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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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And, I am done with GW2. 


Having completed a Story step, on exiting I was disconnected on entering the main game world.  On (immediately, still logged in and at character select on getting booted) re-entering the game, I found myself standing in front of the instance star with the Story step uncompleted.  On re-entering the Story step, yeah, not even anything done with it.  Would have to do it ALL over again completely!


Uhh, no.  Won't be buying Gems.  Won't be buying EoD.  Won't be playing this broken game at all anymore.  I advise anyone that is seeing this topic to think long and hard about investing time and money into GW2.  And look how long this problem has existed, and been ignored by the developers.

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I've been finding these disconnects tend to happen after an instance bugs, which is frustratingly common.


Like if i have to watch an in game cinematic and the cinematic instantly cancels then i'm stuck permanently in a 'watching cinematic' state with the video tape above me and unable to move, after about a minute boom i will disconnect. Hidden arcana is so frustrating because of this.

Or if i skip the cinematic when gliding in that heart of thorns mission and no one spawns at the bottom ledge, after about a minute boom disconnected.

Npc bugs and dialog option doesnt trigger, after about a minute boom disconnect. 

Always seems to be right after some bug that prevents progress, like it's an intentional anti bug thing which is weird, why not just fix the bugs instead.

It's insane how many times i have to repeat some story missions because of random bugs preventing progress.


It's so frustrating and actually rather sad that so many basic issues are still not fixed close to half a decade later (not just this).

Edited by Healy.9537
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On 2/2/2021 at 12:19 PM, Nturis.9362 said:

Bro. It's 2021. It just happened to me after i defeated Moldremoth. I have to repeat the whole mission again. This is a disaster.

I've had this issue for years, different computers on different internet setups. Trying to get my kids and wife in to playing and it's annoying that they are constantly having to repeat missions.

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Sigh, i've returned to the game after years of not playing only to find this problem still exists. I asked some people in game and they said they don't have this issue yet clearly it's an issue as forums are full of people saying it. I cannot continue playing this game with all the disconnects during story missions. It's not the short ones but the 30-40 minute ones that frequently disconnect. I'm finding when these long ones are going on that i'm just dreading thinking in back of my head, yep i'm just wasting my time on this one as it will disconnect and surely at end of mission it does, I log back in, i go back into instance and guess what, I'm starting from beginning. 


Why hasn't GW2 fixed this, why isn't there check points or something to make it easier to jump in from a check point instead of all the way at the beginning? Why isn't' these really long 30-40 mite missions not broken up into like 10-15 minute parts? Again shorter missions i seem to never get disconnected. It's like I'm on a timer and if i don't get it done fast enough game is long, sorry your too slow, we are disconnecting you. Try again.


I've gotten back into this game about a week ago and been disconnected now in story missions at least 6 times, always right at the end. I've lost a good 2-3 hours of time. Nothing is more depressing then doing a long drown out mission only to have to repeat it again


I'm sorry but all of you saying this is acceptable and to just deal with it. It's not acceptable, not even a little bit. I'm simply not going to continue into expansion missions yet again or buy any of the living world missions knowing that this is just going to be a normal occurance unless  Gw2 confirms this issue is only with old personal story missions  and isn't a problem with expansion or living world missions. I bought expansions years ago but i didn't get far in them as i pretty sure those disconnect me too. So now i'm about to give up on this game again. I don't want to waste hours of work with 0 reward.


the worst part of all this is you get nothing when you disconnect, no reward, no items. Mobs in story missions don't drop items. So you start over with absolutely no compensation. Hours upon hours of wasted time with 0 compensation. I guess since we don't pay monthly for this game there is no compensation expected.


I'm also unbelievably frustrated no one from staff is replying in these threads to offer assistance or acknolowege the problem.  To me this is no different then them saying  "kitten you, we only want your money and if you don't like our bugs and problems  then please leave. " Which is exactly what i plan on doing unless someone gives me answers. 

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11 hours ago, Zengrath.9570 said:

Sigh, i've returned to the game after years of not playing only to find this problem still exists. I asked some people in game and they said they don't have this issue yet clearly it's an issue as forums are full of people saying it. I cannot continue playing this game with all the disconnects during story missions. It's not the short ones but the 30-40 minute ones that frequently disconnect. I'm finding when these long ones are going on that i'm just dreading thinking in back of my head, yep i'm just wasting my time on this one as it will disconnect and surely at end of mission it does, I log back in, i go back into instance and guess what, I'm starting from beginning. 


Why hasn't GW2 fixed this, why isn't there check points or something to make it easier to jump in from a check point instead of all the way at the beginning? Why isn't' these really long 30-40 mite missions not broken up into like 10-15 minute parts? Again shorter missions i seem to never get disconnected. It's like I'm on a timer and if i don't get it done fast enough game is long, sorry your too slow, we are disconnecting you. Try again.


I've gotten back into this game about a week ago and been disconnected now in story missions at least 6 times, always right at the end. I've lost a good 2-3 hours of time. Nothing is more depressing then doing a long drown out mission only to have to repeat it again


I'm sorry but all of you saying this is acceptable and to just deal with it. It's not acceptable, not even a little bit. I'm simply not going to continue into expansion missions yet again or buy any of the living world missions knowing that this is just going to be a normal occurance unless  Gw2 confirms this issue is only with old personal story missions  and isn't a problem with expansion or living world missions. I bought expansions years ago but i didn't get far in them as i pretty sure those disconnect me too. So now i'm about to give up on this game again. I don't want to waste hours of work with 0 reward.


the worst part of all this is you get nothing when you disconnect, no reward, no items. Mobs in story missions don't drop items. So you start over with absolutely no compensation. Hours upon hours of wasted time with 0 compensation. I guess since we don't pay monthly for this game there is no compensation expected.


I'm also unbelievably frustrated no one from staff is replying in these threads to offer assistance or acknolowege the problem.  To me this is no different then them saying  "kitten you, we only want your money and if you don't like our bugs and problems  then please leave. " Which is exactly what i plan on doing unless someone gives me answers. 

I don't believe ArenaNet ever said this only happens in 'old Personal Story Missions'.  It can happen in any Story instance.


Also, there is a Dev comment, in this very thread; it is old, though, and the Dev moved on.  (He basically said, it isn't something the QA team/Devs can reliably reproduce, and a fix can only happen if the bug can be reproduced reliably.)


Have you tried any/all of the tips found in this thread?  They have worked for many players; of course, not all.


Good luck. 

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Here we go again.

Disconnected during the last - unskippable - cutscene... twice!

You know, looking back on forums etc... it is very clear and obvious that most disconnects happen during unskippable cutscenes. 

The message "Most likely due to router..." STOP IT! That, dear ArenaNet, that message is an insult.

Please... ad skip option to all scenes.

I know they are nicely done, I know they are beautiful, but right now... I cannot enjoy them because whenever they happen, I become very anxious that a disconnect might be imminent. And unfortunately I was right twice already within 15 minutes. 

Why are there still this many issues with those cutscenes?

Why were skip buttons - knowing the sheer amount of issues those scenes give - still not added?

If I sound a little salty, I appologize, but after so many reports of those kind of issues, running in that issue twice already, makes me frustrated.

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Ok, after 9 times disconnect, 6 of them exact same location... I am done.

This is nuts. Something is not right. Asking in map chat learns that tons of people have the exact same issue.

I think this is due to the massive amounts of issues with the update. Too many things at the same time.

I want to finish the story... but I am exhausted... I am done... I am tired... and I got nothing to show for 2 hours of trying to finish this story part. Nothing.


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"...fix can only happen if the bug can be reproduced reliably..."


This developer position is total garbage.  As a 20+ year career Software Engineer, I have tackled many, many issues of software defects that could not be reliably reproduced.  It takes knowledge and perseverance to put in the logging and examine the code to figure out what is happening.  Something the developers are simply not willing to do, apparently.


Even given that, the simple work around to this issue is to make character progress in these instances persistent so a player can go back in after a DC and continue.  Hell, they might even be able to see a reproducible failure if going back in does not actually reset the defect!


It is just disgraceful and the developers should be ashamed of themselves.  And the managers should do a self-check on their own professionalism.  I bet if they had a car, or phone, or whatever that failed in this way they certainly would not put up with it for long!

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I think it is a bug with how gw2 handles package lost / timeout in story instances.

send a support ticket. I did that. the support goes through multipe steps like this: "try this" "does not work" "ok try that" and so on. for me using a vpn helped a bit, but not much. I think changing my dns to helped more than the rest.

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On 9/20/2021 at 5:37 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I don't believe ArenaNet ever said this only happens in 'old Personal Story Missions'.  It can happen in any Story instance.


Also, there is a Dev comment, in this very thread; it is old, though, and the Dev moved on.  (He basically said, it isn't something the QA team/Devs can reliably reproduce, and a fix can only happen if the bug can be reproduced reliably.)


Have you tried any/all of the tips found in this thread?  They have worked for many players; of course, not all.


Good luck. 

I don't know if i seen it posted here but seen it posted on reddit and on other 3rd party websites but in game shortcut i'm now using -clientport 80 and that seems to be helping, or not and i just haven't played enough instances yet. I played rest of my story missions, about 3 of them and that last personal story mission that seems like an hour long didn't disconnect me using this and if i recall years ago this mission especially is what set me over the edge to quitting GW2, playing an hour mission only to be disconnected near the end and have to keep restarting it is not exactly acceptable in my opinion. So the last 3 story missions i didn't have the issue with this command and i played a bunch of living world season 4 without any disconnects but if i recall i don't think these quests disconnected me in the past as well, it seems like Anet redesigned the way quests works in Path of fire and living world season 4 so i don't have the same issues but time will tell. I may try jumping on a different character later to do more of personal stories that i know kept disconnecting to see if it's not an issue anymore


the only problem i noticed with clientport 80  command is every time i join game i get a error that game couldn't create a log file or something like that and that it has to do with my router config and all, i assume it's likely due to this command. 

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The thing is, the game clearly has checkpoints already built in, because when i die i get option to restart from my last checkpoint. So why isn't Anet allowing us to restart from last check point when we get disconnected? This is  absurd that in all these years later, i rejoin GW2 and see that the personal story missions still disconnect like before, and i'm on a new PC and a fresh install of windows and everything. It's not even same PC.

Anyway the command line argument of -clientport 80 or -clientport 443 seems like it may be working for me so far. 


I know i don't have issues with my router, i play literally hundreds of games online without these issues including other MMO's like FFIXV which has ridiculously long cutsceneas and story missions without a single disconnect in all my time playing FFXIV and i also work at home and only times i got disconnected in years of working at home was due to power outages from natural disaster like hurricane Irma. Yet GW2  seems to think it must be on my end and a bad internet as to why i only get disconnected in their games only during personal story missions not in any other part of their game etc. yea it must not be anything wrong with their game design. 

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I'm into double figures now in my attemps at this mission, every time at the end cut scene i end up with a DC and looking at character select, had this issue with several missions before but nothing like this, tried everything i can think off, clean boot, cleared cache, min and max graphic settings nothing seems to work to say its frustrating is an understament.

Edited by Aeryn Knight.4351
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Ok, i finally got a solution after 4 tickets (They keep closing my tickets after a couple days, i don't have time to respond in a couple days due to work etc. and I am not always playing story missions when I am playing GW2, i avoid story missions like the plague unlesss i have to finish them for MP due to all the disconnects!)


The answer i got is my latency is too high. I ran WinMTR for over 30 minutes while i played the last "Hearts and Minds" mission during HoT expansion. That mission is a 3 boss battle that is well over 30 minutes. I got disconnected 3 times last night, on last fight i ran WinMTR per their last ticket.


WinMTR shows an average overall latency of only 32ms with 3139 packets sent, 3139 received, and 0 % packet loss. There is the occasional high 200ms ping but to be honest in all my years of playing  games i don't think i ever seen a connection not occasionally have a 200ms ping, this is common but key is i had 0 packet lost and an average of 32ms. GW2 support gave me 0 solution other then contacting my ISP. are you kidding me. My ISP is not going to do anything. I actually work for my ISP and I know exactly what is going to happen, i'm going to call them which will be a good 30 minute hold usually. They are going to have me trouble shoot like reboot my modem during call even though i do it before i ever call them first, then they are going to send out a tech, find nothing wrong, then swap my modem and all but because i work for my ISP they are going to tell me they can't sway modem for me (my ISP employee accounts can't be edited by anyone but employee services) , I'm going to have to submit a ticket on employee end and swap modem myself after a tech finds nothing wrong. This is going to happen about 3 times of modem swaps and tech visits before they are allowed to escalate to leadership. Leadership knows less then employee's on front lines so they aren't going to find anything wrong and because i have 0 disconnects  working at home 8 hours day, and no disconnects in any other game they clearly aren't going to be able to do anything about this. This is such a Niche specific issue there is no way that there would even be other GW2 players with my specific issue calling my ISP in my area to compare and figure it out, which i guarantee again isn't on my ISP end.  And all this will just risk messing something up further which could effect my working at home connection and that's not something i'm willing to risk, i don't want to start swapping modems and redoing lines in my home to "attempt to fix" GW2's issues that isn't on my end just to risk actually messing up my home connection with all these modem swaps and cable swap outs. Which will just end up wasting my ISP's time and money too which will end up costing my ISP many hundreds of dollars over multiple truck rolls to fix a non-existing issue on their end.


I'm not going to stop the tickets until this is fixed. Most people will quit GW2 or just have friends in the instance. This is not acceptable, i'm not going to bother friends to waste hours of their time playing in my instances just so i can finish the story. If GW2 actually made story missions progress both payers this would actually be somewhat acceptable, but they don't, only the owner gets counted, so if two friends have no choice but to join each others instances  to get passed the disconnect issues they would still have to play each story mission TWICE, one for one player, again for other player. That's not a kittening solution Anet. Contacting my ISP is not a solution, your claiming it's a higher latency when the logs i attached to the ticket confirms its' not a high latency issue and i have 0 packet loss, in fact during that log i got disconnected again from story mission for 3rd time,  no packet loss and average of 32ms latency. 

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I'm currently on "dc" 4  for that final cutscene lol.  It is one thing i have never understood with anet. They added a reconnect feature back in gw1 but in gw2 we only get that option for dungeons, fractals etc. BUT never do we get it for story, which is why players HATE doing story. Wasting our time over and over for story bugs/dc's. Yes the checkpoints have helped since they got added but it's not a real solution. And right now as OP has said, why can we not skip these cutscenes. Yes they're nice to see but they would help fix a lot of the issues. Heck even add in a checkpoint for AFTER the cutscene, so at least when we "dc" which we know isnt a real DC but a bug in the program, even that would make players a lot happier. Anyways time for attempt 5......and waste more time trying to finish this stupid story step........

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Dear Community,

When playing through the subchapter Undead detection from the char personal story (I believe part of the level 30 story) I get stuck at the end of the dialog of the mission. The dialog queues like usual, plays out just fine. Though after it is finished the screen dissappears and I am stuck with my character in the world - I have the cinematic icon displayed above my head, suggesting that I am still in the cutscene, while that has already finished. 

I remain in this state for about 5 to 7 seconds, until it forcibly disconnects me from the game, telling me I lost connection to the game and I should wait a few minutes before trying again. I've done so throughout the span of 3 days and am still stuck. Is there anyone that could possibly know more on this, or has experienced issue alike?



Edited by Geomazzix.6472
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