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What happened with the demounting skill?


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@Nebilim.5127 said:Last i read, the dev already had everything working, and was just waiting to release, what's the hold? i'm starting to become sick of people dancing around their mounts and running away from fights.

Yeah that's basically wvw in nutshell these days lol they really shouldn't have released it until they thought of the proper counter measures to deal with such a thing.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:Every modern day large scale RvR MMO gameplay allow Mounts. I don't see how it's any different for this game. Mounts are not the problem. The problem is that there is no passive damage reduction in WvW to scale it down to make fights actually become a thing.

Mounts can be done well. Mounts in GW2 are not done well.

The game was not designed with mounts in mind as evidenced by their refusal to add them until their second expansion. Thus, it was critical that the mounts be designed around the game to ensure that nothing Awful happened. Instead, they were yeeted into the game without a second thought and only the most egregious exploits were fixed sometime after the fact. It's still possible that they can be changed to actually fit or the rest of the game can change around them but...who really thinks that's going to happen? WvW is a competitive gamemode that's treated like a single-player sandbox. They just toss random stuff in and let it fester.

To be fair, there are some people that seem to care and some changes seem to suggest as much...but that's, unfortunately, not the general rule.

edit: Also, passive damage reduction would be great. Or at least a rollback of the post-expansion damagecreep.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:Every modern day large scale RvR MMO gameplay allow Mounts. I don't see how it's any different for this game. Mounts are not the problem. The problem is that there is no passive damage reduction in WvW to scale it down to make fights actually become a thing.

@Knighthonor.4061 said:Every modern day large scale RvR MMO gameplay allow Mounts. I don't see how it's any different for this game. Mounts are not the problem. The problem is that there is no passive damage reduction in WvW to scale it down to make fights actually become a thing.

In other said games you have no dodges on your mount, it is easy to catch up with the mount, and you get dismounted uppon taking damage, the problem isn't the mount itself, it is how it is (un)balanced.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:Every modern day large scale RvR MMO gameplay allow Mounts. I don't see how it's any different for this game. Mounts are not the problem. The problem is that there is no passive damage reduction in WvW to scale it down to make fights actually become a thing.

Would like to see how the disable works before we look at additional changes. That said could also see some weekly events where changes could be tried. Example reduce mount HP to 5000,1000,100, 1 but double dodges, remove the CC block and such. Maybe a way to scale mount health to player, players runs tankier, mount can take more, more glass cannon, less.

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