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Planned changes to be implemented on Oct. 1


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In this update, we're focusing on changes to the Tactics trait line and warhorn skills. We've removed the traits related to reviving allies in order to make room for new traits and improvements to old traits that focus more on ways warriors can affect allies while they are still in the fight. The new Tactics traits are focused around empowering allies through boons and effects, helping allies who are taking a beating, and a selection of warrior-enhancing battlefield strategies.

  • Charge: The icon for this skill has been updated. This skill now only removes movement-impairing conditions. It now increases the damage of affected allies' next 2 attacks by 25% (10% in WvW) for 8 seconds in addition to its previous effects. Increased swiftness duration from 10 seconds to 15 seconds. This skill is now a blast finisher.
  • Call to Arms: This skill has been renamed Call of Valor, and its functionality has changed. Removed an unnecessary unblockable skill fact. This skill now removes 3 conditions from affected allies instead of specific conditions. It also now applies barrier in addition to vigor.
  • Sight beyond Sight: Increased the radius of this skill to reveal stealth enemies within a radius of 600.
  • Burning Arrows: This trait has been removed, and its effects have been merged with Crack Shot in the Discipline line.
  • Crack Shot: Instead of granting bonus adrenaline for base harpoon gun shots, this trait now adds 3 seconds of bleeding to each shot.
  • Tactics: The Tactics line has been reworked. Several traits in this line now revolve around a new effect called Soldier's Focus, which grants bonuses when executing bursts.
    • Minor:
      • Marching Orders: This new trait grants the Soldier's Focus effect every 15 seconds. This effect is expended when hitting with a burst to grant 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds to allies within a range of 300.
      • Empowered: Moved from the adept tier. The effects are unchanged.
      • Mending Might: This trait applies might to an ally and heals the warrior.
    • Adept:
      • Leg Specialist: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants a 7% damage bonus against foes suffering from a movement-impairing condition. The cooldown on this trait is now calculated per target.
      • Soldier's Comfort: This new trait heals nearby allies when Soldier's Focus activates.
      • Roaring Reveille: This new trait increases the number of targets for warhorn skills from 5 to 10 and causes warhorn skills to grant an additional boon. It grants fury for Charge and resistance for Call to Arms. It also grants an additional 120 concentration.
    • Master:
      • Warrior's Cunning: This new trait increases damage by 25% against foes with health above 90%. Additionally, it increases damage by 50% against foes that have barrier. These bonuses do not stack.
      • Shrug It Off: This trait has moved, and its icon has been updated. In addition to its previous effect, it also causes the warrior to heal allies when removing damaging conditions from them.
      • Empower Allies: In addition to its previous effects, this trait also increases the radius of Soldier's Focus to 600. Added a missing number of targets skill fact.
    • Grandmaster:
      • Martial Cadence: This new trait causes Soldier's Focus to reduce the warrior's equipped weapon skill cooldowns by 3 seconds.
      • Vigorous Shouts: This trait no longer grants adrenaline when using shouts. Instead, it grants healing power equal to 13% of power.
      • Phalanx Strength: Increased might duration from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

Totally did not expect any chance for Burning Arrows (Longbow trait) to be moved out of Tactics, not to mention to be merged with Crack Shot (Rifle and Harpoon) into Discipline, which I am actually quite happy to see. People tend not to take the trait for that the specialization it's within has long being neglected and does not provide synergy or just anything coherent with it. Now freed from the specialization jail, hopefully we'll see more use of Longbow around.

On the changes for Tactics, Leg Specialist combined with Warrior's Cunning provides a huge lot in WvW. However, is it enough for people to willingly give up Strength, Defense or an Elite Specialization for this alone and actually take up the Anti-Barrier role as assigned?

As for the healing part, I suppose it'd all come down to the effectiveness of Soldier's Comfort, though I doubt Warrior as designated healer in a group would ever be a thing before probably the next Elite Spec comes out.

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Looks good.

Burning arrows in Discipline <3

Empowered as a minor + 7% dmg from new leg specialist + EA + Martcial Cadance seems very good for core warrior in pve.

But i still dont see Warriors playing Tactic in wvw.
Maybe some but not meta.

Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.Still no usefull Master Tier Trait.Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

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Warrior's Cunning looks dangerous. I'm already feeling like damage modifiers on most classes should be reeled back in a bit, but +50% damage?

Why not just instead have blows ignore barrier for its duration, like how WC in Guild Wars 1 was a skill that made you unblockable? Or have Wild Blow blast off all barrier before applying its actual damage?

+20% damage feels a bit more reasonable. But I guess I'll just have to wait and see...

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@Infusion.7149 said:(WvW wise) If revs fall out of favor and it's mostly scourges + firebrands then maybe spellbreaker/core warrior with tactics might be worth taking more often. +50% damage will power through scourges' barriers as well as scrapper's and weavers'.

Why spellbreaker or core? A berserker with GS burst will slice through anyone with barrier. Its about about the initial hit than constant damage over time since barrier will be lost and then the damage will decrease. Imagine firing Gunflame onto some guys with 500hp barrier. Gunflame with e.g. 10k will do 15k dmg, minus 500hp barrier is a gain of 4500 dmg. If you slowly degrade the shield, you wont get this much of bonus damage since its only granted while barrier is up

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Burning Arrows merged into Crack Shot was a good change. Rarely has Crack Shot ever been considered but now it's likely the meta pick for condi Warrior who had no choice but to pick the power trait Warrior's Sprint instead.Mending Might doesn't have a proper description, might wanna check that.

I don't understand the Tactics changes.

  • The Cool Stuff™ they're trying to push with the traitline centers around Soldier's Focus, but it has an ICD of 15s. We live in an era of instant, immediate access to 25 might and on-demand burst healing - what is the Soldier's Focus synergy offered in the line doing to compete?
    1. 3 stacks of might every 15 seconds from Marching Orders? Pointless - Way too slow for group-focused play AND so low stacks that you will still be forced to take Phalanx Strength and associated synergy to stack might, which renders this ability redundant.
    2. An uncontrollable heal that ticks every 15s when the buff refreshes itself from Soldier's Comfort? This better be some kind of massive heal (doubtful) because you can barely control when it triggers.
    3. Skill CD reduction from Martial Cadence? It's a strong effect - but there is absolutely no way you can plan a rotation around the variable timings this trait will trigger, leaving getting value out of the proc incredibly hard to capitalize on.

Warhorn Changes:

  • I'm really not sure about Charge's damage increasing effect. This kind of effect has historically been too clunky to see use (see: Elementalist's Arcane Power which has never seen play for it's damage bonus effect). Blast Finisher utility is great, but Warrior still only has access to Fire fields so the scope of what they can reliably do is tiny. (Spellbreaker used to have Lightning but now you can't blast while casting Winds of Disenchantment). All I can see it used for is Raid Squads asking you to 10 man buff before engaging a boss and various cheesy 1-shot attempts in wvw/pvp.
  • Call to Arms change sounds fantastic. Nothing to complain about there. I assume we lose weakness on it since it no longer needs the unblockable skill fact, but Barrier fulfills a similar purpose that works more reliably.
  • Roaring Reveille and Soldier's Comfort being in competing slots is mildly frustrating in the context of our current meta of Healer builds that HAVE to offer boons to compete with Druid. I don't see Healer Warrior working at all even with the proposed changes though.

It looks like Anet is trying to push 2 things with the Tactics rework: Might/Fury Stacking and Healing. I think the fact that Warrior having to pick between the 2 from the changes presented is just going to make it utterly unable to compete with Druid, who fills the same space to 10 people but offers both in 1 package (+spirits). It'll never see play without offering more.Also, Shout healing is still really bad because holding them to heal when you need it is completely contradictory to the skills fulfilling their normal purpose (Can't stack might with FGJ if you want to have healing in your pocket for example) and Warrior still hasn't had a replacement source of Regen that was removed from the banner trait.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Looks good.

Burning arrows in Discipline <3

Empowered as a minor + 7% dmg from new leg specialist + EA + Martcial Cadance seems very good for core warrior in pve.

But i still dont see Warriors playing Tactic in wvw.

Maybe some but not meta.

Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.Still no usefull Master Tier Trait.Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Depends how strong the new heal is I'd say. The range on it is decent enough. I could see some very bunker-y builds with that. I'm assuming it's upwards of 1k.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Looks good.

Burning arrows in Discipline <3

Empowered as a minor + 7% dmg from new leg specialist + EA + Martcial Cadance seems very good for core warrior in pve.

But i still dont see Warriors playing Tactic in wvw.

Maybe some but not meta.

Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.Still no usefull Master Tier Trait.Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Depends how strong the new heal is I'd say. The range on it is decent enough. I could see some very bunker-y builds with that. I'm assuming it's upwards of 1k.

The problem with Shrug it off in wvw is that it will always trigger on 1200 range away from an enemies autohit.Now all its effects are wasted and on a 25s cd.And most fight will be over before it gets off cd.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Looks good.

Burning arrows in Discipline <3

Empowered as a minor + 7% dmg from new leg specialist + EA + Martcial Cadance seems very good for core warrior in pve.

But i still dont see Warriors playing Tactic in wvw.

Maybe some but not meta.

Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.Still no usefull Master Tier Trait.Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Depends how strong the new heal is I'd say. The range on it is decent enough. I could see some very bunker-y builds with that. I'm assuming it's upwards of 1k.

The problem with Shrug it off in wvw is that it will always trigger on 1200 range away from an enemies autohit.Now all its effects are wasted and on a 25s cd.And most fight will be over before it gets off cd.

Honestly that effect might not be linked to the shrug off but cleansing conditions in general. Have to read the full text and see if they are one sentence or two, like with the hammer trait that always gives you adrenaline on CC, not just from the hammer etc. That Soldier's Comfort might also be nice, though that seems to have that 15 second cooldown for sure.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:Looks good.

Burning arrows in Discipline <3

Empowered as a minor + 7% dmg from new leg specialist + EA + Martcial Cadance seems very good for core warrior in pve.

But i still dont see Warriors playing Tactic in wvw.

Maybe some but not meta.

Granting Might in WvW is wasted because Rev exists.Still no usefull Master Tier Trait.Getting more Healingpower from VS doesnt change the fact that there are only 2 playable shouts.

Depends how strong the new heal is I'd say. The range on it is decent enough. I could see some very bunker-y builds with that. I'm assuming it's upwards of 1k.

The problem with Shrug it off in wvw is that it will always trigger on 1200 range away from an enemies autohit.Now all its effects are wasted and on a 25s cd.And most fight will be over before it gets off cd.

Honestly that effect might not be linked to the shrug off but cleansing conditions in general. Have to read the full text and see if they are one sentence or two, like with the hammer trait that always gives you adrenaline on CC, not just from the hammer etc. That Soldier's Comfort might also be nice, though that seems to have that 15 second cooldown for sure.

Shrug it off heal rider appears to be on any Condi cleanse.

Menders might is to cryptic... Will it be give might get healed or something else?

Here is a new Zerg tactic. 5 tactics zerkers in voice chat to coordinate. After combat initiates everyone pops signet of fury and enters bmode. 1st warrior uses charge, then swaps rifle. All warriors are in rifle. They use signet of might and then Gunflame one after the other, then use Blood Reckoning and use Gunflame in order again. Clean up with volley and Gunflame on recharge.

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is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

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@RedShark.9548 said:is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

Not sure, they implied before that it would be there, might have been left out of the announcement. Otherwise SoF and TtL still exist.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

Not sure, they implied before that it would be there, might have been left out of the announcement. Otherwise SoF and TtL still exist.

Yea because signet of fury fits so very well in a shoutwarrior build (or any other frontline oriented build, there are way more important skills to take for survival) and to the limit feels just so bad to use before taking real dmg because you lose every other effect of it, the healing, the stamina, the cleanse (when using trooper)Not having it rdy when needed for actual defensive use can be deadly.

The only other real option i see is cleansing ire, but it competes with last stand, which is sooo good in wvw.

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

Not sure, they implied before that it would be there, might have been left out of the announcement. Otherwise SoF and TtL still exist.

Yea because signet of fury fits so very well in a shoutwarrior build (or any other frontline oriented build, there are way more important skills to take for survival) and to the limit feels just so bad to use before taking real dmg because you lose every other effect of it, the healing, the stamina, the cleanse (when using trooper)Not having it rdy when needed for actual defensive use can be deadly.

The only other real option i see is cleansing ire, but it competes with last stand, which is sooo good in wvw.

Well there are several ways to gain adrenaline quickly, pick and choose your favorite one(s). Zerker stance is always an option. That way last stand gives you more adrenaline from it.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

Not sure, they implied before that it would be there, might have been left out of the announcement. Otherwise SoF and TtL still exist.

Yea because signet of fury fits so very well in a shoutwarrior build (or any other frontline oriented build, there are way more important skills to take for survival) and to the limit feels just so bad to use before taking real dmg because you lose every other effect of it, the healing, the stamina, the cleanse (when using trooper)Not having it rdy when needed for actual defensive use can be deadly.

The only other real option i see is cleansing ire, but it competes with last stand, which is sooo good in wvw.

Well there are several ways to gain adrenaline quickly, pick and choose your favorite one(s). Zerker stance is always an option. That way last stand gives you more adrenaline from it.

Zerker stance is always an option? No, its not. The adrenalin on warhorn fit perfectly into the worker build. No weird skill choices needed, to make it not awkward to engage, or lose other important skills for it.

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@RedShark.9548 said:is the warhorn still giving adrenalin when traited ? doesnt seem like it.its kinda sad, since they also removed the adrenalin on shouts. since wvw zergfights are rather short pushes these days, its kinda hard to get the adrenalin to push into the enemy with hammerstun for example, having to actually build it up while inside the enemy.

im liking the changes alot tho, but we rly need to know the numbers on heals/barriers etc to know if they are actually good

Not sure, they implied before that it would be there, might have been left out of the announcement. Otherwise SoF and TtL still exist.

Yea because signet of fury fits so very well in a shoutwarrior build (or any other frontline oriented build, there are way more important skills to take for survival) and to the limit feels just so bad to use before taking real dmg because you lose every other effect of it, the healing, the stamina, the cleanse (when using trooper)Not having it rdy when needed for actual defensive use can be deadly.

The only other real option i see is cleansing ire, but it competes with last stand, which is sooo good in wvw.

Well there are several ways to gain adrenaline quickly, pick and choose your favorite one(s). Zerker stance is always an option. That way last stand gives you more adrenaline from it.

Zerker stance is always an option? No, its not. The adrenalin on warhorn fit perfectly into the worker build. No weird skill choices needed, to make it not awkward to engage, or lose other important skills for it.

Oh the warhorn adrenaline gain will be sorely missed if that is indeed happening, but there are several ways to gain adrenaline. Build for it. Bear in mind that several of the tactics traits aren't fully described, so wait and see.

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Mender's Might's description was updated on the main thread. It will heal the warrior when they grant might to an ally. They generally specify other allies if that is the intent.

IF this applies to might you grant yourself then Might Makes Right and Menders Might are going to be high self sustain. In a team fight with phalanx strength and Might Makes Right there will be high levels of self healing on the warrior.

So, what is the healing amount, and what are the odds of them nerfing it if self granted might counts?

If the healing is on par with MMR then wow...

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mender's Might's description was updated on the main thread. It will heal the warrior when they grant might to an ally. They generally specify other allies if that is the intent.

IF this applies to might you grant yourself then Might Makes Right and Menders Might are going to be high self sustain. In a team fight with phalanx strength and Might Makes Right there will be high levels of self healing on the warrior.

So, what is the healing amount, and what are the odds of them nerfing it if self granted might counts?

If the healing is on par with MMR then wow...

One thing I'd want to know that the tooltip is missing what's the target cap on phalanx strength? The difference between 5 and 10 would be massive.

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@Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mender's Might's description was updated on the main thread. It will heal the warrior when they grant might to an ally. They generally specify other allies if that is the intent.

IF this applies to might you grant yourself then Might Makes Right and Menders Might are going to be high self sustain. In a team fight with phalanx strength and Might Makes Right there will be high levels of self healing on the warrior.

So, what is the healing amount, and what are the odds of them nerfing it if self granted might counts?

If the healing is on par with MMR then wow...

One thing I'd want to know that the tooltip is missing what's the target cap on phalanx strength? The difference between 5 and 10 would be massive.

Did it have a target cap before?

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mender's Might's description was updated on the main thread. It will heal the warrior when they grant might to an ally. They generally specify other allies if that is the intent.

IF this applies to might you grant yourself then Might Makes Right and Menders Might are going to be high self sustain. In a team fight with phalanx strength and Might Makes Right there will be high levels of self healing on the warrior.

So, what is the healing amount, and what are the odds of them nerfing it if self granted might counts?

If the healing is on par with MMR then wow...

One thing I'd want to know that the tooltip is missing what's the target cap on phalanx strength? The difference between 5 and 10 would be massive.

Did it have a target cap before?

I don't remember it's been that long since I've used it.

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Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

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@Katary.7096 said:Was expecting the tactics rework to emphasize the support aspect, instead it will offer more options to boost personal damage output than it does now. Thematically misses the mark in my opinion. And while I like to see countermeasures against barrier added to the game, it's probably not a good idea to make them available to a single class.

Well there is a personal DPS line, a group support DPS line, and a group healing line.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mender's Might's description was updated on the main thread. It will heal the warrior when they grant might to an ally. They generally specify other allies if that is the intent.

IF this applies to might you grant yourself then Might Makes Right and Menders Might are going to be high self sustain. In a team fight with phalanx strength and Might Makes Right there will be high levels of self healing on the warrior.

So, what is the healing amount, and what are the odds of them nerfing it if self granted might counts?

If the healing is on par with MMR then wow...

One thing I'd want to know that the tooltip is missing what's the target cap on phalanx strength? The difference between 5 and 10 would be massive.

Did it have a target cap before?

The tooltip only said on radius 600, same like Empower Allies, I think they should add tooltip soon right? Is it no target cap if there is no "number on target"?

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