waste your time on a MMO without a community and subsequently a future?

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@"JustTrogdor.7892" said:From:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83087/join-us-for-a-special-live-event-tomorrow-friday-august-30/p1

We will be taking questions in advance and we will answer as many as we can over the course of the event. So share below what you’d like to know from the team about the newest chapter of Guild Wars 2 Living World.

I didn't see that happen during the event stream. Or is the event still ongoing somehow and we can expect that later?

Likely only answered questions specifically about the LW5 stuff only

Edit:I was correct as stated by the Anet comment above.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Here's a list of the questions asked in the original thread. If I have an answer from the presentation or the follow-up posts, I'll include it. (I'm not linking to specific posts or offering attributions; anyone who is interested can visit the thread.) When I noticed, I combined similar questions together (different lines for different posters)

I'm separating this into three more posts, one for each page. Let me know what I missed (whether question or answer).

Summary: based on how many times I typed, "not addressed," it seems like most of the questions asked by players were not covered. Many critical concerns were not covered, even those that relate indirectly to the stated topic.

To be clear, all ANet promised us was "the very first look at an all-new chapter in Guild Wars 2‘s Living World story." They never so much as hinted that they would talk about schedules or features or anything else. So it's not surprising to me that they stuck to that topic.

Top Questions

Will there be new elite specs.A: Not addressed at all.

What's the status of WvW RestructuringA: Mentioned, without any specifics.

What will be the cadence of future releasesA: Not addressed.

Will there be an expansion?A: Not addressed

Anet if you are going to answer us any questions pick these ones. Talking big about sagas and their expansion feature while mentioning nothing for expansion features (like elite specs) or even whats the cadence we should expect does more harm than good.

We all know that silence can mean multiple things but what do you think ppl will gravidate to?

Q: Will there be new elite specs.

Anet:you wont like the answer so we are not giving you one.

Q: What's the status of WvW Restructuring

Anet: in a few months we will have more to tell you.

Q: What will be the cadence of future releases

Anet: see answer to the elite specs question.

Q: Will there be an expansion?

Anet: see answer to the elite specs question.

Can we get some transparency?

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:We gathered the questions (including in German, French and Spanish) and then discussed with the team what was relevant to our announcement, so that we could answer them. While you may not see a direct answer to a given question, comments that players made had an impact on the script of our event.

The problem is there are a lot of questions that have gone unanswered for way too long at this point. Those issues are going to continually overshadow anything you do for the foreseeable future - not just for this announcement.

As an example, when you said that living stories will include things typically reserved for expansions, what specifically were you talking about? What is the status of elite specializations moving forward? Status of specific game modes?

These questions have been raised on the reddit and these forums repeatedly for the past month. That the Anet team didn't address any of them in any way pretty much hurts any real excitement (and we should be excited) about the actual announcement.

In summary, it is time for a warts and all AMA. Give players a real vision of what the future of the game really looks like.

Players assume that any vision that ANet puts out is set in stone and won't change due to unforeseen problems. Then when something changes, players complain that they've broken a promise.

You can thank those players for why ANet chooses more often than not to keep a tight lip on anything except what's about to launch.

I disagree.

I mentioned this on this forum before in defensive of Anet's recent announcement, but this secretive policy tend to bite Anet in the rear more then it helps.

Examples of this which you speaking of is the First Expansion and Expansions in general. Before LW2's ending which revealed the first expansion HoT, we had no idea that Anet was working on, let alone even considering having Expansions. This is because near Vanilla release Anet specifically said they were not going to have expansions.

But somewhere down the road between then and LW2, Anet changed their mind on this approach.

YET because of their secretive policy of no communication with us unless the content is nearly done, WE had NO IDEA THAT ANET EVEN CHANGED THEIR MINDS ON EXPANSIONS until they revealed it in LW2. Fast forward to now with LW5, which as I said in other threads, is likely the lead up into the Third Expansion like Lw2 was for HoT, but again the secretive code that Anet is back at again, along with the recent mass layoff has people fearful and worried about the future of GW2, because of the word that Anet was using their time and resources on a failed mobile app instead of GW2 itself.Anet may be working on the third expansion, but the secret approach won't let us know anything until likely the end of LW5 which is who knows when that will be.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:We gathered the questions (including in German, French and Spanish) and then discussed with the team what was relevant to our announcement, so that we could answer them. While you may not see a direct answer to a given question, comments that players made had an impact on the script of our event.

The problem is there are a lot of questions that have gone unanswered for way too long at this point. Those issues are going to continually overshadow anything you do for the foreseeable future - not just for this announcement.

As an example, when you said that living stories will include things typically reserved for expansions, what specifically were you talking about? What is the status of elite specializations moving forward? Status of specific game modes?

These questions have been raised on the reddit and these forums repeatedly for the past month. That the Anet team didn't address any of them in any way pretty much hurts any real excitement (and we should be excited) about the actual announcement.

In summary, it is time for a warts and all AMA. Give players a real vision of what the future of the game really looks like.

Players assume that any vision that ANet puts out is set in stone and won't change due to unforeseen problems. Then when something changes, players complain that they've broken a promise.

You can thank those players for why ANet chooses more often than not to keep a tight lip on anything except what's about to launch.

I disagree.

I mentioned this on this forum before in defensive of Anet's recent announcement, but this secretive policy tend to bite Anet in the rear more then it helps.

Examples of this which you speaking of is the First Expansion and Expansions in general. Before LW2's ending which revealed the first expansion HoT, we had no idea that Anet was working on, let alone even considering having Expansions. This is because near Vanilla release Anet specifically said they were not going to have expansions.

But somewhere down the road between then and LW2, Anet changed their mind on this approach.

YET because of their secretive policy of no communication with us unless the content is nearly done, WE had NO IDEA THAT ANET EVEN CHANGED THEIR MINDS ON EXPANSIONS until they revealed it in LW2. Fast forward to now with LW5, which as I said in other threads, is likely the lead up into the Third Expansion like Lw2 was for HoT, but again the secretive code that Anet is back at again, along with the recent mass layoff has people fearful and worried about the future of GW2, because of the word that Anet was using their time and resources on a failed mobile app instead of GW2 itself.Anet may be working on the third expansion, but the secret approach won't let us know anything until likely the end of LW5 which is who knows when that will be.

How does that counter anything I said?

I didn't say anything as to whether that approach was good or bad overall. Just that that's why they tend to be closed lipped on things until it's about ready to launch due to people claiming broken promises when they've had to change plans due to unforeseen circumstances.

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@Vegeta.2563 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:Anet should do a developer livestream where they directly and clearly answer as many questions as they can. It would really do well to ease a lot of the disgruntlement of the playerbase.

I would just be happy if they actually read their stream chat. 99% ignored.

The stream chat during the event was nothing but people spamming.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:Anet should do a developer livestream where they directly and clearly answer as many questions as they can. It would really do well to ease a lot of the disgruntlement of the playerbase.

I would just be happy if they actually read their stream chat. 99% ignored.

The stream chat during the event was nothing but people spamming.

Yeah, maybe that was their plan all along,so that new players could see what they offer,while the negative comments were spammed away with those ridicilous giveaway stuff. puts on alu hat

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