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suggestion in Guildwars 2 - to add revenue to the game and makes it more exciting.


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  1. Can you guys create different types of cape version of bag or shoulder?
  2. Please change the outfit. Make it like a wardrobe where we can mix and match it. If it's possible, Separate the chest armor into two pieces (inner and outer) I think it will be more exciting.
  3. Gloves option - can choose different gloves on both hands. Example: left arm: radiant vambraces / Right arm: leystone vambraces.
  4. Please add more hairstyle - adjustable to make it shorter or longer.
  5. Please add more mount skin option. Example: we can change the saddle style and mount feature (face and other) of the mount. (like a wardrobe - mix and match)
  6. Make the mount not to disappear option: example: make it looks like it will follow you after dismount like a ranger pet or stay in a certain distance (applicable only to the last mount you use). Call option when it's time to ride.
  7. Miniature option: can change the name, outfit, height, colors. Add options where it can also give a bit of a buff, remove conditions, and others. (feature can is only applicable in world exploration- no effect on PVP or PVE)

I think this will add revenue to the game and makes Guildwars 2 more exciting.

Thank you.

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It's only relatively recently they developed the tech to do cloth in such a way. If you're asking for full capes, it likely won't happen due to clipping issues and how much they would have to change them up to work with charr. But there are the racing scarves and now the Ebon Shoulders as shoulder items that have cloth but aren't capes so you can reasonably expect to see more shoulders like that.

They've stated repeatedly that this isn't possible. Or rather, it would take a lot of work and outfits are easier and faster to make as they are a single piece so they don't have to test it with all other armour skins for clipping issues. Occasionally they "break off" a small piece of outfits that are popular and easy to have as a standalone skin, but that's it.

I actually like this idea, though I don't know how easy it would be for them to do. I imagine it would mean re-coding every single glove then messing with the UI which is already notoriously finicky.

Don't know if the engine can change the length or shape of hair as that wasn't even an option in GW1, but more hairstyles (and horns and beards) are always nice.

See #2. Mounts are designed as a whole, not assembled in parts.

In a single-player game this is fine. In an MMO that would add far too much clutter. Yes GW2 has become very visually noisy, but that doesn't mean it has to get worse. Also, to get mounts to work, they are coded as a chair. The mount and the player character are considered the same model and there is no way to separate them.

If you're referring to mini pets, that won't happen. Mini pets are just scaled down versions of existing models or custom mini models. Not even in GW1 did they give you buffs. Early in GW2's development there were plans to use the minis in polymock but that fell through, so now they're for fun and collecting. Most people wouldn't even notice if you customize them or not, anyway, and that's a lot of resources that could go into something that's not extremely niche.

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@LARFERA.3749 said:Suggestion:

  1. Can you guys create different types of cape version of bag or shoulder?
  2. Please change the outfit. Make it like a wardrobe where we can mix and match it. If it's possible, Separate the chest armor into two pieces (inner and outer) I think it will be more exciting.
  3. Gloves option - can choose different gloves on both hands. Example: left arm: radiant vambraces / Right arm: leystone vambraces.
  4. Please add more hairstyle - adjustable to make it shorter or longer.
  5. Please add more mount skin option. Example: we can change the saddle style and mount feature (face and other) of the mount. (like a wardrobe - mix and match)
  6. Make the mount not to disappear option: example: make it looks like it will follow you after dismount like a ranger pet or stay in a certain distance (applicable only to the last mount you use). Call option when it's time to ride.
  7. Miniature option: can change the name, outfit, height, colors. Add options where it can also give a bit of a buff, remove conditions, and others. (feature can is only applicable in world exploration- no effect on PVP or PVE)

I think this will add revenue to the game and makes Guildwars 2 more exciting.

Thank you.

Ideas,if implemented, that would drive even more away from the game.

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@"LARFERA.3749" said:Suggestion:

  1. Can you guys create different types of cape version of bag or shoulder?
  2. Please change the outfit. Make it like a wardrobe where we can mix and match it. If it's possible, Separate the chest armor into two pieces (inner and outer) I think it will be more exciting.
  3. Gloves option - can choose different gloves on both hands. Example: left arm: radiant vambraces / Right arm: leystone vambraces.
  4. Please add more hairstyle - adjustable to make it shorter or longer.
  5. Please add more mount skin option. Example: we can change the saddle style and mount feature (face and other) of the mount. (like a wardrobe - mix and match)
  6. Make the mount not to disappear option: example: make it looks like it will follow you after dismount like a ranger pet or stay in a certain distance (applicable only to the last mount you use). Call option when it's time to ride.
  7. Miniature option: can change the name, outfit, height, colors. Add options where it can also give a bit of a buff, remove conditions, and others. (feature can is only applicable in world exploration- no effect on PVP or PVE)

I think this will add revenue to the game and makes Guildwars 2 more exciting.

Thank you.

3 seems hard, but really cool. Same goes for 6, but, just like Zephire.8049 said, the game is already "visually noisy", that would make it alot worst, only, sorry, still, cool ideas.

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Suggestion/ reasons:

  1. Can you guys create different types of cape version of bag or shoulder?

    • they already have a cape-like design (exalted shoulders) but does not look like a true cape.
    1. Please change the outfit. Make it like a wardrobe where we can mix and match it. If it's possible, Separate the chest armor into two pieces (inner and outer) I think it will be more exciting.

      • It's not about fashion wars- it is about the freedom to design your characters without limits.
      • I like to create a character that looks like historical figures, animes, and others.
    2. Gloves option - can choose different gloves on both hands. Example: left arm: radiant vambraces / Right arm: leystone vambraces.

      • they already have gloves that have a different design on both hands (weaver's antipode)- all they need to do is to make an option to separate them.
    3. Please add more hairstyle - adjustable to make it shorter or longer.

      • it is just an option, not a nesisity.
    4. Please add more mount skin option. Example: we can change the saddle style and mount feature (face and other) of the mount. (like a wardrobe - mix and match)

      • Mount skin have a Saddle - I just want to use interchange the saddle to a different mount.
      • Feature: makes it more personalized to your own character.
      • People before have a mix Idea of the integration of mount in the game- but we all love it now.
      • They even integrated the communities suggestion. ( Example: skyscape- egg hunting and growing you mount on your own)( I remembered suggesting this one before and everybody was laughing because they do not like it - like pokemon )( but the genies [developers] granted my wish anyways- fun for me right and a quest for you)
    5. Make the mount not to disappear option: example: make it looks like it will follow you after dismount like a ranger pet or stay in a certain distance (applicable only to the last mount you use). Call option when it's time to ride.

      • It's true that we have a lot of clutter's in the game- that's the reason why I suggested the distance (50 to 100 meters away) so that it will not add to the clutter.
      • Just like what they do for miniatures- they can make it all disappear if there are too many people.
    6. Miniature option: can change the name, outfit, height, colors. Add options where it can also give a bit of a buff, remove conditions, and others. (feature can is only applicable in world exploration- no effect on PVP or PVE)

      • this is not really necessary- but if they can do it, why not.

Our computers in 2013 can't handle the programs like our new and upcoming computers now.Our imaginations have no limits and this game can make it possible.

Please add more feature that you like or dislike. The genies (developers) might grant your wish. Who knows...

Thank you all.

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Suggestion/ reasons:

  1. Can you guys create different types of cape version of bag or shoulder?

    • they already have a cape-like design (exalted shoulders) but does not look like a true cape.
    1. Please change the outfit. Make it like a wardrobe where we can mix and match it. If it's possible, Separate the chest armor into two pieces (inner and outer) I think it will be more exciting.

      • It's not about fashion wars- it is about the freedom to design your characters without limits.
      • I like to create a character that looks like historical figures, animes, and others.
    2. Gloves option - can choose different gloves on both hands. Example: left arm: radiant vambraces / Right arm: leystone vambraces.

      • they already have gloves that have a different design on both hands (weaver's antipode)- all they need to do is to make an option to separate them.
    3. Please add more hairstyle - adjustable to make it shorter or longer.

      • it is just an option, not a nesisity.
    4. Please add more mount skin option. Example: we can change the saddle style and mount feature (face and other) of the mount. (like a wardrobe - mix and match)

      • Mount skin have a Saddle - I just want to use interchange the saddle to a different mount.
      • Feature: makes it more personalized to your own character.
      • People before have a mix Idea of the integration of mount in the game- but we all love it now.
      • They even integrated the communities suggestion. ( Example: skyscape- egg hunting and growing you mount on your own)( I remembered suggesting this one before and everybody was laughing because they do not like it - like pokemon )( but the genies [developers] granted my wish anyways- fun for me right and a quest for you)
    5. Make the mount not to disappear option: example: make it looks like it will follow you after dismount like a ranger pet or stay in a certain distance (applicable only to the last mount you use). Call option when it's time to ride.

      • It's true that we have a lot of clutter's in the game- that's the reason why I suggested the distance (50 to 100 meters away) so that it will not add to the clutter.
      • Just like what they do for miniatures- they can make it all disappear if there are too many people.
    6. Miniature option: can change the name, outfit, height, colors. Add options where it can also give a bit of a buff, remove conditions, and others. (feature can is only applicable in world exploration- no effect on PVP or PVE)

      • this is not really necessary- but if they can do it, why not.

Our computers in 2013 can't handle the programs like our new and upcoming computers now.Our imaginations have no limits and this game can make it possible.

Please add more feature that you like or dislike. The genies (developers) might grant your wish. Who knows...

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As said, the mounts are our character - we transform into riding the mount, rather than it being a separate entity like minis. Your suggestion means remaking the entire mount system from scratch and they aren't going to do that. They will have already debated all the options and dismissed what was unfeasible

The outfits issue is already addressed. It's a one piece thing for technical reasons and they are designed to stay that way.

Minis should not be changed in this way. They need to remain as they are otherwise they become must haves or game breakers if they have buffs. Changing their look just seems like an inordinate amount of work for no gain whatsoever.

I have little issue with the others

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Blude.6812 - well, you stayed in the game when they implemented the mount. Some players said it will ruin the game but it didn't. It even made it better and fun.mindcircus.1506 - be open-minded - think outside the box.starlinvf.1358 - well, our computers now are far better than in 2013- why not revisit what's not possible back then.ugrakarma.9416 - Yessss!!! more fashion wars! why not...Marcelo.4210 - I think your right- it might create more visual noise.

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