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Heart of Thorns Veteran's Armor Voucher

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Vavume.8065 said:They are some of the ugliest skins in the game, why would veterans have unlocked them all?

Wardrobe Unlocks, for instance. A few newer pieces would have been nice...

You could use wardrobe unlocks for days you still will not have all the skins that are offered in that voucher, the only way a veteran would have all those skins is is they have really gone out of their way to get them.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Vavume.8065 said:You could use wardrobe unlocks for days you still will not have all the skins that are offered in that voucher, the only way a veteran would have all those skins is is they have really gone out of their way to get them.

Does it matter? It's still a very limited selection of skins that have been in the game for ages.

They also gave us a glider and a title, how much more do you want? I was not expecting to get anything free from the announcement stream so how about be grateful for it?

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@Vavume.8065 said:

@Vavume.8065 said:You could use wardrobe unlocks for days you still will not have all the skins that are offered in that voucher, the only way a veteran would have all those skins is is they have really gone out of their way to get them.

Does it matter? It's still a very limited selection of skins that have been in the game for ages.

They also gave us a glider and a title, how much more do you want? I was not expecting to get anything free from the announcement stream so how about be grateful for it?

Well, I am not going to be grateful for a gift of something that I do not need, do not want, and so on. But I am not going to complain about it either.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:A truly small selection most veteran's will likely already have unlocked - I can't be the only one? :/

The name of this item is rather misleading. Everyone who bought HoT before August 30th got it. So in this case "veteran" means "someone who bought HoT when it still cost money"

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I fear the OP's phrasing has confused the issue raised. The OP didn't receive the same bonus as others did, even though the OP likely spent more real money. I think it's reasonable to ask ANet if they took this into account or not.

ANet offered a "gift" to players as a thank you for having spent real money on Heart of Thorns back in the day. The so-called "Heart of Thorns Veteran’s Package" includes three things of value:

  • A Title (which might or might not be "valuable" to everyone)
  • An exclusive glider skin (assuming it isn't eventually added to a wardrobe unlock)
  • A choice of items exclusive to the Gem Shop or various contests, that can also be obtained via a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock.

Unfortunately, for those who spent a lot on gems (and especially on BL keys), that last item has no value because they already have all the skins unlocked. I think it's a fair question to ask if ANet realized this might happen.

I think it would be fair for ANet to decide that the title and glider skin are sufficient, and I hope that the OP (and others) would be able to see that. I also think it would have been better if ANet had thought this through ahead of time and either explicitly said, "sorry, we can't offer a third item for some people" or (better imo) arranged for some token substitute.

After all, the entire point of the "Veteran's Package" is to recognize veterans for sticking with the game so long and skimping on one third of the "recognition" feels like a lack of recognition.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I fear the OP's phrasing has confused the issue raised. The OP didn't receive the same bonus as others did, even though the OP likely spent more real money. I think it's reasonable to ask ANet if they took this into account or not.

ANet offered a "gift" to players as a thank you for having spent real money on Heart of Thorns back in the day. The so-called "Heart of Thorns Veteran’s Package" includes three things of value:

  • A Title (which might or might not be "valuable" to everyone)
  • An exclusive glider skin (assuming it isn't eventually added to a wardrobe unlock)
  • A choice of items exclusive to the Gem Shop or various contests, that can also be obtained via a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock.

Unfortunately, for those who spent a lot on gems (and especially on BL keys), that last item has no value because they already have all the skins unlocked. I think it's a fair question to ask if ANet realized this might happen.

I think it would be fair for ANet to decide that the title and glider skin are sufficient, and I hope that the OP (and others) would be able to see that. I also think it would have been better if ANet had thought this through ahead of time and either explicitly said, "sorry, we can't offer a third item for some people" or (better imo) arranged for some token substitute.

After all, the entire point of the "Veteran's Package" is to recognize veterans for sticking with the game so long and skimping on one third of the "recognition" feels like a lack of recognition.

Thank you for getting the point across better than I could. <3

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Your lucky you even got one. Neither me nor my spouse got one, despite having PoF and HoT since they were new.

Based on ANet posts elsewhere, you might not get yours until Monday or Tuesday.

Interesting, why the delay? a slow rollout of sorts?

Slow rollout, yes.The script has to process millions of accounts (is eligible? yes, check for this and that, create package, attach to mail, send mail). I imagine that could choke up the entire email system (which has never been all that robust in the first place).

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I fear the OP's phrasing has confused the issue raised. The OP didn't receive the same bonus as others did, even though the OP likely spent more real money. I think it's reasonable to ask ANet if they took this into account or not.[...]After all, the entire point of the "Veteran's Package" is to recognize veterans for sticking with the game so long and skimping on one third of the "recognition" feels like a lack of recognition.

Thank you. (insert thumbs-up emoticon which, for some reason, I can no longer post?) :)

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Your lucky you even got one. Neither me nor my spouse got one, despite having PoF and HoT since they were new.

Based on ANet posts elsewhere, you might not get yours until Monday or Tuesday.

Interesting, why the delay? a slow rollout of sorts?

Slow rollout, yes.The script has to process millions of accounts (is eligible? yes, check for this and that, create package, attach to mail, send mail). I imagine that could choke up the entire email system (which has never been all that robust in the first place).

I actually did just get it, and my spouse didn't so slow rollout confirmed.

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