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Templates Preview Guild Chat -- We want your questions!

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Not if you want to get more free content in the future. There won't be an expansion anytime soon, so they need to make money.Then maybe, just maybe, they should make the expansion already, instead of trying to sell us its features piecemeal. But of course they realized that chopping up that expac in pieces and selling each feature for more than a whole expansion pricetag would net them more money. On paper, anyway, because doing that, unlike expac, will not keep players in the game.

@EagleDelta.4726 said:Compare to GW1 all you want, but the ongoing development of that game was short-lived when compared to GW2. With GW1 I had 3 $50 purchases to make and 1 $40 purchase to make for everything. With GW2, I've paid $60, $50, and $30 to get the base content and expansions. I've paid nothing for LW content. So already they make less on the physical copies of GW2 than GW1, especially when you factor in the fact that costs to make this stuff increased, not decreased, over time.Cool. Now compare both gemshops, and you will see how GW2 gets way more money even without expacs than GW1 ever did.

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@JasonLucas.4981 said:I'm perfectly fine with Anet selling equipment templates slots since they also will hold your gear and save up inventory space. But selling build templates slots is unacceptable and I'm very disappointed with this decision, we should be able to create as many build templates we want to, since those templates will mostly be just one line of information and there is no reason for you guys monetize that.This is wrong, please take back on that for build templates.

Yeah I don't mind paying for equipment storage because that's like a bag slot, but to pay for tabs is a joke. Even better if those equipment tabs are account wide for my unique legendaries, but I'm not asking for that.

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btw again if u want to make money from this, i tink all slot need to be on ACCOUNT not on CHARACTER like i unlock 1 thing is for whole account not 1 char, and this need to be applied to expansion bag too or the amount of cost is really huge... (i don't tell you the disappoint when i bough the bag slot exp and then realize it was only for 1 char...)

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@Booey Bubblehead.4890 said:Sooooooooooo let me see if I have this right. After SEVEN YEARS, you are finally going to add the build templates that we should have had all along. and you're being so kind as to give us two but expect us to buy more if we want more than two.

Does this mean that it took seven years to develop this ability or that it took seven years to figure out how to monitize it.

I'm going for number 2.

Build templates and being able to share builds was one of the core features of the real Guild Wars game. This is just further proof that GW2 was only loosely connected to Guild Wars and is run by a very different crowd.

Now it's money for everything.

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@Tiale.2430 said:PvP equipment works much differently than PvE and WvW equipment, so it will require its own template system. Because this presents different technological challenges, we chose not to delay the release of the completed Build and Equipment Templates. We’re looking forward to hearing what you think of the bulk of the feature, and your detailed feedback will be very helpful to us as we continue developing PvP Equipment Templates.

Jesus, I was excited until I read this!=/

..until you compared it to alliances and realised that has been 18 months and counting. Don't hold your breath.

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@Haywire.3495 said:Sure, Anet has to make money, and it's their game to monetize how they choose. That doesn't make it any less disgraceful that they took what should have been the ultimate convenience feature, and made it a clunky mess so they could push more aggressive monetization on it. That doesn't make it any less disappointing that it took them years of development work to move backwards from existing implementations. That doesn't make it any less of an insult to the playerbase that they hamstrung a feature we've begged for for years so they could sell it back to us piecemeal.Yes, it's their prerogative to monetize QoL features, but this was clearly designed as a cash grab first and foremost, and QoL improvement a distant second. And when they choose to do that with a feature this important, it sheds a very unflattering light on their priorities as a developer.

so whats your question?

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@maultasche.4082 said:

@"blambidy.3216" said:I’d rather help fund that developer then fund arenanet with their absurd gemstore ways.

Unfortunately, you will have no choice. Arcdps build templates won't work after Anet's templates are implemented.

why u tink not? it will work becouse is based on a single slot and does affect the game, the as i see the u got 3 build for a set of equip and 6 build "saver" for acco (yes they wanna u pay to save builds lol) the most usefull thing is the equipment slots other is just money grabbing, so i will strick to arc

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@Nighthelm.6427 said:Will the templates be purchasable per character or account similarly how inventory bags and shared invetory slots work?


Please reconsider lowering the price of both build and especially equipment templates massively or adding more templates in the bundle of whatever price you have in mind.Most people that do WvW, raid, or do fractals have multiple templates per character they use in those game mode. On top of that people with legendaries have x2 or 3 more than them.As an example I have over 30 templates spread across 9 characters that are fully geared for raids, and most are for fractals too.How much would these 30 and more templates cost me in gems? 6,000? 9,000? I'd have to compromise until I could accumulate the gold to convert to gems just to get back the same functionality I have right now with 3rd party templates. As for irl money to gem conversion look further down.Delta's arcdps templates are currently the most important QoL feature that is available to me, and your implementation at the moment will severely reduce the QoL your templates bring, if your price them wrong.

Currently 2400 gems cost 30€. That's the price of an expansion, an expansion that should have templates included in it as ONE of the many features in the expansion. These templates should not be locked to 2 or 3 per character. It would have to come with option to create dozen and dozen of templates as the player wishes.

You cannot price the templates at more than 30€ in order for us to have something we already have with 3rd party add on. The templates shouldn't cost thousand and thousands of gems or hundred of dollars/euros just so that we can have 10 templates per character.

Tbh I dont seee them charging more than 2x-3x the price of bag slots or the like per one.

Also id like to point out that these templates have more functionality than the 3rd party ones, notably they actually store your equipment out of your inventory to be swapped at a moments notice.

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@MashMash.1645 said:

@blambidy.3216 said:I honestly don’t think Arenanet knows how many people use arc. Or how many builds raiders/wvw players use in game. Not to mention they are adding pvp builds in the future. People like us have at least 3-4 builds per character. And we are multi classed. So Arenanet is telling me to get the native feature of build templates the way I want, I need 5-6 tabs per character. Not to forget it seems like it will be 400-800 gems per pack. And they are only giving 6 storage for free in the beginning. Gw1 has this feature free. Gw2 all a sudden needs money for this feature? if gw2 needed money Then make expansions. Don’t make us pay for gem store items when gw1 build templates are free. So Arenanet will be disappointed because not many will purchase these packs since arcdps build templates are free. I’d rather help fund that developer then fund arenanet with their absurd gemstore ways.

Just because you got something free previously, it doesn't give you a lifetime entitlement to getting future content and features for free.

So Arenanet will be disappointed because not many will purchase these packs since arcdps build templates are free.

Oh, I bet they will. Also, the the arc version is being removed and who's going to want to get banned?

Feel free to ban me, i will keep using arc build templates until they won't work anymore. And a lot of people will as well, feel free to ban tens of thousands of players from your game that actually keep your game alive.Good luck with decisions like that.

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@GloomxWar.8793 said:Why do you force players to pay for something that they already got for free with a third party program?I think making players pay for this is one of the worst things Anet could do.

Its a 3rd Party program that anet does not support. I mean if you want Anet can make using it a bannable offence?

What part of this is not fair to monetise?Anet monetises QoL and Cosmetics. This is QoL, They are still giving everyone access to the system with a limited number of templates. If people want the QoL that much they will pay for it.

If you for some reason figured you would get this free you are disillusioned.

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I shall add a bit of salt from myself as well.When me and my friends first heard about build templates we were thrilled to the brim, finally we can make builds and use feature that should have been in this game a long time ago. We could make builds and swap during speedruns, fractals, raids, WvW, open world etc. so many possibilities with just a click of a button and doesn't break every patch.We were also joking that Anet will make us pay per build template and we all had a good laugh. Then this happened and im actually speechless. Either Anet is so distant from their community and don't understand that more than half of the player population is using build templates for various different things already or just doesn't care and wants more money.I personally have 9 characters which have over 30 asc builds in inventories and i would need about 60 skill templates in total over those characters. If i would want to continue using arcdps as i do now and i guess the price for those slots, i would need to pay around 500€ to get feature i have already been using and the max amount of slots will probably limit me as well as many people around me.Most people i know are using build templates because it's just so convinient. They are WvW players, Raid players, Fractal players, open world players, speedrunners etc. Extreme majority of them have 5-6 builds on their characters, especially on their mains. All these veteran players are being insulted with this build template update (Anet just a reminder, people can be insulted for a limited amount of times before their patience runs out). A lot of my friends already left this game after ERP happened because there was nothing as for content in latest announcement. Now you do this with build templates... you are acting as you really really really want to lose your veteran community.This is very late addition to this game and should be treated as such, not having to pay hunderds of € if you want to continue to do what you do.To everyone saying "If you don't want to, you don't have to buy them", unfortunately we have to buy them. Because belive it or not, i don't remember 60 different builds exactly and i want to save them in build templates so i don't have to think about it. Also we have to do that because Anet removed any OTHER option. Anything else that would compete with their builds is being removed and you have no other choice but to buy them if you want to keep using them. It's like you go to a well for water your entire life and then few soldiers come to the well and tell you that you need to pay for water from now on. It just makes you want to rebel.I understand that for casual community nothing other than living story is needed to keep their interest in the game. That also means that anything except living story is for the rest of the community which actually keep this game alive. Casual community comes and goes and doesn't really care what they get. Veteran community and hardcore communities stay and hold the game together and as far as i know so far, Anet is spitting in the face of veteran community....Edit:Also people that say "Oh but it costs money". Yes it costs money, but people expect something for their money. From the time that PoF was released we got so little content afterwards it's really sad. Other studios have 1/4 of people that Anet employs and makes way more content. Hunt: Showdown is basically new game made for the same amount of time that Anet did content after PoF and it has 70 PEOPLE working on it instead of 300+ that are in Anet. GGG is another studio that has half the staff and triple the content. Start comparing OTHER studios to Anet, not Anet to Anet. Look objectively on this matter people.Edit 2:And other people saying "If you don't like it, don't play it". Your mentality is so wrong on this one. It's like if you don't like part of the city, just move out of the city... This is such a casual approach to things that you don't want to solve because you don't have answer. There is just parts of game that suck so hard and we care about it so we complain so Anet does something about it. People that say "Don't like it, don't play it" obviously don't care about the game at all because if you did, you would complain about bad stuff. You are like that one friend that agrees with you on everything and never doubts anything you say thus toxic friend.

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@Baldrick.8967 said:

@"Booey Bubblehead.4890" said:Sooooooooooo let me see if I have this right. After SEVEN YEARS, you are finally going to add the build templates that we should have had all along. and you're being so kind as to give us two but expect us to buy more if we want more than two.

Does this mean that it took seven years to develop this ability or that it took seven years to figure out how to monitize it.

I'm going for number 2.

Build templates and being able to share builds was one of the core features of the real Guild Wars game. This is just further proof that GW2 was only loosely connected to Guild Wars and is run by a very different crowd.

Now it's money for everything.

Exactly. Guild Wars 2 is GW in name and "lore" only.

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I don't think they are being greedy, I think the players are.You ASKED for it, If you think about the man hours and development and just how much free stuff we get given and you complain about a charge on a QOL item?We have to pay for bank we have to pay for more inventory. You get given some slots and if you want more then fine, you need to pay.Spare me the 'I'm not going to play anymore' BS - If you don't want to support the game anymore you're either not playing anyway or not a worry.

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Honestly I don't mind equipment templates being locked behind a paywall. As long as it's not too high. What does hurt is that the skill templates are also very limited. For each equiment there are several skill templates needed. And that exactly was the biggest reason why people missed this gw1 feature so much. I think there should be far more free skill template slots available compared to the equipment slots. Like 2 free equiment + ~10 free skill templates. Or you could make the skill template slots so cheap, that it doesn't hurt to buy them. Like 50 gems per skill slot? That would be ~0,60 € per slot.

Sure, I understand that gw2 needs to make profit and that perfectly fine, but there is a fine balance to find the right amount to ask, so more people are willing to charge and that also could mean more profit.

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@Kodokuna Akuma.9570 said:

Also id like to point out that these templates have more functionality than the 3rd party ones, notably they actually store your equipment out of your inventory to be swapped at a moments notice.

I'm well aware of the additional features we are getting with these templates. And they are great for players that never used templates before.For those that have 10+ gear templates per character, the features are meaningless if the templates themselves won't be affordable in order to continue using them as we have for well over a year. I doubt I'm alone on this. If the price is right, then these cool features will just be an icing on the cake.

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I guess my only questions are:

  1. How many gems is 1 equipment slot and 1 build slot?
  2. If I buy more equipment slots, will this increase the number of slots from 2 across all chars on my account, or do I need to buy per char like bags?
  3. If I have 3 sets of legendary armour (one for each weight), can all chars that use the same weight use the legendary armour in my build slot?
  4. Depending on the answer to number 3, will this also apply to legendary weapons and do I only need 1 set of legendary sigils and runes as all chars will be able to use?
  5. Am I forced to use this system or can i carry on keeping armour in my bags?

Thank you :)

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