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How do you feel about this balance patch? 9/26/19


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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Really donno why the patch is causing such a big deal on the forums.

This is the same sentiment some people have had on map chat in the Heart of the Mists, and it usually comes from people who don't understand just how much this will nerf Scourges, and how their removal will change things. Why does it matter though? Well... for one, no one asked for this, and the way it was done is just mindblowingly dumb when there's a million other ways they could have went about nerfing Scourge to still make it viable. I think we can all unanimously agree that this patch will destroy Scourge, but unfortunately I'm thinking that was precisely their goal - delete Scourge to shake things up. In the end, will it be a good thing for PvP? It might..... or it might not :#

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A little disappointed, I hoped that heat mechanics on holo could be tweaked a little, and changes on ele only concern tempest spec which i don't play. Some of the nerfs may make life easier for some underused specs I guess, so it will be interesting to see how things play out. Fighting scourges may feel less like walking on a puddle of vomit and slip on it I suppose.

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@Ziggityzog.7389 said:I'll come back from ashes of creation apocalypse to see how my reaper is with the death changes. Doesnt look like they fixed the issue with condi jump teef spam trash but not surprised.

Don't bother, they just moved the toughness from the traits to death carapace, it will have 0 impact on the efficiency of the traitline. Either you thought that DM was a good traitline before and you'll see slight improvement when out of shroud or you thought that DM was utter garbage and you won't even notice the impact of such changes.

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@Nilkemia.8507 said:PvP is still only good for reward tracks, pip tracks, dailies, and nothing else.

I agree 9 out of 10 of my matches are with teammates that goes AFK after the first mid fight. PvP is nothing more than a glorified reward track/gold grind. There is nothing fun nor competitive about it. Just spam to get easy reward tracks and gold and afk with the rest if them.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:

@Ziggityzog.7389 said:I'll come back from ashes of creation apocalypse to see how my reaper is with the death changes. Doesnt look like they fixed the issue with condi jump teef spam trash but not surprised.

Don't bother, they just moved the toughness from the traits to
death carapace
, it will have 0 impact on the efficiency of the traitline. Either you thought that DM was a good traitline before and you'll see slight improvement when out of shroud or you thought that DM was utter garbage and you won't even notice the impact of such changes.

I've had some good success with minion master reaper with blood and Dm traits. Anti condi as hell because of all the spam these days.

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Hit and miss. The problems with it are more what they didn't do rather than what they did.

Condi thief / mirage are still way too reliant on passive gameplay. Deal X condi when you do Y condi, deal Y condi when you do Z condi, randomly do R condi when you hit, deal ZYW condis when you dodge. The design encourages a very low risk mindless playstyle.

Too much focus on traits fixing problems that can be better fixed with skills.

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@MethaneGas.8357 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Really donno why the patch is causing such a big deal on the forums.

This is the same sentiment some people have had on map chat in the Heart of the Mists, and it usually comes from people who don't understand just how much this will nerf Scourges, and how their removal will change things. Why does it matter though? Well... for one, no one asked for this, and the way it was done is just mindblowingly dumb when there's a million other ways they could have went about nerfing Scourge to still make it viable. I think we can all unanimously agree that this patch will destroy Scourge, but unfortunately I'm thinking that was precisely their goal - delete Scourge to shake things up. In the end, will it be a good thing for PvP? It might..... or it might not :#

To be fair, the necro community is usually pretty terrible at gauging how a class performs. Pretty much if it's not safely spamming conditions people will whine.

I was completely smashing people - including thieves - with power reaper before its utility buffs, damage increases, SR reworks, etc., and most of its "buffs" were nerfs to better players that only made it easier to kill people who were bad and made it harder to beat better ones. I helped a few to some of the upper ranks (a few in top 100) of PvP before this as well. And was still getting flamed by people who "mained" the class that probably spent more time whining about its weaknesses (god forbid there are any on any class these days) than learning to overcome them.

I actually don't think they went far enough with scourge, firebrand, scrapper, soulbeast, or holo. The meta will shift slightly but will not be any different than it has been the past few years. Especially for Scourge and Firebrand, it's not even a matter of how these specs do what they do to be OP - but rather fundamentally what it is they do that makes them busted and impossible to balance across the game. The design is just fundamentally incompatible with how GW2's combat works in respects to the PvP modes.

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I'm glad and really hope anet goes through with their plans and makes adjustments if need be after. I love that scourge is getting nerfed personally and wish they shut it down in wvw like their doing in pvp and pve. A class with a braindead mechanic such as scourge spamming aoe's everywhere as well as on themselves as well as being able to do the same melee dps that basically core and reaper can do aside from DS and gs ofcourse as well as giving itself barrier lmao. What a garbage design but no wonder most necro's rally to scourge. The should have atleast had to have some small thought put into playing the build and atleast having to chose either ranged aoe or aoe on urself.Thank u anet for this change :) maybe some reapers will see play now.

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@"DeceiverX.8361" said:

To be fair, the necro community is usually pretty terrible at gauging how a class performs. Pretty much if it's not safely spamming conditions people will whine.

I was completely smashing people - including thieves - with power reaper before its utility buffs, damage increases, SR reworks, etc., and most of its "buffs" were nerfs to better players that only made it easier to kill people who were bad and made it harder to beat better ones. I helped a few to some of the upper ranks (a few in top 100) of PvP before this as well. And was still getting flamed by people who "mained" the class that probably spent more time whining about its weaknesses (god forbid there are any on any class these days) than learning to overcome them.

I actually don't think they went far enough with scourge, firebrand, scrapper, soulbeast, or holo. The meta will shift slightly but will not be any different than it has been the past few years. Especially for Scourge and Firebrand, it's not even a matter of how these specs do what they do to be OP - but rather fundamentally what it is they do that makes them busted and impossible to balance across the game. The design is just fundamentally incompatible with how GW2's combat works in respects to the PvP modes.

Sure, people in general tend to cry wolf about changes that don't mean much and it can be hard to distinguish what's a legitimate problem and what isn't, but this change will objectively destroy Scourge, and that's not coming from just the Necro community. I 100% agree with overcoming the weaknesses of a class and adapting, but with the Scourge change, there will be nothing to adapt to. Any option you have remaining will be bad or extremely sub-optimal. I don't really care too much if Scourge gets deleted, I enjoy core Necro far more, but it's just that the way Scourge was nerfed was annoying, clunky and un-fun. While other classes remain strong, Necro gets the nerf bat. To that end, I do agree that other PoF elite specs ALL need to get the nerf bat to equalize the playing field not just with Necro, but other specs as well.

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